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Michel Roland-Guill

Will Gutenberg laugh last? | ROUGH TYPE - 2 views

  • the heaviest buyers of e-books are now buying more, not fewer, printed books
  • Clay Shirky
  • Not once in that half century has anyone successfully invented anything that feels like the digital version of a book. Books online, whether in a Kindle or Google Books, are always (cue McLuhan) the old medium populating the new.
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • The mainstay of book publishing is the extended narrative, either fictional or factual and almost always shaped by a single authorial consciousness and expressed in a single authorial voice. It is, in other words, a work of art.
  • Count me as a member of the set who prefers my non-fiction in eBook format
  • If this is right, then the twilight of the printed book will proceed on a schedule disconnected to the growth or stagnation of e-books — what the internet portends is not the end of the paper container of the book, but rather the way paper organized our assumptions about writing altogether.
  • Clay Shirky
  • the book, a creation of human beings, turned out not only to be a terrific container for distributing speech and then writing; it also, through an intertwined, mutually reinforcing, and unique combination of the mode of reading it encouraged (deep, attentive, immersive) and the modes of expression it inspired (deep, thoughtful, eloquent, emotionally resonant, experimental), actually heightened the potential of human expression, experience, and life.
  • Already the presses have stopped for phone books and encyclopedias, are stopping for textbooks and newspapers, and will increasingly stop for books of all kinds. And I think as that happens, the experience of reading books will be displaced by other experiences.
  • I don’t believe in ‘narrative obsolescence’ — on the contrary, I think that stories, unlike books, are a fundamental unit of human thought, which is to say that in most cultures we know of, there were no books, but there were stories.
  • forms of aesthetic expression co-evolve with their modes of production, and often don’t survive large-scale reconfiguration of those modes.
  • I have several reasons for thinking that the current round of destruction is clearing the decks for something better, but the main one is that historically, media that increase the amount of arguing people do has been a long-term positive for society, even at the cost of short-term destruction of familiar patterns, and the disorientation of the people comfortable with those patterns. I think we’ll get extended narrative online — I just doubt the format of most of those narratives will look enough like a book to merit the name.
  • Where nihilism enters the picture is when you say, sneeringly, that although “half a millenium of rehearsed reverence have taught us to regard [the book] as a semantic unit, [it] may in fact be a production unit: the book is what you get when writers have access to printing presses, just as the album is what you get when musicians have access to LP-pressing machines.” People’s love of books in general and serious novels and poetry in particular is not just a numb act of “rehearsed reverence” (a phrase that is incredibly insulting and demeaning) to an accidental production unit.
  • Reducing aesthetic choices to “rehearsed reverence” is a form of nihilism.
  • Some things — emphasis on “things” — are actually worthy of respect.
Michel Roland-Guill

DOAB: Directory of Open Access Books - 0 views

    The primary aim of DOAB is to increase discoverability of Open Access books. Academic publishers are invited to provide metadata of their Open Access books to DOAB. Metadata will be harvestable in order to maximize dissemination, visibility and impact. Aggregators can integrate the records in their commercial services and libraries can integrate the directory into their online catalogues, helping scholars and students to discover the books. The directory will be open to all publishers who publish academic, peer reviewed books in Open Access and should contain as many books as possible, provided that these publications are in Open Access and meet academic standards.
Michel Roland-Guill

5 Reasons Physical Books Might Be Better Than E-Books | Mental Floss - 0 views

  • It found that "enhanced" e-books might be distracting. Kids who read enhanced e-books—ones with interactive, multimedia experiences—were more engaged with them physically, but in the end they remembered fewer narrative details than those who read print books or basic e-books
  • And some studies have found that part of the difference between the way people absorb information from e-books versus paper might be due to approaching e-books differently—in one test, participants didn’t regulate their study time with digital books like they did with paper texts, leading to worse performances.
Michel Roland-Guill

Rough Type: Nicholas Carr's Blog: The remains of the book - 0 views

  • The sense of self-containment is what makes a good book so satisfying to its readers, and the requirement of self-containment is what spurs the writer to the highest levels of literary achievement.
  • The web is an assembly not of things but of shards, of snippets, of bits and pieces.
  • To move the words of a book onto the screen of a networked computer is to engineer a collision between two contradictory technological, and aesthetic, forces. Something's got to give. Either the web gains edges, or the book loses them.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • What people do more of is shift their focus and attention away from the words of the book and toward the web of snippets wrapped around the book - dictionary definitions, Wikipedia entries, character descriptions from Shelfari, and so forth.
  • He is, in a very real sense, treating a work of art as though it were an auto repair manual. Which is, of course, what the web wants a work of art to be: not a place of repose, but a jumping-off point.
  • Up until now, there's been a fairly common assumption that a divide would emerge in the presentation of different kinds of electronic books. Reference works would get the full web treatment, tricked out with multimedia and hypermedia, while fiction and literary nonfiction would be shielded from the web's manifest destiny. They'd go digital without losing their print nature; they'd retain their edges.
  • Updike observed that "the book revolution, which, from the Renaissance on, taught men and women to cherish and cultivate their individuality, threatens to end in a sparkling cloud of snippets."
Michel Roland-Guill

Scan This Book! - New York Times - 0 views

  • So what happens when all the books in the world become a single liquid fabric of interconnected words and ideas? Four things: First, works on the margins of popularity will find a small audience larger than the near-zero audience they usually have now. Far out in the "long tail" of the distribution curve — that extended place of low-to-no sales where most of the books in the world live — digital interlinking will lift the readership of almost any title, no matter how esoteric. Second, the universal library will deepen our grasp of history, as every original document in the course of civilization is scanned and cross-linked. Third, the universal library of all books will cultivate a new sense of authority. If you can truly incorporate all texts — past and present, multilingual — on a particular subject, then you can have a clearer sense of what we as a civilization, a species, do know and don't know. The white spaces of our collective ignorance are highlighted, while the golden peaks of our knowledge are drawn with completeness. This degree of authority is only rarely achieved in scholarship today, but it will become routine.
  • once digitized, books can be unraveled into single pages or be reduced further, into snippets of a page. These snippets will be remixed into reordered books and virtual bookshelves.
  • Once snippets, articles and pages of books become ubiquitous, shuffle-able and transferable, users will earn prestige and perhaps income for curating an excellent collection.
Michel Roland-Guill

Never Mind E-Books: Why Print Books Are Here to Stay - - 0 views

  • The initial e-book explosion is starting to look like an aberration. The technology's early adopters, a small but enthusiastic bunch, made the move to e-books quickly and in a concentrated period.
  • the shift from e-readers to tablets may also be dampening e-book purchases
  • The fact that an e-book can't be sold or given away after it's read also reduces the perceived value of the product.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Screen reading seems particularly well-suited to the kind of light entertainments that have traditionally been sold in supermarkets and airports as mass-market paperbacks.
  • Readers of weightier fare, including literary fiction and narrative nonfiction, have been less inclined to go digital. They seem to prefer the heft and durability, the tactile pleasures, of what we still call "real books"—the kind you can set on a shelf.
Michel Roland-Guill

Rough Type: Nicholas Carr's Blog: Killing Mnemosyne - 1 views

  • Isidore, the bishop of Seville, remarked how reading “the sayings” of thinkers in books “render[ed] their escape from memory less easy.”
  • Shakespeare has Hamlet call his memory “the book and volume of my brain.”
    • Michel Roland-Guill
      Dante: "In quella parte del libro de la mia memoria, dinanzi a la quale poco si potrebbe leggere, si trova una rubrica la quale dice: In quella parte del libro de la mia memoria, dinanzi a la quale poco si potrebbe leggere, si trova una rubrica la quale dice: INCIPIT VITA NOVA."
  • Books provide a supplement to memory, but they also, as Eco puts it, “challenge and improve memory; they do not narcotize it.”
    • Michel Roland-Guill
      Voir chez Jack Goody comment la mémoire dite "par coeur" dépend de la textualité.
  • ...19 more annotations...
  • Erasmus, in his 1512 textbook De Copia, stressed the connection between memory and reading. He urged students to annotate their books
  • He also suggested that every student and teacher keep a notebook, organized by subject, “so that whenever he lights on anything worth noting down, he may write it in the appropriate section.”
    • Michel Roland-Guill
      Voir Darnton qui récemment voyait dans les livres d'extraits la preuve que les empans brefs ne dataient pas d'hier...
  • kinds of flowers
    • Michel Roland-Guill
      > "anthologie"
  • To him, memorizing was far more than a means of storage
  • Far from being a mechanical, mindless process, Erasmus’s brand of memorization engaged the mind fully
    • Michel Roland-Guill
      Il faudrait référer cette thématique érasmienne à la problématique plus large de la mémoire et de l'éducation à la Renaissance. Montaigne, Rabelais, "tête bien faite", vs "bien pleine".
  • “We should imitate bees,” Seneca wrote, “and we should keep in separate compartments whatever we have collected from our diverse reading, for things conserved separately keep better. Then, diligently applying all the resources of our native talent, we should mingle all the various nectars we have tasted, and then turn them into a single sweet substance, in such a way that, even if it is apparent where it originated, it appears quite different from what it was in its original state.”
  • Memory, for Seneca as for Erasmus, was as much a crucible as a container.
  • “commonplace books,”
  • Francis Bacon
  • “a gentleman’s commonplace book” served “both as a vehicle for and a chronicle of his intellectual development.”
  • The arrival of the limitless and easily searchable data banks of the Internet brought a further shift, not just in the way we view memorization but in the way we view memory itself.
  • Clive Thompson, the Wired writer, refers to the Net as an “outboard brain”
  • David Brooks
  • “I had thought that the magic of the information age was that it allowed us to know more,” he writes, “but then I realized the magic of the information age is that it allows us to know less. It provides us with external cognitive servants—silicon memory systems, collaborative online filters, consumer preference algorithms and networked knowledge. We can burden these servants and liberate ourselves.”
  • Peter Suderman
  • “it’s no longer terribly efficient to use our brains to store information.”
  • “Why memorize the content of a single book when you could be using your brain to hold a quick guide to an entire library? Rather than memorize information, we now store it digitally and just remember what we stored.”
  • Don Tapscott, the technology writer, puts it more bluntly. Now that we can look up anything “with a click on Google,” he says, “memorizing long passages or historical facts” is obsolete.
    • Michel Roland-Guill
      "Google" > inutilité des outils de mémorisation (signets) eux-mêmes!
  • When, in an 1892 lecture before a group of teachers, William James declared that “the art of remembering is the art of thinking,” he was stating the obvious.
Michel Roland-Guill

Books in Browsers: talk abstracts at Books In Browsers - 0 views

  • What is a book, anyway? An examination of the EPUB 3 draft standard reveals that most of the differences between an EPUB book and a website boil down to one core difference: the book is self-contained.
Michel Roland-Guill

Why can't we read anymore? - Medium - 0 views

    Last year, I read four books. The reasons for that low number are, I guess, the same as your reasons for reading fewer books than you think you should have read last year: I've been finding it harder and harder to concentrate on words, sentences, pa…
    Last year, I read four books. The reasons for that low number are, I guess, the same as your reasons for reading fewer books than you think you should have read last year: I've been finding it harder and harder to concentrate on words, sentences, pa…
Michel Roland-Guill

The Best Device For Reading Is Still the Phone In Your Pocket - 0 views

    For long-time book lovers, reading on an electronic device can be disorienting experience. The most obvious choice for those going down the e-book path is a device like the Kindle, completely and utterly dedicated to emulating the traditional expe...
    For long-time book lovers, reading on an electronic device can be disorienting experience. The most obvious choice for those going down the e-book path is a device like the Kindle, completely and utterly dedicated to emulating the traditional expe...
Michel Roland-Guill

The future is digital book discovery, not distracting gimmicks | The Passive Voice | A ... - 0 views

  • Kelly paints a future where access to content is free and immediate, discovery of it is personalised and social, consumption of it is fragmented, and everything is interlinked.
  • eBook sales are down 13%, audiobooks are up 38%, colouring books are up 1,100% (!), and – according to most analysts – sales of regular books are back in the black. This wasn’t the world we expected. Your stuff may be easier to acquire (thanks to the cloud and Amazon Prime) and consume (thanks to smartphones, a reading category that’s grown by 7% this year), but the core product – the book – is no more shareable or fluid than it was when Wired Magazine first hit the shelves in 1993.
Michel Roland-Guill

Dueling Surveys Say 75% of Americans Like Paper Books And 70% Like eBooks - The Digital... - 0 views

  • About 82 percent of Power Buyers (consumers who acquire e-books on a weekly basis) say they prefer e-books over print and nearly 70 percent of Non-Power Buyers say they now prefer e- over print.
  • If three-quarters of an undefined survey group likes paper but a majority of the actual customer base likes digital, what are the chances that most of that 75% don’t buy very many books in the first place?
Michel Roland-Guill

Announcing Kindle Worlds - 1 views

    "New stories inspired by books, shows, movies, comics, music, and games people love. Kindle Worlds Graphic Get ready for Kindle Worlds, a place for you to publish fan fiction inspired by popular books, shows, movies, comics, music, and games. With Kindle Worlds, you can write new stories based on featured Worlds, engage an audience of readers, and earn royalties. Amazon Publishing has secured licenses from Warner Bros. Television Group's Alloy Entertainment for Gossip Girl, Pretty Little Liars, and The Vampire Diaries, with licenses for more Worlds on the way. "
Michel Roland-Guill

Young adult readers 'prefer printed to ebooks' | Books | - 0 views

  • Mitchell said that qualitative comments about preferring physical books included things like "I collect", "I like the smell", and "I want full bookshelves". "Books are status symbols, you can't really see what someone has read on their Kindle,"
Michel Roland-Guill

Reading in a Whole New Way | 40th Anniversary | Smithsonian Magazine - 0 views

  • America was founded on the written word.
  • the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and, indirectly, the Bible
  • Being able to read silently to yourself was considered an amazing talent. Writing was an even rarer skill. In 15th-century Europe only one in 20 adult males could write.
    • Michel Roland-Guill
      Vision technicisée et progressiste des pratiques de l'écriture, où il est assez naturel de retrouver relayé le mythe de la rareté de la lecture silencieuse dans l'Antiquité. Je crois avoir lu quelque part, et même en plusieurs endroits, que la connaissance et la pratique au moins rudimentaire de l'écriture était très répandue dans l'antiquité classique (grecque et romaine) au rebours de ce que soutient Kelly ici. Mais il s'appuie vraisemblablement sur des études sérieuses valant pour le 15e s. et dans sa vision linéaire d'un progrès fondé sur la succession des innovations techniques cela implique qu'on ne savait généralement pas écrire dans l'antiquité.Il n'est pas difficile de deviner combien une vision aussi simpliste, aussi simplement orientée de l'évolution des pratiques de la lettre est aujourd'hui, au moment où il nous faut évaluer une révolution nouvelle de ces pratiques est sinon nuisible au moins handicapante.
  • ...28 more annotations...
  • But reading and writing, like all technologies, are dynamic.
  • the romance novel was invented in 1740
  • a people of the book.
    • Michel Roland-Guill
      Intéressant comme est ici condensé un imaginaire américain de la lettre. A remarquer que cet attachement au livre et à la chose écrite ne se double d'aucun intellectualisme, au contraire. La situation française est bien différentes et à plusieurs égards opposée. Au point qu'on peut se demander si la crise de la culture française ne s'explique pas, en partie et à ce niveau, par une contradiction entre ses éléments structurants et ceux de la culture américaine telle qu'elle est transmise par les médias de la culture populaire, cinéma et télévision au premier chef.
  • In time, the power of authors birthed the idea of authority and bred a culture of expertise. Perfection was achieved “by the book.”
  • By 1910 three-quarters of the towns in America with more than 2,500 residents had a public library.
  • Today some 4.5 billion digital screens illuminate our lives.
  • This new platform is very visual, and it is gradually merging words with moving images
    • Michel Roland-Guill
      Gros enjeu là, voir billet de F. Kaplan sur epub.
  • The amount of time people spend reading has almost tripled since 1980
  • But it is not book reading
  • It is screen reading
  • it seemed weird five centuries ago to see someone read silently
    • Michel Roland-Guill
      !!! (voir Gavrilov & Burnyeat)
  • dog-ear
  • Propaganda is less effective in a world of screens, because while misinformation travels fast, corrections do, too.
    • Michel Roland-Guill
      Angélisme. Cf. article à retrouver: endogamie des échanges sur les blogues et les forums
  • a reflex to do something
  • utilitarian thinking
  • We review a movie while we watch it,
  • Wikipedia
  • a contemplative mind
  • Screens provoke action instead of persuasion.
  • On networked screens everything is linked to everything else.
    • Michel Roland-Guill
      Ici le coeur de la contradiction chez Kelly: la révolution numérique est appréhendée depuis le paradigme américain pré-révolution numérique qui oppose autorité et individualisme. Or la RN redistribue ici (peut-être plus qu'ailleurs) les cartes en contestant, en même temps que le rôle de l'autorité, l'individualisme libéral dont les historiens de la lecture ont montré qu'il s'est construit, depuis Augustin mais particulièrement à la Renaissance par le commerce singulier avec le livre.
  • In books we find a revealed truth; on the screen we assemble our own truth from pieces
    • Michel Roland-Guill
      Tradition vs. Individualisme.
  • the degree to which it is linked to the rest of the world.
    • Michel Roland-Guill
      Page Rank
  • the inner nature of things
  • informational layer
    • Michel Roland-Guill
      Bande de Möbius.
    • Michel Roland-Guill
      contradiction apparente: the inner nature = informationnal layer. cf. Derrida.
  • to “read” everything, not just text
  • Not to see our face, but our status
  • lifelogging
  • memory
Michel Roland-Guill

Pandamian Beta - The Easiest Way To Publish A Book Online - 0 views

    "The Easiest Way To Publish Books Online"
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