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Home/ ARIN6902 Internet Cultures and Governance/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by Anne Zozo

Contents contributed and discussions participated by Anne Zozo

Anne Zozo

Befriend your boss? « AnneZozo's Blog - 2 views

Anne Zozo

Post Tech - Internet privacy comes to head; Facebook to change tools, Google accused o... - 0 views

  • "Thanks to both Google and Facebook, we have all the elements of a perfect privacy storm," said Jeffrey Chester, executive director of privacy group, the Center for Digital Democracy. "There are organized and spontaneous consumer protests; investigations by officials on both sides of the Atlantic, and a Congress finally waking up to this issue.
  • He has complained that regulators and lawmakers haven't been tough enough on Internet search engines, social networks and publishers for scarfing up user information to monetize into ads.
    Article sums up the news around Facebook and Google Street View of the last weeks. The sleeping issue of privacy is said to have woken up. The U.S. Congress as well as the Federal Communications Commission and a Federal Trade Commission are asked to take action.
Anne Zozo

Gruesome death photos are reshaping Internet privacy law | - 0 views

    Article about a family from L.A. whose 18-year old daughter had a car accident. Pictures of her dead body were leaked by the California Highway Patrol and soon spread on the Internet. The family went to court to claim privacy. The article describes how the trial "reshaped the boundaries of privacy law in the Internet age".
Anne Zozo

UK web users 'wary of revealing too much' | Media | - 0 views

    Ofcom has conducted a survey in the UK on the handling of personal data online. The result: In the light of recent news about privacy issues online (Facebook for example) people have become more weary about Internet privacy. The Scottish are the least worried. Also interesting: "about a quarter of internet users say they 'lack confidence' in installing filerting software or security features."
Anne Zozo

Is privacy dead? - 1 views

Anne Zozo

Survey finds concerns over internet privacy | Otago Daily Times Online News - 0 views

    A survey which was released as part of the Pacific-wide Privacy Week (last week) shows that people in New Zealand are very concerned about their Internet privacy.It is of main concern how social networks use personal information and how search engines and websites are tracking online behaviour for targeted advertising.
Anne Zozo

Commerce Department scrutinizes Internet privacy - 0 views

    Internet Policy Task Force is the name of the new initiative the U.S. Commerce Department founded. During the next months it will take a closer look at current policy frameworks and explore ways to address challenges of the new internet economy and society. It will finally advise the White House on how to improve privacy for individuals online. The article mentions current discussions about privacy issues Google and facebook have to face. But obviously these did not directly lead to the kick off of the initiative.
Anne Zozo

Compromise between Facebook, U.K. police agency? | Safe and Secure - CNET News - 0 views

    Article discusses a new "panic button" which can be used to report on safety issues or sexual behaviour onlne. A click takes users to a website where they get advice or get directly in contact with the police. The British Child Exploitation and Online Protection Center (CEOP) has invented this button and wants facebook to integrate it. Facebook wants to refer users to its own Safety Center.
Anne Zozo

CBC News - Consumer Life - Internet privacy attitudes shifting: report - 0 views

    The University of California published a report about Internet privacy. 1.000 Americans were interviewed last summer. The result: 55% are more concerned about privacy issues then they were five years ago - mainly because they know more about the subject now. But still only 14% read privacy policies on websites. Besides that younger Internet users belief that their privacy is protected by the law.
Anne Zozo

Always-on iPhone apps raise new promises, perils for location privacy | VentureBeat - 0 views

    Apple announced that it will be now possible to run different apps on the iPhone at the same time and keep them constantly running in the background. This means for application providers that they coud now constantly get information on the whereabouts of their users instead of the sporadic data they got so far. Exciting new opportunities for Apple's new "iAd" that offers targeted advertising. At the same time there are privacy concerns on several fronts.
Anne Zozo

Coalition wants US privacy law revamped for Internet Age - Media, News - The Independent - 0 views

    In the US a coalition consisting of Google, Microsoft, Ebay, AT&T, and Intel is fighting for a change of the Electronics Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) that was enacted in 1986. The coalition stresses the fact that the Internet has changed tremendously since then and the law therefore needs to be adapted. It protects files in the homes of people but law enforcement entities do not need judicial warrant to view files stored with ISPs, in the cloud or get GPS data from mobile phones.\nDefinitely a case worth fighting for - and an opportunity for Google & Co. to get good press. What about the law that allows checking and copying peoples' computer harddrives at airports though?
Anne Zozo

UK police asks internet cafes to monitor customers - News, Gadgets & Tech - The Indepen... - 0 views

    Should customers in Internet cafes be monitored? The governments' fear of terrorism stands against user privacy. Up to now no official regimentations for internet cafes in the EU exist, Scotland Yard now advises administrators of public web spaces to regularly control their customers' activities.
Anne Zozo

Facebook "Not Abiding by Law" in Europe - CBS News - 0 views

    Very interesting article about people being marked in social networks even if they are not a member - can Facebook and the like be made responsible? An Italian court recently sentenced three Google executives because of a video posted by a user. Swiss and German privacy watchdogs further discuss the matter, many other EU nations are also involved. Google asks where to draw the line between censorship (controlling users' content being an invasion of their privacy) and free speech. There could be a conflict between US Web Giants and EU authorities. Only mentioned in passing that American media companies only react very slowly to European concerns "given the close relationship between Silicon Valley and the administration of President Obama".
Anne Zozo

FTC Raps Weak Privacy in the Cloud, Social Media - - 0 views

    The US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is convinced that big Web players like Google or Facebook are collecting too much personal information of their users. Users could barely choose privacy, a FTC representative stated. They insist that the current privacy regime is not efficient.
Anne Zozo

BBC News - Yahoo criticised by Alibaba for 'reckless' China stance - 0 views

  • Yahoo criticised by Alibaba for 'reckless' China stance Yahoo is reported to have been targeted by hackers in China Yahoo's partner in China has called the US internet giant "reckless" for supporting Google in its stand-off with Beijing over alleged cyber-attacks.Yahoo said it was "aligned" with Google's position that the violati
  • Yahoo said it was "aligned" with Google's position that the violation of internet privacy was deeply disturbing and something that had to be opposed. But an Alibaba Group spokesman said on Saturday it did not "share this view".
    Google speaks out on censorship and the violation of user privacy in China. Yahoo in the US agrees but its Chinese partner Alibaba Group does not. Are they afraid of a backlash from Beijing and fear for their ungoing business success? Makes me wonder how bad the quagmire in China really is...
Anne Zozo

BBC News - Internet restrictions curtail human rights, says US - 0 views

  • It said 2009 was a year in which more people gained access to the internet but at the same time governments spent more "time, money and attention" finding ways to control it.
    The latest annual human rights report has been published: The Internet plays an increasingly important role in the restrictions of human rights, it states.
Anne Zozo

Google allows users to view, delete personal information - 1 views

  • "It's a very crafty psychological gamble on Google's part. They're basically assuming that with greater control, people will tolerate greater transparency of their own activity — that being able to see your own shadow, the shadow becomes normal."
    Big discussion about the permanent storage of personal data in Germany at the moment. Google and its inter-connected services is just one part of it. The government talks about the "Gläserne Bürger" (vitreous citizen) but still they seem to like it somehow - at least they haven't come to an agreement yet. Also see,1518,682129,00.html @Google street view: The campus of Sydney University cannot be visited via this service. Why?
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