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Zaid Mark

Safe Registry Cleaner - 0 views

    We have seen people blaming their Internet Service Providers for an interrupted provision and receiving Network Error Code 1222, with the message alert 'Unable to browse the network'. It is hereby aimed to inform these people that the concerned problem is not service oriented, but more of a registry issue.

Mothers Day Cards Quotes Poems Verses & Pics 2016 - - 0 views

    Motherhood is such a divine and precious gift by God. The whole world take example from her personality. On this divine day we have bring Mothers day Ecards, Pictures, Images, wishes, Wallpapers, Messages, Greetings and Gifts ideas to wish you mummy.The whole world is artificial and materaialistic.
social india

Are you addict to facebook and twitter? - 0 views

    What is the name of Facebook addict? In US, facebook is the No.2 site behind Google and ahead of YouTube and yahoo based on page views and users. Every 60 seconds, users updating their statuses, sending messages, writing posts, tagging photos, sharing photos, etc. on facebook. If you find yourself checking facebook on your phone during meetings, on the bus, on dates, during movies and in bed, you may have a problem of facebook addiction named as "facebookholism". Nearly one quarter of facebookholism users check their account at least 5 times daily.
anamaria menezes

kakomessenger: tell it with a song ! - 0 views

    a singing telegram machine
anamaria menezes

COVERITLIVE.COM - Home - 0 views

  • CoveritLive's web based software takes your next live blog to a new level. Your commentary publishes in real time like an instant message.
anamaria menezes - Twitzer Firefox extension - 0 views

    Twitzer is a Firefox extension which lets you post text longer than 140 characters on
Carla Arena

TokBox - Free Video Chat and Video Mail - 2 views

    video message
Paul Beaufait

The Bamboo Project Blog - 0 views

    • Bertha Leiva
      Thought-provoking blog post. I could see my son described in it. True, if they are not ready, we should wait and let them know we are there for them (son, students, colleagues, anyone)
  • Come up with a one-minute presentation that will show someone how to use a Web 2.0 technology or some aspect of the technology OR that explains a Web 2.0 technology and how it works OR that persuades people to use your favorite Web 2.0 technology.
    • Illya Arnet
      Being able to highlight and leave messages on a blog like this can faciliate sharing and decrease the amount of searching one must do. A very good reason to use web 2.0!
    BIG on strategic self-development: "Career Development, Technology and Learning Strategies for Lifelong Personal and Professional Growth (TypePad blog subtitle, 2008.07.10)
    Thanks to Mary for sharing this wonderful blog with the LwC group. I'm bookmarking it now, sharing it with friends, and going to add it to a blogroll as soon as I'm done here!
Carla Arena

Easy Thumbnails Software -- Free thumbnail utility from Fookes Software - 0 views

shared by Carla Arena on 16 Jun 08 - Cached
    ver. 3.0 avail. for: Windows 95/98/2000/2003/NT4/Me/XP/Vista
  • ...3 more comments...
    reportedly easy to use tool for down-sizing pictures
    Thanks to Vance for pointing this out in:
    Easily resize photos with this downloadable freeware. Recommended by Dafne
    I first heard about this software during a BAW session, when I knew nothing about working with pictures (not that I know much now! :-P!!!). Loved it immediately 'coz of its intuititive interface. Still today, I'm fascinated by how I can copy (while at the same time compress) tens of pictures from my mobile devices to my hard disk in just a couple of clicks and seconds! Definitely worth trying!
    Thanks Gladys and Paul for sharin these photo manipulation sites. We all need them nowadays. I must confess I'm totally in love with Flickr together with Picnik . It gives lots of editing options, including adding text, special effects, etc and when I'm done, it saves directly to my Flickr account. Lots of fun and very useful to create tutorials, for example.
Paul Beaufait

Asynchronous Collaborative Learning Activities - 0 views

    Thanks to Sirin for pointing this out (Learning with Computers, Message #5331, Sun Jan 18, 2009 3:16 am)
    An "investigation of how to improve the procedure of known (or new) pedagogical activities for asynchronous delivery" (header, tagline, 2009.02.12)
Learning with Computers group

Free Message Boards and Online Forums at VoyForums! - 0 views

    Give topic, find people who want to discuss it Rec. Dennis
Carla Arena

How do you envision using the Webslides feature? - 124 views

Dear Berta, I have the same feeling...I wish I had known about Diigo and Webslides before I had taught the Listening Plus online course, but it's never too late, and I'll surely see how it can be ...

diigo goodpractices learningwithcomputers practices webslides

Holly Dilatush

Recommended Link from Russel Tarr at - 0 views

    check this out! Thanks to TomWhitby (Twitter)
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