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Judith Schoonover

Boardmaker Tutorial - YouTube - 0 views

    Brief 10 minutes tutorial on using Boardmaker software to create picture symbol boards.
Judith Schoonover

PrAACtical AAC | Supports for language learning - 0 views

    "With consideration for some of the most frequently recommended visual supports in mind, this small 5 ½ x 8" binder includes a First/Then board, a Personal Picture Schedule, and a Task Analysis Checklist, with a Finished Pocket on the front cover.  Each of these is easily available by flipping or opening the folded board which is adhered to the Finished Pocket.  A Token Reward board is on the back cover. The picture symbols and tokens for all these tools are housed inside the binder on plastic tabbed dividers covered in adhesive carpet tiles."
Judith Schoonover

Eye Gaze Boards ⋆ Adaptable Print Resource ⋆ Creative Commons Teaching Materials - 0 views

    "Print eye gaze communication frames of various sizes using symbols or text. Templates with 4, 6 and 16 locations are provided."
Sally Norton-Darr

Free resources booklet - Ian Bean - 0 views

    " The 22 page booklet covers visual and symbol supports, computer skills, lesson plans and curriculum materials together with a collection of very useful web sites. Each resource is described together with a live link if you are reading the booklet on your computer or device"
Christopher Bugaj

Evaluation of the Language Acquisition through Motor Planning (LAMP) program with child... - 4 views

    The results of this research add to the evidence regarding the effectiveness of using AAC with people with an ASD (Mirenda, 2001; Schlosser & Blischak, 2001), and adds to the knowledge of why AAC systems are potentially beneficial for children with autism, (The National Standards Report). Effective teaching of motor plans, using the LAMP theory, can be seen to allow for increased storage and retention of symbolic information, resulting with more automatic communication over time, and reducing the cognitive demands associated with analysing and choosing from different symbol sets, as described in the LAMP Manuals (Halloran and Emerson, 2006: Halloran and Halloran, 2012).
Christopher Bugaj

Soundable - 0 views

    Free version of Words with Friends using IPA (Sound symbols for therapy)
lcps at

Novita Childreně°˝€™s Services - PODD Communication Books - 1 views

    PODD Communication Books Image of child using her PODD with her mother.Pragmatic Organisation Dynamic Display (PODD) is a means of selecting and organising symbols so that people with complex communication needs and their communication partners can commu
lcps at

List of Android applications for Communication - 1 views

    AAC Speech Buddy, $27.99, uses the free Mulberry Symbol Set, 12 TTS voices and online management Discover My Voice, $50.00, uses photos and TTS or recorded voice iAugCom, $4.99, uses white on back communication icons JABTalk,$9.99, uses photos and re
lcps at

Do2learn: Educational Resources for Special Needs - 1 views

    print and use picture symbols
lcps at

Mrs. Riley | It's In The Cards - 1 views

shared by lcps at on 14 Mar 12 - Cached
    flashcards, picture symbols, photos, build your own
lcps at

ImageChef - Customize Photos, Clip Art - 1 views

    Drop your own photos into over 40 fun picture frames. Add your own text and share via email. Multimedia shows with your photo.Word Mosaic.Sketchpad Arrange photos, symbols, and text.
lcps at

Childnet International - 1 views

    We have also included number of resources that those working with children with Special Education Needs might find useful. These include A BSL version of the SMART rules free symbol flash cards A BSL version of the parent's overview A Widgit symbol SM
lcps at

Symbolate Tool Quickstart PDF - 3 views

    step-by-step tutorial on using symbolate
Sally Norton-Darr

Sources for free symbols, photos, PECs, boards and social stories - 5 views

    Here's a collection of free materials we've found or created to help kids with speech disorders communicate at home and in the community
Judith Schoonover

Boardmaker Achieve - 1 views

    "BoardmakerShare is now Boardmaker Achieve Community! The place where more than 200,000 board makers come to share learning activities is better than ever. Choose from over 21,000 free symbol-adapted learning activities and find Common Core Aligned Instruction. Help your students with special needs to Achieve!"
Hannah Moffitt

n2y | SymbolStix Online - A symbol search engine - 1 views

    Overview of SymbolStix from News2You
Christopher Bugaj

Boardmaker Activities - Night Light Story - #44 - Clementine's Big Mess | Boar... - 1 views

    Visual supports for the Night Light Story ( Clementine's Big Mess about a cupid who has lost his quiver and seeks the help of his magical friends for ideas as to where to find it. Supports created by Patrick Black.
    Teachers, download the story and listen with your students. Download these visuals/activity for students to use before or afterward!
lcps at

Boardmaker Activities - Boardmaker Picture Symbols | Boardmaker Share - 1 views

    Boardmaker Share
Judith Schoonover

Boardmaker Tutorial - YouTube - 0 views

    How-to create boards in Boardmaker
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