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Azman Fadhilah

On Computers for 11/01/2010 - 0 views

    Gmail tips summary Basically, Gmail gives you a plenty of space to storage for example 7 gigabytes for free, which is already a lot. Even though you are running out of the space. You are able to get more spaces for just $5 per year, is quite cheap. What is so good about Gmail? The most useful feature is that you can link your other email account, AOL, Yahoo, or Hotmail right away to your Gmail, which means you do need to open up many email to check your Inbox. a) You can set up filters to skip the Inbox and go right to the folder or a trash can. b) If you happen to find some information that is quite old, Gmail uses GooGle search engine to allow you to find it easily. c) Gmail offers " canned message" You can set up a filter so that a certain type of email always gets a canned response.

Google accuses China of interfering with Gmail email system | Technology | The Guardian - 4 views

    What evidence does Google present for Chinese government censorship? How does this impact the Jasmine revolution? Describe LinkedIn. Why was LinkedIn disrupted? What are the 7 International Safe Harbor Privacy Principles? Explain the major criticism of this system (International...)? Explain "self-censorship is a non-negotiable legal requirement". Explain "China's political elite have a love hate relationship with the internet". march 25 woo
    1. What evidence does Google present for Chinese government censorship? Google says that Chinese customers and advertisers have increasingly been complaining about their Gmail service in the past month. Attempts by users to send messages, mark messages as unread and use other services have generated problems for Gmail customers. Google shows potential signs that the Chinese government is increasing their censorship by revealing that Gmail's e-mailing system features have been disrupted for Gmail users as well as other Gmail interfaces such as sending e-mails. Google also reveals that the users who filed in these complaints are mostly potential threats to the Chinese government such as the activist accounts also with financial, technology, media and chemical companies users' accounts. Thus, even though there is no concrete evidence, there are signs that are most likely to be linked to the Chinese government. 2. How does this impact the Jasmine revolution? The move follows extensive attempts by the Chinese authorities to crack down on the Jasmine revolution, an online dissident movement inspired by events in the Middle East. The censorship was supposed to prevent people from getting too much information but instead, this can provoke people to go against the government since people are aware that they have been treated unfairly. 3. Describe LinkedIn. LinkedIn is a business-oriented social networking site. LinkedIn operates the world's largest professional network on the Internet with more than 100 million members in over 200 countries and territories. The purpose of the site is to allow registered users to maintain a list of contact details of people they know and trust in business. The people in the list are called Connections. Users can invite anyone to become a connection. 4. Why was LinkedIn disrupted? LinkedIn is business-social networking and Chinese can use this site as the means of evoking opposition against the government. China's president Hu Jint

SCAM! This Is How To Hack Hotmail, Gmail And Yahoo Mail Account » Account, at... - 2 views

    Avik and last pass, etc.

US Report Blasts China, Russia for Cybercrime - ABC News - 15 views

    Identify the issue and scenario. Describe 3 incidents of cyberattacks by China. List some of the most desired data. Describe how the US is responding to these cyberthreats. all nov 10 kuni
    Identify the issue and scenario. China and Russia have been accused of cyber espionage, stealing technological and commercial information from The USA and its Allies. Describe 3 incidents of cyberattacks by China. 1. Google allege that intellectual property was stolen in a computer attack that also targeted at least 20 other large companies. And earlier this year Mountain View, Calif.-based Google said it believes hackers in China broke into the Gmail accounts of several hundred people, including senior U.S. government officials, military personnel and political activists. 2. Mandiant reported that data was stolen from a Fortune 500 manufacturing company during business negotiations when the company was trying to buy a Chinese company. 3. McAfee traced an intrusion to an Internet protocol address in China and said intruders took data from global oil, energy and petrochemical companies. List some of the most desired data. Data from global oil, energy and petrochemical companies, Fortune 500 manufacturing company, U.S. Government officials, and military's gmail accounts. Describe how the US is responding to these cyberthreats. The Pentagon has begun a pilot program that is working with a group of defense contractors to help detect and block cyberattacks. They have called for greater communication about cyberthreats among the government, intelligence agencies and the private sector.

Bangkok Post : Heads in the cloud - 1 views

  • Tangerine, a reseller of Google enterprise product, says business policies for dealing with cloud computing in Thailand will start to emerge this year
  • The cloud applications specialist has just started providing consulting and selling cloud services for after providing services for enterprises and supply chains for two decades.
  • The new generation encourages collaboration
    Why is cloud computing gaining widespread adoption? Why is it cheaper? Describe saas Describe the Tangerine example. What kind of customers does salesforce target? How does cloud computing encourage collaboration? march 17 soo
    1.Why is cloud computing gaining widespread adoption? Cloud computing is gaining widespread adoption because cloud computing enables users to connect to corporate data and applications via online enabled devices. It offers the complexities and unique requirements of sophisticated applications, yet delivers them in less time and with lower startup costs. 2.Why is it cheaper? Cloud computing is cheaper cost when they deliver IT systems because businesses pay for only what is used and by that they could reduce the amount of cost in capital and operating cost. 3.Describe SaaS. SaaS stands for Software as a Service. Users who use services that is net-based are charged for the software they used, either as a subscription or as a pay-as-you-go basis. It is basically charging the service costs for the software that the users are utilizing. 4.Describe the Tangerine example. Tangerine is a company that sells enterprise version of Google mail and applications. These applications uses Gmail or Google's online document systems as an interface. Users who use Tangerine are charged a subscription fee for the usage of Tangerine. 5.What kind of customer does sales-force target? Salesforce is targeting people who actively use clouding computing system. Basically, it could be individual people but mostly many huge companies are using clouding computing to work efficiently. Also this system could save the money for the storage systems. 6. How does cloud computing encourage collaboration? By using user-friendly services like Facebook rather than conventional e-mail, feeds rather than memos, a touch-based system rather than a click-user interface, a push-based information system rather than pull or browse, location-based technology rather than unknown locations, and web service/HTML rather than Windows or Mac.
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