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Savanna Germain

Newspaper Preservation Law & Legal Definition - 0 views

    This website talks about the Newspaper Prevention Act of 1970. It defines what the act entails and goes a little in depth as to how it works. Also indirectly talks about the joining of newspapers/ Joint Operating Agreement.
Savanna Germain

Our Documents - Alien and Sedition Acts (1798) - 0 views

    This website discusses what the Sedition Act of 1798 was and gives a brief history on it.
Savanna Germain

Newspaper Preservation Act : SAGE Knowledge - 0 views

  • In theory, these agreements permit competition in a newspaper market by saving the weaker paper.
    This is another website that talks a little bit more about the Newspaper Preservation Act and its purpose. It also talks about how it promotes competition and keeps failing newspapers alive.
Samantha VanTassel

1765-Stamp Act - 0 views

    A short article explaining how the stamp act would change the way newspapers were to be distributed
Jered Wilcox

Journalist Shield Law - 0 views

    Kurt Wimmer, counsel for the Newspaper Association of America, talked about the the Free Flow of Information Act of 2013, being sponsored by bipartisan members of Congress, and he responded to telephone calls and electronic communications. The bill would protect journalists from fines and jail time when they refuse to name confidential sources unless federal officials make their case in court
Jered Wilcox

HARPER: Mixed feelings as Congress weighs media shield law - 0 views

    It took the Senate Judiciary Committee 837 words to define a journalist. That's nearly 20 times as long as the First Amendment. The definition has become part of the Free Flow of Information Act of 2013, which passed the committee last week by a vote of 13-5.
Jered Wilcox

Holes in Media Shield Law Worry Opponents, and Even Some Supporters - 0 views

    The so-called media shield law approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee Sept. 12 would likely fail to curtail the Obama administration's most controversial legal offensives against reporters, critics and supporters alike say. Furthermore, it's possible courts could also restrict limited reporter protections if the "Free Flow of Information Act" becomes law.
Jered Wilcox

New bill raises concerns for citizen journalists - 0 views

    Proposed legislation by Sens. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), the so-called "Free Flow of Information Act," which cleared the Senate Judiciary Committee on Sept. 12, would restrict protections afforded to the media under the principle of freedom of the press to salaried journalists, according to
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