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تحميل متصفح فايرفوكس 41 firefox النسخه العربية الجديدة | تحميل التطبيقات المج... - 0 views

    تحميل متصفح فايرفوكس 41 firefox النسخه العربية الجديدة
    تحميل متصفح فايرفوكس 41 firefox النسخه العربية الجديدة
Zaid Mark

How To Troubleshoot Firefox Issues Caused By Malware - 0 views

    Operating system is designed to help the user in many ways. In addition, users want to have a secured system, which works efficiently. However, while browsing on the net, certain programs are installed without user's consent. In addition, these programs are harmful for the system and they can damage your system. In result, system's efficiency and credibility decreases if they are not removed. Such malicious programs are called Malware. At times, your favorite browser Mozilla Firefox also crashes and behaves weird when malware installed on the system. To protect the system from threatening programs, one should optimize pc.
anamaria menezes - Twitzer Firefox extension - 0 views

    Twitzer is a Firefox extension which lets you post text longer than 140 characters on
Kathleen N

Aviary's Talon: An Awesome Firefox Plug-in For Easy Image Editing - 0 views

    Aviary, the company behind a suite of collaborative web-based image editing software, has released a Firefox plug-in that's a must-have. Create an account at Aviary, download the plug-in called Talon, and within minutes you'll be joyfully clipping full and partial screenshots into the very full-featured Aviary web editor. It's so easy, but at the same time so full-featured, that's a real pleasure to use.

ColorfulTabs - - 0 views

    beautifies the overall appearance of Firefox by coloring the tabs
Paul Beaufait

professionallearningboard Toolbar - Download - moodle, professional learning board, pro... - 0 views

    The Professional Learning Board (PLB) offers a whack of resources to parents and teachers, including this dedicated toolbar for Firefox (Windows, Mac, or Linux), which is also availablle for Internet Explorer 5.0+
    The Professional Learning Board deserves a thorough exploration to see what else it has in stock for: "professional development, instructional strategies, classroom management, online teaching and learning tools, virtual classrooms, continuing ed, and school" (2008.07.30).
Paul Beaufait

Links Library - 0 views

    The Tutor/Mentor Connection Links Library list for Mentoring and Tutoring offers review functionality.
    The list I set up is accessible via Diigo web pages, but still doesn't appear as an option in bookmarking pop-up windows (Firefox), so I have been unable to add new bookmarks to that list. Is anyone having similar problems with lists, in Firefox or any other browsers?
Paul Beaufait

LearningTimes Network - "" - 0 views

    a Learning Times Network inquiry: Looking for eMentoring resources; Posted: Jun 2, 2008 10:30 PM
    I bookmarked this Learning Times discussion as an initial find for a list that I'd just created in another browser Firefox browser window. However, the Add to a List interface didn't appear when I returned to the orignal window, and actually did the bookmarking. I'm wondering whether the bookmarking pop-up window will look any different when I go to the rest of tabs open to related sites, and ready for adding to the missing list.
Illya Arnet

Clipmarks - Clipping Tool Installed - 0 views

    • Illya Arnet
      After taking some time to delve into this tool, I find it pretty exciting. You can very easily post things directly to you blog (haven't tried that yet) and clip things to print out so you only print what you want to print. It does have a social aspect, contrary to what I had mentioned while bookmarking. You can add comments and even follow what others are clipping. So let's see what else we can do with this!
    This looks like a great resource for posting to blogs and sharing. A more personal type than diigo - less social, but still useful in its own right
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