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Minjie Kim

Thought processes - 0 views

  • Cogito ergo sum (I think therefore I am)
  • reasoning and problem solving
  • deductive, inductive or abductive
  • ...19 more annotations...
  • Deductive reasoning involves deciding what must be true given the rules of logic
  • Inductive reasoning involves deciding what is likely
  • Deductive reasoning derives the logically necessary conclusion from the given premises.
  • it can lead to a logical conclusion which conflicts with our knowledge of the world
  • Human deduction is at its poorest when truth and validity clash
  • people bring their knowledge of the real world into the reasoning process
  • Induction is generalizing from cases we have seen to infer information about cases we haven't
  • In the absence of counter examples, all that we can do is gather evidence to support our inductive inference
  • Abduction reasons from a fact to the action that caused it
  • can lead to unreliability as an action preceding an event can be wrongly attributed as the cause of the event.
  • Problem solving is the process of finding a solution to an unfamiliar task
  • Gestalt theory and the problem space theory.
  • productive problem solving involves insight and restructuring of the problem
  • productive and reproductive
  • Reproductive problem solving draws on previous experiences
  • Reproductive problem solving could be a hindrance to finding a solution
  • theory says that problem solving centers around the problem space.
  • People solve novel problems by mapping knowledge in a similar known domain, to it
  • people miss analogous information unless it is semantically close to the problem domain.
    • Minjie Kim
      doesn't this basically say that humans are quite narrow minded, and fail to see a connection between two things unless it's right in front of them??
Eriel Eaglin

Four Reasons Stock Market Hope Will Overcome Despair - Seeking Alpha - 0 views

  • Interestingly enough, stock prices suggest the opposite. We haven't sold off like this since the Depression. Even during the inflation crisis of the 1970's, the most we ever sold off was 17%. Being down 40% on the year must be very scary for market bears. Everyone wants to tell you that valuations don't matter but I have a secret for you - they do. It's hard to find a stock with a p/e over 20 anymore. Apple's market cap is down to $79 billion and yet it will have $30 billion in cash on its balance sheet by year end.Apple's not the only one either. Corporate America has never been more fiscally responsible. Record amounts of cash sit on balance sheets across many different sectors. Leverage has been limited to consumers and banks.
  • Outstanding credit card debt sits at $971 billion for the United States. This amounts to approximately $3,000 per person. This problem is nowhere near the problems that we were faced with earlier in the year in the financial sector. Government stimulus can easily fix the problem of consumer leverage. With a shot of confidence, the consumer will prove resilient once again.
    • Eriel Eaglin
      America is in debt
    4 reasons
Eriel Eaglin

Bonds that beat stocks, hands down - MSN Money - 0 views

  • The reasons are partly technical, but the bottom line is that this asset class is perhaps the most compelling investment opportunity in today's marketplace. I expect equitylike returns, well into double digits, over the next year or two. And everyday investors can easily target these bonds with mutual funds and exchange-traded funds.
Paloma Gomez

Issue 82 - May 2008 - Page 1 - 0 views

  • Habacuc claims that he was inspired to create the exhibit by a case in which a Nicaraguan crack addict named Natividad Canda was killed by two dogs because police and firemen watching from the sidelines would not or could not intervene. Subsequent footage of the incident shown on TV generated disgust from the public. Habacuc viewed this disgust as hypocritical and therefore wanted to create a similar public reaction with his exhibition. Again, he does not clearly confirm or deny if the animal died during the display. In the interview, he rather ambiguously states that "the human eye is treacherous" and suggests that what one first believes he is seeing may turn out to be different after due reflection.
    • Paloma Gomez
      tells a little more for the reason of his display
    tells a little more about the reason for his display
Paloma Gomez

Dead dog as art - Opinion - 0 views

  • When asked to provide an explanation for his actions Vargas claimed that this so called "art exhibit" was his way of paying respect to his friend who had died recently after he was attacked by two Rottweilers guarding a shop which his friend had been burglarizing.Upon reading through a few of the comments and blogs, I found that there were several threats against the artist, saying that he should be tortured and allowed to die just as the dog. However, no one mentions anything about the spectators. I am in no way defending Vargas's actions, I am however disgusted at the idea that no one attempted to rescue the dog. Pictures show people standing close enough to get a good look yet far enough away to escape any responsibility for the suffering the dog was clearly enduring. The stray dog is more alive today then he was the day he stood as a spectacle of suffering and selfishness. This story has gotten the attention of people everywhere, and rightfully so
    • Paloma Gomez
      tell alittle bit of the reason the so called artist tied up the dog and tell that the dog is still living today
  • What everyone is forgetting is that the controversy around this is exactly what he was getting at with his statement everyone cares about a dog that was going to starve on its own anyways, nobodys cares about the millions of people starving around the world every day or even the dogs starving in his home country its like everyone just saw the words starving dog and immediatly jumped to death threats
    • Paloma Gomez
      other people believe that what the so called artist did was a good way to make a statement
    tell alittle bit of the reason the so called artist tied up the dog and tell that the dog is still living today
Ann Thomas

Dog and Cat Owners Gain Health Benefits - - 0 views

    Good for body Some of the studies show that owning a pet can have very real physical benefits for their owners. These include: * Pet owners have lower blood pressure. It has long been known that the act of stroking a pet can reduce blood pressure. But a study at the State University of New York at Buffalo found that the beneficial effects continue even when the pet is not present. The study, which looked at a group of stockbrokers with hypertension, concluded that just owning a pet can help lower blood pressure -and keep it lower, even in stressful settings. * Pet owners have lower blood cholesterol levels. A study of more than 5,400 people conducted by Australia's Baker Medical Research Institute found that pet owners had not only lower blood pressure, but also lower levels of blood cholesterol and triglycerides in comparison to the non-pet owners, reducing the risk of heart disease. * Pet owners have a higher survival rate after serious illness. Two studies have found that heart attack patients who owned the pets were significantly more likely to be alive a year after they were discharged from the hospital than those who didn't. What's more, a study conducted at City Hospital in New York found that the presence of a pet affected survival rate even more than having a spouse or friends. Patients in hospitals or nursing homes who have regular visits from their pets have shown to be more receptive to treatment. The need to care for their pet gives them reason to recover and the will to live. * Pet owners have fewer doctors' visits. Studies conducted by Cambridge University in England and at the University of California at Los Angeles have found that pet ownership corresponds to overall improved health and fewer medical care visits. A study of Medicare patients also found that seniors who own dogs go to the doctor less than those who do not. Even the most highly-stressed older dog owners in the study had 21 % fewer physician's visits than non-dog ow
Paloma Gomez

Outrage at 'starvation' of a stray dog for art | Art and design | The Observer - 0 views

  • Chaining up a dog and forcing it to go without food and water in the name of art is a surefire way of making yourself unpopular with animal lovers. The furore created by Damien Hirst's pickled sheep and Tracey Emin's dirty bed pales into insignificance against the international outrage Guillermo 'Habacuc' Vargas has unleashed. The Costa Rican has been called an animal abuser, killer and worse over claims that a stray dog called Natividad died of starvation after he displayed it at an exhibition last year at the Códice Gallery in Managua, Nicaragua. Vargas tethered the animal without food and water under the words 'Eres Lo Que Lees' - 'You Are What You Read' - made out of dog biscuits while he played the Sandinista anthem backwards and set 175 pieces of crack cocaine alight in a massive incense burner. More than a million people have signed an online petition urging organisers of this year's event to stop Vargas taking part. Vargas, 32, said he wanted to test the public's reaction, and insisted none of the exhibition visitors intervened to stop the animal's suffering. He refused to say whether the animal had survived the show, but said he had received dozens of death threats. Juanita Bermúdez, director of the Códice Gallery, insisted Natividad escaped after just one day. She said: 'It was untied all the time except for the three hours the exhibition lasted and it was fed regularly with dog food Habacuc himself brought in.'
    tells what guillermo said his reason was to do what he did and mentions what juanita owner of the art gallery had to say
cory delacruz

Why Did All Dinosaurs Become Extinct? | - 0 views

  • Adapted from Dinosaurs: The Very Latest Information and Hands-On Activities From the Museum of the Rockies, by Liza Charlesworth and Bonnie Sachatello-Sawyer. A Scholastic Professional Book. The last dinosaurs died approximately 65 million years ago. Although the cause of their extinction is still a mystery, climatic change, diseases, changing plant communities, and geologic events could all have played a role. Lately, dinosaur extinction theories have been the subject of much debate and controversy. A recent explanation, supported by many scientists, suggests that dinosaurs died out soon after a huge meteorite crashed to Earth near the Gulf of Mexico. A giant meteorite, they reason, could have landed with an impact that kicked up enough dust and debris to block out sunlight for a long time — leading to a deadly chain of events. Without the sun, all the plants died; without the plants, all the plant-eaters died; and without the plant-eaters, all the meat-eaters died. Sounds reasonable. But there is one problem with this theory: Paleontologists have not yet been able to find dinosaur skeletons in rocks dating to the period of impact. Some evidence even seems to indicate that all the dinosaurs had died before the meteorite hit. What is the answer? As paleontologists search for clues to support their theories, they agree to disagree.
    • cory delacruz
      sounds interseting so i could use this to learn.........................................................................................................................................................................................................
    I can use this to give a general idea of what exactly made the dinosaurs extinct.
kathleen mcclung

People listen to music for different reasons and at different times. Why is music imp -... - 0 views

    tells how music is a must for people around the world
Paloma Gomez

"Artist" Leaves Dog To Die on Exhibition Display - Killing Animals as Form of Contempor... - 0 views

  • A man who calls himself an artist ties a dog to a wall inside an art gallery. No, you heard me correctly - we're not talking about the night janitor who caught the starving animal littering the front steps of the gallery and decided to vent a lifetime of frustration by pulling off a ridiculously cruel stunt. We're talking about a man who calls himself an artist. His name is Guillermo Vargas Habacuc and the year is 2007. Guillermo is one of the artists taking part in an art exhibition that takes place at a Costa Rican gallery - pompously called "Centro Nacional de la Cultura" (National Center for Culture). He pays a bunch of kids to catch the street dog, which he cruelly baptizes "Natividad" (Spanish for "birth"). His aim is to make an artistic statement about the fragility and the misery in which all dogs - indeed, all human beings live, and he achieved just that by letting the dog starve to death tied to a wall, in plain view of the exhibition visitors, some of whom demanded futilely that the dog be released.
    • Paloma Gomez
      Tells how the man caught the dog and what he did once he put in on display
    Tell how the animal was caught and put on display... also tells what his explanation or reason is for doing what he did
Katie M

Global Warming Effects, Global Warming Causes, Causes of Global Warming, Effects of Glo... - 0 views

  • Many scientists have specified various reasons for global warming effects on the environment and for human life. It is not easy to point one reason for global warming effects, but recently you might have saw many change in global climate. Global warming effects have various consequences such as glacier volume decreasing, rise in sea levels, shrinkage of Arctic and altered fashion of doing agriculture have been named as direct effects on global warming. Secondary global warming effects are extreme weather events, increase in tropical diseases, changes in the timing of seasonal patterns in ecosystems, and drastic economic impact.
  • Before many times back, many scientist and researchers were hopping that a positive effect of global warming would be increased agricultural yields(outputs), because of the role of carbon dioxide in photosynthesis which might behave in positive manner, but now it resulting in destructions of several crops. In the area of Iceland, due the rising temperatures which have made possible the widespread sowing of barley easily in an effective manner, which was not possible twenty years from now. The net result is expected to be that 33% less maize—the country's staple crop—will be grown. The reduction in rainfall has turned millions of land into deserts.
  • Insurance industry has been affected very badly with the risk of insurance; the number of major natural disasters has been increased to 300% since 1960s, and insured losses increased fifteenfold in real terms. According to Choi and Fisher (2003) each 1% increase in annual precipitation could enlarge catastrophe loss by as much as 2.8%.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • All major Transportation sources such as Roads, airport runways, railway lines and pipelines, always require time to time maintenance and renewal as they become subject to greater temperature variation. Regions already adversely affected include areas of permafrost, which are subject to high levels of subsidence, resulting in buckling roads, sunken foundations, severely cracked runways and many other related problems.
  • Most of the low-lying countries such as Bangladesh, Indonesia, Netherlands and many other small islands have been affected by sea level rise, in terms of floods or the cost of preventing them. In most of the poorest low-plain countries, land is the only available space, or fertile agricultural land which is livelihood for them. But due to flood they are finding problem now to perform their activities.
    effects of global warming
Christina Sanchez

Hong Kong's population crisis deepens as fewer women have children | - 0 views

  • Hong Kong's population crisis is likely to worsen as a survey showed Thursday that nearly four in 10 women want only one child or no children at all.
  • world's lowest birth rates.
  • Twenty-six per cent of 1,500 women interviewed said they wanted only one child
    • Christina Sanchez
      Reason why Hong Kong population is the way it is
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Almost one in three women aged 35 to 39 in the city of 6.9 million said they had fewer children than they wanted but many said they did not want to risk a late pregnancy.
Stephania D

Olympic Sailors - 0 views

  • Beijing Olympics
  • China's environmental
  • Choked Waters
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • With the Olympics only a month away, athletes cannot risk falling sick and are taking few chances.
  • "You don't really want to go sailing around in pollution and I've never sailed in a place that's more polluted than this," said Australian coach Euan McNicol, a former skiff world champion.
  • The most shocking story is that of Australian sailor Elise Rechichi, who swallowed water when she slipped on a boat ramp during a test event here in 2006. It took her 10 months to recover from severe gastric trauma that had her in and out of hospital.
  • "It's made us all reasonably wary of what's going on,"
  • But for many Olympic sailors it's what they can't see in the water that is their greatest concern.
  • Boats, bulldozers and the military have been deployed to remove the eyesore.
  • On Saturday, officials briefly claimed victory over the algae saying the course had been cleared.
  • But Qu Chun, the 2008 Olympic sailing competition manager said the bloom has not been totally wiped out, estimating that 2-5 percent of the course was still affected, down from nearly a third a week earlier.
    Face Pollution
Diana Davis

treatments for brain cancer, brain cancer treatment, brain cancer information, about br... - 0 views

  • he brain is composed of: A.         The cerebrum, which is divided into two cerebral hemispheres. The cerebrum is the largest part of the brain and is divided into lobes where discrete functions occur. Higher reasoning takes place in the cerebrum. B.         The cerebellum, or little brain, located beneath the cerebrum. The cerebellum controls coordination and balance. C.         The brain stem, which is the lowest portion of the brain and connects to the spinal cord, controls involuntary functions essential for life, such as the beating of the heart and breathing. D.         The meninges, membranes that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord. There are three meninges.
    telling the different parts of the brain
~ * josie * ~

Best Song of 2004 - Poll - 0 views

  • 15%  Green Day - Boulevard Of Broken Dreams   13%  Outkast - Hey Ya!   12%  Avril Lavigne - My Happy Ending     9%  Evanescence - My Immortal     8%  Hoobastank - The Reason     8%  Destiny's Child - Lose My Breath     8%  Green Day - American Idiot     7%  Maroon5 - She Will Be Loved     6%  Britney Spears - Toxic     6%  Maroon5 - This Love     4%  Gwen Stefani - What You Waiting For?     2%  No Doubt - It's My Life     2%  Britney Spears - Everytime
~ * josie * ~

Universal, world's largest music company, refuses to renew iTunes contract - Engadget - 0 views

    • ~ * josie * ~
      this problem is very serios and i have heard some things about i-tunes and universal and it didnt sound pretty
  • Looks like a pillar of iTunes content might be on the brink of collapse -- Universal Music, the world's largest music business, has officially opted not to renew its contract with Apple for vending music on the iTunes Music Store. We don't know specifically what caused Universal to turn away -- perhaps it's the weight of the rising anti-DRM movement among consumers, or perhaps it's because of Stevie J.'s brash negotiating tactics, continual refusal to hand over iPod cash, or oceanic persistence in keeping tracks locked in at $0.99. Whatever the reason, we can't say we're all that surprised; Universal's been a pain in Apple's ass for years now. So what's the end result? Well, Universal music will still be sold through iTunes at will, so that means consumers can keep buying tracks for the time being, but Apple runs the risk of losing Universal's content on very short notice if the companies don't make happy with one another and put pen to paper once more.
Eriel Eaglin

Obama Faces Falling Stocks, Lost Jobs, Foreclosed Homes - 0 views

  • Analysts say that at the start of trading, the stock markets fell because a lot of investors were cashing in, but later in the day, the reason the stock markets kept on falling was because traders began to have reservations about the impact of an Obama administration on the business sector.
  • The stocks also fell because investors were concerned about the business impact of the expected release of a government report on lost jobs, repo homes and foreclosed properties for the month of October.
    obama stocks
Graham Williams

Curse of the Bambino - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • reason for the failure of the Boston Red Sox baseball team to win the World Series in the 86-year period from 1918 until 2004.
  • begun after the Red Sox sold Babe Ruth, sometimes called The Bambino, to the New York Yankees in the off-season of 1919-1920.
  • The curse
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • winning the first World Series in 1903 and amassing five World Series titles prior to selling Ruth
  • he once-lackluster Yankees became one of the most successful franchises in North American professional sports.
  • ended in 2004, when the Red Sox came back from a 0-3 best-of-seven deficit to beat the Yankees in the 2004 American League Championship Series and then went on to sweep the St. Louis Cardinals to win the 2004 World Series.
  • the curse
  • In 1949, the Red Sox needed to win just one of the last two games of the season to win the pennant, but lost both games to the Yankees, who would go on to win a record five consecutive World Series from 1949 to 1953.
  • In 1967, the Red Sox surprisingly reversed the awful results of the 1966 season by winning the American League pennant on the last weekend of the season. In the World Series, they once again faced the Cardinals, and just as in 1946, the Series went to a seventh game. St. Louis won the deciding contest 7-2
  • In 2003, the Red Sox were playing the Yankees in Game 7 of the American League Championship Series. Boston held a 5-2 lead in the eighth inning, and manager Grady Little opted to stay with starting pitcher Pedro Martínez rather than go to the bullpen. New York rallied off the tired Martínez, scoring three runs off a single and three doubles to tie the game. In the bottom of the 11th inning, Aaron Boone launched a solo home run off knuckleballing Boston starter Tim Wakefield (pitching in relief) to win the game and the pennant for the Yankees.
  • In 2004, the Red Sox once again met the Yankees in the American League Championship Series. After losing the first three games, including a 19–8 drubbing at Fenway in Game 3, the Red Sox trailed 4-3 in the bottom of the 9th inning of Game 4. But the team tied the game with a walk by Kevin Millar and a stolen base by pinch-runner Dave Roberts, followed by an RBI single off Yankee closer Mariano Rivera by third baseman Bill Mueller, and won on a 2-run home run in the 12th inning by David Ortiz. The Red Sox would go on to win the next three games to become the first Major League Baseball team to win a seven-game postseason series after being down 3 games to none.
  • The Red Sox then faced the St. Louis Cardinals, the team to whom they lost the 1946 and 1967 World Series, and won in a four-game sweep. Cardinals shortstop Edgar Rentería—who wore number 3, Babe Ruth's uniform number with the Yankees—hit into the final out of the game. The final game took place on October 27 during a total lunar eclipse—the only post-season or World Series game to do so. It also took place exactly 18 years to the day the Red Sox last lost a World Series game. Three years later, the Red Sox would sweep the Colorado Rockies to win another World Series.
Krisly Philip

Ways to Prevent Global Warming - 0 views

  • Reasons for Global Warming Global warming can be minimized to a great extent, if we eliminate the causes which are mostly human made. The responsibility of preventing global warming rests both on individual as well as the state. In individual level we can change our practices such as minimize the usage of fossil based fuel, reduce the electricity consumption by using energy efficient appliances. Vehicular pollution can be minimized by using the public transport system. The nucleus goal is to beget the global warming under control by restricting the carbon dioxide release and other heat ensnaring greenhouse gases into the environment. On an average nearly 10000 pounds of carbon dioxide is released per year in significant countries like Canada and US. This can be immediately curtailed by becoming energy efficient. Reducing the usage of oil, coal and gasoline are one of the effective ways of preventing global warming.
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