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Paul Beaufait

Educational Leadership:Reading Comprehension:Making Sense of Online Text - 11 views

  • The following strategy lesson invites students to stop, think, and anticipate where important information about a Web site's content might be found
  • To move students beyond simply cutting and pasting their notes directly into their final projects, teachers can provide students with a word-processing document (see fig. 3) that serves as a template to help them organize their research
    Coiro, Julie. (2005). Making sense of online text. Educational Leadership 62(2), 30-35. Retrieved September 21, 2011, from "Four challenges face students as they use Internet technologies to search for, navigate, critically evaluate, and synthesize information. Here ... [Coiro] pose[s] each challenge as a question and suggest a corresponding activity that models effective strategies to help students meet that challenge" (A New Kind of Literacy, ¶3).
Paul Beaufait

A Periodic Table of Visualization Methods - 0 views

    Thanks to Buthaina Al-Othman (Learning with Computers) for pointing this out!
    represents six types of visualization: compound, concept, data, information, metaphor, and strategy; with dozens of illustrations nested as pop-ups in a periodic table-like frame
jodi tompkins

Lesson: The Funtion of Images in Text - 0 views

  • show students
  • show students
  • show students
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  • show students
  • show students
  • show students
  • Example - An image can be used to show what an idea might look like. The picture may be used to illustrate a concept that is being described within a text or strengthen a point of which the author is trying to persuade his or her audience
  • Evidence - An image can be used to add new information. The picture may be used to represent data that is being described within a text or highlight one aspect of an argument of which the author is trying to persuade his or her audience.
  • Expression - An image can be used to express a feeling or attitude. The picture may be used to stylize information that is being described within a text or make an ironic or emotional comment on the point of which the author is trying to persuade his or her audience. Suggested Procedure
  • show students
  • show students
  • show
    5 e's of visual literacy. a lesson plan on using photos in social studies, science, and comm arts classes
Paul Beaufait

How can I tell if a website is credible? - 14 views

    This webpage suggests six factors to consider when assessing website credibility, and adds, "If you are unsure whether the site you're using is credible, verify the information you find there with another source you know to be reliable" (retrieved 2016.12.22).
Paul Beaufait

LEO: Assessing the credibility of online sources - 0 views

    Thanks again, Joao!
    Guidelines for assessing credibility of online sources AFTER making sure teachers permit their use in your academic work--last updated in 2005, by Judith Kilborn (2008.08.25), who recommends a Webliography of Validating Web Sits for further information:
Noelle Kreider

A look at the technology culture divide | - 11 views

  • Today’s students represent the first generation to grow up with this new technology.
  • While educators may see students every day, they do not necessarily understand their students’ habits, expectations, or learning preferences–this has resulted in a technology cultural divide.
  • Students are very comfortable with technology and generally become frustrated when policy, rules, and restrictions prevent them from using technology. 
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  • Educators must relinquish the idea of being all-knowing and replace that concept with an attitude of being a facilitator, knowing that the world of information is just a “click” away.
  • Traditional schools, generally staffed primarily with Digital Immigrants, often provide very little technology interaction compared to the digital world in which students are actually living.  Digital Natives can pay attention in class, but they choose not to pay attention, because in reality, they are bored with instructional methods that Digital Immigrants use.
  • Today’s Digital Native students have developed new attitudes and aptitudes as a result of their technology environment.  Although these characteristics provide great advantages in areas such as the students’ abilities to use information technology and to work collaboratively, they have created an imbalance between students’ learning environment expectations and Digital Immigrants’ teaching strategies and policies, which students find in schools today.
  • Teacher training programs in the area of technology will be paramount in the success of the Digital Native.
  • Twenty-first century educators must begin to answer these questions: Do the educational resources provided fit the needs and preferences of today’s learners?  Will linear content give way to simulations, games, and collaboration?  Do students’ desires for group learning and activities imply rethinking the configuration and use of space in classrooms and libraries?  What is the material basis of digital literacy? What is different in a digital age?  What are kids doing already and what could they be doing better, and more responsibly, if we learned how to teach them differently? Addressing these questions will contribute toward bridging the gap of the technology cultural divide and result in schools where all students have greater potential to achieve academically.
    Article discussing the technology culture divide between students and their teachers and its implications for rethinking how we teach.
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