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Teachers Love SMART Boards: SMART Boards in Every Classroom - Make it a Reality! - 2 views

    Great comments about how children learn from each other and how much more effective learning can be with a SMART Board. Chippewa Falls Superintendent Mike Schoch demonstrates a remarkable attitude for how to move forward toward getting a SMART Board in every classroom despite the funding issues facing most districts.

Why Interactive White Boards are Used Ineffectively in Classrooms | Teaching Science an... - 73 views

    An interactive White Board (IWB) or SMART Board has the potential to deliver content better than traditional methods of teaching. Why? Because it provides multi-media functional interaction across audio, video, and computer media. It is also ideal for visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learners. These qualities of an IWB also promote the dynamic delivery of content (if used to its full potential) in an engaging manner, which allows students to interact with science or math content their self. Examples include: * data manipulation * responding to data * even creating data So with all these attributes - "How are interactive white boards unsuccessfully used in science and math classrooms?" For the most part - not effectively!

Out with the bulletin board Calendar Time and in with the SMART Board Calendar Time! - ... - 1 views

    Discussion area with SMART Board links and ideas for Kindergarten teachers

SMART Board Resources - 14 views

    A wiki
  • ...1 more comment...
    SMART Board resources for all to include lessons, help with SMART Board, resources sorted by grade level and subject area
    a wiki yes - but a wiki full of SMART board resources
    It will be more benefit to the students.

Group | Teachers TV - 0 views

    discussion board on interactive white boards

Get SMART with SMART Boards - 0 views

    Smartboard podcast
    SMART Board experts Harvey Almarode and Jim Hollis share resources to help teachers use the SMART Board more effectively in the classroom.

Cleaning Your SMART Board and Projector | SMART Board Goodies - 47 views

    " * Home * Goodies Index * About Blue Orange Green Pink Purple Cleaning Your SMART Board and Projector"

Teachers Love SMART Boards: SMART Boards and Interactive Science and Engineering for Kids - 0 views

    Engineering Interact is a fantastic resource created by the University of Cambridge Department of Engineering

Teachers Love SMART Boards: SMART Boards and Music to my Ears - 1 views

    Peukalopiano, Dallasin sinfoniaorkesteri jne.

HPEDSB: Technology in Education|Interactive Whiteboards - 1 views

    SMART Board resources from the Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board

Mr B's List - 55 views

    Mr B's List is a directory of the best *free* educational websites, (with emphasis on interactive sites) to use with your SMART Board or other interactive whiteboard, etc. Search by subject, grade, and ratings!
    Mr B's List is a directory of the best *free* educational websites, (with emphasis on interactive sites) to use with your SMART Board or other interactive whiteboard, etc. Search by subject, grade, and ratings!

6 Free Online Interactive White Boards | Emerging Internet Technologies for Education - 66 views

    Blog EmerginEdTech article on 6 online interactive whiteboards - the choices are worth exploring; you'll probably wind up using more than one

Whiteboard Challenge #3 Symmetrically Symmetric - 0 views

  • Symmetrically Symmetric entices students to use the transparency feature of the board to practice drawing shapes around lines of symmetry.
    Symmetrically Symmetric entices students to use the transparency feature of the board to practice drawing shapes around lines of symmetry. After completing the drawing, students use an interactive pull device to check their work. Finally, students play an anagram game with several words to assist with learning about symmetry.

Tequipment :: Tequipment provides a full range of classroom technology and professional... - 0 views

  • We are pleased to share our latest TeqSmart Learning Object, Electoral Map. This interactive map displays customized Electoral College results. Votes can be toggled on or off for each state. Votes are automatically tallied and displayed.
    Free interactive Electoral Map for use on the SMART Board

SMART Board Revolution - A Revolution in Education - 0 views

    SMART board information, lessons, more!

Smart Board Implementation Strategies: Self Evaluation of Integration of Interactive Wh... - 0 views

    A three level self assessment is presented for determining levels of strengths and weaknesses with white boards, along with recommendations for professional development.

Smart Board Resources, Smartboard, Whiteboard, White board, smart board - 4 views

    Great site for interactive activies for a IWB

Adventures in Ed Tech: Ten Interactive White Board Web 2.0 Tools - 111 views

    "Ten Interactive White Board Web 2.0 Tools"
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