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Android now accounts for 72% of worldwide smartphone market - - 2 views

    Why is Android so widespread?

Bank app users warned over Android security | IT PRO - 4 views

    Mobile apps provided by mobile operators and handset manufacturers could put expose phone users to fraud, according to research that as many as 64 per cent of manufacturer added applications were exposing users to serious security issues.
    "Bank app users warned over Android security" Describe at least four types of vulnerabilities. Describe mobile point-of-sale devices. Explain why card fraud could endanger the payment chain.
In Hee Jang

Report warns of Android security issues, increased malware, Web attacks - 1 views

  • “Malware writers have become increasingly creative with the tactics they use to get users to download malware,” Mahaffey wrote in a blog entry announcing the report. “Monetary motivations seem to be the primary goal, but the sheer amount of personal information stored in our smartphones also becomes a target for attackers to get creative.”
    San Francico based mobile security vendor announced that there is a lack of android security issues which increases malware and web atatcks.
Su Jung Woo

Security Enhancements in Android 4.2.2 - 0 views

    Android Security is enhanced by 'Jelly Bean' which has been refreshed with additional features such as preventing harmful apps from entering mobile device or blocking installation of bad apps.

10 reasons NOT to buy an Android and why I'm waiting for the iPhone 5 | ZDNet - 2 views

    Android problems and iOS
Dawoon Jung

Android's biggest security flaws | ZDNet - 1 views

    Android is widely accepted as being iOS' greatest rival, but, according to Dell SecureWorks security researcher Timothy Vidas, it has a host of issues that have made it a target for malware authors. Poor permissions: the huge host of permissions that users must understand are driving them into information paralysis; they are choosing to ignore the warnings presented to them, and not considering whether they may be dangerous or unnecessary. Open marketplace: Google Play does have an automated scanning program called Bouncer, but its effectiveness is as yet unknown. Therefore many Russian and Chinese alternative markets basically distribute 100 per cent malware Inexperienced or malicious developers: if they don't have any malicious intent, the developers could introduce new vulnerabilities into the target device, or create features that have unintended side effects.
Eun Young Park

Android Security Problems Growing More Grave - 0 views

    People are worried about Android's security problems which have been gradually getting bigger and bigger. The security firm has found out that more than 5,000 malicious applications designed to target Google's Android mobile operating system, and it has risen to about 20,000 recently.
chaemin Nam

Lessons learned from Android security issues | - 0 views

    Mobile device security requires persistence, diligence and, of course, common sense. In recent months, iOS and Android security have been hot topics of discussion in response to major breaches that impacted both operating systems this summer. their data breaches a legitimate but avoidable threat. In addition, software updates a necessity

Your smartphone: a new frontier for hackers - Technology & science - Security - - 15 views

    Describe the different ways that iphones and android phones are being hacked. all sept 5 soo
    Malicious Applications that log details about incoming/outgoing phone calls, as well as recording the calls. They can create unwanted service charges subscriptions to phone users. The users may or may not even receive the "service" that was subscribed, and paid for. They cab intercept text messages, compromise emails, photos and private content. Malicious applications that appear to be games, calculators, or pornographic photos and videos are downloaded to smartphones. Malware that replies incoming text messages with spam links. E-mail based phishing - because the phone screens are smaller than computers, it is harder to tell apart phishing links and scams in the url. iPhone's unencrypted file of location logs for iPhone users. Jailbroken iPhones that run unauthorized content is also a gap where malware can get through. Because these apps are unauthorized, they haven't gone through Apple's authorization process, and can contain malware, and can hack the user's phone. o By Malicious Application= The Applications which Apple and Android offers to customer, sometimes have malicious worms or viruses. Sometimes, malicious applications masquerade to games, calculators, or pornographic photos and videos. Hackers made their own malicious app and phishing people to download. The payment will charge to the victim's phone bills. o By Phishing Texting= Personal texting sometimes contain spam and malicious links which lead to the hacking site o By Advertisement link= Viruses might attach to the advertisement link o By Weak Security= Weak security of iPhone and Android phone therefore, find the weak part of the phone and hack. o By E-mail= Users tend to be less caring on phones, as the words and the screen itself are small

Guest Post: Using NFC tags with your Android PhoneGoMo News - 7 views

    How does this work? What is nfc used for? Can this be used for pay phones? sept 12 - 13 Chut rebecca
    How does this work? - NFC tags are just RF chips. They use radio frequency to communicate with each other. What is NFC used for? - They can be used for many purposes. Since that it can communicate with other devices that use NFC tags as well, it might be used as a credit card-like payment device, being to pay for something by just your phone. Anything that also uses NFC tags may be synchronized to work together. Can this be used for pay phones? - Yes it can. If payphone also have NFC tags, people may be able to call without having to insert a coin or a card.

Google beefs up voice search with personal recognition - 5 views

    Describe the IT terms. march 29 jenny
    1.11_people_machines 3.2 _software
    1. Describe the IT terms. Patented - Granted and protected by rights. A patent is a set of exclusive rights granted by a state, national government, to the inventor for a limited period of time in exchange for a public disclosure of the invention. Cloud-based - software systems that based on the cloud (internet) Voice recognition system- computer technology that uses audio input to enter data instead of a keyboard input. Audio input is carried through a connected microphone. The Software is designed to recognize words or phrases with an internal database. The program would then match the audio signature of speech with corresponding data in the database. Cloud-based voice recognition - The voice recognition software the is important to virtual reality since it provides a fairly natural and intuitive way of controlling the simulation while allowing the user's hands to remain free. The audio signals are converted to electrical signals, and then transformed into coding patterns to which meanings have been assigned. Automated voicemail - Automatic voicemail system that stores voice messages. Goog-411 - an automated information service that uses voice recognition to find information for what the caller is asking for on local businesses. This also has a feature to send the information to the caller's phone via text messaging. Goog-411 has provided a foundation for Voice Search (search Google by speaking instead of typing, Voice Input (filling in any text field on Andriod by speaking), and Voice Actions (Controlling Android phones with voice commands). Android - Google's mobile operating system (a modified Linux Kernal system). This is the software stack for mobile devices that include the operating system as well as the middleware along with key apps.

Control these large smart appliances with your iPhone | Appliances - CNET Reviews - 1 views

    Describe IT Dawoon Oct 2
    Most smart appliances have an accompanying application. Those applications are available on iOS and android. (Samsung's washer and dryer application is working on only iOS and Samsung's Galaxy mobile devices, not the rest of the android devices.) There are some examples of using iOS to control the smart appliances 1. LG Smart ThinQ LFX31995ST LG Smart ThinQ app will tell you the internal temperatures of both the refrigerator and freezer, and whether it's on energy-saving mode or not. You can make grocery lists and automatically update your inventory once you've checked an item off the list. Also, you can search for recipes on the fridge based on what your fridge has in stock. 2. Whirlpool WRL767SIAM Side-by-Side Refrigerator with 6th Sense Live it transmits information directly to the free app on your smart device. Whirlpool's app can let you know, if the refrigerator door is open or if there has been a power outage. Whirlpool has also enabled this refrigerator to connect to the smart grid if it's available in your area, which will let you monitor energy usage through its app. 3. GE Profile PT9550SFSS Built-In Double Convection Wall Oven The game-change app turns your phone into a remote control for the oven. You can set the temperature, mode, and time for both ovens independently and turn them on with app. 4. LG Smart ThinQ LRE3027ST oven Smart ThinQ app will allow you to search for recipes and then cue up the cook time and temperature accordingly, but you still have to manually press start on the oven itself. LG app allows you to run diagnostics on the range to make sure that everything is running as it should be. 5. LG Smart ThinQ WT6001HV Washer/Smart ThinQ DLEX6001V Electric Dryer LG's Smart ThinQ washing machine features a gorgeous touch screen and connects to LG's Smart ThinQ app via your smartphone or tablet. It doesn't have a smart-grid function like some other washer/dryer apps, but it's otherwise similar in that it lets you check your wash cycle

BBC News - US NSA and UK GCHQ 'can spy on smartphones' - 1 views

    summary jab
    On the September 8 article on "US NSA and UK GCHQ' can spy on smartphone" state that NSA (US National Security Agency) and British GCHQ have joint together and have cracked the smartphones such as IPhone, Blackberries and Android devices. The article said that this was a revelation by Edward Snowden who has been welcomed by Germany. This is why on Saturday; thousands of demonstrators in Berlin demand the NSA to stop monitory internet users. As Der Spiegel said, NSA and GCHQ have been able to read smartphone users contacts and lists of who had been called. This disclosure has ignited a heat of debate in Germany.

PayPal Debuts Its Newest Hardware, Beacon, A Bluetooth LE Enabled Device For Hands-Free Check Ins And Payments | TechCrunch - 6 views

    summary yongkyu
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    describe the IT systems
    One of David Marcus's biggest challenges when taking on the role of President of PayPal was extending the platform into point of sale, and making it easier to pay with PayPal than swiping your credit card. But changing consumer behavior is an enormously difficult task. PayPal played with geo-location leveraging GPS and Wi-Fi for iOS and Android. These technologies are what powers Square's hands free payment system 'Pay with Square. But they found that it ended up being a poor experience for the consumer because it sucked the batter life out of their phones. PayPal also warns that it is aware of the potential privacy issues so PayPal Beacon won't constantly track your location unlike other technologies. If you enter a store and decline to check in, or just ignore the prompt entirely, no information is transmitted to PayPal or the merchant. PayPal has also said that there will be no ads served via the platform. As evidenced by PayPal latest app update from last week, the company is making a big bet on creating an in-store experience for both consumers and retailers. It's ambitious to say the least because not only does the payments company have to change the behavior of the consumer (from just swiping a card) but it also has to convince retailers and the 100 million plus PayPal users that it is worth it. Marcus says that providing a frictionless experience for both parties will be the key to success when changing behavior.
    Describe IT. Alex Oct 4
    Bluetooth Low Energy: Allows connected devices to communicate with each other while keeping the energy consumption of the devices at a very low level. The transaction should take place without GPS, other apps running, or even without a phone signal. PayPal Beacon: A small hardware device that runs on its own Wi-Fi, plugs into an outlet and serves as a beacon to other devices. It updates itself and the storekeeper doesn't have to touch it at all. It will track your location according to privacy issues. It is completely up to you whether you accept or decline Beacon when you enter the store. A hands free check in payment device.
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