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Adam Bohannon

Social Capital in Virtual Learning Communities and Distributed Communities of Practice - 0 views

  • Researchers in the social sciences and humanities consider social ties to be a social resource. Such a resource is referred to as social capital.
  • Narayan and Pritchett (1997) suggested that communities with high social capital have frequent interaction, which in turn cultivates norms of reciprocity through which learners become more willing to help one another, and which improve coordination and dissemination of information and knowledge sharing. Social capital has been used as a framework for understanding a wide range of social issues in temporal communities. It has been used for the investigation of issues such as trust, participation, and cooperation.
  • In one of the earliest definitions of social capital, Hanifan (1916) stated that social capital included "those intangible substances [that] count for most in the daily lives of people - namely goodwill, fellowship, sympathy and social intercourse among the individuals and families who make up a social unit." Many years later, Coleman (1988) followed a similar line of thinking when he suggested that social capital refers to supportive relationships among adults and children that promote the sharing of norms and values.
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  • Woolcock (1998) argues that social capital `encompasses the norms and networks facilitating collective action for mutual benefit.'
  • Fountain (1998) defines social capital as the institutional effectiveness of inter-organizational relationships and cooperation—horizontally among similar firms in associations, vertically in supply chains, and multidirectional links to sources of technical knowledge, human resources, and public agencies.
  • Nahapiet and Ghoshal (1998) defined social capital as the sum of actual and potential resources embedded within, available through and derived from the network of relationships possessed by an individual or social unit.
  • And Fukuyama (1999) included informal norms that promote cooperation between two or more individuals. The norms that constitute social capital can range from a norm of reciprocity between two friends, all the way up to complex and elaborately articulated doctrines like Christianity, Islamism or Confucianism. And so by definition, trust, networks, civil society, and the like which have been associated with social capital are all epiphenomenal, arising as a result of social capital but not constituting social capital itself.
  • A meta-societal definition of social capital was offered by the World Bank (1999), which referred to the institutions, relationships, and norms that shape the quality and quantity of a society's social interactions. In this view, social capital is seen not merely as the sum of the institutions that underpin a society _ it is the glue that holds them together.
  • Cohen and Prusak (2001) extend Putnam's definition to define social capital as a stock of active connections among people, which covers the trust, mutual understanding, and shared values and behaviours that bind people as members of human networks and communities.
  • As a working definition, we define social capital in virtual learning communities as . common social resource that facilitates information exchange, knowledge sharing, and knowledge construction through continuous interaction, built on trust and maintained through shared understanding.
    Social capital has recently emerged as an important interdisciplinary research area. It is frequently used as a framework for understanding various social issues in temporal communities, neighbourhoods and groups. In particular, researchers in the social sciences and the humanities have used social capital to understand trust, shared understanding, reciprocal relationships, social network structures, common norms and cooperation, and the roles these entities play in various aspects of temporal communities. Despite proliferation of research in this area, little work has been done to extend this effort to technology-driven learning communities (also known as virtual learning communities). This paper surveys key interdisciplinary research areas in social capital. It also explores how the notions of social capital and trust can be extended to virtual communities, including virtual learning communities and distributed communities of practice. Research issues surrounding social capital and trust as they relate to technology-driven learning communities are identified.
Kevin Champion

Maintained Relationships on Facebook | overstated - 0 views

  • What it shows is that, as a function of the people a Facebook user actively communicate with, you are passively engaging with between 2 and 2.5 times more people in their network. I’m sure many people have had this feeling, but these data make this effect more transparent.
  • The stark contrast between reciprocal and passive networks shows the effect of technologies such as News Feed. If these people were required to talk on the phone to each other, we might see something like the reciprocal network, where everyone is connected to a small number of individuals. Moving to an environment where everyone is passively engaged with each other, some event, such as a new baby or engagement can propagate very quickly through this highly connected network.
  • All Friends: the largest representation of a person’s network is the set of all people they have verified as friends. Reciprocal Communication: as a measure of a sort of core network, we counted the number of people with whom a person had had reciprocal communications, or an active exchange of information between two parties. One-way Communication: the total set of people with whom a person has communicated. Maintained Relationships: to measure engagement, we took the set of people for whom a user had clicked on a News Feed story or visited their profile more than twice.
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  • Peter Marsden found the number of people with whom individuals “can discuss important matters” numbers only 3 for Americans[3]. In a subsequent survey, researchers found that this number has dropped slightly over the past 10 years[4], causing some alarm in the press, but without sufficient explanation[5].
  • Killworth, et al. found using this technique and others that the number of people a person will know in their lifetime ranges somewhere between 300 and 3000[1]. On Facebook, the average number of friends that a person has is currently 120[2]. Given that Facebook has only been around for 5 years, that not everyone uses it, and that the not every acquaintance has found each other, this number seems reasonable for an average user.
  • We were asked a simple question: is Facebook increasing the size of people’s personal networks?
Mike Wesch

Measuring Classroom Progress: 21st Century Assessment Project Wants Your Inpu... - 8 views

  • “21st Century Literacies” compiled by Cathy N. Davidson Media theorist and practitioner Howard Rheingold has talked about four “Twenty-first Century Literacies”—attention, participation, collaboration, and network awareness—that must to be addressed, understood and cultivated in the digital age. (see, Futurist Alvin Toffler argues that, in the 21st century, we need to know not only the three R’s, but also how to learn, unlearn, and relearn.  Expanding on these, here are ten “literacies” that seem crucial for our discussion of “This Is Your Brain on the Internet.” •  Attention:  What are the new ways that we pay attention in a digital era?  How do we need to change our concepts and practices of attention for a new era?  How do we learn and practice new forms of attention in a digital age? •  Participation:  Only a small percentage of those who use new “participatory” media really contribute.  How do we encourage meaningful interaction and participation?  What is its purpose on a cultural, social, or civic level? •  Collaboration:  How do we encourage meaningful and innovative forms of collaboration?  Studies show that collaboration can simply reconfirm consensus, acting more as peer pressure than a lever to truly original thinking.  HASTAC has cultivated the methodology of “collaboration by difference” to address the most meaningful and effective way that disparate groups can contribute. •  Network awareness:  What can we do to understand how we both thrive as creative individuals and understand our contribution within a network of others?  How do you gain a sense of what that extended network is and what it can do? •  Design:  How is information conveyed differently in diverse digital forms?  How do we understand and practice the elements of good design as part of our communication and interactive practices? •  Narrative, Storytelling:  How do narrative elements shape the information we wish to convey, helping it to have force in a world of competing information? •  Critical consumption of information:  Without a filter (such as editors, experts, and professionals), much information on the Internet can be inaccurate, deceptive, or inadequate.  Old media, of course, share these faults that are exacerbated by digital dissemination.  How do we learn to be critical?  What are the standards of credibility? •  Digital Divides, Digital Participation:  What divisions still remain in digital culture?  Who is included and who is excluded and how do basic aspects of economics, culture, and literacy levels dictate not only who participates in the digital age but how we participate? •  Ethics and Advocacy:  What responsibilities and possibilities exist to move from participation, interchange, collaboration, and communication to actually working towards the greater good of society by digital means in an ethical and responsible manner? •  Learning, Unlearning, and Relearning:  Alvin Toffler has said that, in the rapidly changing world of the twenty-first century, the most important skill anyone can have is the ability to stop in one’s tracks, see what isn’t working, and then find ways to unlearn old patterns and relearn how to learn.  This requires all of the other skills in this program but is perhaps the most important single skill we will teach.  It means that, whenever one thinks nostalgically, wondering if the “good old days” will ever return, that one’s “unlearning” reflex kicks in to force us to think about what we really mean with such a comparison, what good it does us, and what good it does to reverse it.  What can the “good new days” bring?  Even as a thought experiment—gedanken experiment—trying to unlearn one’s reflexive responses to change situation is the only way to become reflective about one’s habits of resistance.
    ""21st Century Literacies" compiled by Cathy N. Davidson Media theorist and practitioner Howard Rheingold has talked about four "Twenty-first Century Literacies"-attention, participation, collaboration, and network awareness-that must to be addressed, understood and cultivated in the digital age. (see, Futurist Alvin Toffler argues that, in the 21st century, we need to know not only the three R's, but also how to learn, unlearn, and relearn. Expanding on these, here are ten "literacies" that seem crucial for our discussion of "This Is Your Brain on the Internet." * Attention: What are the new ways that we pay attention in a digital era? How do we need to change our concepts and practices of attention for a new era? How do we learn and practice new forms of attention in a digital age? * Participation: Only a small percentage of those who use new "participatory" media really contribute. How do we encourage meaningful interaction and participation? What is its purpose on a cultural, social, or civic level? * Collaboration: How do we encourage meaningful and innovative forms of collaboration? Studies show that collaboration can simply reconfirm consensus, acting more as peer pressure than a lever to truly original thinking. HASTAC has cultivated the methodology of "collaboration by difference" to address the most meaningful and effective way that disparate groups can contribute. * Network awareness: What can we do to understand how we both thrive as creative individuals and understand our contribution within a network of others? How do you gain a sense of what that extended network is and what it can do? * Design: How is information conveyed differently in diverse digital forms? How do we understand and practice the elements of good design as part of our communication and interactive practices? * Narrative, Storytelling: How do na
Adam Bohannon

"The Not-So-Hidden Politics of Class Online" danah boyd - 0 views

  • Structurally, social networks are driven by homophily even when there are individual exceptions. And sure enough, in the digital world, we see this manifested right before our eyes.
  • One thing to keep in mind about social media: the internet mirrors and magnifies pre-existing dynamics.
  • In many ways, the Internet is providing a next generation public sphere. Unfortunately, it's also bringing with it next generation divides. The public sphere was never accessible to everyone. There's a reason than the scholar Habermas talked about it as the bourgeois public sphere. The public sphere was historically the domain of educated, wealthy, white, straight men. The digital public sphere may make certain aspects of public life more accessible to some, but this is not a given. And if the ways in which we construct the digital public sphere reinforce the divisions that we've been trying to break down, we've got a problem.
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  • Although most of you call these sites "social networking sites," there's almost no networking going on. People use these sites to connect to the people they know.
  • 1) Social stratification is pervasive in American society (and around the globe). Social media does not magically eradicate inequality. Rather, it mirrors what is happening in everyday life and makes social divisions visible. What we see online is not the property of these specific sites, but the pattern of adoption and development that emerged as people embraced them. People brought their biases with them to these sites and they got baked in. 2) There is no universal public online. What we see as user "choice" in social media often has to do with structural forces like homophily in people's social networks. Social stratification in this country is not cleanly linked to race or education or socio-economic factors, although all are certainly present. More than anything, social stratification is a social networks issue. People connect to people who think like them and they think like the people with whom they are connected. The digital publics that unfold highlight and reinforce structural divisions.
  • 3) If you are trying to connect with the public, where you go online matters. If you choose to make Facebook your platform for civic activity, you are implicitly suggesting that a specific class of people is more worth your time and attention than others. Of course, splitting your attention can also be costly and doesn't necessarily mean that you'll be reaching everyone anyhow. You're damned if you do and damned if you don't. The key to developing a social media strategy is to understand who you're reaching and who you're not and make certain that your perspective is accounting for said choices. Understand your biases and work to counter them. 4) The Internet has enabled many new voices to enter the political fray, but not everyone is sitting at the table. There's a terrible tendency in this country, and especially among politically minded folks, to interpret an advancement as a solution. We have not eradicated racism. We have not eradicated sexism. We have not eradicated inequality. While we've made tremendous strides in certain battles, the war is not over. The worst thing we can do is to walk away and congratulate ourselves for all of the good things that have happened. Such attitudes create new breeding grounds for increased stratification.

gen y statistics - 5 views

    Gen Yers and especially the generation below us, Gen Z (Tweens), live on social networks. I volunteer with a local youth group of high schoolers, and they told me the law is: "If it isn't on Facebook, it didn't happen." While critics and parents are concerned social networking means we are losing face-to-face social skills, I'm not that worried about it - we are in school or at work all day face-to-face. I am worried about the fighting, bullying and squabbling that happens on all sorts of social networks and via text.

Impact of Social Media on SEO - 0 views

    Impact of Social Media On SEO has been long debated. True that social media is not a direct cause for the rankings in the search result. However, as the digital world has seen a remarkable shift when social networks appearing in the search engines. The relationship between SEO and social media is blurred. So, I plunged into researching and presenting you the substance in between the lines, how social media impacts the SEO.

Social network Business card on the line | Gokul Rangarajan - 0 views


Facebook substitutes - 0 views

    In 2006, an online social networking website named Facebook took the internet world by storm. Everyone was signing up on Facebook and soon it became the largest social networking site. Facebook has dramatically altered the way we socialize and is one of the medium which has defied all physical boundaries.Its popularity has made it favourite among Social Media Marketing Companies that want to tap its huge user base for product advertising and marketing.

Buy Soundcloud Premium Accounts - Real, Bulk & Verified - 0 views

    Buy Soundcloud Premium Accounts Introduction The use of social media has swept the globe. Globally, there are already over 3 billion active social media users, and that figure is rising. With 175 million active members, Soundcloud is one of the most widely used social networking sites. A excellent place for bands and aspiring musicians to share their music is Soundcloud. It is also a fantastic method to meet other music fans. You can interact with more people and market your music more effectively by purchasing Soundcloud accounts. What are Soundcloud Accounts? Users of the social networking site Soundcloud can upload, record, and share audio tracks. In that users may follow other users, "like," and comment on music, as well as share tracks with other users, it functions similarly to other social media sites. In contrast to other social media sites, Soundcloud focuses exclusively on sharing and streaming audio tracks. Buy SoundCloud Premium Accounts Accounts on Soundcloud can be easily and for free created. A password and an email address are all you need. You can start following other users, listening to music, and sharing your own tracks once you've registered an account. Also, you may make playlists, which are collections of songs you can play at any moment. What are the features of Soundcloud Account? User advantages of Soundcloud accounts are numerous. The fact that users can upload an endless amount of music is perhaps the most significant. This is perfect for musicians who want to spread their music without worrying about storage restrictions. Also, Soundcloud accounts give users access to resources for sharing and promoting their tunes. Users can embed tracks on their websites or blogs, for instance, or post tunes directly to their social media profiles. What are the benefits of buying Soundcloud Accounts? There are several advantages to purchasing Soundcloud accounts that you can profit from. You will be able to increase the number of individual
David Toews

beamtenherrschaft - 0 views

  • Second International Workshop on Story-Telling and Educational Games (STEG'09) CALL FOR PAPERSSecond International Workshopon Story-Telling and Educational Games (STEG'09)in conjunction with the8th International Conference on Web-based Learning (ICWL 2009),Aachen, Germany, August 19-21, 2009.
  • Social Network Analysis Conferences in 2009 2009 seems to be a great year for social network analysis and computer science. Here is a list of conferences I am aware of.
    A research blog about information systems, complex networks, technology enhanced learning, social software, communities of practice, web 2.0 and more
Erik Wabakken

Modeling Spread of Ideas in Online Social Networks - 3 views

    Internet social networks create a safe haven for the spread of ideas. The article follows the spread of ideas through social networking. It also describes fads in social networks and how ideas must have support to continue to spread.
Adam Bohannon

Social Media still on rise: Comparative global study - 0 views

  • sian markets (not including Japan) are leading in terms of participation, creating more content than any other region
  • Asian markets (not including Japan) are leading in terms of participation, creating more content than any other region
  • 57% have joined a Social Network, making it the number one platform for creating and sharing content: 55% of users have uploaded photos, 22% of users have uploaded videos
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  • 23% of social network users have installed an application – 18% of bloggers have installed applications in their blog templates
  • Blogs are a mainstream media world-wide and a collective rival to traditional media (184m bloggers world-wide, China has the largest blogging community in the world with 42m bloggers) – 73% have read a blog, 45% have started a blog
  • Social media has strong impacts over brand’s reputation – 34% post opinions about products and brands on their blog – 36% think more positively about companies that have blogs
  • Interestingly, comments on news websites show almost no increase
  • Estimated 272m users world-wide.
  • Users are posting variety of content – 55% uploaded photos – 21% installed applications – 23% uploaded video • Social Networks becoming social utilities for managing peer to peer relationships: 74% use them to message friends
Mike Wesch

Web ushers in age of ambient intimacy - Print Version - International Herald Tribune - 0 views

  • In essence, Facebook users didn't think they wanted constant, up-to-the-minute updates on what other people are doing. Yet when they experienced this sort of omnipresent knowledge, they found it intriguing and addictive. Why?
  • Social scientists have a name for this sort of incessant online contact. They call it "ambient awareness."
  • The growth of ambient intimacy can seem like modern narcissism taken to a new, supermetabolic extreme
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  • taken together, over time, the little snippets coalesce into a surprisingly sophisticated portrait of your friends' and family members' lives, like thousands of dots making a pointillist painting. This was never before possible, because in the real world, no friend would bother to call you up and detail the sandwiches she was eating. The ambient information becomes like "a type of ESP," as Haley described it to me, an invisible dimension floating over everyday life.
  • ad hoc, self-organizing socializing.
  • The Japanese sociologist Mizuko Ito first noticed it with mobile phones: lovers who were working in different cities would send text messages back and forth all night
  • You could also regard the growing popularity of online awareness as a reaction to social isolation, the modern American disconnectedness that Robert Putnam explored in his book "Bowling Alone."
  • "Things like Twitter have actually given me a much bigger social circle. I know more about more people than ever before."
  • Online awareness inevitably leads to a curious question: What sort of relationships are these? What does it mean to have hundreds of "friends" on Facebook? What kind of friends are they, anyway?
  • Dunbar noticed that ape groups tended to top out at 55 members. Since human brains were proportionally bigger, Dunbar figured that our maximum number of social connections would be similarly larger: about 150 on average
  • where their sociality had truly exploded was in their "weak ties"
  • "I outsource my entire life," she said. "I can solve any problem on Twitter in six minutes."
  • She also keeps a secondary Twitter account that is private and only for a much smaller circle of close friends and family — "My little secret," she said. It is a strategy many people told me they used: one account for their weak ties, one for their deeper relationships.)
  • Psychologists have long known that people can engage in "parasocial" relationships with fictional characters, like those on TV shows or in books, or with remote celebrities we read about in magazines. Parasocial relationships can use up some of the emotional space in our Dunbar number, crowding out real-life people.
  • Danah Boyd, a fellow at Harvard's Berkman Center for Internet and Society who has studied social media for 10 years, published a paper this spring arguing that awareness tools like News Feed might be creating a whole new class of relationships that are nearly parasocial — peripheral people in our network whose intimate details we follow closely online, even while they, like Angelina Jolie, are basically unaware we exist.
  • "These technologies allow you to be much more broadly friendly, but you just spread yourself much more thinly over many more people."
  • She needs to stay on Facebook just to monitor what's being said about her. This is a common complaint I heard, particularly from people in their 20s who were in college when Facebook appeared and have never lived as adults without online awareness. For them, participation isn't optional. If you don't dive in, other people will define who you are.
    • Mike Wesch
      like PR for the microcelebrity
  • "It's just like living in a village, where it's actually hard to lie because everybody knows the truth already," Tufekci said. "The current generation is never unconnected. They're never losing touch with their friends. So we're going back to a more normal place, historically. If you look at human history, the idea that you would drift through life, going from new relation to new relation, that's very new. It's just the 20th century."
  • Psychologists and sociologists spent years wondering how humanity would adjust to the anonymity of life in the city, the wrenching upheavals of mobile immigrant labor — a world of lonely people ripped from their social ties. We now have precisely the opposite problem. Indeed, our modern awareness tools reverse the original conceit of the Internet. When cyberspace came along in the early '90s, it was celebrated as a place where you could reinvent your identity — become someone new.
  • "If anything, it's identity-constraining now," Tufekci told me. "You can't play with your identity if your audience is always checking up on you.
  • "You know that old cartoon? 'On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog'? On the Internet today, everybody knows you're a dog! If you don't want people to know you're a dog, you'd better stay away from a keyboard."
  • Young people today are already developing an attitude toward their privacy that is simultaneously vigilant and laissez-faire. They curate their online personas as carefully as possible, knowing that everyone is watching — but they have also learned to shrug and accept the limits of what they can control.
  • Many of the avid Twitterers, Flickrers and Facebook users I interviewed described an unexpected side-effect of constant self-disclosure. The act of stopping several times a day to observe what you're feeling or thinking can become, after weeks and weeks, a sort of philosophical act. It's like the Greek dictum to "know thyself," or the therapeutic concept of mindfulness.
Adam Bohannon

Heidegger 2 Twitter: Technology, Self & Social Networks. - 11 views

  • Both object and subject are converted to a “standing-reserve”, to be disaggregated, redistributed, recontextualized, and reaggregated.
  • And human individuals, who were once reduced to resources (Frederick Taylor, and the authoritarianism of Human Resource departments), or “eyeballs” in the terminology of internet marketing executives; are now the creative engines of growth, innovation, and creativity.
  • This becomes even more interesting when we wonder about the context and meaning of start-ups intentionally exposing their office space’s ductwork - as if the open office with exposed pipes re-instantiates a manifestation of the hearth, or at least ‘un-hides’ the circulatory system of commerce.
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  • Postmodern technology uses the hyper-reality of simulations to get rid of the limitations imposed by reality. The limit of postmodern reality is not the total objectification of nature, but the replacement of reality by virtual reality totally under our control.
  • Borgmann’s antidote for losing our personality to the shallowness and superficiality of hyper-reality is to return to focal activities.
  • It takes commitment on our part to engage in focal activities, but the effort affords us a chance to maintain some sense of self in the technological world.
  • Thus technological rationality can claim that technologies are value neutral, and only uses are good or evil, despite the fact that the uses are shaped by the technologies.
  • And technology leads to new forms of domination. For the critical theorists history has always had domination, but in our time domination has changed from master over slave or lord over serf to the domination of humanity by economics and the market. We are given the illusion of liberty, but that is simply the freedom to choose between brands of mass-produced products.
  • Computer technology further de-contextualizes human experience by emphasizing information over understanding. And computers further domination by providing new means of tracking the productivity of workers to the corporation and depersonalizing supervision; very much a modern panopticon envisioned by Jeremy Bentham.
  • Foucault’s view allows for the possibility that information technology could be used to put people in more direct communication with each other and spread the concentration of power over society.
  • MS Word and freely available blogging software encourages us to constantly revise, so a work becomes a series of drafts, none of which is final (just like this post).
  • Gould’s attitude towards design finds philosophical support in pragmatism. Pragmatism recognizes that everyone is socially situated. Dewey taught that scientific theories or methods of logic are tools used in a certain social practice. Attention to the practices surrounding an object are important to understanding it. Since he viewed knowledge as participatory he argued that learning must come about by doing.
  • Metaphors provide us a way of understanding the world, by associating one thing with another. Powerful metaphors are like magic, and inform how we think of the objects described, revealing hidden aspects of the thing described. New metaphors for the forces in our lives will suggest new ways of living.
  • Metaphors interact with technology in several ways: technology serves as a source of metaphors, new technologies are understood metaphorically, and our metaphors in life pose problems to be solved technologically
  • By developing new metaphors, interface designers can suggest new ways of working with computers. If these metaphors are carefully chosen then they will provide a natural model which makes operation of the machine easy.
  • Just as metaphors can help us understand computers, computers can provide new metaphors for life. Postmodern theories of psychology suggest that there is no single unified “ego”, but that each of us is made up of a multiplicity of parts, while Minsky discusses the “agencies of mind” in his book “The Society of Mind.” Philip Bromberg claims that a healthy personality is one in which different aspects of the self can come to know one another and reflect upon each other.
  • This fluid multiplicity of personality is what gives us our flexibility and resilience.
  • Social networks allow participants to explore different aspects of their personality, to manufacture and evolve aspects of their personality depending on context and mood.
  • While some observers might see this activity as evidence of Heidegger’s disaggregation of the subject by technology, it can also be seen as a model for Bromberg’s self as being one while being many. This is just one way in which computer technology, the internet, and connected social networks can show us a new way of understanding ourselves.

How to Get More Twitter Followers | Social Media Marketing - 0 views

    Twitter, one of the most popular social networking sites is a potential social platform for Branding and Brand promotions. Like with any other marketing tool, having more and more followers on Twitter is gaining top value in most businesses nowadays. Twitter as a very sensitive medium allows us to intensify our followers, but if it's not handled correctly then it may pull down your public image and ruin the customer base
Mike Wesch

Tracking the digital traces of social networks | Eureka! Science News - 0 views

  • So searching through vast amounts of anonymized data, Contractor and his collaborators found that teens had online friendships that were disproportionately with people in their immediate geographic area -- likely with people they already knew. "That finding really went against a lot of the media hype," Contractor said. "People were worried about helpless teenagers talking with strangers, but that is not what we found. This is the first time this has been based on solid evidence." Teenagers also tended to be friends with the friends of their friends, not with people who weren't part of their network already, the researchers found.
Mike Wesch

Participative Pedagogy for a Literacy of Literacies - Freesouls - 0 views

  • Does knowing something about the way technical architecture influences behavior mean that we can put that knowledge to use?
  • Can inhumane or dehumanizing effects of digital socializing be mitigated or eliminated by better media design?
  • in Coase's Penguin,[7] and then in The Wealth of Networks,[8] Benkler contributed to important theoretical foundations for a new way of thinking about online activity−"commons based peer production," technically made possible by a billion PCs and Internet connections−as a new form of organizing economic production, together with the market and the firm. If Benkler is right, the new story about how humans get things done includes an important corollary−if tools like the PC and the Internet make it easy enough, people are willing to work together for non-market incentives to create software, encyclopedias and archives of public domain literature.
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  • So much of what we take for granted as part of daily life online, from the BIND software that makes domain names work, to the Apache webserver that powers a sizable chunk of the world's websites, to the cheap Linux servers that Google stacks into its global datacloud, was created by volunteers who gave their creations away to make possible something larger−the Web as we know it.
  • Is it possible to understand exactly what it is about the web that makes Wikipedia, Linux, FightAIDS@Home, the Gutenberg Project and Creative Commons possible? And if so, can this theoretical knowledge be put to practical use?
  • "We must now turn our attention to building systems that support human sociality."
  • We must develop a participative pedagogy, assisted by digital media and networked publics, that focuses on catalyzing, inspiring, nourishing, facilitating, and guiding literacies essential to individual and collective life.
  • to humanize the use of instruments that might otherwise enable commodification, mechanization and dehumanization
  • By literacy, I mean, following on Neil Postman and others, the set of skills that enable individuals to encode and decode knowledge and power via speech, writing, printing and collective action, and which, when learned, introduce the individual to a community.
  • Printing did not cause democracy or science, but literate populations, enabled by the printing press, devised systems for citizen governance and collective knowledge creation. The Internet did not cause open source production, Wikipedia or emergent collective responses to natural disasters, but it made it possible for people to act together in new ways, with people they weren't able to organize action with before, in places and at paces for which collective action had never been possible.
  • If print culture shaped the environment in which the Enlightenment blossomed and set the scene for the Industrial Revolution, participatory media might similarly shape the cognitive and social environments in which twenty first century life will take place (a shift in the way our culture operates). For this reason, participatory media literacy is not another subject to be shoehorned into the curriculum as job training for knowledge workers.
  • Like the early days of print, radio, and television, the present structure of the participatory media regime−the political, economic, social and cultural institutions that constrain and empower the way the new medium can be used, and which impose structures on flows of information and capital−is still unsettled. As legislative and regulatory battles, business competition, and social institutions vie to control the new regime, a potentially decisive and presently unknown variable is the degree and kind of public participation. Because the unique power of the new media regime is precisely its participatory potential, the number of people who participate in using it during its formative years, and the skill with which they attempt to take advantage of this potential, is particularly salient.
David Toews

Confessions of an Aca/Fan: Critical Information Studies For a Participatory Culture (Pa... - 0 views

  • we need to look at both agency and structure and so we need to end the theoretical conflict in favor of identifying shared goals
  • we need to develop strategies for decreasing the role of ignorance and fear in public debates about new media
  • The participation gap refers to these other social, cultural, and educational concerns which block full participation.
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  • he new "hidden curriculum" is shaping who feels empowered and entitled to participate
  • the model of expressive citizenship suggested by the MacArthur Foundation's emphasis on New Media Literacies
  • we need
  • While schools and libraries may represent the best sites for overcoming the participation gap, they are often the most limited in their ability to access some of the key platforms -- from Flickr and YouTube to Ning and Wikipedia-- where these new cultural practices are emerging.
  • We need to continue to push for alternative platforms and practices which embrace and explore the potential of collective intelligence
  • As John McMurria has noted, the most visible content of many media-sharing sites tends to come from members of dominant groups
  • danah boyd and S. Craig Watkins are arguing that social networks act like gated communities, cementing existing social ties rather than broadening them
  • social divisions in the real world are being mapped onto cyberspace, reinforcing cultural segregation along class and race lines
  • the segregation of cyberspace may be difficult to overcome
  • While corporations are asserting a "crisis of copyright", seeking to police "digital "piracy," citizen groups are seeking to combat a "crisis of fair use" as the mechanisms of corporate copyright protection erode the ability of citizens to meaningfully quote from their culture.
  • the debates over "free labor" represent the most visible part of a larger effort of consumers and citizens to reassert some of their rights in the face of web 2.0 companies
  • In his recent book, Dream:Re-Imagining Progressive Politics in an Age of Fantasy, Stephen Duncombe makes the case for a new model of social change which is playful and utopian, channels what we know as consumers as well as what we know as citizens, and embraces a more widely accessible language for discussing public policy.
  • there is a need for critical theory which asks hard questions of emerging cultural practices
  • There is also a need for critical utopianism which explores the value of emerging models and proposes alternatives to current practices.
    What follows might be described as a partial agenda for media reform from the perspective of participatory culture, one which looks at those factors which block the full achievement of my ideals of a more participatory society.
David Toews

MPR: Social networking and relationships - 0 views

    Interesting interview involves great researcher Nancy Baym. Recent studies suggest that social networking sites do not lead to isolation, as some feared at first.

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