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The Research and Science Behind a Perfect Blog Post - 0 views

    "Phew! Talk about pressure. Writing a blog post about how to write a perfect blog post is the most meta of burdens. It's a bit different than writing about perfect tweets or ideal Facebook posts. There's nowhere to hide when you're blogging about perfect blogging. So I hope you'll still trust the advice here even if you don't find this post itself to be flawless. I'm sure we'd all love for each of our blog posts to be absolute perfection-however it is that you measure perfection-so I researched all the necessary info to get us started on the path to perfection. I'll cover headlines and length and visuals and so much more below. How close are you to creating the perfect post already?"
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Do not confuse writing an article with blogging - 0 views

    Interesting distinction between blogging and writing articles. Kevin O'Keefe's blog on January 16, 2014 Blogging is done to engage others in a conversation by recognizing the post is one in a series on a topic. Writing an article is to get your point of view out there. Excerpt: I have always viewed blogging as all together different than writing an article. Blogging is a conversation where by listening to relevant discussion you engage those in the conversation. Social media consultant, Jayne Navvare (@jaynenavvare), made the point as well as anyone in her post today. If you want to post "articles" to the web using a blog platform, fine, but do not confuse that with blogging. Articles are static. Blogging is dynamic. Bloggers do more than just write posts. They socialize. Articles are one way. I write it. I distribute it. You read it. Think magazines, newspapers, and newsletters. Circulation and eyeballs are measures of success. Blogs engage. Blogs mix it up with readers and other bloggers. Relationships and word of mouth reputation are measures of success.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

More on setting up a WP/FWP Open Online Class « Lisa's (Online) Teaching Blog - 0 views

    Blog post by Lisa Lane early this month (November 2012 explaining to another online instructor how she built a system for aggregating students' blog posts that may be relevant to WLStudio series and "sharing" activities? She uses FeedWordPress. Excerpt: "Participants set up their own blog wherever. Then I need to get the feeds from those blogs into the Pedagogy First! aggregated blog, using FeedWordPress. I use the Add Link widget (yes, I know it's old) so participants can add their own, and have provided more extensive instructions for them about blogs and feeds. In particular, we want people who post on many subjects to not only use the "potcert" tags for their posts, but use the feed for that tag only. This is so only their class-related posts show up on the class blog. The back end of this process is a little more complicated. When participants enter their information in Add Link, it goes directly into the Blogroll. The Blogroll is what feeds into FeedWordPress as a default. I customize the titles of feeds and the names of participants to use their real names for everything. I change the titles of feeds by going into FWP's Syndication area and using Feeds & Updates. Using the drop down menu to bring up a particular blog, I change the title and click manual control so it doesn't revert back the next time the feed updates. When I do this, it seems to update automatically in the Links area. Then I go to Users and make sure their names are their full names by editing them individually."
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Joho the Blog » What blogging was - 0 views

    "A comment on Joho's (Dave Weinberger) blog post--a memoir of blogging--bySuw Charman-Anderson, January 9, 2014. Excerpt: " I wonder too if my lack of blog writing is related to a lack of blog reading. My RSS reader became so clogged that I feared it, wouldn't open it, and ultimately, abandoned it. And then Twitter and now Zite arrived to provide me with random rewards for clicking and swiping, showing me stuff that I had no idea I wanted to read. Instead of following the writings of a small cadre of smart, lovely people whom I am proud to call my friends, I read random crap off the internet that some algorithm thinks I might be interested in, or that is recommended by the people I follow on Twitter. That may or may not be a good thing. We were all aware of the problems of homophily, and the random clickage does help combat that. But the problem with not following people's blogs closely is that there's no conversation anymore. My blogs used to host great conversations, and I would happily engage in fascinating discussions on other people's sites. You can't do that so easily with Twitter, and Facebook. Indeed, most of my interactions on Facebook, which are scarce as I loathe it, end up being pointless arguments with friends-of-friends who turn out to be idiots. I'd love to see a resurgence in blogging. I think, personally, I need to delete Zite from my ipad and find a good RSS reader so I can follow the blogs of those people that I really care about. Not the worthy blogs I ought to read, but the works of people who matter to me. And then I need to get back to commenting, like this, because there's nothing more encouraging than finding out that people care about what you write, that people appreciate it. And David, I really do appreciate your writing - you're as inspiring and fascinating now as you were back in 2001! "
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Anatomy of a Winning LinkedIn Publisher Post - Career Pivot - 0 views

    blog post by Marc Miller, November 5, 2014, on how LinkedIn Publisher Post expands the number of viewers for blog posts. One of his blog posts published on LinkedIn was picked up and used by LinkedIn Pulse Channel Careers Next Level which generated 14,000 views and drove a lot of traffic to his website.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Joho the Blog » No, I'm not keeping up with your blog. - 0 views

    blog post in 2005 about how difficult it was to keep up with all the blogs! "I don't want to lie any more. I don't want to feel guilty any more. So let me tell you flat out: There are too many blogs I like and too many people I like to making "keeping up" a reasonable expectation, any more than you should expect me to keep up with Pokemon characters or I should expect you to keep up with Bollywood movies. I'm not going to feel guilty any longer about my failure. I will read your blog on occasion, either because I've been thinking of you or because something reminded me of you. Maybe it'll be because you sent me an email pointing to a post you think I'll enjoy. Go ahead! I'd love to hear from you."
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Why We're Removing Comments on Copyblogger - Copyblogger - 0 views

    Interesting blog post for removing ability to comment on blog posts at Copyblogger by Sonia Simone, 4/2014. Seems that conversation has shifted from blogs to other venues such as Google+ and Twitter ... Copyblogger wants to shift comments to author's blog sites. Final reason is to get out from under the spam which they estimate is about 95% of the comments posted. This "experiment" as they called it interests me because it seems to elevate the role of aggregation tool to scan the web for references to one's work on a regular basis. And it is in line with some of the cMOOC approach--to let the conversation occur anywhere, then capture and make sense of it afterwards.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Removing Blog Comments: The View So Far - Copyblogger - 0 views

    part of the interview with Sonia Simone and Jerod Morris at Copyblogger following their decision several weeks ago to close down comments on the Copyblogger blog site. Excerpt: "I don't put my business assets on a platform that I don't control. So I don't put my content on a platform I don't control unless I have it somewhere I can keep it and benefit from it. I wouldn't post original content to Facebook. I would just never - it doesn't make a lot of sense, other than just a post, a simple throw-away kind of a post. So our content lives on our domain, in our e-mail lists. These are assets we can control. " I'm not sure exactly what she means by "content lives on our domain, in our e-mail lists." Maybe it's as simple as it's Copyblogger's stuff, they own it, it's only used to achieve their business purposes and it isn't original stuff that is published elsewhere or stored there on someone else's platform for digestion and use? Blog post also introduces "digital sharecropping" to me. Interesting note about Google-Plus, too. "The nice thing about Google-Plus is I'm notified when someone actually mentions my name, or if I'm following that discussion then I'm notified within Gmail or Google-Plus, any one of the Google products. So it's nice in that way. There's a lot more ease of use. "

39 Blogging Tips From the Pros | Social Media Examiner - 1 views

    "Are you looking for the latest blogging tactics? Do you want to know what the blogging pros are doing today? Keeping up with the latest social media changes is not always easy, and your blogging tactics may need to be refreshed. We asked 39 blogging pros to share the best blogging tips and tactics worth doing today. Here's what they have to say."
    This blog post is great, Lyn. We are starting to adopt some of these practices...would like us to review them all and see which ones we should start sooner rather than later.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

How content curation helps social media publishing | Blog - 0 views

  • blog posted by Jon Koob, March 5, 2014, on content curation 1. What should I post? (What I care about) 2. Switching between platforms to post the same content is a pain (bookmarklet or Google Chrome app) 3. What do I share and where? (different audiences, platforms determine what you post) 4. All content or some content I've curated? (create information hubs for different kinds of sharing) 5. Should I share things more than once? (YES) promo piece for but it seems reasonable anyway
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

No Blog Traffic? Here's a Simple Strategy to Seduce Readers and Win Clients - Copyblogger - 0 views

    Copyblogger post by Henneke Duistermaat, July 2014. "Follow these steps: Over the next five days, block 30 minutes for reviewing your blog. On day one, create a profile of your favorite fan. On day two, write down your blog purpose and discover why your fans come to your blog. On day three, think about your favorite fan and write down at least 30 blog topics that he'd love to read. On day four, review your blog promotion strategy. How can you reach more people in the time available to you? Which activities can you cut? How can you experiment? On day five, consider your email strategy. How can you build a closer relationship with the fans on your list?"
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

15 Reasons I Think You Should Blog - 0 views

    Excellent blog post on why we should blog--if you get discouraged read this blog post by Joshua Becker, Becomingminimalist
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

5 lessons we learned experimenting SlideShare as a visual blog | Blog - 0 views

    Really great post on using SlideShare as a visual blog for originating and repurposing content you have already created, March 21, 2014 by Guillaume Decugis. It shows you two Slideshares as examples of what has/has not worked for them. It could mean taking photographs we already have and entering a little text to make one point per slide. They upped their slideshare postings to one a week along with at least one blog post per week.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Pioneer of Ed-Tech Innovation Says He's Frustrated by Disruptors' Narrative - Wired Cam... - 0 views

    Interesting post by Jeffrey Young, August 6, 2015, on George Siemens' reactions to closed door gathering of educators at the White House. Siemens wrote his own blog post linked to in this post. In this post, Young reports that Siemens came away with strong feelings -- "stunned" "exceptionally irritated" and "disappointed" "about what he heard there".
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Seven Ways to Make Sure Your Blog Gets Noticed | Beth's Blog - 0 views

    Beth's Blog, June 4, 2012 Excellent ideas on leading a blog carnival to ensure that key blog posts and discussions are viewed by large #s of people. Think this is very relevant to Studio's work.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Write Great LinkedIn Posts In Less Than an Hour | LinkedIn - 1 views

    Very interesting how-to write LinkedIn long-posts (blog) by Victoria Pynchon,, July 20, 2014. Her advice is good for regular blog posts, too.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Linda Stone: The Connected Life: From Email Apnea To Conscious Computing - 0 views

    Updated blog post by Linda Stone on screen and email apnea, Huffington Post, May 7, 2012. Eighty percent of us seem to have it. I broke the story about it in early 2008 on the Huffington Post, and called the phenomenon, "email apnea." Later in 2008, in talks and interviews, I referred to it interchangeably as "email apnea" and also, as "screen apnea." Definition: Shallow breathing or breath holding while doing email, or while working or playing in front of a screen. Excerpt: Recently, researchers, Gloria Mark, Stephen Voida, and Anthony Cardello, have made headway into formally validating the impact of email, using HRV. Why are we doing this? Our posture is often compromised, especially when we use laptops and smartphones. Arms forward, shoulders forward, we sit in a position where it's impossible to get a healthy and full inhale and exhale. Further, anticipation is generally accompanied by an inhale -- and email, texting, and viewing television shows generally includes a significant dose of anticipation. Meanwhile, the full exhale rarely follows. The stress-related physiology of email apnea or screen apnea is described in some detail in my 2008 post, linked to above. What's the remedy? A new way of interacting with technologies that I call: Conscious Computing. Technologies like the Heartmath emWave2, Huffington Post's GPS for the Soul, and a variety of optimal breathing techniques, can support us in using technologies in healthier ways. Instead of sending an email, call or walk over to your colleague's office. And there's always that other possibility: every now and then, just turn everything off. When you text or use email on your smartphone, when you check and respond to your email, are you breathing or do you hold your breath? Is it worse when you're using a laptop vs. an iPad? How might you incorporate some of the remedies?
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Working Harder Isn't The Answer; It's The Problem - Forbes - 0 views

    blog post by Jennifer Gilhool, 6.4.2013 "You are connected to work 24/7. You don't need your lap top to be connected. You are connected via BlackBerry, iPhone and iPad to name just a few. These devices no longer provide flexibility. Instead, they tether you to the office. They enable you to work all the time and anywhere. And, now, many companies believe that is the definition of flexibility: "'What flexibility means today is not part time,' the head of work-life at one large organization told me recently. 'What people want is the ability to work anytime, anywhere.' That's true if your target labor pool is twenty-somethings and men married to homemakers. The head of HR at another large organization asked, when I described the hours problem, 'What do you mean, how can we get women to work more hours?'" - Why Men Work So Many Hours, Joan C. Williams, May 29, 2013 Harvard Business Review Why Your Manager Doesn't Want You To Innovate Ron Ashkenas Ron Ashkenas Contributor LinkedIn: Busting 8 Damaging Myths About What It Can Do For Your Career 85 Broads 85 Broads Contributor Someone has taken the "human" out of "Human Resources" departments across America. And, this behavior is not limited to operations in America. I work for a multi-national corporation that cannot seem to wean itself from the 24 hour work day. Colleagues in China often begin their day with a 6:00 a.m. meeting and end it with a meeting that begins at 10:00 p.m. or, worse, 11:00 p.m. To combat this problem, the company leadership agreed to a global meeting policy. The policy provides that global meetings should occur only between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. and that no meetings should occur on Friday nights in Asia Pacific. Further, the policy provides a 10 hour fatigue rule. In other words, there should be 10 hours between your last meeting of the day and your first meeting on the next day. First, if you need a global meeting policy, you are in
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Why Blog? The Benefits of Blogging for Business - 0 views

    Great blog post by Corey Erldon on why blogging is good, Hubspot, November 6, 2013.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Five Strategies To Advance and Own Your Professional Development | Women For Hire - 0 views

    Blog post by Deborah Shane "According to a CareerBuilder survey "hiring managers are using social media to get a glimpse at the candidate's behavior and personality outside of the interview, and are most interested in professional presentation and how the candidate would fit with the company culture. Here are five strategies anyone can use to 'advance and own their professional development'." First three of five strategies are online: 1) Use Facebook in a hybrid way. Facebook can be one of the most effective and diverse self marketing, branding and networking assets of all of the social platforms. Posting professional questions, article linking, Facebook chats and using the Notes Feature are all great ways to brand yourself on Facebook. 2) Brand your LinkedIn and Twitter pages content and information. Having a content rich, branded landing page on LinkedIn and Twitter can make a strong first impression. Complete your profiles and tell your story in your job history. This makes you more personable and shows people you are serious, professional and you want to be remembered. 3) Launch your own blog or guest blog for other strategic sites. This is one of the best ways to share how you think and show your knowledge and expertise, as well as highlight others in your field that you admire or want to emulate. Some of the free sites you can use are WordPress, Weebly and Wix.
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