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Roland O'Daniel

Quipper - High School Maths - 2 views

    One of a growing number of quiz apps that are available. Easy to use, but a litte rudimentary in that it only allows you to take a quiz and does not have a study mode. You can review your results and analyze how you are doing which is very cool. Easy to create new quizzes and share, which is good, and you can add images to your quizzes, which is key.  I still think I prefer gflash+ for it's flexibility in the study mode but it might be a nice combination of apps for some online quizzing using MC questions. 
Roland O'Daniel

Skype in the classroom (beta) | Skype Education - 1 views

    Skype in the classroom (beta) Meet new people, discover new cultures and connect with classes from around the world, all without leaving the classroom.
Catherine. B

Mobile learning, anytime, anywhere - 1 views

    Cites several anecdotal examples of how mobile learning is used in schools, particularly in areas with low income high risk students who do not have pc's at home or internet service.
Catherine. B

Education In Hand: Spreading Success Using Palm Handhelds at Florida PreK-5 - 1 views

    Good article of using technology
Roland O'Daniel -- iPad Artwork Inspired by The Dot - 1 views

    The storybook "The Dot" became the inspiration for this art project.
Roland O'Daniel

sigml - Main - 1 views

    SIGML is the ISTE special interest group that is an advocate for mobile learning worldwide, and promotes meaningful integration of mobile devices in teaching and learning in formal and informal learning environments. Members of SIGML include teachers, administrators, technology coordinators, university faculty and researchers, and representatives from profit and non-profit entities, including government. We hope you will get involved and join us. Please direct any inquiries to
Roland O'Daniel

The NEA Foundation // C2i: Challenge to Innovate - 1 views

    The NEA Foundation in partnership with the Consortium for School Networking (CoSN) wants to know how mobile phone technology can be used to transform teaching and learning.  The Foundation will award up to five individuals $1,000 for the best ideas posted on the C2i page on the U.S. Department of Education's Open Innovation Portal.
Roland O'Daniel

ArcGIS | What's New in ArcGIS 10 - 1 views

    ArcGIS 10 transforms the way people use GIS. Be more productive with your work and take advantage of GIS everywhere: via individual local desktops, across desktops and browsers leveraging central servers, and in the cloud.
Roland O'Daniel

Inkling - Interactive textbooks for iPad. - 2 views

  • Inkling brings the world’s best content to iPad with interactivity, social collaboration and simple ease-of-use. No more heavy, expensive textbooks to carry around campus. Inkling textbooks are more interactive, more flexible and cheaper. Download Inkling today and try a free chapter. It’s an entirely new way to learn.
    Inkling brings the world's best content to iPad with interactivity, social collaboration and simple ease-of-use. No more heavy, expensive textbooks to carry around campus. Inkling textbooks are more interactive, more flexible and cheaper. Download Inkling today and try a free chapter. It's an entirely new way to learn.
Roland O'Daniel

Will Smart Phones Eliminate the Digital Divide? -- THE Journal - 1 views

    Elliot is everywhere! 
Roland O'Daniel

psdtechPD - Cell Phones - 1 views

    Use of cell phones in the classroom on the Parkland School Division wiki. 
Roland O'Daniel

Is Mobile Affecting When We Read? « Read It Later Blog - 1 views

  • Printed media used to allow us to read in the places we found most comfortable.  When you imagine yourself reading the news
    Analysis of Read It Later data from 100,000,000 articles on when we read and how device affects our reading pattern. 
Mary Waker

How Californians Might be Closing the Digital Divide | MindShift - 1 views

    The stereotypical video game player is a young male under age 18, but study after study has shown that majority of the game-playing population does not fall into that demographic. Only 18% of gamers are under age 18, and women … Read More Flickr:Shlala The $64,000 question in education: Does access to mobile technology actually help close the achievement gap?
Roland O'Daniel

Jeb Bush, Melinda Gates, Sal Khan and the Coming Digital Learning Battle : Education Next - 1 views

  • The debate over digital learning will soon enter a new phase.  No longer will educators debate whether or not digital learning has the capacity to transform the American education system.   Just about gone are the anti-technology Luddites who insist that every classroom be self-contained, with students and teachers left to their own devices, save for the help of pencils, chalk, blackboards and weighty textbooks stuffed into 10 kilo backpacks.
    • Roland O'Daniel
      I wish I could say I think this vision of education and instruction is a close reality, but I sit in classrooms on a daily basis in which the pen/pencil is ALWAYS the primary tool of the student and use of technology is not part of the vision.  
    • Roland O'Daniel
      Great statement!
  • It is becoming increasingly obvious that digital learning systems can be tailored to the specific interests, learning styles, and levels of accomplishment of each student.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • On the one side will be those who propose that most digital learning in K-12 public education be of the “blended” variety, that is, take place within public school classrooms under the tutelage of a highly qualified teacher.
  • nline” proponents will argue that blended learning alone is not enough.  American education can be transformed only if the power to drive change is placed in the hands of students, who are offered a choice of providers that include not only the blended classroom but also those who offer products  exclusively online, supplementing asymmetric video presentations of online materials with interactive systems that employ such tools as Skype, interactive games, social networking, email communications and phone conversations.
    • Roland O'Daniel
      I guess, I'm one of the proponents that thinks CHOICE is the best option. I don't think school systems have to decide for students but should provide rigorous, well-designed options that students can choose from rather than limit them because of someone else's choice.  How often do students sit in a class because they were assigned to a teacher that they know is  not as good as another teacher in the department? Why not give the students choice of which teacher they get, or what modality they choose to receive the learning through? Make the bottom line be a rigorous set of assessments that provides some understanding of what the student is able to convey.  
  • Common standards provide a nationwide platform upon which next generation curricular materials can be built
    • Roland O'Daniel
      Most important statement of this article so far! Even if the CCS are not perfect they do provide opportunity for innovation and scale that has never been available through the old system of state standards.
    • Roland O'Daniel
      Also, important to note that Bush comes from Florida which has one of the strongest online school programs in the country and has been a leader in the field for a decade or more. 
  • hoice allows students to pick the courses most suited to their needs, abilities, and interests; and accountability ensures that learning is genuine.
  • For blenders, the keys to the intervention’s apparent success include the use of real-time performance information by qualified teachers, not just the videos and problem sets.
    • Roland O'Daniel
      I like Sal Kahn's thoughts, but his pedagogy and approach is severely limited. He is using the discrete set of skills approach to teaching mathematics instead of a comprehensive approach that connects and blends different representations. He does not take into account consistent use of vocabulary across all of his videos, doesn't make connections between different skills/videos when students need to understand direct and subtle connnections, and he uses a limited set of models to develop student conceptual understanding.  Great speaker, great innovator, limited educator. that said, his use of chunks of information would be well to be modeled by many classroom teachers who spend way too much time in front of the class directing students in what they 'need' to know. 
  • Apparent success, it must be said, because the impact of neither the blended nor the online version of the Khan intervention has yet to be documented by a randomized trial
  • Meanwhile, school districts and teacher unions can be expected to fight publicly funded online learning that offers students a choice of taking courses outside their local district school.  If online learning should prove to be more effective than the learning that takes place within classrooms, it would provide a serious challenge to the school district-teacher union duopoly that blended learning does not.
    • Roland O'Daniel
      Important political point! Are teachers, schools, politicians doing what's best for students or what keeps them in power and makes them look good? I don't know, but I am glad to be part of the education process  during this period of education. 
    Jeb Bush, Melinda Gates, Sal Khan and the Coming Digital Learning Battle
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