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Ronin Ronin

Multinational declare Qaeda leader killed in Mosul - 0 views

    Multinational forces announced the killing of the leader of Al Qaeda in the city of Mosul, named Abu Khalaf and assist the Syrian named Abu immortality, who was wearing a belt. وقتلت القوات أيضا امرأة حاولت تفجير الحزام بعد مقتل أبو خلود في مداهمة نفذتها قوات التحالف الثلاثاء الماضي، حسب تأكيد المستشار الإعلامي لقوات التحالف عبد اللطيف الريان لـ"راديو سوا". The troops also killed a woman tried to blow belt after the killing of Abu immortality in the raid carried out by coalition forces last Tuesday, according to confirm the information advisor to the coalition forces Abd al-Latif told "Radio Sawa." وأشار الريان إلى أن المدعو أبو خلف كان من المقريبن لأبو مصعب الزرقاوي مؤسس تنظيم القاعدة في العراق والذي تمكنت قوات التحالف من قتله في عام 2006 في محافظة ديالى. He pointed out that Al-Rayyan named Abu Khalaf was Almkren of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, founder of Al-Qaida in Iraq and that coalition forces were able to kill him in in 2006 in Diyala province. ونفى الريان اتهامات النائب أسامة النجيفي التي سبق أن وجهها في مؤتمر صحافي والتي ذكر فيها أن الجيش الأميركي ارتكب ما وصفه بـ"المجزرة" في مدينة الموصل. He denied accusations MP Osama al-Sanjivan previously addressed in a press conference, which stated that the American army committed what he described as a "massacre" in the city of Mosul. وكان النائب النجيفي اشار إلى أن القوات الاميركية قامت لدى مداهمتها إحدى الدور في حي العريبي في محافظة نينوى بقتل امرأة وعدد من الأطفال، مطالبا بفتح تحقيق في ا
Ronin Ronin

The American army: the bombing was carried out by groups linked to freedom in Iran and ... - 0 views

    A spokesman for the coalition forces in Iraq, General Kevin Bergnr that initial investigations into the bombing, which targeted the town of Freedom on Tuesday proved the involvement of groups associated with Iran, as saying. واضاف بيرغنر في المؤتمر الصحافي المشترك مع الجنرال بروكس باش قائد فريق التدريب في قوة طيران القوات المتعددة الجنسيات الذي عقد ببغداد الأربعاء: He added Bergnr joint press conference with General Brooks Bash team leader Force flight training in the multinational forces which was held in Baghdad Wednesday: "التحقيقات ما تزال جارية، وهناك أشخاص يشتبه بوقوفهم وراء الحادث، وهم أعضاء في خلية للمجاميع الخاصة المرتبطة بايران ولدينا معلومات استخباراتية تؤكد أن الهجوم نفذ من هذه المجموعات وليس من تنظيم القاعدة". "Investigations are still ongoing, and there are people suspected of being behind the incident, members of the cell aggregates associated with Iran and we have intelligence information confirm that the attack carried out by these groups and not from Al Qaeda." وعن مطالبة الحكومة العراقية من القوات الأميركية رفع يدها عن حماية معسكر أشرف الخاص بمنظمة مجاهدي خلق الايرانية في محافظة ديالى شمالي بغداد قال بيرغنر: And the Iraqi government called for U.S. forces lift its control of Camp Ashraf protect private MKO Iran in Diyala province north of Baghdad, said Bergnr: "نحن نتفهم مخاوف الحكومة العراقية من وجود منظمة مجاهدي خلق الايرانية في محافظة ديالى وستناقش مع إدارة الجيش الأميركي، وقد أخبرتني السفارة الأميركية
liveinfreedom .

Alive In Baghdad - 0 views

  • The Sahwa Councils were first created in Anbar after some Iraqi tribes agreed to work together with the US forces against the actions of Al-Qa’eda, and in order to wipe out all the elements of Al-Qa’eda in their areas.
  • After the murder of Al-Samarra’ie Abu Al-Abed was took the place of A-Samarra’ie as the leader of the Sahwa Council in Adhamiya, some families claimthat the situation calmed down in Adhamiya after the creation of the Sahwa council.
    The Sahwa Councils were first created in Anbar after some Iraqi tribes agreed to work together with the US forces against the actions of Al-Qa'eda, and in order to wipe out all the elements of Al-Qa'eda in their areas.
Ronin Ronin

W.H.O. Says Iraq Civilian Death Toll Higher Than Cited - 0 views

    The study is the latest in a long series of attempts to come up with realistic numbers of civilian deaths. The numbers are politically fraught, and researchers' work has been further complicated by problems in collecting data while working in a war zone. The estimates have varied widely. The Iraq Body Count, a nongovernmental group based in Britain that bases its numbers on news media accounts, put the number of civilians dead at 47,668 during the same period of time as the World Health Organization study, the W.H.O. report said. President Bush in the past used a number that was similar to one put forward at the time by the Iraq Body Count. But another study, by Johns Hopkins, which has come under criticism for its methodology, cited an estimate of about 600,000 dead between the war's start, in March 2003, and July 2006. The World Health Organization said its study, based on interviews with families, indicated with a 95 percent degree of statistical certainty that between 104,000 and 223,000 civilians had died. It based its estimate of 151,000 deaths on that range. Those figures made violence the leading cause of adult male deaths in Iraq and one of the leading causes of death for the population as a whole, the health organization research team reported online in the New England Journal of Medicine. More than half the violent deaths occurred in Baghdad. While the new study appears to have the broadest scope to date, increasing its reliability, well known limitations of such efforts in war areas make it unlikely to resolve debate about the extent of the killing in Iraq. Iraqi officials gave conflicting assessments of the newest study, with one senior Health Ministry official praising it and another saying the numbers were exaggerated. The White House said that it had not seen the study and would not comment on its estimated death toll, but that the recent increase in American forces had reduced civilian and military casualties. "We mourn
Ronin Ronin

The Iraqi elections between yesterday and today - 0 views

    On 15 December 2005, more than 10 million Iraqi citizens thronged to the voting pools to elect a new Iraqi Parliament from which a national government will be emanated after long years of the democracy's absence in the former regime of Saddam Husayn This participation confirmed that the Iraqi citizens are ready for democracy, unlike what others circulate that the Iraqi population is far from democracy. This experiment proved the genuineness of Iraqi people and showed their unity between its religious and ethnic components. It was a very obvious message written by all Iraqis to the terrorist powers which came from out side the borders , that they are able to draw the picture of their future by their own hands and by the help of the good , faithful and honest Iraqis, Regardless of religion, nationality or sect. The role of your sons in the security services, such as ours, was to protect the electors from the terrorist operations, to ensure the freedom of elections, and to monitor the lurking people who are against this unique democracy in the Middle East. Within these democratic celebrations, we expect Iraq will be a secure and peaceful country, able to spread the light of democracy, to enlighten the dark corners which this country has struggled through these passed eras, looking forward to a new journey to build and construct our country Iraq. Our service will be the sure hand to protect the new democracy in Iraq, among other security services, and we will be the sleepless eyes to protect all Iraqis, without exception, to serve the expectations of this great population. General Director Of the Iraqi National Intelligence Service
Ronin Ronin

U.S. Report: Detained by Saddam's regime acknowledged the transfer of Syrian chemical w... - 1 views

    قال المدير السابق لعمليات السجون في العراق دون بوردينكيرشر أمس، إن عشرات المعتقلين من مسؤولي النظام المخلوع تباهوا بإسهامهم في نقل رؤوس حربية تحوي أسلحة دمار شامل الى سورية ولبنان في الشهور الثلاثة التي سبقت تحرير العراق من تلك الزمرة. The former director of prison operations in Iraq without Bordenkircher yesterday that dozens of detainees from the ousted regime officials boasted their contribution to the transfer of warheads containing weapons of mass destruction to Syria and Lebanon in the three months preceding the liberation of Iraq from the junta. ونقل موقع «وورلد نت ديلي» الأميركي على الانترنت عن بوردينكيرشر الذي أشرف على سجون ضمت عشرات من المسؤولين في جيش واستخبارات النظام السابق، أن عدداً صغيراً من هؤلاء المعتقلين ادعوا معرفتهم بمواقع الرؤوس الفارغة التي دفنت في العراق بعد نقل محتوياتها. The relocation of «World Net Daily» American Internet Bordenkircher, who oversaw the prisons included dozens of officials in the army and intelligence previous regime, that a small number of these detainees claimed to know the location of the empty warheads that were buried in Iraq after the transfer of its contents. وأضاف: «أن هؤلاء المعتقلين أرادوا مقايضة معلوماتهم بإطلاقهم من السجون» مؤكداً استعدادهم لكشف مواقع هذه الرؤوس. He added: «that these detainees wanted to swap their information releases from prison» affirming their willingness to detect the locations of these warheads. وتابع أن السجناء كانوا أعضاء في الجيش العراقي أو مدنيي
Ronin Ronin

Prime minister stresses that Mosul not be under Qa'ada, outlaw control - 0 views

    Prime Minister, Nouri Kamel al-Maliki, said that every inch of land of Iraq must return to state control will not accept to remain a prisoner of Mosul as they were the cities of Ramadi and Fallujah, Basra and Sadr City, hands-Qaida and remnants of the former regime and outlaws. The al-Maliki as he received members of the House of Osama Sanjivan Ezzedine Al-Kidwa state and nostalgia, I endeavour to re-establish law and joy in the city of Mosul known history and literature, art, and pioneer in justice, equality and non discrimination. The Prime Minister added that Iraq is not owned by anyone, nor will we accept the exclusive Obugod militias And that the government before much work in Mosul We have allocated the necessary funds for the advancement of the city and reconstruction and providing services to their sons must be cooperating to return life to normal in Mosul. He called on the people of Mosul to real participation in building the new Iraq and preserve the image of their city beautiful and peaceful coexistence, non - Pay heed to the opinions misguided and tendentious information, sovereignty and renewed the call for former army officers to return to the armed forces to participate in defending their homeland and their people. For their part, members of the House of Representatives welcomed the sons of the city of Mosul city, or a spring and full readiness to cooperate with the armed forces to extend the authority of law and eliminate Terrorism. To hold that Interior Minister Jawad Paul clans of the Ninawa Governorate in the framework of efforts to mobilize support for a plan to impose law in the province, where tribal chieftains and affirmed their support with efforts to establish security and stability in the province and the elimination of terrorist factions that threaten the safety and security of the country. The Ministry spokesman Interior, Major General Abdul Karim Khalaf had announced the arrest of 534 required during the spring or in the governorate of N
liveinfreedom .

Looking Back at Five Years in Iraq - New York Times - 0 views

  • That it took such force to accomplish seemed mitigated, at least somewhat, by the precision of the strikes, with only isolated instances, during the 19 days before American troops reached Baghdad, of errant missiles killing innocent civilians. Early one morning, I went to the smoking wreckage of the city’s central telephone exchange, only to find patients from Iraq’s main heart hospital, 150 feet away, across a narrow lane, uninjured, out in the garden in their pajamas watching the commotion.
liveinfreedom .

Iran Counter-Threatens 'Painful' Response, Signs Pact With Iraq - Defense/Middle East -... - 0 views

  • On Monday, Iran and Iraq signed a Memorandum of Understanding on bilateral defense cooperation. The agreement lays out the basis for an "expansion of defense cooperation between the two countries,"  according to Iran's official IRNA news agency. The agreement is expected to play a role in influencing Baghdad to refuse an American request that US troops be allowed to remain in Iraq past the end of 2008.
  • n addition to its defense pact with Iraq, Iran signed a similar Memorandum of Understanding with Syria in 2006. Iran and Syria cooperate in supplying and supporting the Hizbullah terrorist organization endeavoring to take over Lebanon, on Israel's northern border.
    Will this "alleged" mutual defense pact between Iraq and Iran affect America's abitlity to conclude a diplomatic solution to the nuclear issue between Iran and the rest of the world?
liveinfreedom .

U.S. says exercise by Israel seemed directed at Iran - International Herald Tribune - 0 views

  • A second, the official said, was to send a clear message to the United States and other countries that Israel was prepared to act militarily if diplomatic efforts to stop Iran from producing bomb-grade uranium continued to falter.
  • But American officials were also told that Israel had prepared plans for striking nuclear targets in Iran and could carry them out if needed.
  • "They are clearly nervous about this and have their air defense on guard," a Bush administration official said of the Iranians.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Two sets of advance Russian-made radar systems were recently delivered to Iran. The radar will enhance Iran's ability to detect planes flying at low altitude.
  • Mike McConnell, the director of national intelligence, said in February that Iran was close to acquiring Russian-produced SA-20 surface-to-air missiles. American military officials said that the deployment of such systems would hamper Israel's attack planning, putting pressure on Israel to act before the missiles are fielded.
    Iran is getting nervous about aircraft fying in the air corridors adjacent to their air space. Israel is making arrangments to remove the nuclear sites in Iran.
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