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Mike Wesch

Gives Life Meaning: Homeless Mind - Modernity's Discontents - 1 - 0 views

  • As we have seen, modern technological production brings about an anonymity in the area of social relations. What we have called componentiality, which is intrinsically related to the manner in which modern technology deals with material objects, is transferred to individual relations with others, and ultimately with the self. This anonymity carries with it a constant threat of anomie. The individual is threatened not only by meaninglessness in the world of his work, but also by the loss of meaning in wide sectors of his relations with other people.
  • Furthermore, he is constantly in the situation of having too many balls in the air simultaneously. In the words of the classical American joke: He has "too many choices" all the time. The complexity of the multi-relational modern world puts a strain on all standard operating procedures, not only in the individual's activity but in this consciousness as well.
  • Once more the result is tension, frustration and, in the extreme case, a feeling of being alienated from others.
    As we have seen, modern technological production brings about an anonymity in the area of social relations. What we have called componentiality, which is intrinsically related to the manner in which modern technology deals with material objects, is transferred to individual relations with others, and ultimately with the self. This anonymity carries with it a constant threat of anomie. The individual is threatened not only by meaninglessness in the world of his work, but also by the loss of meaning in wide sectors of his relations with other people.

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« Le conflit israélo-arabe est au coeur de cette crise », relèvent les Vingt-Cinq dans une déclaration publiée à l'issue du Conseil européen.Certes, dans cette phase d'extrême tension, les dirigean...

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Offrir un café à son chef, est-ce bien vu ? Oui, dans le sens où l'on essaie de développer une relation vraie, approfondie. Certains chefs en ont horreur et n'aiment pas le contact personnel dans l...

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    Buy Verified LiLi Accounts Introduction Have you listened almost LiLi accounts and pondered what they are all almost? Well, you're not alone! LiLi accounts, brief for Constrained Risk Venture accounts, are a sort of speculation item that offers a special combination of development potential and resource security for financial specialists. These accounts give a layer of assurance for financial specialists by constraining their risk in the case of monetary misfortunes, making them a well known choice among those looking to oversee chance whereas still looking for openings for development in their venture portfolios. Buy Verified LiLi Accounts What precisely is a LiLi account? Have you ever listened of a LiLi account and pondered what precisely it is? In today's advanced keeping money world, there are bounty of modern account choices accessible, and LiLi is one of them. A LiLi account, brief for "life-living," is a sort of money related item outlined to offer assistance people consistently oversee their cash and accomplish their individual money related objectives. But what sets a LiLi account separated from conventional checking or investment funds accounts? Let's take a closer see at what makes a LiLi account one of a kind and how it might advantage your monetary wellness. Buy Verified LiLi Accounts Unlike conventional accounts, a LiLi account ordinarily offers a combination of managing an account administrations and money related apparatuses all in one put. With a LiLi account, you can effectively track your investing, set reserve funds objectives, and indeed gain rewards for assembly certain money related turning points. Furthermore, a few LiLi accounts may offer competitive intrigued rates, permitting your cash to develop over time. Whether you're looking to spare for a enormous buy or fair need to way better oversee your day-to-day accounts, a LiLi account may be a profitable device in making a difference you reach your money related objectives. Rem

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Cestàdire de la compétition, aussi de la fraternité, de louverture des peuples les uns vers les autres, et de la compréhension", atil ajouté. LASEP, initiée en 1996 et visant à renforcer la compréh...

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LA VISITE de Jacques Chirac en Inde s'est achevée hier par la signature d'une dizaine d'accords, qui témoignent de la volonté de la France de renforcer ses relations avec la deuxième puissance émer...

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started by descendants1 descendants1 on 12 May 14 no follow-up yet
Mike Wesch

Joyce on Esthetic Arrest - 0 views

  • the feeling which arrests the mind in the presence of whatsoever is grave and constant in human sufferings and unites it with the human sufferer
  • You see I use the word ARREST. I mean that the tragic emotion is static. Or rather the dramatic emotion is. The feelings excited by improper art are kinetic, desire or loathing. Desire urges us to possess, to go to something; loathing urges us to abandon, to go from something. The arts which excite them, pornographical or didactic, are therefore improper arts. The esthetic emotion (I used the general term) is therefore static. The mind is arrested and raised above desire and loathing.
  • It means certainly a stasis and not a kinesis
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • force of generalization which would make the esthetic image a universal one
  • The instant wherein that supreme quality of beauty, the clear radiance of the esthetic image, is apprehended luminously by the mind which has been arrested by its wholeness and fascinated by its harmony is the luminous silent stasis of esthetic pleasure, a spiritual state very like to that cardiac condition which the Italian physiologist Luigi Galvani, using a phrase almost as beautiful as Shelley's, called the enchantment of the heart.
  • If you bear this in memory you will see that art necessarily divides itself into three forms progressing from one to the next. These forms are: the lyrical form, the form wherein the artist presents his image in immediate relation to himself; the epical form, the form wherein he presents his image in mediate relation to himself and to others; the dramatic form, the form wherein he presents his image in immediate relation to others.
  • It awakens, or ought to awaken, or induces, or ought to induce, an esthetic stasis, an ideal pity or an ideal terror, a stasis called forth, prolonged, and at last dissolved by what I call the rhythm of beauty.
Mike Wesch

Origin of language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 1 views

  • One of the intriguing abilities that language users have is that of high-level reference, or the ability to refer to things or states of being that are not in the immediate realm of the speaker. This ability is often related to theory of mind, or an awareness of the other as a being like the self with individual wants and intentions. According to Chomsky, Hauser and Fitch (2002), there are six main aspects of this high-level reference system: Theory of mind Capacity to acquire nonlinguistic conceptual representations, such as the object/kind distinction Referential vocal signals Imitation as a rational, intentional system Voluntary control over signal production as evidence of intentional communication Number representation
    "One of the intriguing abilities that language users have is that of high-level reference, or the ability to refer to things or states of being that are not in the immediate realm of the speaker. This ability is often related to theory of mind, or an awareness of the other as a being like the self with individual wants and intentions. According to Chomsky, Hauser and Fitch (2002), there are six main aspects of this high-level reference system: * Theory of mind * Capacity to acquire nonlinguistic conceptual representations, such as the object/kind distinction * Referential vocal signals * Imitation as a rational, intentional system * Voluntary control over signal production as evidence of intentional communication * Number representation"

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Pierre ­angulaire de la relation transatlantique, la reconduction du système dit Trident, annoncée jusqu'en 2050, devrait donc être décidée avant le départ de Tony Blair du gouvernement et après le...

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