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using visualizations helps students learn concepts - 0 views

    In this video, a teacher shows that using technology (smartboard) and concrete materials/manipulatives help students learn geometrical concepts. Especially in early ages, children can learn abstract concepts better with the proper use of hands-on activities and concrete manipulatives. If we add visualizations to words in our lessons, we can enhance students' learning. Furthermore, using such instruments in class may prevent misconceptions that make difficult to learn new concepts.
    I like this video because of two reasons. Firstly, it is good example of effective lesson and good example for using materials.Different types of materials are used in this video and lesson materials are support each other by this way lesson becomes enjoyable and interesting for students who has different learning styles. Secondly, in this video, manipulatives, paper pencil actvities and technogical tools are used together and a good example of how technology should be used in the lessons. Studies shows that in our classrooms, smart board used like projectors and teachers even do not know the function of document camera. Therefore, I think that this video should be used for teacher training in Fatih project.

Google Glass in Fitness - 0 views

    It gives you a big opportunity to be in the game when you do sport. You can challenge with yourself by seeing yourself in the real sport field. Also you can improve your performance and learn with enjoyable games.
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    How fun it looks! It gives immediate feedback about the time and velocity. It visualizes the invisible; such as a map. Yet, it looks practicing more than teaching a new concept as I understand. Also, the user interacts mainly with physical objects rather than accessing the virtual information. So, can we call it lightly augmented reality?
    I agree with you Busra, it is very lightly augmented:) We may say that in time you may learn how to run in which distance and which tempo but that is all for now.
    I agree with büşra, it a kind of visual version of runtastic with that form but it can be developed. For example, think about you run at treadmill (maybe upgraded version for VR) and with the VR glasses you can go to the any environment from the list you can choose. I think, it would be fantastic.
Selçuk Kılınç

Augmented Reality App - Elements 4D - 1 views

    It is an application for mobile phones which you can view elements as virtual from your screen. You can view all elements seperately and also, if you put together them, they can from a product that you can see from the screen. The principle is very simple, after you install the application to your phone you can download the pdf of element cubes from the websites. You can also, view the demo from the website of app;
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    If you ever use it in your classes, please let us know Selçuk :) A friend mentioned that a similar 4D app has great implications for biology. I was wondering if it also has implications for other branches of science.
    Chemistry and technology... Who you gonna call: SELÇUK :) That's an interesting app, however I think it's not enough on its own to teach anything. It still requires appropriate curriculum to make use of it. So, maybe we can think about how to use this technology as best as we could. What kinds of activities can be created?
    There are other applications like that, for example Anatomy 4D for biology classes. Maybe your friend could use that application, Ceren. There are also Animal 4D+ and Space 4D+ for another lessons as I know. I also see the studies of Bilal Özçakır who is research assistant at Ahi Evran University. He develop some applications for his doctoral thesis with Erdinç Çakıroğlu at our university. I use that application at my classes at university and even at that age, students enjoy it very much. Even after lesson, they continue to use it and the effect of it at smaller age can be more motivating, I think. Beside like Armağan said, it is beneficial only with the appropriate curriculum and also well-designed lesson, I think. The lack of micro level understanding can develop with these applications at chemistry. Thanks for the jingle, also :)
    I tried this application Selcuk. It s really entertaining :)
    I am happy that you find it entertaining. When I first use it, I cannot leave my mobile phone for a while :)
    I think this app looks fine to visualize an abstract topic which is elements. I agree with you Armağan about the necessity of appropriate curriculum. For example, an activity could be helpful that allows to students arrange the locations of elements based on their atomic radius in a periodic table. Therefore, the students can observe atomic radius of elements is increasing or decreasing when running left to right in rows and running up and down in columns of the periodic table. Like Selçuk said that those applications are used in other fields too. I've seen some works of Bilal Özçakır when I joined at a presentation. He visualizes the geometric shapes in 3D from QR codes. For example, you see a geometric shape from every perspective of it and you test yourself with how top or bottom perspectives of a geometric shape looks like by looking its one side. Thus, you have a realistic experience with virtual objects in immediacy.
    I wrote at OdtüClass forum that interested people get learn from the beginning about developing at least basic applications. When I talked with Özçakır, he also said to me he learned the whole process from the online sources with his efforts. Of course, instead of open-source applications; the aim will be be to gain money but I think appearing more amateur applications cause many advantages at these areas.

An augmented reality sandbox - 0 views

    This box can be informative and fun AR environment for primary or elementary school students to form topographies and simulate real time water flow in geology and science lessons.
    I hated geography lesson when I was in high school and while I see those kinds of application, I wish studying at high school now with those technological tools :) I think it can be really beneficial and also gain creativity of students.
    I thought besides making sand castles on the beach, primary or elementary students can play sand to learn topographies and water flow at the same time. And yeah why not, for high school students it can also be fun and beneficial for improving their creativity :)
Ezgi Hazal KÖK

Multimodal Intelligent Tutoring Systems - 1 views

    The article states "Intelligent Tutoring Systems are not as effective as one-to-one human tutoring." The reason is that in one-to-one human tutoring a tutar is able to identify learners' affective state as well as their attention span. So, the article proposes the Mutimodal Intelligent Tutoring Systems (MITS), which provides information about learners' attention span and affective state.
    This is an interesting study. I would be curious to read more about the multimodality of the ITSs, specifically how different type of interactions (audio, visual, etc.) have impact on learner's development. People in this area also started conducting research on "multimodal learning analytics".
Yelda Sarıkaya-Erdem

Collaborize Classroom - 3 views

    An online platform that can be used for collaborative learning.
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    Actually, I have some doubts about collaborize classroom is an ease for teachers with their heavy workload, because he or she need to create this platform first and then follow it very closely in order to include all the students.
    That may be a drawback for the teachers teaching different courses but time allocated for lessons are not enough to engage students in discussions and have every student voice their ideas. This is just an example. Teachers can use any other online platform to do this.
    This can be used in the online classes. I taught several online and blended courses before. One missing element was the audio-visual cues in online discussions. I would be more inclined to use the tools that allow muli-modal interaction in an online platform.
Yelda Sarıkaya-Erdem

Dr. Roy Pea - 0 views

    Dr. Roy Pea has been exploring how information technologies can support and advance learning and teaching, with particular focus on topics in science, mathematics, and technology education. He has published widely on such topics as distributed cognition, learning and education fostered by advanced technologies including scientific visualization, on-line communities, digital video collaboratories, and wireless handheld computers . He is the co-author of " How People Learn". You can see his other publications on the given link. It is possible to download some of his articles from the link.
Mustafa İlkhan

George Siemens - 3 views

George Siemens is a writer, theorist, speaker, and researcher on learning, networks, technology, analytics and visualization, openness, and organizational effectiveness in digital environments. He ...


started by Mustafa İlkhan on 29 Oct 13 no follow-up yet
Evrim Baran

Fish is Fish - 5 views

    Here is the animated version of the book Fish is Fish mentioned in Bransford's chapter.
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    Human is human... This video rememinded me of how humans imagine the aliens. We sometimes seem to forget humans are humans; and imagine aliens similar to human beings :)
    Thank you for the video, I had really enjoyed it while reading, glad there is a video of it:)
    Thanks for the video hocam:-) The story in the article was great and now we have the video of it. I think it accurately depicts the situation. While I was reading the story, it reminded me of the Rorschach test. Everyone sees a different thing when looking at the ink because we belong to different worlds and we go through different psychological and cognitive processes. This is like reading the same book but visualizing people in a different way.
Halil Han AKTAŞ

Carnegie Cognitive Tutor - 4 views

    Here is a video showing how a tutor works
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    Thank you for the example video, I really liked the idea of green bars as skills visually moving up and down. Do the instructor enter these skills?
    Actually the skills are predetermined and while learners study the tutors monitor their performance and learning by the help of some algorithms called model tracing and knowledge tracing. So according to the learner's performence the tutor changes the expected skills
    Ok, thank you :) I thought if a teacher is using this tool for example, s/he can enter some skills beforehand.
    Thank you Halil, it's a very good example. And Canan mentioned a good point but I have a question: If we use these kind of systems, do we need empty tools for teachers which they can fill for their own instructional purposes or do we need a complete environment which teachers will just use?
E.Yasin Çiftçi

The hidden influence of social networks - A TED Talk - 2 views

    In this TED talk delivered by Nicholas Christakis, you can see how important the role of networks in our lives is. You will also be introduced to some visualization of network analyses which are gaining a crucial role in examining the connections among people or neurons.
Mine Önal

Instructional Design Models And Theories: The Situated Cognition Theory And The Cogniti... - 1 views

    Situated cognition theory
    I like this website; it gives the connection between situated learning and current educational necessities like modeling, scaffolding. In the class, these are expected from us and it really helps students visualize the target point. Thank you for sharing it with us.

University News - 1 views

    Although this article is a short one, it gives a brief information about six common characteristics that expert teachers have.
    And to explain to you how I visualize the concept of an expert teacher I want to share a film trailer named as "Stand and Deliver (1988)" which is about a mathematics teacher and his unusual teaching methods and classroom management techniques that help his desperate students in a rural school pass the advanced calculus exam.
Ceren Korkmaz

Daily Curiosity App - 3 views

shared by Ceren Korkmaz on 16 Oct 16 - No Cached
    Curiosity is an app that gives you detailed random facts in a daily feed on any topic (literally any topic: from the life of Pablo Escobar to what backfire effect is). It also has a great interface and visuals. This may not make you an expert, but definitely a jack of all trades.
    plus it may give you a diffirent ideas for creativity and find your interests. looks great!
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