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Mobile Runtime Application Self-Protection is proving to be advantageous as enables app... - 0 views

    Runtime application security is an overall security innovation that utilizes runtime tooling to identify and forestall PC assaults by taking advantage of data from inside the running application. This innovation makes it workable for engineers and PC heads to decide the sort and extent of assaults against a specific application. Through this strategy, they can figure out which applications are protected or perhaps took advantage of during their run time. The ID of these kinds of assaults permits executives to hinder admittance to noxious codes and to thusly keep the clients from tainting their frameworks with hazardous infections. Mobile runtime application self-protection is usually enabled during the development stage of software development. The availability of security measures helps developers to test the applications at different stages to check for potential vulnerabilities. These measures include performing scans on runtime libraries and running vulnerability detection scans on the systems. Furthermore, developers employ a number of processes to make the software secure. One of these is the usage of application self-protection. In the end, the use of security software developed for the purpose of mobile runtime application self-protection (RASP) is a great step taken to protect a business's applications. It also provides a degree of security protection against viruses, spyware, and other Internet threats that may be brought about by poorly designed applications and by the activities of inexperienced users. It makes it possible to ensure that a business's applications run smoothly without encountering any security issues. Such issues might cause harm to the user as well as to the business as a whole. Read More @
Stuart Sean

Loans for Self Employed- Get Easy Funds to Your Financial Crunch Situation - 0 views

    Loans for self employed are one of the best financial assistance which is arranging cash easily. To become eligible for loans for self employed the lenders require you to qualify some easy criteria
Mike Wesch

Zoho Creator - Anonymity Project - 0 views

  • What's to stop an online mass of anonymous but connected people from suddenly turning into a mean mob, just like masses of people have time and time again in the history of every human culture? It's amazing that details in the design of online software can bring out such varied potentials in human behavior. It's time to think about that power on a moral basis.
  • In this research, Durkheim's theory of the universalization of religious beliefs is extended to analyze the occurrence of religious rituals. Drawing upon Schutz's phenomenology of social relations, we amplify theoretically the Durkheimian perspective and suggest that the universalization process is stimulated by an increase in anonymity (as opposed to intimacy) in society. Structural factors consistent with anonymity--i.e., increasing population density, political and economic differentiation, and monetary exchange--are hypothesized to influence the universalization of ritual occurrence
  • In a rather wet community, members easily specify other members. This is effective for managing memberships and changing knowledge from tacit to formal. In a rather dry community, members barely identify with other members at all. This method is suitable for the formal-to-tacit phase of knowledge creation. Finally, it is discussed how social intelligence should be designed and what features are needed to support knowledge-creating communities.
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  • Three studies examined the notion that computer-mediated communication (CMC) can be characterised by high levels of self-disclosure. In Study One, significantly higher levels of spontaneous self-disclosure were found in computer-mediated compared to face-to-face discussions. Study Two examined the role of visual anonymity in encouraging self-disclosure during CMC. Visually anonymous participants disclosed significantly more information about themselves than non-visually anonymous participants. In Study Three, private and public self-awareness were independently manipulated, using video-conferencing cameras and accountability cues, to create a 2 × 2 design public self-awareness (high and low)×private self-awareness (high and low). It was found that heightened private self-awareness, when combined with reduced public self-awareness, was associated with significantly higher levels of spontaneous self-disclosure during computer-mediated communication.
  • "The principle of anonymity has an immense spiritual significance. It reminds us that we are to place principles before personalities."
    • Mike Wesch
      citation: Alcoholics Anonymous 568
  • A laboratory experiment was used to evaluate the effects of anonymity and evaluative tone on computer-mediated groups using a group decision support system to perform an idea-generation task. Evaluative tone was manipulated through a confederate group member who entered supportive or critical comments into the automated brainstorming system. Groups working anonymously and with a critical confederate produced the greatest number of original solutions and overall comments, yet average solution quality per item and average solution rarity were not different across conditions. Identified groups working with a supportive confederate were the most satisfied and had the highest levels of perceived effectiveness, but produced the fewest original solutions and overall comments.
  • The results suggest that increased visual anonymity is not associatedwith greater self-disclosure, and the findings about the role of discursive anonymity aremixed.
  • Three levels of anonymity, visual anonymity, dissociation of real and online identities, and lack of identifiability, are thought to have different effects on various components of interpersonal motivation
  • suggesting that individuals in Western societies will gravitate toward online communities that allow lower levels of anonymity, while individuals in Eastern societies will be more likely to seek out online communities that promote higher levels of anonymity.
Stuart Sean

Payday Loans for Self Employed- Helpful Monetary Resolution with Self Employed Tag : AU... - 0 views

    With the support of payday loans for self employed you can easily handle all unexpected personal expenses on any sudden emergency
Mike Wesch

Unwarranted Self-Importance - Encyclopedia Dramatica - 0 views

  • A theory introduced to civilization in the form of Socrates, Unwarranted Self-Importance (USI) is the feeling that you are actually worth something despite not having made any contributions to anything at all, thus making yourself look like a complete twat. This is common amongst LiveJournal and Kuro5hin users, chavs, Coalition soldiers who have actually been to Iraq and others prone to arrogance (Kyle Herman, a wannabe pimp, fits nicely into this catagory and should be slapped for his faggotry). It occurs on ED all the time. Unwarranted self-importance is also often associated with flamers or n00bs, Americunts, and The French. It will be found on sites where posts or edits are encouraged, as many imagine themselves working for some greater power as they upset others. It also comes into play when the unwarrantably self-important are lacking in one or more areas of their lives, e.g. being too poor to afford a TV. Most people that reward themselves with the feeling that they are important can easily be considered bastards. People who believe themselves important should seek help, perhaps because of narcissistic tendencies - except for Jacknstock, who was fucking fired instead.
  • Reasons for Elitism There are multiple reasons someone may think themselves less pathetic than the rest of the human race. Because they (fill in the blank): Are thinner than you. Hate fags more than you. Are more conservative than you. Eat moar placentas than you. Have more artistic talent than you. Are more special than you. Believe in God less than you. Drink more blood than you. Are cooler than you. Have an older religion than you. Know that nobody's perfect and they've got a work it again and again 'till they get it right
  • Examples of Unwarranted Self-Importance on Wikipedia Basically, most Wikipedians are guilty of unwarranted self-importance. The mildest cases are those who think their edits are actually contributing significantly to an encyclopedia. Jimbo-christened administrators have unwarranted importance, but it may or may not be self-importance, since Jimbo seems to think them important (or more important than other peons Wikipedians). The worst case of unwarranted self-importance are those Wikipedians who have not been Knighted by Jimbo, but pathetically, desperately want to be, like this guy, so they actually start sycophantically acting like administrators,in the hope that their "initiative" will be noted and rewarded. Here is an example of Jaysweet's self-importance:  “  Hi, if you are reading this you saw that I am helping out at the administrator's noticeboard, even though I am not an admin. I believe what I do is useful, and I will continue to do so unless/until an admin asks me to stop. I created the disclaimer after a user became frustrated that he had filed a report and a non-admin had responded. I think I was helpful in that case anyway, but in the spirit of full disclosure, I now often let people know as soon as I answer an ANI report that I am not an admin, especially if I believe the thread will eventually result in admin intervention.
Stuart Sean

Pin by Stuart Sean on Loans For Self Employed | Pinterest - 0 views

    Loans for the self employed are fax less which means the lenders do not require you to fax your confidential documents for loan approval.
Stuart Sean

Payday Loans for Self Employed- Hassle Free Fiscal Aid for Jobless People - 0 views

    Payday loans for self employed are an easy fiscal assistance avail now which made available to assist you fix all those short term personal needs that are generally unexpected or unaccounted for you
Mike Wesch

Annotated Culture of Celebrity - 0 views

  • The real contribution of Baker's book, however, is that he sees in Willis's career a host of important issues that drive to the heart of antebellum celebrity culture: the commercialization of intimacy, the marketability of exposure, the public's desire for scandal, gossip, and confession.  Other commentators have described this version of celebrity as a twentieth-century phenomenon.  Baker corrects the record, demonstrating that by 1840, celebrity culture was thriving in the trans-Atlantic world.  -- DHB
  • "The Glorified Self: The Aggrandizement and the Constriction of Self."
  • these players developed a "reflected self" based on their perception of how others saw them
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • and also a "media self," a public image created by the media which eventually permeates the athletes’ public and private lives
  • they underwent a "self-aggrandizement," an inflation of their own sense of self-importance.
  • detrimental to other aspects of the self, even to the point of detachment from personal identity outside athletics
Stuart Sean

Get Hassle Free Cash Support With Adverse Credit Holders - 0 views

    Self employed loans are a huge financial support for any self employed borrowers in need of money assistance for almost any purpose. Apply with us now and get the required money in no time.
Stuart Sean

Payday Loans For Self Employed- Gain Money To Handle Your Sudden Fiscal Issue Easily On... - 0 views

    Are you jobless person and might look for some amount of financial assistance which is arranging quick money support with simple terms and conditions? If yes then you can go with the payday loans for self employed scheme, with the support of these cash advances you can availed the amount with the range from AUD $100 to AUD $1000 with considerable ease.
Stuart Sean

Self Employed Loans- Get Easy Financial Assistance Without Showing Income Proof! - 0 views

    Self employed loans arrange quick fast cash support from online lender which is helpful for your sudden and unforeseen fiscal worries. You just fill up simple online application form with your personal details and submit I tin proper manner.
Stuart Sean

Self Employed Loans- Collateral Free Immediate Fiscal Aid Avail within Easy Manner : AU... - 0 views

    Self employed loans scheme are hassle free advances that do not require you to fax heavy paperwork and unnecessary files for the approval process, a web application form can also be filled up in a few minutes
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