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Cory Munson

Educational Leadership:Teaching for Meaning:Why Assessment Illiteracy Is Professional S... - 0 views

  • Most of today's public school educators were never required, as part of their preservice or inservice training, to dig meaningfully into the viscera of educational testing
    • Cory Munson
      I was never required to take any assessment courses at UCM.  I don't think they were even offered.
  • A second reason for educators' unfamiliarity with testing is that many of them regard assessment as a complex, quantitative arena well beyond the comprehension of mere mortals
    • Cory Munson
      I have never heard this... ????
  • The most practical solution is to locate one or two assessment books written specifically for in-the-trenches educators.
    • Cory Munson
      What books are those?
    I was just practicing with an article I had to read for my edspecialist. :)
Tracey Kracht

Education World: Using Twitter for Professional Development - 0 views

  • Making professional connections via social networking can not only result in a lot of great sharing of ideas and resources, but also combat the sense of isolation that many teachers experience.
  • highlighting best practices and innovative thinking about instruction.
    • Tracey Kracht
      Keep in mind, with Twitter you can share information with your audience, or you can dialogue with hashtags # to connect with conversations.
  • ...8 more annotations...
    • Tracey Kracht
      Reading Twitter posts isn't like reading a book.  You don't start at the top and read everything that was ever posted, you need to just set aside a few minutes and 'dip' in and read what is going on and then exit.  Do not get bogged down in making sure you read everything from everyone or you will immediately become overwhelmed and not want to come back!
  • managing the constant flow of information on Twitter.
  • Twitter’s search feature to find people in your field
  • follow educator-related "hash tags."
  • a hash tag is used to organize a live "chat" event, where participants sound off by tweeting about a given topic.
  • attend one of the many education-related Twitter chats that happen each week, such as #edchat on Tuesdays at 12 p.m. EST.
    • Tracey Kracht
      Your challenge - get out there and join #edchat on one Tuesday and see what types of connections you can make!
  • Tweet like your mama and principal are watching.
    "Twitter, it's a social networking platform where users share everything from what they had for breakfast to professional dilemmas - all in 140 characters or less. It attracts a wide spectrum of users, including a vast and growing contingent of educators."

Educational Leadership:Technology-Rich Learning:Evidence on Flipped Classrooms Is Still... - 0 views

    Founded in 1943, ASCD (formerly the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development) is an educational leadership organization dedicated to advancing best practices and policies for the success of each learner. Our 175,000 members in 119 countries are professional educators from all levels and subject areas--superintendents, supervisors, principals, teachers, professors of education, and school board members.
Tracey Kracht

The 2012 A-Z List Of Educational Twitter Hashtags | Edudemic - 0 views

    • Tracey Kracht
      Here is a great resource on Google that shares ways to use Twitter in the Classroom.  Be sure to join and add your thoughts!
  • The # symbol, called a hashtag, is used to mark keyword or topic in a Tweet.
  • if you want to avoid overwhelming your followers, start any tweet you want to “hide” with @HideChat
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • The Most Popular Hashtags
Wendy Danner

EduClipper Launches Its "Pinterest For Education" To Bring Better Crowdsourced Curation... - 1 views

    • Wendy Danner
      Curious if students can install this or would it have to go through tech workorder?
  • ontent can easily be organized and annotated for each class or subject by way of these learning collections
    Back in 2007, Adam Bellow launched a site called eduTecher to aggregate and surface the best educational resources and content on the Web. A high school teacher himself, Bellow set out to highlight new technologies and educational tools that could be used in the classroom to improve the learning e..

Can Special Education Students Benefit From Flipped Classrooms? | Remake Learning - 0 views

    Can SPED students benefit from flipped classrooms? I am interested to know others thoughts!
Tracey Kracht

Five Tips for New Teachers to Become Connected Educators | Edutopia - 1 views

    • Tracey Kracht
      Add my thoughts
  • While the idea of being or becoming a connected educator is important, as a new teacher, this may seem completely overwhelming.

Why Diigo Rocks for Educators! - 0 views

    • Matthew Krohne
      I've always heard of teachers using Diigo for bookmarking, but had never considered it's possibility for student use.
    Ed tech expert and Web20Classroom blogger Steven Anderson tells teachers how they can use diigo and other social bookmarking tools as a teaching resource.
    Straightforward, simple explanation of Diigo benefits for students. According to one of the comments, students can highlight specific information from a site as opposed to just bookmarking an entire page. I like that idea for students who are overwhelmed by info or forget what parts they found useful.
    Ed tech expert and Web20Classroom blogger Steven Anderson tells teachers how they can use diigo and other social bookmarking tools as a teaching resource. Gives advice on upgrading diigo accounts to free educator upgrade to create class groups and student accounts
Tracey Kracht

Twitter For Teachers - pd - 1 views

    Eric has amazing resources and experience with Twitter both personally and professionally.  He is a very connected educator and is definitely one to watch!
Tracey Kracht

Have You Flipped Your Faculty Meeting Yet? - Finding Common Ground - Education Week - 0 views

    • Tracey Kracht
      When you first try to flip a meeting for your building, it might not go exactly as planned.  Keep in mind to flip what needs to be direct instruction and then engage in deeper conversations as a staff when together.  I really like the idea of using video gathered from classrooms to get conversations started.  You can't focus on everything at once.  Pick one or two things and focus your conversations around these important points.
  • through flipping, administrators can send out these articles and questions in order to give teachers the proper amount of thinking time so the ultimate conversations are more enriching.
  • The flipped faculty meeting approach offers administrators and educators the opportunity to dig down deeper and get to the heart of what matters in school.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Getting together as a faculty should be about focusing on curriculum and instruction, and more importantly focus on our students.
Tracey Kracht

clc-voc | Diigo - 1 views

    I'm reading a book called The Connected Educator, and this is the diigo page that shares what others are tagging as they read through the book.  There are some really great finds out here!
Tracey Kracht

Doing More with Less (and Other Practical Educational Technology Tidbits) | Edutopia - 0 views

    This article provides some great practical advice for 'doing more with less'.  It is a good read.
Eddie Owen

NAfME - Music Education - The College Board Releases a New Study on Common Core and Art... - 0 views

    • Eddie Owen
      Kind of self serving, but it does provide some basis for the arts and its connection to the common core.  Discussed earlier today in the Pathways PD with another teacher the idea that music lives in Quadrant D quite a bit
Tracey Kracht

7 Wonderful Google Docs Tutorials for Teachers ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Lear... - 0 views

    Great resource for Google Docs!
Tracey Kracht

3 Easy Ways to Turn your Class Blog Into A Beautiful e-Book ~ Educational Technology an... - 0 views

    Turn your blog posts into a beautiful ebook and  share it with your students and their parents.
Tracey Kracht

20+ Time Saving Twitter Shortcuts for Teachers ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Lear... - 0 views

    Twitter Shortcuts
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