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HRD Trainer India - Dr. Shailesh Thaker - 0 views

    Train The Trainer - HR Training in India for HR and Business Professionals by Dr. Shailesh Thaker, renowned Management Guru, Management Thinker, Keynote Speaker and Motivational Coach from Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.
lucid league

HRD Audit - Dr. Shailesh Thaker - 0 views

    Train The Trainer - HR Training in India for HR and Business Professionals by Dr. Shailesh Thaker, renowned Management Guru, Management Thinker, Keynote Speaker and Motivational Coach from Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.
Jari Laru

Novicraft Teambuilding and Leadership Game - 0 views

    NoviCraft is a multiplayer 3D game developed for teambuilding and leadership training. It is an excellent awareness application for trainers, HRD specialists and consultants for assessing, building, and developing leaders, teams and team work in various organizations.
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