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glen donnar

Gerd Nonneman: Delicate relationship where national interests and morality often confli... - 0 views

  • London's and Riyadh's policies towards each other have been driven primarily by pragmatic considerations of political and economic advantage. Certainly religious and political issues of conviction, matters of pride and intercultural communication have, on occasion, come to the fore – such as King Faisal's decision to impose an oil boycott, the furore in 1980 over the documentary Death Of A Princes
  • s, or the often ill-informed British media commentary about the nature of Saudi politics. On their own, such issues tend not to reorient policy very significantly or for very long. Yet they do have the potential to complicate relations even when neither government wants them to.
amy wu

Wikipedia Testing New Editing Restrictions - 0 views

  • Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia that has increasingly drawn some decidedly juvenile pranks, is looking to impose more discipline with new restrictions on the editing of articles.
  • The latest changes come as Wikipedia continues trying to balance a need for credibility and a desire for openness.
  • The idea is to block the kind of high-profile vandalism that has marred some pages.
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  • The same flagging process, for example, has been imposed on all entries in the German-language Wikipedia for more than a year.
  • Some believe Wikipedia must continue tightening editing policies if it wants to gain credibility.
    Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia that has increasingly drawn some decidedly juvenile pranks, is looking to impose more discipline with new restrictions on the editing of articles.
sayaka uchida

Aboriginal people seek refugee status - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) - 0 views

  • A group of Aboriginal people has asked the United Nations to register them as refugees,
  • people of the Alyawarra Nation have been left with no choice because the federal intervention in the Northern Territory has taken away their rights.
  • The community was protesting about their living conditions, including broken septic tanks in their government-owned houses, and about intervention policies.
Fei Xu

China Social Media; Xiaonei: China's Facebook Replica. - 0 views

    the reasons behind social networking services failing in the Chinese market, are not only the language (Facebook has a Chinese version), but also the failure of realising the common desire of subgroup in the market..
    As copycatting goes, China is King. It is an incisive criticism, which sharply points out the most significant existing problem in China in the copyright respect. This bug on policy and regulation corrupts Chinese creative thinking fundamentally.
Yair Frid

'Facebook bars hateful content, except against Jews' | Jewish News | Jerusalem Post - 0 views

  • "Facebook has through ignorance created an anti-Semitic policy platform where the only explicitly allowed hate is that, within certain parameters, directed against Jews," the report said.
  • There's already been a massive reaction to Holocaust denial on Facebook, as seen by the almost 85,000 people around the world who have joined a pressure group called United Against Holocaust Denial, Oboler told the Post.
Christoph Zed

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Suu Kyi 'welcomes US engagement' - 0 views

  • San Suu Kyi says she welcomes US plans to engage with the country's military rulers
  • Suu Kyi also wanted the US to engage with the political opposition.
  • direct engagement is good
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  • sanctions remained an important part of US policy but that "by themselves they have not produced the results that had been hoped for on behalf of the people of Burma"
  • US would be looking to employ both sanctions and engagement to "help achieve democratic reform" in Burma.
Christoph Zed

AFP: Kadhafi calls for 'NATO of the south' at Venezuela summit - 0 views

  • pushing for the creation of a "NATO of the South" by 2011 to counter the military bloc of the United States and European powers.
  • Energy infrastructure development and joint oil project cooperation were the central topics of the meeting,
  • Libya is the gateway to Africa for us because it is a country well-known for its socialist policies that plays an important and strategic role for us
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • no global challenge in the 21st Century that cannot be tackled by Africa and South America, and there is no challenge that can be addressed without
Christoph Zed

Gaddafi proposes 'Nato of the South' at South America-Africa summit - Times Online - 0 views

  • Colonel Gaddafi proposed an African-Latin American defence alliance yesterday at an intercontinental summit hosted by Venezuela.
  • President Mugabe of Zimbabwe and President Zuma of South Africa were among almost 30 leaders from across the two continents present as Mr Chávez sought to promote his socialist policies abroad, urging a new world order that would confront Western dominance
  • “The world’s powers want to continue to hold on to their power,” said Mr Gaddafi, who had a white limousine flown to Venezuela to meet him at the airport.
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