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Home/ ARIN6902 Internet Cultures and Governance/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by yunju wang

Contents contributed and discussions participated by yunju wang

yunju wang

Chinese Censorship vs. Foursquare | The Atlantic Wire - 0 views

    Another social network site has been blocked in China which is location-based. When people tried to chick-in to the location Tiananmen Square due to its 21th anniveristy, the link were blocked.
yunju wang

a set of: China, the biggest Internet market - 0 views

    Blog entry: with the massive population, China is for sure the biggest market in every market. It surely has its impact on with the culture. As censoring as it is now, will this culture eventually affect the internet culture as a whole??
yunju wang

a set of: Freedom of speech?? Where? - 0 views

    blog entry: it may seem as simple as eating here, but it's definitely not up there in China. Day after Google announced to resign China, couples of foreign reports' email accounts were either hacked or blocked. Coincident? !!!
yunju wang

a set of: Faceoff in China - 1 views

    Blog Entry: no way for Facebook to enter Chinese soil?!
yunju wang

a set of: When can't get one, make a clone. - 0 views

    Bog entry: Chinese clone iPad, iPed. The product of censored infortation and trict internet regulation in China.
yunju wang

Facebook, you've been sent a message . . . Angry users quit over privacy fears | The Au... - 2 views

  • The Wall Street Journal claiming Facebook and other social networking sites had been surreptitiously sharing users' personal data with advertisers. "Facebook has violated its duty of care," Pesce says. "They are a bad parent and I'm like DOCS. I'm taking the child out of the situation."
    People are taking actions to express their feeling about Facebook privacy issue.
yunju wang

New-media giants feeling the heat as personal-data violations cause outrage | The Austr... - 1 views

    Google and Facebook are both fired under privacy issue. One thing about the Internet is its border less feature, but when it comes to regualtion, this becomes a big problem. American based companies should or should not follow local ligislations? Which country can take the responsible for indivisual interllectual property or private information internationally?
yunju wang

Facebook hits back in spat with Australian Federal Police | The Australian - 1 views

  • reported difficulties in forcing California-based Facebook to comply with Australian police requests or court warrants and suggested the website should appoint an Australian-based liaison to give law enforcement a single point of contact.
    Should California based company, facebook, follow the rules in Australia? Should they respond? After the teeageer killed from meeting with her facebook friend, this issue has become a back fire for facebook and australian authority.
yunju wang

Rudd continues to spend big with Google | The Australian - 0 views

  • "What we have to say as a small country like Australia is we expect our laws to be respected. Just because you base yourself in the US doesn't mean you can ignore the privacy of Australians."
    International network, local lawsuit and regulation. The Australian Government is asked to justify the business deal with Google for it's privacy issue. Since google revealed to mistakenly capture private information from it's street scanning.
yunju wang

Facebook tightens privacy controls after global outrage | The Australian - 1 views

  • option of applying the same preferences to all their content, so that with one click you can decide whether to share things with just "friends" or with everyone.
  • ettings so often that keeping up with them became too much. Before the announcement, Craig Mather, a 28-year-old graduate student in Portland, Oregon, was already complaining of having to adjust his privacy settings every time Facebook comes up with a new plan.
  • It's a reflection of who you are online.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • lifeblood is advertising.
    Under sever fire of privacy, Facebook is now tighten their privay policy to ease the fire. The thing is, when it comes to people, it's not that easy to solve. It's no longer a website that JUST allowing users exchage their status and connected to each other, but with more and more apps, people have the feeling that they are being spied on whenever wherever.
yunju wang

a set of: NU media - 1 views

    Blog entry: NU media, source from the socail network sites, how much credt left in the news?
yunju wang

a set of: coming down from the cloud - 1 views

    blog entry: the security concern for cloud computing.
yunju wang

a set of: Maybe it's time for human to evolve - 0 views

    blog entry: what is next? for us to think of a profitable way in the sharing culture of the Internet.
yunju wang

a set of: pay or not to pay - 0 views

    blog entry: in the internet culture as such, peopel tend to believe that we should enjoy the buffets service that the internet now provide. Is it possible for online news contnent to be charged? What about those new aggregator websites?
yunju wang

a set of: cloud sourcing and the ancient wisdom. - 0 views

    blog entry: about cloud sourcing on the Internet.
yunju wang

a set of: to stop the unstopable - 0 views

    Blog entry: about online piracy and the imaginary solution that I had.
yunju wang

a set of: this is the world wide web - 0 views

    Blog entry, discussing Facebook privacy issue after viewing the F8 conference on Facebook.
yunju wang

Has online piracy reached a tipping point? | Digital Media - CNET News - 1 views

  • There might be just a point here where the culture is changing on what's legitimate behavior online
  • free hasn't turned out to be a very profitable business model.
    Is the Internet free? Certainly not, just the fix pricing gives the virtual buffet of digital content that seemly and resonablly free to us, but is it really? Files sharing has reached the point that entertainment workers saying, enough is enough and they will do whatever it takes to ease this trend. Is our free culture of the Internet about to over though? Not quite, after years of habits enjoying content freely, it's not a over night change for people to accept to be charged.
yunju wang

Is online piracy a good thing? - - 0 views

    Lessig talk about the internet being a innovative commons where allow creation to be made. There might be a new business model that online file sharing will eventually benefit than causing profit loss.
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