1. Visual Cue: prompt using pictures Show the picture of destination rather than repeatedly saying “We are going to go to the school.” Their concern might be coming from uncertainty of where they are going. Usually general noun is hard to remind them the real destination. Temple Grandin said one day, when she heard a word “church” it reminds her a lot of various real pictures of churches. Just show them the exact image for the next thing, no worries about verbal learning. “Visual Cue” supports playing a recorded sound of the destination as well. 2. First ~ Then: simple cause and result Let them know what’s going to happen after they accomplish one thing using a sequential picture though “First ~ Then.” You can show the first image as a condition to have the second one. For example, show picture of wash hands at first then show their favorite snack. It makes them understand clearly what they need to do for the compensation as a contingency. 3. Which One? Dude, we are living in the lots of choice! Give them a choice via pictures. You can show them as many as 4 pictures to choose from. If they are non-verbal then it is hard to know what they want or where they want to go, etc. You can show them a few pictures of places, food, objects, even photos of friends. Suddenly they are happy to get the freedom of choice and it makes your life easier by seamless communication. 4. Count Up: another token system with rewarding animation and sound Do you want to encourage a good behavior by visual cue framework? You can add a star by tapping and give an interesting reward when predefined number of stars has reached. 5. Count Down: a time keeper for transition Hard time at transition? This count down tool will remind them how much time they have left until they need to stop playing or to go home. You can count it down by tapping manually until 0. 6. Visual Scheduler: a guide map for visual thinkers Not enough with a couple of pictures? You can make a story line of what to do or what’s going on in the next couple of hours or even for days. Create a series of activities for your kids to make it clear what to expect next in a structured way. This tool provides an easier way to add, remove, change the sequence in order to maximize flexibility. 7. Visual Timer: Progressive image with timer You can choose your favorite image as a timer background, it also supports alarm. *** We don’t provide stock images but give you many choice to build your own library such as take a photo, add a image from photo album, or download from internet.