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Ronin Ronin

W.H.O. Says Iraq Civilian Death Toll Higher Than Cited - 0 views

    The study is the latest in a long series of attempts to come up with realistic numbers of civilian deaths. The numbers are politically fraught, and researchers' work has been further complicated by problems in collecting data while working in a war zone. The estimates have varied widely. The Iraq Body Count, a nongovernmental group based in Britain that bases its numbers on news media accounts, put the number of civilians dead at 47,668 during the same period of time as the World Health Organization study, the W.H.O. report said. President Bush in the past used a number that was similar to one put forward at the time by the Iraq Body Count. But another study, by Johns Hopkins, which has come under criticism for its methodology, cited an estimate of about 600,000 dead between the war's start, in March 2003, and July 2006. The World Health Organization said its study, based on interviews with families, indicated with a 95 percent degree of statistical certainty that between 104,000 and 223,000 civilians had died. It based its estimate of 151,000 deaths on that range. Those figures made violence the leading cause of adult male deaths in Iraq and one of the leading causes of death for the population as a whole, the health organization research team reported online in the New England Journal of Medicine. More than half the violent deaths occurred in Baghdad. While the new study appears to have the broadest scope to date, increasing its reliability, well known limitations of such efforts in war areas make it unlikely to resolve debate about the extent of the killing in Iraq. Iraqi officials gave conflicting assessments of the newest study, with one senior Health Ministry official praising it and another saying the numbers were exaggerated. The White House said that it had not seen the study and would not comment on its estimated death toll, but that the recent increase in American forces had reduced civilian and military casualties. "We mourn
Ronin Ronin

The father of a Saudi terrorist detained in Iraq decides to prosecute advocates of blas... - 0 views

    Riyadh / Al-Hayat Al-Zaman: The father of a Saudi terrorist detained in Iraq that he be prosecuted two of thought advocates who promoted Heresy لمئات من الشبان فتاوى تحرض على ما اسماه بالجهاد والذهاب إلى مناطق الفتن والصراعات من دون أن يراجعوا فيها هيئة كبار العلماء في المملكة. Hundreds of young men to incite opinions on what he called jihad and go to areas of strife and conflict without review by senior scientists in the Kingdom. وقال عبدالله البليهد في حديثه إلى صحيفة الحياة اللندنية ، إن عراقيا اقتاد ابنه ثامر (23 عاماً) لتهريبه إلى الحدود السعودية لكنه سلمه الى قوات الاحتلال في العراق في مقابل 250 دولاراً أميركياً. Alpeletd Abdullah said in his speech to a life of London newspaper, The Iraqis took his son Thamer (23 years) of smuggled to the Saudi border but donated to the occupying forces in Iraq, compared with U.S. $ 250. وأشار البليهد، الذي يعمل مديراً لمكتب العمل في حفر الباطن، إلى أنه عثر على فتاوى في غرفة ابنه تحض على (الجهاد) موقعة من علي الخضير وأحمد الخالدي اللذين قبض عليهما في مداهمة أمنية غرب المملكة في 28 أيار (مايو) 2003. He Alpeletd, who works as director of the Office of work in Hafr al-Batin, it was found in the room fatwas urging his son Ali (Jihad) signed by the Khudayr and Ahmad Khalidi two arrested in security raids in the west of Saudi Arabia on May 28 (May) 2003. وأضاف انه قرر مقاضاتهما أمام الجهات الشرعية فور تسليم ابنه للسلطات الأمنية، وقال: «لقد اعتذر الخضير والخالدي أمام الملأ عن الفتاوى التكفيرية
Ronin Ronin

The Wahhabi-Saudi terrorism in Iraq - 0 views

    Save the life of Muslim Shia in Iraq from Saudi terrorists and condumn the Saudi-Wahhabist terrorism in Iraq Osama Al Najafi It is not secret to indicate that most terrorism practised in Iraq is originated from the terrorists belongs to Wahhabism religious sect, whether they are belonging to the well-known organization Al Qaida or to another agendas benefited from the chaotic situation in Iraq. It however, should be clearly known that Islam as a religion calls for peace and good treatment to all humans, irrespective of their religion, ethnicity or sex. Mercy and compassion must be practised by a Muslim. And the well-know narrative or Hadith of prophet of Islam Muhammed (pbh) say that Give mercy to anything in this earth so that Allah (God) should give mercy to you. Any act that transgress or contradict these Islamic foundations must not be interpreted as being Islamic. However, Islam is being misused by those Al Qaida or Taliban terrorists so as to recruit more followers for their criminal agenda. At the tip of this pyramid sits the Wahhabi sect or so-called Wahhabism. Wahhabism is the official religious sect of Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia finance, patronize and guide the Wahhabi movement. They claim that it is the pure Islam. But in fact there have been written tens of books and hundreds of essays that refute the argument that Wahhabism proceeds from Islamic principles. These books has been written by Islamic authorities from both schools of Islam, mainly Sunni and Shia. Many reports and evidence indicate the Saudi Arabia, and especially the Royal family is directly involved in performing massacres against Muslim Shia in Iraq as well as Christians. Therefore, we call for condemning the Wahhabism as a terrorist movement against humanity in the same way as done before to Nazism and Fascism. An important issue to be taken into consideration here is the verdicts or fatwa that are being issued by Wahhabi authorities to kill every Muslim Shia and commit geno
Ronin Ronin

Iqbal unprecedented gold shops by female staff in Baghdad after the recent increase of ... - 0 views

    The movement arrived in Baghdad markets gold to its peak after the feet of employees to spend salaries that have occurred in greater by the Ministry of Finance to buy gold jewellery. "راديو سوا" التقى بعدد من النساء اثناء تجوالهن في اسواق الذهب في بعض مناطق بغداد، حيث أوضحت نازك محمد المدرسة في معهد إعداد المعلمات في منطقة المنصور أنها حالما استلمت تلك الفروقات المالية اتجهت إلى سوق الذهب في مدينة الكاظمية لشراء بعض المصوغات موضحة ذلك بالقول: "Radio Sawa" met with a number of women during the Rangers in the gold markets in some areas of Baghdad, where Mohammed said Nazik school at the Institute for the preparation of teachers in the Mansour she once received such differences financial headed to the gold market in the town of Kazimiya to buy some jewellery explained that by saying: :عندما كنت طالبة كان يعجبني شراء طقم فذهبت إلى السوق لشرائه وكنت فرحة به وبخاصة عندما استلمت الفروقات وحققت جزءا من امنيتي نوعا ما". : When I was student, I like buying kit I went to the market to buy it, you joy, especially when it received differences and achieved part of my somewhat. " كما أكدت أم حيدر التي تعمل خياطة في احدى المصانع الحكومية أنها استطاعت ان تسترد خاتم زواجها الذي باعته بسبب الضائقة المادية التي مرت بها عائلتها في وقت سابق، مطالبة في الوقت ذاته التجار بعدم استغلال هذه الزيادات وقالت: Umm Haider also confirmed that work in a sewing factory government that they were able to recover the ring because of her marriage, which sold the material hardship experienced by her famil
Ronin Ronin

Multinational declare Qaeda leader killed in Mosul - 0 views

    Multinational forces announced the killing of the leader of Al Qaeda in the city of Mosul, named Abu Khalaf and assist the Syrian named Abu immortality, who was wearing a belt. وقتلت القوات أيضا امرأة حاولت تفجير الحزام بعد مقتل أبو خلود في مداهمة نفذتها قوات التحالف الثلاثاء الماضي، حسب تأكيد المستشار الإعلامي لقوات التحالف عبد اللطيف الريان لـ"راديو سوا". The troops also killed a woman tried to blow belt after the killing of Abu immortality in the raid carried out by coalition forces last Tuesday, according to confirm the information advisor to the coalition forces Abd al-Latif told "Radio Sawa." وأشار الريان إلى أن المدعو أبو خلف كان من المقريبن لأبو مصعب الزرقاوي مؤسس تنظيم القاعدة في العراق والذي تمكنت قوات التحالف من قتله في عام 2006 في محافظة ديالى. He pointed out that Al-Rayyan named Abu Khalaf was Almkren of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, founder of Al-Qaida in Iraq and that coalition forces were able to kill him in in 2006 in Diyala province. ونفى الريان اتهامات النائب أسامة النجيفي التي سبق أن وجهها في مؤتمر صحافي والتي ذكر فيها أن الجيش الأميركي ارتكب ما وصفه بـ"المجزرة" في مدينة الموصل. He denied accusations MP Osama al-Sanjivan previously addressed in a press conference, which stated that the American army committed what he described as a "massacre" in the city of Mosul. وكان النائب النجيفي اشار إلى أن القوات الاميركية قامت لدى مداهمتها إحدى الدور في حي العريبي في محافظة نينوى بقتل امرأة وعدد من الأطفال، مطالبا بفتح تحقيق في ا
Ronin Ronin

Prime minister stresses that Mosul not be under Qa'ada, outlaw control - 0 views

    Prime Minister, Nouri Kamel al-Maliki, said that every inch of land of Iraq must return to state control will not accept to remain a prisoner of Mosul as they were the cities of Ramadi and Fallujah, Basra and Sadr City, hands-Qaida and remnants of the former regime and outlaws. The al-Maliki as he received members of the House of Osama Sanjivan Ezzedine Al-Kidwa state and nostalgia, I endeavour to re-establish law and joy in the city of Mosul known history and literature, art, and pioneer in justice, equality and non discrimination. The Prime Minister added that Iraq is not owned by anyone, nor will we accept the exclusive Obugod militias And that the government before much work in Mosul We have allocated the necessary funds for the advancement of the city and reconstruction and providing services to their sons must be cooperating to return life to normal in Mosul. He called on the people of Mosul to real participation in building the new Iraq and preserve the image of their city beautiful and peaceful coexistence, non - Pay heed to the opinions misguided and tendentious information, sovereignty and renewed the call for former army officers to return to the armed forces to participate in defending their homeland and their people. For their part, members of the House of Representatives welcomed the sons of the city of Mosul city, or a spring and full readiness to cooperate with the armed forces to extend the authority of law and eliminate Terrorism. To hold that Interior Minister Jawad Paul clans of the Ninawa Governorate in the framework of efforts to mobilize support for a plan to impose law in the province, where tribal chieftains and affirmed their support with efforts to establish security and stability in the province and the elimination of terrorist factions that threaten the safety and security of the country. The Ministry spokesman Interior, Major General Abdul Karim Khalaf had announced the arrest of 534 required during the spring or in the governorate of N
Ronin Ronin

The American army: the bombing was carried out by groups linked to freedom in Iran and ... - 0 views

    A spokesman for the coalition forces in Iraq, General Kevin Bergnr that initial investigations into the bombing, which targeted the town of Freedom on Tuesday proved the involvement of groups associated with Iran, as saying. واضاف بيرغنر في المؤتمر الصحافي المشترك مع الجنرال بروكس باش قائد فريق التدريب في قوة طيران القوات المتعددة الجنسيات الذي عقد ببغداد الأربعاء: He added Bergnr joint press conference with General Brooks Bash team leader Force flight training in the multinational forces which was held in Baghdad Wednesday: "التحقيقات ما تزال جارية، وهناك أشخاص يشتبه بوقوفهم وراء الحادث، وهم أعضاء في خلية للمجاميع الخاصة المرتبطة بايران ولدينا معلومات استخباراتية تؤكد أن الهجوم نفذ من هذه المجموعات وليس من تنظيم القاعدة". "Investigations are still ongoing, and there are people suspected of being behind the incident, members of the cell aggregates associated with Iran and we have intelligence information confirm that the attack carried out by these groups and not from Al Qaeda." وعن مطالبة الحكومة العراقية من القوات الأميركية رفع يدها عن حماية معسكر أشرف الخاص بمنظمة مجاهدي خلق الايرانية في محافظة ديالى شمالي بغداد قال بيرغنر: And the Iraqi government called for U.S. forces lift its control of Camp Ashraf protect private MKO Iran in Diyala province north of Baghdad, said Bergnr: "نحن نتفهم مخاوف الحكومة العراقية من وجود منظمة مجاهدي خلق الايرانية في محافظة ديالى وستناقش مع إدارة الجيش الأميركي، وقد أخبرتني السفارة الأميركية
Ronin Ronin

(Typical Arabic propaganda)Asked to review the curriculum and criticized the references... - 40 views

Shen number of members of Congress, known for hostile attitudes of the Arab and Islamic states, in solidarity with the American Committee for International Religious Freedom, a campaign aimed at cl...

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started by Ronin Ronin on 12 Jun 08 no follow-up yet
Ronin Ronin

Marine soldier demobilization and another punishing both the "puppy" in Iraq - 0 views

    demobilize one of the elements of the Marines "Marines", and punish another, after the disclosure of a videotape they portrayed as "punishment" a small puppy, before the one pelted from the rocky hills above the one in Iraq. وجاء في بيان للبحرية الأمريكية الأربعاء، أنه تقرر إنهاء خدمة الجندي ديفيد موتاري على خلفية "الحادث" الذي تم بثه على موقع YouTube، في الثالث من مارس/ آذار الماضي. A statement by the American navy on Wednesday, he decided to terminate the service of the soldier David Mutare against the backdrop of "incident" which was broadcast on the site YouTube, on the third of March last. كما تقرر معاقبة السيرجنت كريسمارفن بانيز إنكارناشيون، بسبب تورطه أيضاً في الحادث، إلا أن البيان لم يكشف طبيعة العقوبة، وكذلك لم تتضح الاتهامات التي تم توجيهها لكلا الجنديين. It also decided to punish Alsrzint Krismarven Ankarnaxion Caniza, also because of his involvement in the incident, but the statement did not reveal the nature of the penalty, was also not clear that the accusations were directed to both soldiers. وكان الجيش الأمريكي قد قرر إحالة الجنديين للجنة تأديبية بعد بث الشريط المصور الذي يظهر أحدهما، على الأرجح موتاري، وهو يمسك بجرو أبيض ذي رأس سوداء، ثم يقذف به من فوق منحدر صخري. The U.S. Army has decided to refer the soldiers of disciplinary committee after the broadcast the video which shows one is likely to Mutare, which holds a white puppy with a black head, and then jump over the rocky slope. وفي خلفية الصورة، كان جندي آخر، يقول: "هذا ما يعنيه، هذا ما كان يعنيه"، في إشارة إلى
Ronin Ronin

84,040 - 91 ,703 Documented civilian killed in Iraq! now where that million every one t... - 0 views

    About the Iraq Body Count project Iraq Body Count (IBC) records the violent civilian deaths that have resulted from the 2003 military intervention in Iraq. Its public database includes deaths caused by US-led coalition forces and paramilitary or criminal attacks by others. IBC's documentary evidence is drawn from crosschecked media reports of violent events leading to the death of civilians, or of bodies being found, and is supplemented by the careful review and integration of hospital, morgue, NGO and official figures. Systematically extracted details about deadly incidents and the individuals killed in them are stored with every entry in the database. The minimum details always extracted are the number killed, where, and when. Confusion about the numbers produced by the project can be avoided by bearing in mind that: IBC's figures are not 'estimates' but a record of actual, documented deaths. IBC records solely violent deaths. IBC records solely civilian (strictly, 'non-combatant') deaths. IBC's figures are constantly updated and revised as new data comes in, and frequent consultation is advised. IBC builds on innovative uses of new technologies without which this citizens' initiative would be impossible. The project was founded in January 2003 by volunteers from the UK and USA who felt a responsibility to ensure that the human consequences of military intervention in Iraq were not neglected. Finally, IBC could not exist without the journalists and media support workers, Iraqi and international, who labour to report war's daily carnage at the risk, and all too often the cost, of their health or their lives. For more on IBC's principles and objectives see the Rationale. For a more detailed description of IBC's working methodology and inclusion criteria, see the Methods section. For technical, research and media contacts, conditions of use, as well as a listing of IBC personnel
liveinfreedom .

Alive In Baghdad - 0 views

  • The Sahwa Councils were first created in Anbar after some Iraqi tribes agreed to work together with the US forces against the actions of Al-Qa’eda, and in order to wipe out all the elements of Al-Qa’eda in their areas.
  • After the murder of Al-Samarra’ie Abu Al-Abed was took the place of A-Samarra’ie as the leader of the Sahwa Council in Adhamiya, some families claimthat the situation calmed down in Adhamiya after the creation of the Sahwa council.
    The Sahwa Councils were first created in Anbar after some Iraqi tribes agreed to work together with the US forces against the actions of Al-Qa'eda, and in order to wipe out all the elements of Al-Qa'eda in their areas.
liveinfreedom .

President Bushes Speeck to the U.N. - 0 views

  • Our common security is challenged by regional conflicts -- ethnic and religious strife that is ancient, but not inevitable. In the Middle East, there can be no peace for either side without freedom for both sides
  • Had Saddam Hussein been appeased instead of stopped, he would have endangered the peace and stability of the world. Yet this aggression was stopped -- by the might of coalition forces and the will of the United Nations. To suspend hostilities, to spare himself, Iraq's dictator accepted a series of commitments. The terms were clear, to him and to all. And he agreed to prove he is complying with every one of those obligations. He has proven instead only his contempt for the United Nations, and for all his pledges. By breaking every pledge -- by his deceptions, and by his cruelties -- Saddam Hussein has made the case against himself.
  • n 1991, Security Council Resolution 688 demanded that the Iraqi regime cease at once the repression of its own people, including the systematic repression of minorities -- which the Council said, threatened international peace and security in the region. This demand goes ignored.
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  • he founding members resolved that the peace of the world must never again be destroyed by the will and wickedness of any man. We created the United Nations Security Council, so that, unlike the League of Nations, our deliberations would be more than talk, our resolutions would be more than wishes. After generations of deceitful dictators and broken treaties and squandered lives, we dedicated ourselves to standards of human dignity shared by all, and to a system of security defended by all.
  • Tens of thousands of political opponents and ordinary citizens have been subjected to arbitrary arrest and imprisonment, summary execution, and torture by beating and burning, electric shock, starvation, mutilation, and rape. Wives are tortured in front of their husbands, children in the presence of their parents -- and all of these horrors concealed from the world by the apparatus of a totalitarian state.
  • In 1993, Iraq attempted to assassinate the Emir of Kuwait and a former American President. Iraq's government openly praised the attacks of September the 11th. And al Qaeda terrorists escaped from Afghanistan and are known to be in Iraq.
  • U.N. inspectors believe Iraq has produced two to four times the amount of biological agents it declared,
  • s we meet today, it's been almost four years since the last U.N. inspectors set foot in Iraq, four years for the Iraqi regime to plan, and to build, and to test behind the cloak of secrecy.
  • Just months after the 1991 cease-fire, the Security Council twice renewed its demand that the Iraqi regime cooperate fully with inspectors, condemning Iraq's serious violations of its obligations. The Security Council again renewed that demand in 1994, and twice more in 1996, deploring Iraq's clear violations of its obligations. The Security Council renewed its demand three more times in 1997, citing flagrant violations; and three more times in 1998, calling Iraq's behavior totally unacceptable. And in 1999, the demand was renewed yet again.
    Just read President Bushe's address to the UN
Ronin Ronin

U.S. Report: Detained by Saddam's regime acknowledged the transfer of Syrian chemical w... - 1 views

    قال المدير السابق لعمليات السجون في العراق دون بوردينكيرشر أمس، إن عشرات المعتقلين من مسؤولي النظام المخلوع تباهوا بإسهامهم في نقل رؤوس حربية تحوي أسلحة دمار شامل الى سورية ولبنان في الشهور الثلاثة التي سبقت تحرير العراق من تلك الزمرة. The former director of prison operations in Iraq without Bordenkircher yesterday that dozens of detainees from the ousted regime officials boasted their contribution to the transfer of warheads containing weapons of mass destruction to Syria and Lebanon in the three months preceding the liberation of Iraq from the junta. ونقل موقع «وورلد نت ديلي» الأميركي على الانترنت عن بوردينكيرشر الذي أشرف على سجون ضمت عشرات من المسؤولين في جيش واستخبارات النظام السابق، أن عدداً صغيراً من هؤلاء المعتقلين ادعوا معرفتهم بمواقع الرؤوس الفارغة التي دفنت في العراق بعد نقل محتوياتها. The relocation of «World Net Daily» American Internet Bordenkircher, who oversaw the prisons included dozens of officials in the army and intelligence previous regime, that a small number of these detainees claimed to know the location of the empty warheads that were buried in Iraq after the transfer of its contents. وأضاف: «أن هؤلاء المعتقلين أرادوا مقايضة معلوماتهم بإطلاقهم من السجون» مؤكداً استعدادهم لكشف مواقع هذه الرؤوس. He added: «that these detainees wanted to swap their information releases from prison» affirming their willingness to detect the locations of these warheads. وتابع أن السجناء كانوا أعضاء في الجيش العراقي أو مدنيي
Ronin Ronin

Iraqi preparations to prosecute dozens of companies and individuals for their involveme... - 0 views

    There were reports on Friday near the Iraq issues to provide a court in New York City against about 70 companies in addition to a number of personalities from various countries for their involvement in corruption cases the oil for food programme sponsored by the United Nations to provide Iraqis with food after the former regime's invasion of Kuwait in 1990.
Ronin Ronin

The Iraqi elections between yesterday and today - 0 views

    On 15 December 2005, more than 10 million Iraqi citizens thronged to the voting pools to elect a new Iraqi Parliament from which a national government will be emanated after long years of the democracy's absence in the former regime of Saddam Husayn This participation confirmed that the Iraqi citizens are ready for democracy, unlike what others circulate that the Iraqi population is far from democracy. This experiment proved the genuineness of Iraqi people and showed their unity between its religious and ethnic components. It was a very obvious message written by all Iraqis to the terrorist powers which came from out side the borders , that they are able to draw the picture of their future by their own hands and by the help of the good , faithful and honest Iraqis, Regardless of religion, nationality or sect. The role of your sons in the security services, such as ours, was to protect the electors from the terrorist operations, to ensure the freedom of elections, and to monitor the lurking people who are against this unique democracy in the Middle East. Within these democratic celebrations, we expect Iraq will be a secure and peaceful country, able to spread the light of democracy, to enlighten the dark corners which this country has struggled through these passed eras, looking forward to a new journey to build and construct our country Iraq. Our service will be the sure hand to protect the new democracy in Iraq, among other security services, and we will be the sleepless eyes to protect all Iraqis, without exception, to serve the expectations of this great population. General Director Of the Iraqi National Intelligence Service
liveinfreedom .

Iraq forces talks reach 'dead end' - 0 views

  • But given that there is little consensus in Baghdad over the treaty, Iraqi leaders may simply decide to push for an extension of the UN mandate, however imperfect it may be.
  • “If the Iraqi and the American side can’t reach an agreement, then they have to think of extending the mandate for six months or a year,” said Mahmoud Othman, an independent Kurdish parliamentarian.
  • Under the UN mandate, US and British forces have had the authority to detain or strike at those deemed threats to security, and their troops are allowed legal immunity from Iraqi law for their actions. A US administration would be reluctant to give away this freedom of action and immunity lest it be accused of not giving its military the tools to protect itself, or of letting US citizens be judged by foreign courts
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  • Mr Maliki has reportedly reassured Iran that the accord would not turn Iraq into a launching pad for an attack and Washington insists that it does not want permanent bases.
    America and Iraq are locked into a situation that may not be resolved through negotiations between the two parties. If the parties can't agree on a new agreement prior to the U.N. resolution authorizing U.S. forces in the region then the parties MAY extend the U.N. resolution in order to maintain the "multi-national" troops in the region.
liveinfreedom .

Hate speech or free speech? What much of West bans is protected in U.S. - International... - 0 views

  • "In Canada, the right to freedom of expression is not absolute, nor should it be," the commission's statement said. "By portraying Muslims as all sharing the same negative characteristics, including being a threat to 'the West,' this explicit expression of Islamophobia further perpetuates and promotes prejudice toward Muslims and others."
  • "The problem with so-called hate speech laws is that they're not about facts," he said in a telephone interview. "They're about feelings."
  • . "Western governments are becoming increasingly comfortable with the regulation of opinion.
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  • he First Amendment really does distinguish the U.S., not just from Canada but from the rest of the Western world."
    Beware world when it comes to speech promoted by America.... the Americans can say anything they want provided the utterances do not cause any physical harm to other American citizens. Amercans say; "Sticks and stones may break my bones but NAMES will never hurt me". So for all of you NON-AMERICANS... get prepared to be told where the "dog died" in America.
    This can be deleted if you care to delete it. It's in English so it may not work well in your group.

Iraq PM says 'victory is certain' in general election - 0 views

    Iraq's Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, seeking re-election in parliamentary polls being held on Wednesday, told reporters his bloc's "victory is certain" after casting his ballot in Baghdad's heavily-fortified Green Zone.

Zarif, UN secretary general representative in Iraq meet in NY - 0 views

    Tehran, YJC. UN Secretary General Special Representative for Iraq Nikolay Mladenov held talk with the Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in New York on Saturday.
Ronin Ronin

Jordanian MPs to refrain from demanding their government to send ambassador to Baghdad - 0 views

    Asked 10 members of the House of the Jordanian government not to send ambassador to Baghdad, for reasons ranging from opposition to the failure of the Iraqi government importer of Jordanian factories and reducing the use of ports and land entry points with Jordan to receive imports, in addition to non-release of Jordanian prisoners in Iraq. ومن الأسباب الأخرى التي أوردتها المذكرة التي رفعها النواب إلى رئيس المجلس عبد الهادي المجالي في الجلسة المعقودة الأحد عدم التوصل إلى حل لمشكلة الديون الأردنية على العراق وعدم تحمل مسؤولية بغداد لنحو مليون عراقي لاجئ في الأردن. Other reasons mentioned by a memo submitted to the President of the Parliament Abdul Hadi Majali on Sunday at the failure to reach a solution to the problem of Jordanian debt to Iraq and not to assume responsibility for Baghdad to about one million Iraqi refugees in Jordan.
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