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Brian Nichols

Leading Blog: A Leadership Blog: 12 Behaviors You Can Practice to Make You a More Inspi... - 0 views

    12 Behaviors You Can Practice to Make You a More Inspiring Leader
Duane Sharrock

Toolkit - Dealing With Rumors in the Workplace - - 0 views

    Hopefully, transparence is practiced and communication is often and credible. This is a reminder why credibility and communication is important.
David Ellena

Doing the Leadership Tango - Promising Practices - Management - - 0 views

  • Effective leadership is akin to a tango. Everyone knows who is the formal leader before the dance begins. But once the action starts effective leadership reflects a flexible dynamic moving partnership, quality of a relationship. Knowing your ABCs—“awareness” of your “behavior” and its “consequences”—is a key leadership building block.
  • The behaviors reflect a simple relationship model comprising eight styles and two energy modes. "Describe," "prescribe," "appreciate" and "inspire" reflect push energy—being understood by you and getting my points across to you. "Attend," "ask," "understand" and "empathize" reflect pull energy—striving to understand the points you are trying to get across to me.
  • Leaders must be aware of their follower’s style, needs and preferences.
    Knowing your people is a key skill in successful leadership
David Ellena

On Leadership, CEO's and Practicing What You Preach | Linked 2 Leadership - 0 views

    How do you communicate through your actions?
Walco Solutions

Training & Placement Programs Industrial Automation Training - 0 views

shared by Walco Solutions on 12 Jun 15 - No Cached
    Walco Solutions offers Automation & embedded internships program. The internship program provides practical work experience and an introduction to Automation and Embedded systems for the college students under the guidance of senior walco solutions engineers. +91 8129981111
Don Lourcey

21 Things for the 21st Century Educator - Home - 0 views

    Engaging with 21st century learning and education; application of NETS-T with practical solutions and activities for teachers
Jennie Bales

Leading a Coaching Culture For Learning: Key Concepts and Strategies for Principals - QSPA - 0 views

    Coaching in education has grown rapidly in education contexts in the last 5 years (van Nieuwerburgh, 2012). It has moved beyond the provision of coaching as a professional learning activity for school leaders to include: coaching training as a leadership development skill; various coaching initiatives designed to enhance teaching practice as well as coaching involving students either by staff or even by fellow students. Educators have embraced coaching in all of these school conversational contexts.

AWS Online Training Archives - ASTSTraining - 1 views

    Amazon Web Services (AWS) training in Hyderabad. Join Advanced Online AWS Training at Asts Training institute with 100% practical assistance & job support. Online training registration form:

How to Make Money as a Freelance Writer - - 0 views

    Freelance writing is one of the most popular ways to earn money online. However, it's not always an easy road to travel. If you're not interested in writing, I don't think this is a good job for you as it involves a lot of writing practice to improve your skills until you're good enough to get jobs from any client in the world! However, if you're interested in writing then here are a few websites you can check out to start you off. Read more
Jason Finley

Some Thoughts on Disciplining Educational Innovation - 1 views

    In this the author talks about educators from across districts and beyond "utilizing the collective wisdom of their peers." He sees a potential providing an opportunity for educators where "Curriculum development and professional development are 'open sourced' with best practices being identified, implemented, and evaluated much more quickly across a group of schools since teachers are no longer working in isolation within their own schools or districts."
Jason Finley

Posting and Sharing Your Educational Programs and Advances: An "Ethical Oblig... - 0 views

    Sharing, and sharing online specifically, is not in addition to the work of being an educator. It is the work." Ewan Mcintosh
    "For those who share this common commitment (and really, who among us does not?),there is, I am arguing, a moral responsibility, a strong one, to share our educational initiatives and innovations: to summarize them, share their key elements, show examples of them in practice, and, at best, reflect upon their successes and lack thereof."
    "This is also an essential element of educational leadership. Leadership is showing the way to others and making it easier for them to follow, it is empowering others to benefit from your example, take inspiration, and improve upon your advances- to stand on your shoulders."
David Ellena

14 Tips For Developing "Leadership Presence" » The Glass Hammer - 0 views

  • January 8th, 2014 | 6:00 am 14 Tips For Developing “Leadership Presence” filed under Expert Answers By John Keyser Quite frequently in my leadership consulting and coaching practice, I am asked about “leadership presence”, specifically how to increase our “executive presence” or “board room presence”. Coincidently, many of the men and women who bring this up are people whom I believe already do, in fact, have significant leadership presence. This may not be surprising as we all have some degree of insecurity, that inner voice in our mind that often whispers negative
  • ”, specifically how to increase our “executive presence” or “board room pre
    Develop your leadership presence
David Ellena

Positive Leadership: Success Without Collateral Damage | INSEAD Knowledge - 0 views

  • "You don’t lead by hitting people over the head—that’s assault, not leadership.” – Dwight Eisenhower
  • But to get that success, you are beating up your team. You make them feel like they are never good enough.
  • Talking with my boss and my team members about the situation was the first step in a long journey to turn my negative, overly-critical style into a leadership approach that would continue to pursue the highest standards of performance – without beating up my team. 
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • I quickly realised that I couldn’t change what I didn’t notice, and my critical, negative approach was something that was so ingrained in me that I didn’t even know it was there. The humbling experience of asking others for help, to let me know when I was engaging in destructive behaviour, was the second step
  • I began to express appreciation in ways that I had never done before. Rather than pointing out the one thing that wasn’t perfect, I found the many things that my team members were doing well and let them know how much I appreciated their hard work and their levels of excellence.
  • Fourth, I stopped talking in terms of “me” and started talking in terms of “we” when it came to success
  • Unleash the strengths and the positive energy of others around you by emphasising and building on employees’ strengths Use deliberate communications to help connect day to day work with a higher purpose that has meaning for your employees Praise your employees for specific positive things that they have done Take time to encourage your employees and support them when times are stressful Offer to help out to ease the load when someone is struggling Keep a gratitude log of all of the positive things you are grateful for Call or send personalised notes of gratitude on Thanksgiving, New Year’s and employees’ birthdays Be compassionate Practice forgiveness with yourself and others And, most importantly, take care of yourself, manage your own stress and energy, so that you can be a positive force each and every day no matter what happens around you
    A positive team is crucial to great leadership
Walco Solutions

Academic Projects | Walco Solutions - 0 views

    We provide the best quality and unique projects at very nominal price. We are updated with the latest technology being used in the industries we try to render the same at the student level for proper technical exposure through our projects. We also conduct proper lectures, practical sessions to guide and prepare students for external viva and competitions. Programmable Logic Controller, Supervisory Control and data acquisition, Human machine Interface, Variable Frequency drive, Instrumentation, Panel designing, Embedded System, Mat lab
Don Lourcey

Learner-in-Chief: Leading in 21st century education | - 1 views

  • You cannot ask your teachers to teach with digital tools if you are not modeling the same.   Practice digital leadership, by blogging, tweeting, on-line surveying, and  forming on-line communities.  
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