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On le constate en observant aussi bien les indicateurs de popularité que les indicateurs d'intentions de vote. L'offre politique est aussi un facteur clé : Sarkozy, par son positionnement, semble a...

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started by descendants1 descendants1 on 13 Nov 14 no follow-up yet

Nigeria Air Strike on Refugee Camp Kills 52 - 0 views

    Nigerian air force killed at least 52 people and injured 120 people in an air strike on a refugee camp in the northeast of the country Tuesday.
descendants1 descendants1

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La France ne cédera pas au chantage sur son otage, dit Hollande La France ne cédera pas au chantage des ravisseurs d'Hervé Gourdel, le randonneur de 55 ans enlevé dimanche en Algérie, a déclaré mar...

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started by descendants1 descendants1 on 26 Sep 14 no follow-up yet
descendants1 descendants1

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Pour sa part, le grand ayatollah Ali Sistani, la plus haute autorité religieuse chiite d'Irak, a appelé une nouvelle fois jeudi à l'unité des Irakiens. « L'ayatollah Sistani et toutes les autres Ma...

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started by descendants1 descendants1 on 02 Jul 14 no follow-up yet

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"Quand je note que les médias et lopinion publique allemands ont incorrectement interprété le développement en Chine, comme cesderniers mois, je me sens obligé dessayer de corriger la leçon. Je cit...

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started by masquebf on 19 Sep 14 no follow-up yet

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"Quand je note que les médias et lopinion publique allemands ont incorrectement interprété le développement en Chine, comme cesderniers mois, je me sens obligé dessayer de corriger la leçon. Je cit...

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started by masquebf on 19 Sep 14 no follow-up yet
descendants1 descendants1

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Ce dernier, dirigé par le conservateur Mariano Rajoy, considère qu'un tel référendum d'autodétermination serait illégal.La Cour constitutionnelle pourrait avoir besoin de plusieurs mois, voire plus...

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started by descendants1 descendants1 on 30 Sep 14 no follow-up yet

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Ed Miliband et David Cameron sont sur un siège éjectable, en cas de défaite voire même de victoire étriquée. Nicola Sturgeon, la chef du SNP qui n'est pas candidate, est la seule assurée de gagner ...

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started by masquebf2 on 07 May 15 no follow-up yet
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Adam Bohannon

In Web World of 24/7 Stress, Writers Blog Till They Drop - New York Times - 0 views

    A growing work force of home-office laborers and entrepreneurs, armed with computers and smartphones and wired to the hilt, are toiling under great physical and emotional stress created by the around-the-clock Internet economy that demands a constant stream of news and comment.
Adam Bohannon

ReCAPTCHA: Fight Spam And Digitize Books | Compiler from - 0 views

    Thanks to the wonderful world of spammers most websites these days rely on CAPTCHA images to force users to prove they are human before accepting comments or other user feedback. In fact humans solve roughly 60 million CAPTCHAs a day according to a the people behind reCAPTCHA a group that wants to leverage that effort to help digitizing books.
Adam Bohannon

Israeli soldier jailed for Facebook photo - - 0 views

    A member of the Israeli Defence Force (IDF) has been jailed for 19 days after posting a picture of himself on Facebook without permission.
Trapper Callender

Man-Computer Symbiosis - 2 views

  • In short, it seems worthwhile to avoid argument with (other) enthusiasts for artificial intelligence by conceding dominance in the distant future of cerebration to machines alone.
  • There will nevertheless be a fairly long interim during which the main intellectual advances will be made by men and computers working together in intimate association. A multidisciplinary study group, examining future research and development problems of the Air Force, estimated that it would be 1980 before developments in artificial intelligence make it possible for machines alone to do much thinking or problem solving of military significance. That would leave, say, five years to develop man-computer symbiosis and 15 years to use it. The 15 may be 10 or 500, but those years should be intellectually the most creative and exciting in the history of mankind.
  • It is often said that programming for a computing machine forces one to think clearly, that it disciplines the thought process. If the user can think his problem through in advance, symbiotic association with a computing machine is not necessary.
  • ...25 more annotations...
  • They would be easier to solve, and they could be solved faster, through an intuitively guided trial-and-error procedure in which the computer cooperated, turning up flaws in the reasoning or revealing unexpected turns in the solution.
  • Poincare anticipated the frustration of an important group of would-be computer users when he said, "The question is not, 'What is the answer?' The question is, 'What is the question?'" One of the main aims of man-computer symbiosis is to bring the computing machine effectively into the formulative parts of technical problems.
  • It is to bring computing machines effectively into processes of thinking that must go on in "real time," time that moves too fast to permit using computers in conventional ways.
  • To think in interaction with a computer in the same way that you think with a colleague whose competence supplements your own will require much tighter coupling between man and machine than is suggested by the example and than is possible today.
  • Throughout the period I examined, in short, my "thinking" time was devoted mainly to activities that were essentially clerical or mechanical: searching, calculating, plotting, transforming, determining the logical or dynamic consequences of a set of assumptions or hypotheses, preparing the way for a decision or an insight. Moreover, my choices of what to attempt and what not to attempt were determined to an embarrassingly great extent by considerations of clerical feasibility, not intellectual capability.
  • the operations that fill most of the time allegedly devoted to technical thinking are operations that can be performed more effectively by machines than by men.
  • If those problems can be solved in such a way as to create a symbiotic relation between a man and a fast information-retrieval and data-processing machine, however, it seems evident that the cooperative interaction would greatly improve the thinking process.
  • Computing machines can do readily, well, and rapidly many things that are difficult or impossible for man, and men can do readily and well, though not rapidly, many things that are difficult or impossible for computers. That suggests that a symbiotic cooperation, if successful in integrating the positive characteristics of men and computers, would be of great value. The differences in speed and in language, of course, pose difficulties that must be overcome.
  • Men will fill in the gaps, either in the problem solution or in the computer program, when the computer has no mode or routine that is applicable in a particular circumstance.
  • Clearly, for the sake of efficiency and economy, the computer must divide its time among many users. Timesharing systems are currently under active development. There are even arrangements to keep users from "clobbering" anything but their own personal programs.
  • It seems reasonable to envision, for a time 10 or 15 years hence, a "thinking center" that will incorporate the functions of present-day libraries together with anticipated advances in information storage and retrieval and the symbiotic functions suggested earlier in this paper. The picture readily enlarges itself into a network of such centers, connected to one another by wide-band communication lines and to individual users by leased-wire services. In such a system, the speed of the computers would be balanced, and the cost of the gigantic memories and the sophisticated programs would be divided by the number of users.
  • The first thing to face is that we shall not store all the technical and scientific papers in computer memory. We may store the parts that can be summarized most succinctly-the quantitative parts and the reference citations-but not the whole. Books are among the most beautifully engineered, and human-engineered, components in existence, and they will continue to be functionally important within the context of man-computer symbiosis. (Hopefully, the computer will expedite the finding, delivering, and returning of books.)
  • The second point is that a very important section of memory will be permanent: part indelible memory and part published memory. The computer will be able to write once into indelible memory, and then read back indefinitely, but the computer will not be able to erase indelible memory. (It may also over-write, turning all the 0's into l's, as though marking over what was written earlier.) Published memory will be "read-only" memory. It will be introduced into the computer already structured. The computer will be able to refer to it repeatedly, but not to change it.
  • The basic dissimilarity between human languages and computer languages may be the most serious obstacle to true symbiosis.
  • In short: instructions directed to computers specify courses; instructions-directed to human beings specify goals.
  • We may in due course see a serious effort to develop computer programs that can be connected together like the words and phrases of speech to do whatever computation or control is required at the moment. The consideration that holds back such an effort, apparently, is that the effort would produce nothing that would be of great value in the context of existing computers. It would be unrewarding to develop the language before there are any computing machines capable of responding meaningfully to it.
  • By and large, in generally available computers, however, there is almost no provision for any more effective, immediate man-machine communication than can be achieved with an electric typewriter.
  • Displays seem to be in a somewhat better state than controls. Many computers plot graphs on oscilloscope screens, and a few take advantage of the remarkable capabilities, graphical and symbolic, of the charactron display tube. Nowhere, to my knowledge, however, is there anything approaching the flexibility and convenience of the pencil and doodle pad or the chalk and blackboard used by men in technical discussion.
  • 2) Computer-Posted Wall Display: In some technological systems, several men share responsibility for controlling vehicles whose behaviors interact. Some information must be presented simultaneously to all the men, preferably on a common grid, to coordinate their actions. Other information is of relevance only to one or two operators. There would be only a confusion of uninterpretable clutter if all the information were presented on one display to all of them. The information must be posted by a computer, since manual plotting is too slow to keep it up to date.
  • Laboratory experiments have indicated repeatedly that informal, parallel arrangements of operators, coordinating their activities through reference to a large situation display, have important advantages over the arrangement, more widely used, that locates the operators at individual consoles and attempts to correlate their actions through the agency of a computer. This is one of several operator-team problems in need of careful study.
  • 3) Automatic Speech Production and Recognition: How desirable and how feasible is speech communication between human operators and computing machines?
  • Yet there is continuing interest in the idea of talking with computing machines.
  • In large part, the interest stems from realization that one can hardly take a military commander or a corporation president away from his work to teach him to type. If computing machines are ever to be used directly by top-level decision makers, it may be worthwhile to provide communication via the most natural means, even at considerable cost.
  • It seems reasonable, therefore, for computer specialists to be the ones who interact directly with computers in business offices.
  • Certainly, if the equipment were already developed, reliable, and available, it would be used.
    Man-computer symbiosis is an expected development in cooperative interaction between men and electronic computers. It will involve very close coupling between the human and the electronic members of the partnership. The main aims are 1) to let computers facilitate formulative thinking as they now facilitate the solution of formulated problems, and 2) to enable men and computers to cooperate in making decisions and controlling complex situations without inflexible dependence on predetermined programs. In the anticipated symbiotic partnership, men will set the goals, formulate the hypotheses, determine the criteria, and perform the evaluations. Computing machines will do the routinizable work that must be done to prepare the way for insights and decisions in technical and scientific thinking. Preliminary analyses indicate that the symbiotic partnership will perform intellectual operations much more effectively than man alone can perform them. Prerequisites for the achievement of the effective, cooperative association include developments in computer time sharing, in memory components, in memory organization, in programming languages, and in input and output equipment.
ma rody candera

Babbling News: Youtube - Allied Attack Libya - First Attack From U.S is Tomahawk Misille - 0 views

    Despite criticism, but attack the allied forces against Libyan military turned out to be justified. There's even an umbrella of law and reason to justify military action led by France, Canada, Italy, UK and U.S.
ma rody candera

Babbling News: Coalition Attack Into Libya, Exacerbating the West with Islamic Relations - 0 views

    Attack coalition forces led by the United States (U.S.) back to Libya will worsen the relationship between Islam and the West. It is not possible terrorist action will bring up the attack Western interests in various countries.
Sarah Usher

Police Jobs Through Police-Recruitment UK - 1 views

I was searching for police force jobs that will suit the qualifications that I have. I searched in offices and online until I came across Police-Recruitment UK. I was able to set my sights on a sp...

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started by Sarah Usher on 06 Sep 11 no follow-up yet
descendants1 descendants1

Sac Hermès Victoria Unanimité - 0 views

Une cohésion s'établit, qui transcende sans les renier les appartenances individuelles, subordonne les aspirations personnelles à une exigence collective et valorise justement les qualités de chacu...

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started by descendants1 descendants1 on 04 Jun 14 no follow-up yet

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Obama appelle à porter lattention de lIrak vers lAfghanistan0715 10 05 05(Photo Xinhua/Reuters) WASHINGTON, 14 juillet Le candidat présidentiel démocrate des EtatsUnis Barack Obama a indiqué lundi ...

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started by qfqxbyf1 on 03 Nov 14 no follow-up yet

Sac à Dos Longchamp Beige Cependant - 0 views

Nerjine, se trouvant dans la position du sceptique prudent, ne devait pas intervenir. De toute évidence, il tente de discerner un problème plus général, plus essentiel, plus étendu que le seul prob...

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started by masquebf on 31 Oct 14 no follow-up yet
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