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Christoph Zed

BBC NEWS | Technology | Barcode replacement shown off - 0 views

  • We think that our technology will create a new way of tagging
  • can be interrogated from far away by a standard mobile phone camera
  • However, the team also thinks they could be used in consumer applications, such as supermarkets, where products could be interrogated with a shopper's mobile phone
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  • Let's say you're standing in a library with 20 shelves in front of you and thousands of books." "You could take a picture and you'd immediately know where the book you're looking for is.
  • estaurant could put menu information inside the tag. When the data is uploaded to Google Maps, it would automatically be displayed next to the image of the restaurant,
Christoph Zed

BBC NEWS | UK | Magazine | When can you speak ill of the dead? - 0 views

  • Has enough time passed for a more impartial assessment of the man
  • Our traditional response to a person's death can be summed up by the Latin "de mortuis nil nisi bonum dicendum est" - roughly translated "don't speak ill of the dead". But in the information age, where the news keeps on rolling and the notion of deference has long since been replaced by a fascination with fame, how does the old maxim hold up?
  • Leith believes politicians like Vaz make a "category error" when they posture in this way. "They appropriate cultural events. You wouldn't really expect Michael Jackson to ratify the Countryside Act 2000 so why should parliament say what a jolly good dancer he was?"
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  • "The media portrayal of a life has almost become like an autopsy."
glen donnar

Hip-hop helps build bridge for city's newcomers - 0 views

  • A dynamic music program is helping migrants connect to their new home
  • His experiences as a migrant give him the perspective needed to work with other newcomers."There's a system, and many people get trapped in that system," he says. "They put you in a housing commission flat when you first arrive as a refugee
  • I was battling a lot of things, like racism and stuff, and hip-hop helped me understand a lot of things about the government, about what happened back in Africa — it gives me more self-confidence to be here. So if I face racism I don't take it personally, I think, 'Maybe I need to educate you about some stuff.' "
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  • Both MCs have day jobs as youth workers and that can feed into the hip-hop workshops.
  • "You've got to understand how much the media affects young people, in so many ways," says Azmarino. "For example, the African community — what happened a few years ago in Kensington was all over Channel Seven, and it made them feel like they were a gang. That's like putting oil in the fire. They're teenagers and they're already feeling all those things, and then they were getting disrespected by the whole of Melbourne."
glen donnar

Chinese hack into film festival site - 0 views

  • CHINESE hackers have attacked the Melbourne International Film Festival website in an intensifying campaign against the screening of a documentary about exiled Uighur leader Rebiya Kadeer.
  • The hackers replaced festival information with the Chinese flag and anti-Kadeer slogans
  • "It is obviously a concerted campaign to get us because we've refused to comply with the Chinese Government's demands."
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  • Last week, three Chinese directors withdrew films, with two denying they were forced to do so by Chinese authorities. Director Tang Xiaobai, who withdrew her film Perfect Life after being phoned by the Chinese Foreign Ministry and the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, said it was her decision to boycott the festival."I do not want to see my film screened on the same platform as a film about Kadeer," Tang told the official English-language newspaper China Daily.
glen donnar

Branding Australian cities: pride of place or pointless PR? - Crikey - 0 views

    Big news in Melbourne today: Mayor Robert Doyle has spent $240,000 on a new logo for the city. But is it any good? We compare and contrast with other city brands from around this wide brown land.
glen donnar

Melbourne's $240,000 makeover - 0 views

    • glen donnar
      Communicating 'Melbourne' to/for Melburnians, for Australians, for the world?
glen donnar

Gerd Nonneman: Delicate relationship where national interests and morality often confli... - 0 views

  • London's and Riyadh's policies towards each other have been driven primarily by pragmatic considerations of political and economic advantage. Certainly religious and political issues of conviction, matters of pride and intercultural communication have, on occasion, come to the fore – such as King Faisal's decision to impose an oil boycott, the furore in 1980 over the documentary Death Of A Princes
  • s, or the often ill-informed British media commentary about the nature of Saudi politics. On their own, such issues tend not to reorient policy very significantly or for very long. Yet they do have the potential to complicate relations even when neither government wants them to.
glen donnar

The diversity factor | Philly | 07/14/2009 - 0 views

    "Recent surveys of employers consistently show that what they look for in job candidates - and seldom find - are strong communication skills. As the work force increasingly diversifies and organizations become global in scale, employers are setting the bar higher, favoring candidates who can communicate sensitively and efficiently across cultural divides."
glen donnar

Princeton University - Cultural explorations aid learning process for aspiring policyma... - 0 views

    "The most important rules of the card game: No words, no sign language, no talking; the only communication allowed was through drawing pictures. With these rules, 35 rising college seniors from the United States and several other countries participating in a workshop titled "Intercultural Dimensions of Policymaking" were to learn how playing a card game in complete silence would teach them a lesson about cultural differences."
glen donnar

How to annotate - pdf document - 0 views

    pdf document
glen donnar

TED: Ideas worth spreading - 0 views

shared by glen donnar on 21 Jul 09 - Cached
    TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) is an invitation-only event where the world's leading thinkers and doers gather to find inspiration. Initially an annual conference, the scope of TED has expanded to include a bi-annual global conference, a humanitarian prize, and free audio/video podcasts of extraordinary talks.
glen donnar

Social Networks Spread Defiance Online - - 0 views

  • new kinds of social media are challenging those traditional levers of state media control and allowing Iranians to find novel ways around the restrictions.
  • But it appears they are finding ways around Big Brother.
    • glen donnar
      This is a test for me... and a test also for the Iranian regime!
glen donnar

The TV Watch - Ultimate Media Moment - Michael Jackson's Memorial Service - - 0 views

  • most everybody around the world stopped what they were doing — on television, on the Internet and on the street — to look and listen.
  • as the funeral of Diana, Princess of Wales, showed in 1997, communal sorrow is moving, public frenzy is alarming, but the two together make for irresistible television.
  • Brian Williams of NBC, who sat on a special platform outside the Staples Center, told his colleague Lester Holt that the public had a way of deciding for itself what matters, “despite, at some times, the news media’s better wishes.” He added ruefully, “And this is an event because it is.”
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  • Most anchors tried to define Mr. Jackson’s place in pop culture and American history. His popularity is universal, but his death was commandeered to mark a milestone in African-American history. Nancy Giles, an actress and CBS News commentator, said on MSNBC that he was “a trailblazer in the same way President Obama is.”
  • That homage, as much as the music, was the measure of the event’s success: for at least one day, the Jackson camp managed to take command of the coverage, setting the agenda for the news media as well as the mourners.
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