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Police investigated abuse case weeks before mom allegedly killed kids - - 0 views

  • n investigation of physical abuse involving a Florida mother against her teen daughter, closing the case weeks before the woman admitted killing the girl and her brother because they were "mouthy."
  • the woman admitted killing the girl and her brother because they were "mouthy."
    • Michelle Perritt
      I can't believe that a mother would kill her own two children for being mouthy. Shouldn't mothers and fathers love their children unconditionally? It just seems crazy to kill your children for anything let alone just mouthing off.
  • "Our belief was that she didn't snap -- she planned this," Tampa, Florida, police spokesperson Laura McElroy told HLN's Vinnie Politan on Monday.
    • Michelle Perritt
      I think that she is right! This lady doesn't deserve to be released on a bond after what she did.
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  • Calyx told police that days earlier her mother repeatedly hit her while they were driving home, before she was able to run to a safe spot in her room. The girl said that a month and a half earlier, her mother had hit her so hard in the face it caused her lip to bleed.
    • Michelle Perritt
      Obviously this lady was dangerous before. They should have looked more closely into this case and maybe none of this would have happened. They need to take more into consideration of what the child says, and note that they are scared and put in danger just for talking to the police. 
  • "Parents can discipline their children using physical force, as long as there's no injury," said McElroy. "That's why there was no criminal offense at that time."
    • Michelle Perritt
      You can beat your child for nothing if it leaves no bruises? Thats terrible that it's not considered abuse right then and there. I can understand one spank on the butt, but thats about it.
  • Police later found writings in the house, thought to be from Schenecker, in which she spelled out her intentions in detail.
    • Michelle Perritt
      Thats absolutely terrible. I hope that she gets the death penalty and not just life in prison. People like her deserve to get the eye for an eye treatment. 
  • Judge Walter Heinrich said at the hearing that Schenecker likely will undergo a psychiatric evaluation, according to CNN affiliates WTSP and WFTS.
    • Michelle Perritt
      If they give her a lesser case because she's "crazy" that isn't really justice at all. I feel like we let too many people undergo lesser penalties because their "crazy". She still killed 2 people!

Investigators search for woman in connection with 1987 abduction - - 0 views

  • to track down and prosecute Ann Pettway, who is suspected in the 1987 abduction of Carlina Renae White, according to a law enforcement source.
    • Davonta Covington
      This is way to long to be trying to find a person or convict someone after 23 years. Also these people are not even certain that this person has committed this crime
  • "I want her to go to jail ... for what she did and what she did to my family," White-Heatley said of whoever abducted her niece. "She destroyed my family."
    • Davonta Covington
      This is the right thing to do when it comes to justice. But now that you think about it, who knows where this lady have went? She could be somewhere nobody knows. To me you should be happy that you have your daughter back now and dont worry about the person who destroyed your family. Work on reconnecting with your daughter. Make up the time you have missed
  • "I just hope that the officials will be able to get her in their hands so we could just hear her side of the story now."
    • Davonta Covington
      Yes, find out the reason why she has she done this. We never know the reasons why people do things. So yes see what the reasoning is and then go from there.

Tribe mourns dead in N.D. shootings | - 0 views

  • The bodies of Jolene Zephier, 38, and Dylan Zephier, 13, and Jolene Zephier's boyfriend, Jeremy Longie, 22, were found Friday afternoon in a trailer home southeast of the city of Minot. Sabrina Zephier, 19, was found dead in another home about five miles away.
    • Corey Meisenhelter
      Why would you want to kill these people? Was it based off of racism?
  • "Nobody has been taken into custody," Strandberg said. "But we don't have somebody out there randomly shooting people at random.
    • Corey Meisenhelter
      Wow once again the justuc system screws over poor people.
  • Police would not comment Sunday on a potential motive for the slayings. On Saturday, Minot Police Capt. Dan Strandberg said police have questioned a "person of interest," but officials wouldn't say whether that person was being held.
    • Corey Meisenhelter
      Why are they hiding the things? That just proves that they are hiding something and dont want to admit it.

Mom killed mouthy teens: police - Chicago Sun-Times - 0 views

  • will not appear in court Saturday because she’s being treated at a hospital for an unknown condition.
    • Kendra Yinger
      Does this mean that she will use this condition to get out of the charges for killing her kids?
  • The report said Schenecker then drove to their upscale home and shot her daughter in the face inside the home.
    • Kendra Yinger
      It seems like the daughter didnt evern do anything. She was just at home.
  • Schenecker’s husband, Parker Schenecker, is a career Army officer attached to U.S. Central Command in Tampa. He was working in the Middle East when the shootings happened.
    • Kendra Yinger
      With him being away may have caused more stress and that is why she ay have done this.
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  • As police led Julie Schenecker to a patrol car Friday, she shook uncontrollably, her eyes wide and wild.
    • Kendra Yinger
      Is this part of her medical condition?
  • the four posed, smiling and relaxed.
    • Kendra Yinger
      The four means that the husband was there and maybe thats why the family was relaxed.

Two Florida officers killed in shootout, suspect dead » Breaking News » The P... - 0 views

  • “He was somebody we wanted to get off the streets, “ Police Chief Chuck Harmon said. “Who expects to walk into a house and get gunfire from the attic?”
    • Marco Quintana
      So does this person just walk into random poeples houses and takes weapons from their attic? Has the community know about these actions??

Security Lapses Blamed For Russian Airport Blast : NPR - 0 views

  • "I have a schedule that I have to keep to. There's no way I can call my boss and say I'm not working anymore today."
    • Steph Starr
      I don't think this is too unusual. After seeing something this tragic, I think it would be typical to try to return to normalcy.
  • metal detectors at airport entrances. Yet they are used only occasionally
    • Steph Starr
      When do they decide to use the metal detectors and when not to? Is it random?
  • bombs have derailed a luxury train, killed commuters on the Moscow subway and now claimed lives at this gleaming international airport.
    • Steph Starr
      I didn't realize that this wasn't the first attack within Russia. I would be very afraid to travel
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  • that the remains of the presumed bomber were found.
    • Steph Starr
      If enough of the remains were found and still intact, like the skull and some bones, a forensic anthropologist should be able to identify the body.
  • all eyes will also be on Prime Minister Vladimir Putin
    • Steph Starr
      I wonder how long he has been Prime Minister? Is he going to be able to handle the aftermath of keeping his country safe?

With doctor in jail, brother of dead woman vows, 'We want justice' - - 0 views

  • The brother of a woman who prosecutors say died during complications from an abortion at a Pennsylvania medical clinic hopes the doctor who performed allegedly illegal procedures will never practice again.
    • Michelle Perritt
      Do these types of complications occur often? I wonder how many doctors are in jail for the same kind of situation as this one?
  • Dr. Kermit Gosnell is charged with seven first-degree murder charges related to the deaths of seven viable babies, and one third-degree murder in the death of Mongar. He is being held without bail.
    • Michelle Perritt
      Why did it take so long to convict him if this has happened with 7 other people? It doesn't seem like the doctor should have been practicing in the first place if this has happened so many times.
  • Williams called the facility "a house of horrors" that performed "botched and illegal abortions" and that was full of containers of fetuses' body parts.
    • Michelle Perritt
      It sounds like a really dangerous place in the first place. I wonder why the women didn't go some where that is more safe or did some other kind of research?
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  • after getting a referral from a Washington, D.C., medical clinic, she went to Gosnell's practice.
    • Michelle Perritt
      Why would the refer her to such a dirty and nasty place like this one? That doesn't make sense coming from a medical clinic.

Ex-convict arraigned in 5 Detroit rapes this month | Top AP Stories | - Houst... - 0 views

  • "You take a boy, you find him guilty and stick him in the belly of the beast, you create a monster,"
    • Samantha Montalvo
      I don't agree with this statement because it's not like he was a completely innocent man that was thrown in jail for no reason. It seems like e had trouble very early on in his life.
  • "It looks like it's going to be an uphill battle," Galen said of the case.
    • Samantha Montalvo
      I don't see how this case is going to be an uphill battle because it seems like it's all self-explanatory. He's guitly of all the charges made against him. He should just be sent to jail.
  • Indeed, some men using bullhorns walked and declared, ""There's a rapist on the loose and he's in your neighborhood!"
    • Samantha Montalvo
      Not saying these women are right for this but at least they're letting others in the neighborhood know what is going on. Even tho they should have handled it a lot better than this.
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  • He began his sentence as a teenager in juvenile facilities but was transferred to a regular prison at age 18,
    • Samantha Montalvo
      This is why I said he probably had trouble very early on in life and right here proves it because he started off in a juvenile center than straight to a regular prison.
  • "You take a boy, you find him guilty and stick him in the belly of the beast, you create a monster," lawyer James Galen Jr. said outside court after Coleman was arraigned on more than 30 charges.

Four hot-button issues Republicans will target next - Spending cuts - - 0 views

  • During the election, Republican leaders pledged to cut $100 billion out of federal spending for fiscal year 2011
    • Rob High
      $100 billion dollars sounds like a lot of money to be cutting out of the budget. However, it will most likely take money from programs and not actual government spending.
  • This includes cutting the nondefense federal workforce by 15 percent
    • Rob High
      So the republicans still feel that defense is important even after all these years since the Iraq war was still real? I think this implies that they are getting rid of jobs that have been around, not the "recently" created defense jobs.
  • t Congress – on Thursday introduced a Spending Reduction Act that proposes cutting $2.5 trillion over the next 10 years
    • Rob High
      The 2.5 trillion sounds like a better direction to be going and it will force the government to take away money from their own spending, also when they are talking in trillion and our debt is in trillions it makes it feel more important.
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  • During the election, Republican leaders pledged to cut $100 billion out of federal spending for fiscal year 2011
  • National Endowment for the Arts ($167.5 million)
    • Rob High
      Really, one of the highest budget cuts in this article is for art? You know the US is spending reckless money when it can cut hundreds of millions from the art budget.
  • economic aid to Egypt ($250 million).
    • Rob High
      This might be worse then the art one I can't decide. When was the last time we were involved with Egypt? You never really even heard about us using the land while we were heavily occupying the middle east.
  • “reckless in terms of its impact on the economy and jobs.”
    • Rob High
      I don't believe it's reckless. Things can't really get much worse and what we are trying to do to fix it really isn't working. So why not consider a new approach? 

Villaraigosa staffer arrested at LA club | - 0 views

  • allegedly attacking a police officer outside a downtown Los Angeles night club.
    • Kyle Wisner
      I would think he would know that attacking a police officer would be a bad idea.
  • the couple was involved in a domestic dispute.
    • Kyle Wisner
      Why would they get into a fight at a club?
  • When police confronted Oscar Navarro, he allegedly assaulted one of the officers trying to pin his arm behind his back.
    • Kyle Wisner
      Did he really think he could get away with this?
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  • Blanca Martinez-Navarro was released on $20,000 bail. Her husband continues to be held on $20,000 ba
    • Kyle Wisner
      Why were only one of them released on bail and not the other? Could they not afford to release the other person?
  • The mayor's office released a statement saying, "Blanca Navarro has been placed on paid administrative leave pending further investigation."
    • Kyle Wisner
      There is no way this guy should get his job back. It looks bad on the mayor if he takes him back and condones this behavior.

Kidnap mom confesses to taking baby in 1987: feds - - 0 views

  • Outside court, her public defender, Robert Baum, insisted, "Miss Pettway is a good mother, in the past and now."
  • Outside court, her public defender, Robert Baum, insisted, "Miss Pettway is a good mother, in the past and now."
  • Outside court, her public defender, Robert Baum, insisted, "Miss Pettway is a good mother, in the past and now."
    • destiny basnight
      This is strange because even though his job is supposed to defend her it is obvious that it does not matter if she was a good mother even though that is better than her being a bad mother if the baby was kidnapped.
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  • "She was always mean to her, making her do things. It was more of an aggressive, ignorant way, like telling her, 'Get your ass over there, and clean that s- -t up.' I'd be like, 'Geez, why do you have to talk to her like that?' "
    • destiny basnight
      I do not understand the point of her kidnapping the child to then treat her that way. It would of made sense if she didnt have any kids and she wanted the love of a child but that wasnt the case.
  • The heinous kidnapping came after Pettway allegedly suffered several miscarriages. And she was desperate at the time to have a baby with her then-boyfriend, afraid he would ditch her if she didn't, one of her cousins has said
    • destiny basnight
      I feel like her reasons were not valid i understand some women have children to keep their boyfriends but that's not the best reason she could have adopted a child.
  • Baby-snatcher Ann Pettway yesterday was stared down in a Manhattan court by the biological father of the infant she swiped from Harlem Hospital 23 years ago.
    • destiny basnight
      How did they find her?

The Associated Press: Case in Giffords shooting likely to take years - 1 views

  • could take years to wend its way through the criminal justice system.
    • Purnima Malik
      I don't understand why some of the most obvious cases need so much time. Isn't clear the Loughner is guilty?
  • whether to move the case to a different venue, a possible insanity defense, and prosecutors' push for the death penalty.
    • Purnima Malik
      "Insanity defense" means that his mental stability may be in question- however even if this case will last longer than usual. How long is the predicted time to assort this case.
  • attempted assassination of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and the attempted murder of two of her aides. He is accused of opening fire on a Giffords political event in a rampage that wounded 13 people and killed six others, including a federal judge and a 9-year-old girl who was born on Sept. 11, 2001.
    • Purnima Malik
      After what did this guy did, it seems unjust that he is getting some time inbetween his trials. By the way, the author who added the 9- year-old girl's date of birth is slightly strange. It seems like the author is putting in more sentiment in a stressful case. I think the author should stress the amount of people affected by the shooting instead. That by itself is mor effective than the birth date.
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  • tube to drain the excess fluid, which can cause pressure and swelling.
    • Purnima Malik
      Now this is better information. Although, doesn't this contradict doctor patient confidentially if the patient is still in the ICU?
  • erratic behavior
    • Purnima Malik
      What exactly is considered erratic behavior?
  • She has a reputation for working out plea deals that spare defendants the death penalty, as was the case for Rudolph and Kaczynski.
    • Purnima Malik
      I would like to see how she works the court to get rid of the death penalty. I can't see how this guy can avoid a death penalty, he seriously injuried and killed people.

Judge enters not guilty pleas for Arizona shooting suspect - 0 views

    The man who killed 6 people and injured 13 a few weeks ago in Tucson Arizona was recently held on trial. One of the federal judges entered a plea of not guilty for the man. The federal judge did not say why she did so.
    I don't see how that federal judge could have not found the man not guilty. It was the man's choice to go on a rampage and kill those innocent people. He should be severely punished for what he has done.

Moscow airport blast: Suicide bomb kills 29 - 0 views

  • An amateur video shot shortly after the blast showed bodies strewn about a smoke-filled hall.
    • Corey Meisenhelter
      Why would you video tape it instead of calling for help right away. Do they not care about thoose people at all?

Suspect in 1987 kidnapping surrenders to police, faces federal charges - - 0 views

  • A law enforcement source previously told CNN that Pettway contacted a Bridgeport police officer via Facebook from Stratford, Connecticut.

House Action on Health-care Bill Seen As Reform by Some, Symbolic by Others - Kansas Ci... - 0 views

  • The House began to dismantle the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, the health care bill passed last year,

FBI investigating bomb found at Martin Luther King Day parade - 1 views

  • unattended black backpack on a bench
    • Dayna Laur
      I wonder how long the backpack was sitting there before someone noticed it? I would imagine that someone in the crowd perhaps saw it being placed and decided not to get involved.
    • Dayna Laur
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