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Kat Dunn

GUATEMALA: Violence Against Women Unchecked and Unpunished - 0 views

    • Elizabeth Hughes
      The military's efforts to exercise power through terrorizing during the civil war in Guatemala (1960-1966), resurfaces today through the acts of gender-based violence, committed by gangs in Guatemala. This exemplifies how war and violence shapes society and how it has influenced gender equality. There is as much terror and torturing of women as there was during the war. However, now this reality is being reinforced by members of society-since such crimes go unnoticed/unpunished-, normalizing terror and fear in Guatemala.
    The military's efforts to exercise power through terrorizing during the civil war in Guatemala (1960-1966), resurfaces today through the acts of gender-based violence, committed by gangs in Guatemala. This exemplifies how war and violence shapes society and how it has influenced gender equality. There is as much terror and torturing of women as there was during the war. However, now this reality is being reinforced by members of society-since such crimes go unnoticed/unpunished-, normalizing terror and fear in Guatemala.
    This article talks about violence against women in Guatemala and how it is not only happening more these days, but the crimes are also seeming to get worse. It also talks about the difference between the murders of both men and women and possible reasons for why they were caused. Recently however, there have been marches in the streets and increased awareness domestically and internationally of the problems facing the country regarding violence.
Tvon Scott

Machismo in Latin America - 0 views

    This excerpt attempts to define the word "machismo" in the Latin American culture. It goes on to describe how "machismo" is a main influence in making a man a "real man". A survey is taken in two different locations, reaffirming the idea of a machismo male-dominated society.
liz solomon

Is South America Moving Beyond Machismo? - 0 views

    The election of Argentina's president sparked discussion on gender roles in Latin America. Gender issues and constraints have hurt Latin America economically. Although there has been an increase in women leaders, domestic violence and strict gender roles still exist.
Laura Donovan

Male prostitutes and heterosexual HIV-1 spread in Latin America. - 0 views

    This article gives an overview of the origins of the AIDS pandemic in Latin America. It also discusses the need to monitor the male prostitution ring based on fact that their bisexual male partners often spread the disease to their heterosexual female partners. There is also a number of cases related to the use of infected needles and unsterile drug intake.

Critics warn Mexico City over prostitution proposal - 0 views

    In 2007, Mexico City proposed legalizing prostitution. Many believe if prostitution were legal, it would cause even more women and children to be forced to be sex slaves and prostitutes. Prostitution is already a dangerous and too common practice in Mexico City. As discussed in the article, legalizing it would be no means remedy the situation, it would most likely worsen it.
Jordan Costello

LATIN AMERICA: "Sexuality Is an Essential Part of Humanity" - IPS - 0 views

    • Jackie Moran
      This article relates to our course because it talks about sexuality, and how it is part of human nature to express it. However, in Latin America, people are not able to express their sexual rights due to poverty, gender inequality, and inequality among social classes and ethnic groups.
  • "sexuality
  • reproduction.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • condoms
  • gender
  • sexual intercourse
    it talks about the sex in latin america and the lack of sex education there. It talks about places in latin america where sex is very prevelant and it talks about solutions to help bring sex education to latin america.
Libba Farrar

BBC NEWS | Africa | Macho men in Mexico and Africa - 0 views

    The macho culture of Latin America can be traced back to the time of the Conquistadors. Maria Elena Ramos Tovar addresses that at the time of the conquistadors men dominated women through their masculinity. In today's Mexican culture the movies from Hollywood and those produced in the country portray the image of man, which in turn reinforces the preexisting image of the 'machismo' in Mexican culture. Longevity of the ideals of machismo are being confronted by the women in Mexican society and this can be seen in the levels of divorce rates in the society. Women are becoming less tolerant of men who retain the image of macho. This article does a comparative analysis between the male dominance in the Mexican culture versus the culture in the Nigerian village of Lagos.
Shannon Coco

The Tupamaro Gang of Venezuela - 0 views

  • emerge officially in 1992.
  • But in 1992, Chavez was a Lieutenant Colonel in the Venezuelan Army and he tried, unsuccessfully, to take over the government in a failed coup d’ etat. When the coup failed, Chavez went to prison for two years. While doing time, he met the Tupas. Chavez needed the protection that the Tupa gang could offer, and the Tupas needed the resources and opportunities that Chavez could offer. They have worked well together ever since then in a quid pro quo relationship. Chavez was released from prison on March 26, 1994 and went on to be elected as president four years later (1998).
  •       It is a curious identity that we find in the Tupamaro street gang. On the one hand it identifies most specifically with being a guerilla warfare organization, dedicated to fighting the powers that be and seeking to implement its own type of revolution. On the other hand, it functions as a kind of armed paramilitary group that fervently defends and supports the controversial president of Venezuela — Hugo Chavez.
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    • Shannon Coco
      this is important to note! while the Tupas are a gang, they also have an important role to play with the government.
  •  The contradiction here is that the identity of freedom fighter or urban guerilla organization is typically “at odds with” or antagonistic to the status quo. Here, in the case of the Tupamaros street gang of Venezuela, we find they have laid claim to the cloak of freedom fighter, but apparently with a new twist: they do not want a new revolution, they like who they have now — Chavez.
  •    The portion of their identity that is “guerilla fighter” is reserved for fighting against police, judges, and others who they need to intimidate. And, as will be shown, this is a gang totally capable of some well-organized, military scale violence.
  •   One of the long standing “identifiers” of the Tupa gang is that they have historically worn a “hood” to hide their face and conceal their identity. These “hoods” are nothing more than dark, black or brown or blue in color, knit face masks that also roll up as a “hat”. They were a part of the Tupa uniform though from their beginning all the way up until recently. A Tupa will today have one in their possessions, they just may not use it as much.
  •             While traffic stood at a standstill, the Tupamaros on motorcycles began their assault — couching it as a “democratic protest”. Highly trained in such urban protest-assault tactics, typically one member acts as a news media representative, videotaping the scene in case they are able to provoke American drivers into over-reacting. In unison, some of the others begin shouting pre-arranged “chants” and protest slogans, some wield banners, but almost all begin launching stones, bricks, eggs, tomatoes, whatever they can muster at the Ambassador’s car.         Although alarming, such actions are typical of a low intensity conflict designed to send a message to the U.S. officials. The Tupas could have just as easily opened fire with armor piecing ammunition using fully automatic weapons. But they did not. Rather, they repeatedly, over time, waged these kind of street protest attacks against the embassy officials.
    • Shannon Coco
      staged reaction to the U.S. Ambassador shows that they know how to create a riot in a way that helps them the most. they ensure the right conditions and are able to use the event in their favor
  • The Tupamaros street gang regularly gets away with murder and more.
  • Some people join the gang for the financial or econonic benefits: they are almost guaranteed a job of some kind, today often a government subsidized job. If they personally or have a family member that resides in the “el 23" barrio, then they can live “rent free”. Everyone in “el 23" is a squatter, but the Tupas gang will extort rent payments for anyone living there who is not in alliance to their gang.
  • They feel a need to stand out, to escalate, to take things to extremes, they are fanatical in certain regards. A common method of execution used by the Tupas is to simply hang the victim. The Tupas are known to be armed, have access to military grade weapons, and they make firearms available free to youthful members of the gang.
  • a militaristic sense of entitlement.
  • if a local program was offering assistance to the needy and poor, Tupa members would be first in line seeking any additional handout they can get.
  • The Carapaica gang exists separately and apart from the Tupas. It also identifies itself as an armed leftist guerrilla organization. It functions similarly outside of the law, as a vigilante organization.
  •   The Tupamaro gang leaders are accumulating significant wealth and they function like a local ghetto group who collects “tribute” for King Chavez. Extorting goods, service, and street taxes or protection money is a main ongoing source of income for the Tupamaro gang
  • it illustrates a type of gang organization that has made a transition into state-sponsorship. For gang specialist police officers it is the ultimate example of a gang gone wild: a gang that specializes in extra-legal vigilante-style violence develops over time into a gang subsidized and directed by the government — indeed, major leaders in the Tupa gang today hold positions of enormous “police power” in Venezuela. And as stated, the primary sponsor of the Tupas is Hugo Chavez, the controversial president of Venezuela.
Courtney Connors

War Without Borders - Mexico's Drug Traffickers Continue Trade in Prison - Series - NYT... - 0 views

  • Mexico’s prisons, as described by inmates and insiders and viewed during several visits, are places where drug traffickers find a new base of operations for their criminal empires, recruit underlings, and bribe their way out for the right price. The system is so flawed, in fact, that the Mexican government is extraditing record numbers of drug traffickers to the United States, where they find it much harder to intimidate witnesses, run their drug operations or escape.
  • The United States government, as part of its counternarcotics assistance program, is committing $4 million this year to help fix Mexico’s broken prisons, officials said
  • Mexico’s prisons are bursting at the seams, with space for 172,151 inmates nationwide but an additional 50,000 crammed in. More arrive by the day as part of the government’s drug war, which has sent tens of thousands to prison since President Felipe Calderón took office nearly three years ago.
    The number of escapes at the Zacatecas prison in Mexico has increased over the past few years to an astronomical number thanks to the escape plans of Zetas, a paramilitary group. By paying off the prison guards, the inmates have been able to smuggle everything from cell phones and designer clothes to prostitutes in and bribe their way to larger cell blocks. The close knit relationship the drug cartel have formed with prison guards and federal officers begs the question: who in Mexico is actually fulfilling their duty to serve the public and protect?
Tvon Scott

BBC NEWS | Americas | Call for Guatemala war justice - 0 views

    Guatemalan authorities work towards moving Guatemala away from its dark past. They want to ensure that people who are found guilty of having anything to do with the persecution of many indigenous people during the civil war are punished in some way.
liz solomon

Reuters AlertNet - Guatemala's indigenous groups campaign to legalise their radio stations - 0 views

    Indigenous groups of Guatemala are making efforts to pass a bill which will create a wave band or community radio stations. For indigenous cultures, which makes up 80% of the Guatemala population, the radio is the only form of expression through their own language. Community radio stations are vital for indigenous groups because many indigenous women are illiterate and the prominent forms of media are only carried out in Spanish. A lack of communication between indigenous cultures could result in death. If this bill is passed, it will give indigenous groups the opportunity to contribute to Guatemalan society and will help them gain free speech.
Sophie Bergelson

Truth and Consequences - 0 views

    This is a good summary of the controversy surrounding Rigoberta Menchu and her influential book that won her a Nobel Peace Prize and made many people aware of the struggle of the Mayan people and the atrocities committed against them by the Guatemalan government. The anthropologist David Stoll challenged Menchu's story, that some parts were fabricated or embellished, and did not match up with other testimonials and official documents. Many supporters of Menchu said that her testimonio is still powerful and true, even if it combines other people's stories with her own life experiences.
Jordan Costello

Guatemala News | Guatemalas Government fight for transparency and against corruption. - 0 views

    This article deals with steps to help contain corruption in Guatemala. They are trying to pass a law for free access to public information and transparency in public institutions. This law needs to be passed to show improvement when it comes to corruption in Guatemala and if the republican congress really cares then they will have to pass this law.
Jordan Costello

BBC NEWS | Americas | Crime dominates Guatemala campaign - 0 views

    The article talks about the crime going on in Guatemala and how if you commit a murder in Guatemala you will most likely get away with it. Guatemala's conviction rate is in the single digits. It talks about the lack of resources the police have which in turn results in more crime and murders. Guatemala has a very weak and corrupt judicial system and system where it is bad to rat someone out by telling on them. Crime and gangs are huge in Guatemala, there is said to be more gang members then police officers.
Maria DiGioia

Murder and violence in Guatemala, it has to stop now - 0 views

    Lorenzo Rosebaugh, a catholic priest, was killed in Guatemala in May of last year. Although the crime rate in Guatemala is very high, this killing brought new attention to crime and violence in Guatemala. Religion is very important to Latin American cultures, which makes this death stand out to society.The Guatemalan government needs to take steps to increase security and improve their leadership to help alleviate crime in their country. If the Government does not intervene and help the lives of their citizens, Guatemala could face a deleterious outcome.
    In the article printed in the Guatemala Times published on May 21, 2009, the Human Rights Office of the Archbishop of Guatemala calls for the investigation into the murder of Lorenzo Rosebaugh, a catholic priest that was killed in Ixcan on the May 18th. The article continues to discuss the big issue of violence and the lack of leadership that exists in Guatemala today. They call for the government to make a strategic plan in order to protect their citizens against this violence, especially those that are involved in many of the illegal activities that are occurring.
Liza Detenber

The right choice in the case of a Guatemalan woman fleeing domestic violence - washingt... - 0 views

    This article discusses how the U.S. gets involved with international domestic abuse. Around 4,000 women in Guatemala have lost their lives in the past decade due to domestic abuse and violence. Luckily, Ms. Alvarado was spared this unfortunate fate. She had tried to get away from her husband numerous times but because he was involved with the military he easily tracked her down. So, the Bush and Obama administration got involved and allowed her to come to an asylum in the U.S. to get away from her violent husband. This is because violence is not tolerated no matter what nation. However, the U.S. cannot do this to every women in the world, they must provide credible and specific testimony of persistent abuse along with other criterion in order to be rescued. This seems to be a very good structure for battered women to get away from the abuse; but I believe that something needs to happen within the country to change the high numbers of domestic abuse instead of just sending women to the U.S.
Sam Obstfeld

The Giving Chain - - 0 views

    This article describes a non-profit organization named CARE, which focuses on "fighting world poverty by improving the lives of women and girls around the globe" (and in this article's case, in Guatemala). In the past 3 years, the program started in a village in Guatemala has resulted in vast improvements in women's empowerment there.
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