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Facebook | Open Internet for Australia: Tonight on your ABC … the Internet fi... - 0 views

    Four Corners and Q&A are covering the mandatory ISP filter debate tonight, should be a great double bill. Now its off the agenda till after the election, so the Government clearly misjudged the public reaction. Thanks to widespread media coverage on the inherent flaws of the MISP, coupled with the activism of protest movements such as Electronic Frontiers Australia and the Pirate Party, its fair to say that the general public have moved beyond the Government's black and white positioning of the proposal.
    Thanks for the reminder!

Oxford Internet Institute - Publications - 0 views

    Scroll down and read the discussion forum paper, "Child Protection and Freedom of Expression Online". The report aims to open discussion and reframe the debate surrounding child protection by bringing together, rather than isolating, advocates of online child protection and those of freedom of expression. It rejects the current moral panics that dominate the debate, particularly in the media, which over-represents the likelihood of harm to children online. It highlights the unproductive nature of framing online protection as a moral panic because it obscures and undermines the work of both freedom of expression and child protection advocates. Rather than keeping these two parties as diametrically opposed the discussion laid the first steps in finding common ground between the two. From here they can work together to advance both of their agendas and therefore achieving a more desirable balance between defending the rights of children and maintaining freedom of expression.

BBC News - Taliban harness power of the web - 0 views

    This article refers to the internet as the "weapon of choice" for the Taliban. The reason the article gives for why the internet is deemed a weapon in this case is due to the distribution of misinformation. If this is the case the internet should deemed to be a weapon in the hands of any government in the world. Misleading information is a problem everywhere and this is why people need to be diligent when looking at information on the web.

Kremlin accused of honey-trap campaign against opposition - Telegraph - 0 views

  • The Kremlin has been accused of sanctioning a Soviet-style dirty tricks campaign against opposition politicians using vintage KGB entrapment techniques of money, drugs and glamorous women.
  • The allegations follow the release of a string of videos on the internet purporting to show an opposition politician, a political analyst, and the editor of the Russian edition of Newsweek magazine in compromising situations.
  • Hidden cameras in police cars show the trio apparently offering to bribe their way out of traffic offences, while another video appears to show one of the three, Mikhail Fishman, the editor of Russian Newsweek, snorting cocaine in the company of a semi-naked glamour model.
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  • He said he grew suspicious when a girl offering to sleep with him offered him cocaine "to relax" minutes after she and a "girlfriend" had foisted a number of bizarre sex toys upon him.
  • The editors-in-chief of a number of leading publications have come out in Mr Fishman's defence. They say they are concerned about "the organised campaign" against him and "the journalistic community as a whole."
    A politician, a political analyst and the editor of the Russian edition of Newsweek have been, supposedly, framed by the Kremlin in order to discredit them. Videos of them in compromising positions have been distributed in the Internet: the web as a channel through which public opinion can be molded by totalitarian states. Political campaigns could "learn" a lot from the Kremlin's actions... 

The deal no one likes - 0 views

    If you are going to look at copyright on the internet, you really can't go past this settlement. This is Google's next step at world domination: control of our intellectual property. No one likes it, but everyone is going ahead with it because Google has them over a barrel ... The basic deal is that Google wants to digitise every book ever written and make them all searchable online by google customer. On the surface this is all shiny; it seems commonsense that all material should be digitised - we have to keep up with technology. The problem arises when you get to the sticky situation of copyright - generally with books, owners get royalties every time someone buys a copy. With the digitisation, Google wasn't too keen on the idea of pay-per-view. Ideally, they would have loved to present all that information free and just reap the benefit ... well, however Google reaps benefits. There was litigation all round - publishers were against it, yahoo and other internet giants were against it (because it wasn't their idea) and it went to the doors of the US Supreme Court, but not quite to trial. Google's rivals were not too sure that they wanted to go to trial, because the outcome was a little on the uncertain side. So the Google book settlement was drawn up, objected to, fought, signed up to, taken to the US Supreme Court for approval, rejected, modified, fought over a bit more, and sent back to the judge. The last move was in Feb 2010; we're still waiting for Critics argue that the deal gives Google too much power over digital books and will not benefit customers in terms of cost, possible censorship issues, privacy. Copyright owners will also lose out, as Google's royalty policy cuts them out of the system and reduces their royalty - and they are automatically included in the agreement unless they 'opt out' (even if they have not 'opted in'). Really, Google is the only party that seems to benefit, and yet for all of the fighting, the settlement seems

| Pew Internet & American Life Project - 1 views

  • As the online political news audience has grown, the importance of the internet has increased relative to other news sources.
  • Among the entire population, the internet is now on par with newspapers as a major source of campaign news
  • Politically-active internet users are moving away from news sites with no point of view to sites that match their political views, and this is especially true among younger voters.
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  • bama voters took a leading role engaging in online political activism this election cycle.
    Much has been said and written about Obama's online success during the 2008 US presidential election. But what are the numbers? This is an interesting report that sets the stage for the 2012 elections, which are not that far away. Interesting findings not only concerning the candidates, but also in the role played by the Internet in the voting experience itself. 

NSFW: Hey, America! Our draconian copyright law could kick your draconian copyright law... - 0 views

    The UK Government are proposing to introduce a Digital Economy Bill.  The owners of copyright material will be able to pursue individuals who are sharing their content and take legal recourse.  Persistent offenders can eventually be blocked by their ISP. "Persistent" offenders will have received 50 notices before the Government can request that the ISP block their access to the internet. Sites that host material / content that breaches the bill will be issued with a series of take down notices. This impacts all sites - not just those whose servers are based in the UK.  If the site does not comply with the take down notice it will be possible for the site to be blocked within the UK. 

Slim Tops Gates and Buffett as World's Richest Man - DealBook Blog - - 0 views

  • The Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim Helú has taken the top spot in the Forbes annual rankings of the richest billionaires in the world,
  • erives much of his fortune from his telecommunications businesses, including the big wireless operator América Móvil.
    Two of the three richest men in the world derive their fortunes, in large part, from the information business: Carlos Slim (king of Mexican telecommunications) and Bill Gates (well, we all know what he does). How much power do these two hold over the architecture, policies and whereabouts of the web?  NOTE: the fact that the richest man in the world comes from a country with 80 million poor people is in itself a worthy discussion topic. 

Why Internet connections are fastest in South Korea - - 2 views

    South Korea is the country with the fastest internet connection. The reasons for this can be found in the existence of a competitve market, the encouragement of the use of computers propelled by the government, the "shared" telecommunications insfraestructure, the density of the population and the broadband policy existing for more than 10 years now

Social Networks in Kyrgyzstan Helping to Cope with Fallout from Disorder | - 0 views

    A really interesting article on the use of social networking platforms during and after protests in Kyrgyzstan. Twitter, Facebook and local forum, Diesel are important sites for citizens to report, share information and discuss issues in a relatively impartial environment as the media has increasingly come under the power of the President. In April protests took place in the captial Bishkek against President Bakiyev. The social networking sites allowed poeple to hear what was going on. It also facilitated groups forming to attempt curbing the violence that was taking place. The downside to this form of communication in this situation was the inflammatory comments that was essentially fear - mongering were posted. Some were found to be untrue, and some believe that it was the Russians attempting to influence the situation in Kyrgyzstan.

Pitting the Web's Users Against Its Gatekeepers - - 0 views

    An article on how the increasing flow of internet traffic could potentially lead to a form of 'gatekeeping' of users by providers. It has always been perceived that there was network neutrality as providers charged a flat rate for unlimited internet access. However, the article argues that this is not the case as there has aways been some form of management of traffic so that an acceptable level of service is maintained. An extreme example is the court case between BitTorrent users and the provider Comcast. Comcast blocked this service as it was effecting service. This was challenged by users who initially won. However in a challenge by Comcast, Washington found in their favour as it found that the Federal Communications Commission could not decide how Comcast should manage its network. Another interesting point made is the potential for service providers to charge content providers who attract a large amount of traffic.This way good service is guarenteed, through essentially sharing the burden of cost. Obviously this is fiercely opposed by businesses. Clearly this all has the potential to change the relationship between users, content providers and service providers.
3More - Terrorists Targeting Children Via Facebook, Twitter - 0 views

    The findings of this article definitely portrays an extremist view of the internet. It shows the internet to be extremely dangerous which would add to the already growing nervousness which I think many parents experience in letting their children surf the web. While cybersecurity is an increasingly prominent issue I don't see how producing a bubble of fear around the online world can improve the situation. You generally cannot function without the internet and being fed these alarmist ideas only furthers the notion that people should be fearful and avoid the internet rather than be engaging with it and appreciating it for being an amazing tool to communicate and learn.
    Well, Fox News is just unbelievable... guess who they consider their competitor, CNN or Comedy Central.
    yayy for fear-mongering....

How to vote responsibly -- New Internationalist Blog - 0 views

    Blog from the New Internationalist about the movement taking place in the UK to donate votes for the upcoming elections, called "Give Your Vote". The idea is for UK citizens to donate their vote to someone in Bangladesh, Afghanistan and Ghana. These countries were chosen due to the involvement of the UK in all these countries through various ways (ie troops, legislation that has an impact on climate change, trade). In each country they have a sister campaign called "Use a UK Vote". Effectively it is a means for citizens of these nations to voice their opinions. The movement demonstrates global democracy in a sense. A word of warning - if you want to visit the site it's not particularly user friendly. Under the heading there are subheadings (however they are invisible).

Canadians without web access disconnected from world - 1 views

  • Word of mouth has always played an important role in finding the best dentist, knowing where to find the best place to fix your car, or knowing what's going on in your neighbourhood," said Matrix. "But now, word of mouth has become word of web."
  • If you aren't on e-mail or Facebook or one of the other sites, your five-year-old isn't getting invited to a birthday party," said Samuel. "And that's no fun for anybody.
    According to this article "word of mouth has become word of web." People are using digital technology to communicate important information such as social gatherings and recommendations about things such as new recipes - things that used to be transferred through offline word of mouth. The implication is that people without an online presence miss out, and the response of the Canadian (as well as the Australian) government is to inject millions of dollars into decreasing the 'digital divide' to encourage social participation through increased digital literacy.
    After the class last night, I kept having a thoght that maybe our whole society structure is changing bcuase of the internet, the accessibility to the Internet. Money, education, perhaps are the main critaria to structure the society anymore.

The First Internet President - 0 views

    This article has explored the successful application of internet in Obama's political campaign. Obama's is said to be the first internet president. This article analyzes the advantage of the new media internet campared to the traditional media such as Newspaper, Television, radio, newspaper and so on. As is listed in the article the main advantages of the internet for the campaign use are including the ability to focus on specific demographic segment, and the convenience to create a place for participant to donate, and as is said by the author Samuel Greengard "Obama's staff could conduct polls, solicit ideas and opinions, and hold online town,hall meetings." However this article does not explore the reasons why Internet has this power deeply enough. Behind this power, in my opinoin, it is the "recursive public" that exerts impacts, it would be better if the author also to the "social capital" theory to analyze the power of the internet.

Coalition wants US privacy law revamped for Internet Age - Media, News - The Independent - 0 views

    In the US a coalition consisting of Google, Microsoft, Ebay, AT&T, and Intel is fighting for a change of the Electronics Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) that was enacted in 1986. The coalition stresses the fact that the Internet has changed tremendously since then and the law therefore needs to be adapted. It protects files in the homes of people but law enforcement entities do not need judicial warrant to view files stored with ISPs, in the cloud or get GPS data from mobile phones.\nDefinitely a case worth fighting for - and an opportunity for Google & Co. to get good press. What about the law that allows checking and copying peoples' computer harddrives at airports though?

Four Corners - Access Denied - 0 views

    The Four Corners report mapped the issue from when internet censorship was bought forward as a policy issue in a report by the Australian Institute in 2003 to how the Howard government and now how the Rudd government has approached the issue of internet censorship. \n\nNot only can you can watch the report you can also read the transcript, watch the extended interviews and there are also links to further resources.\n

Firefox, Chrome, Safari have finally killed Internet Explorer - 0 views

  • IE dropped below 60% — 59.79% to be precise. 59.79% sounds like a lot, but you need to remember that IE comes pre-installed on most computers sold in the world.
  • So, a great percentage of that 40.21% who doesn’t use explorer are people who had to actively do something (see: download another browser and install it) to give IE the boot.
  • It will be hard for IE to get that market share back. The trend is not looking good. Even if the other browsers magically started declining, IE has another problem: the mobile world.
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  • I have only ever met one person in my life with a Windows Mobile phone, and they hated using it.
  • We did it for the browser, and it was quite a challenge. We did it with hard work, advocacy, sweat. We did it for the browser… and we can do the same for the desktop world as a whole.
    No, I don't agree that Internet Explorer is dead. However, there has been a significant progress in the adoption of alternative browsers, which is a healthy way to avoid a monopoly in browsers, which are the gate to internet for end users.  The decline in the use of IE thanks to the participation of open source browsers is acknowledged here. 

Israeli Raid Canceled After Facebook Leak - The Lede Blog - - 0 views

  • a raid on suspected militants in the West Bank planned for Wednesday was called off by the country’s military because a soldier posted details of the operation on Facebook.
  • This news comes just days after the Pentagon announced a new social media policy that will permit American soldiers to use sites like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Flickr to keep in touch with family and friends online
  • he Pentagon, like many employers, says that it wants to reserve the right to put limits on how soldiers use the Web while on the job.
    Israeli soldier posts the details of an operation on Facebook, and the operation is called off. Ironic: the Internet, originally a military tool, causes trouble in the military. Like with potential victims for kidnapping in Mexico posting personal details online: should basic media literacy education be provided for the use of social media among groups with potential risks?
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