One of the victims, Sukhdip Singh, 26, had been in Australia just one month.
A relative said he had suffered head and facial injuries and wanted to return to
India immediately.
His uncle, Mukhtiar Singh, 45, also a victim, said Deputy Prime Minister
Julia Gillard's recent assurance to India's Foreign Minister that Australia was
safe for Indian students rang hollow. ''I used to say the same thing … now I
would say Melbourne is worse than a Third-World country, violence-wise,'' Mr
Singh told The Age.
Recalling Saturday's incident, he said his nephew was taunted with verbal
abuse and racial slurs in the bar before they were later set upon in the car
park by about 20 people.
''I have lived here for 22 years,'' Mr Singh said. ''I've got my own business
here, my own house, my kids have grown up here. Why should I go back? We all
come from somewhere.''