Armies of Expensive Lawyers, Replaced by Cheaper Software - - 2 views
helen g on 03 Apr 11"Science * World * U.S. * N.Y. / Region * Business * Technology * Science o Environment o Space & Cosmos * Health * Sports * Opinion * Arts * Style * Travel * Jobs * Real Estate * Autos "
helen g on 03 Apr 11This article discusses advances in artificial intelligence which have allowed for legal documents to be read and processed by computers, rather than teams of lawyers. The major stakeholders in this scenario are the lawyer, who'se jobs are being taken by computer e-discovery software,such as Blackstone Discovery, due to the effiiency offered by computers as well as the fact that the services are much cheaper. The obvious concern in this situation is if computers are taking the jobs of actual people. Many argue that this is not the case, since jobs are always available. However, higher paying and more demanding jobs seem to be decreasing due to artificial intelligence. This puts an obvious restriction on people. It seems as though as time progresses, these jobs will start decreasing more and more on the job market.