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PCI security rules may require reinforcements - 0 views

    April 13, 2009 (Computerworld) The PCI standard, long touted as one of the private sector's strongest attempts to regulate itself on IT security, is increasingly being slammed by critics who claim that the rules aren't doing enough to protect credit and debit card data. And amid all the complaints, Visa Inc. - the standard's biggest proponent - is working one-on-one with banks and retailers to test new security measures that go beyond the controls currently mandated by PCI. What it all adds up to is a new sense of uncertainty about the future of the specification, which is formally known as the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard, or PCI DSS. Created by Visa and other credit card companies, the PCI rules will have been in effect for four years as of June 30. But with breaches of card data continuing and questions about the standard's effectiveness on the rise, PCI DSS is showing signs of coming apart at the seams.
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FCC Proposes $13 million in Fines Over Data Protection - 0 views

    Federal regulators slapped hundreds of small telecommunications providers for not abiding by new rules designed to protect consumer phone records, proposing more than $13 million in total fines. The Federal Communications Commission proposed $20,000 fines on more than 650 small phone, pager and wireless providers Tuesday, accusing them of not filing paperwork that certifies they have put protections in place to protect customer phone data. "I have long stressed the importance of protecting the sensitive information that telecommunications carriers collect about their customers," said Michael Copps, the FCC's interim chairman, in a statement. "The broad nature of this enforcement action hopefully will ensure substantial compliance with our [privacy] rules going forward as the Commission continues to make consumer privacy protection a top priority." In April 2007, the FCC tightened privacy requirements on phone companies in response to consumer complaints about data brokers selling phone records they had obtained illegally through "pretexting," or getting information under false circumstances. The agency required telecom companies to increase security of phone records, requiring customers to provide a password before receiving account information over the phone or online. Phone companies are required to notify customers when changes are made to their accounts or if their information has been improperly accessed. Companies are required to file annual certifications that they have complied with those requirements. The FCC said hundreds of small companies didn't provide the information in 2008, although it noted it was the first year the agency had required the paperwork. The agency warned that future noncompliance could face "more severe penalties."

Financial firms focus on internal threats, employee errors - 0 views

    Banks and financial firms are placing more emphasis on internal threats to cut the flow of data leakage as a result of employee mistakes or workers disgruntled with layoffs and downsizing during the economic crisis, according to a recent survey. The report, "Protecting What Matters: The Sixth Annual Global Security Survey," is based on a Deloitte survey of 250 CISOs in the financial-services industry. It found that 36% of respondents believe the internal threat represents the greatest risk to organizations, compared to 13% who said external threats are the biggest concern. Mark Steinhoff, head of Deloitte's financial services security and privacy practices, said an organization's biggest mistake would be to let its guard down. While the number of security breaches may have declined over the last year, cybercriminals are not rationing back their efforts. "The number of breaches that are occurring are really at the hands of insiders and organizations are understanding that there is a real threat of malicious attacks and exposure of personal information by insiders," Steinhoff said. The failing economy may be driving the increased concern over insider threats, Steinoff said. "The climate we're in today causes concerns about disgruntled employees," he said. "We are seeing the layoffs and other forms of downsizing. Frankly with limited budget and less than satisfied employees, it really raises the parameter on that threat." Human error is the leading cause of information systems failure, and is likely to be the main cause of security attacks in the near future, according to 86% of those surveyed. To protect against employee mistakes that lead to a breach, financial firms should focus on risk rather than compliance to protect themselves, Steinhoff said. "[Organizations] need to look at what they want to protect and look at various types of threats internally and evaluate who has access to the data and who has access to which system, and approach it from that persp

BT: Privacy Peril Or Key To Web Prosperity? 02/27/2009 - 0 views

    If behavioral targeting is the key to providing Web users with advertising that's better tailored to their particular needs and interests--instead of banner ads that they ignore--then what's the harm to consumers? That was a central question tackled by a panel of privacy and online marketing experts Thursday at the OMMA Behavioral conference in New York. Whether online user tracking--even when anonymous--represents a growing threat to privacy has become a hotly debated issue in the last year, with FTC, Congress and state governments considering increased regulation of behavioral targeting. For Jules Polonetsky, co-chair and director of the AT&T-funded think tank Future of Privacy Forum, that debate has become almost superfluous. Whatever side one takes, he emphasized that there is now a widespread perception among consumers and regulators that online tracking is creepy at the very least. The key to diffusing the controversy is for publishers and marketers to give Web users notice that their behavior is being tracked in order to provide them with more relevant content, recommendations and marketing offers.

What I learned when thieves stole my identity -- South Florida - 0 views

    The first sign that something was wrong seemed harmless: A new Dell credit card arrived in my mail one afternoon. More landed in the mailbox the next day. Macy's. Bloomingdale's. Crate and Barrel. Radio Shack. Then later: Visa Sony, Toys R Us and Lowe's cards turned up. I didn't request any of these cards. My first call to Dell revealed what I suspected. Someone had applied for a credit card using my name. I felt violated and vulnerable. Then, it hit me: I've become a statistic, a victim of identity theft. A thief had taken my name, my credit and my identity and managed to spend more than $8,000 (money that, I'm grateful, I didn't have to pay). I still don't know who the culprit was or how it happened. All I know is that if this happened to me - a Sun Sentinel consumer affairs and watchdog reporter - it can happen to anybody. Thieves move quickly Identity theft is the fastest growing crime in the United States, according to the Federal Trade Commission, which enforces identity theft laws. Experts estimate 10 million Americans become victims of identity fraud each year. Last year, businesses lost $56.6 billion to ID theft, the commission said. I've spent hours on the phone talking to fraud investigators, credit bureaus and bank staff as I've tried to sort out the mess that is now mine to clean up. I was exhausted every time a call ended. Individual investigations, conducted by fraud departments for each of the credit card companies that issued accounts in my name, took months to complete before concluding I was a victim of ID fraud. But there is a bright side to this story. I thought I knew how to protect myself. But what I've learned through this experience has taught me that you can never be too careful. I also learned some hard lessons along the way about how best to safeguard my personal information in the future - and respond, if my identity is targeted again.

Heartland's Carr Calls for End-to-End Encryption To Stop Breaches - 0 views

    Nearly one week after news emerged of the big data breach at Princeton, N.J.-based merchant acquirer Heartland Payment Systems Inc., it remains unclear how much damage actually happened and who did it. One report suggests Heartland's breach-related legal liabilities could approach $98 million, an estimate a Heartland spokesperson dismisses as speculative. The spokesperson tells Digital Transactions News on Monday that the so-called "sniffer" program secretly planted on one of Heartland's payment-processing platforms was not being used when investigators found it about two weeks ago. "It was inactive," the spokesperson says. "I want to be specific to say it was inactive," he adds, clarifying that the hackers hadn't deliberately disabled or deactivated it. Robert Carr, Heartland's chief executive, meanwhile, issued a statement calling for better industry cooperation and new operational procedures to prevent future data compromises, including industrywide, end-to-end encryption to fully protect cardholder data. Heartland uses encryption, but industry procedures leave data unencrypted during one brief point of the authorization process-a weakness that hackers have learned to exploit. Carr also said Heartland is working on its own system of end-to-end encryption.

Watch out! Privacy litigation damages becoming more viable (WTN News) - 0 views

    Until now, lawsuits seeking to recover significant damages based on the loss of, or unauthorized access to, sensitive personal information have not been especially successful for plaintiffs. Most companies suffering data breaches have escaped by offering affected consumers inexpensive credit monitoring services. But two recent cases show plaintiffs a way to expose many previously safe companies to substantial claims for damages. Any company that thinks there are no risks in employing less than best practices for data privacy and security needs a wake up call. The headlines are all too familiar. Some well known consumer services company (or less known wholesale data processor) announces that millions of individual records containing names, Social Security numbers, account numbers and other sensitive information were left in a dumpster, saved to a stolen, unencrypted laptop, or stored on a misplaced USB drive or backup tape. The press is terrible, the company's stock takes a temporary plunge, and sometimes the Federal Trade Commission enters into a consent decree where the company promises to never do it again. But when affected individuals or groups of consumers tried to sue for damages, they seldom recover significant amounts. These cases have not often succeeded because the plaintiffs have been unable to prove actual pecuniary losses resulting from the security breach. Sure, if identify theft occurs the affected individuals can suffer significant emotional trauma, loss of time, etc. But Courts have been unwilling to award damages for anxiety, fear, and other emotional harm that can result from a data breach, for the risk of future identify theft, or for actual identity theft when the plaintiff could not prove that the theft occurred as a direct result of a data breach at a particular source. Most companies facing claims based on data breaches have been able to settle cheaply by offering to provide credit monitoring services, which most consumers do not use, resu

The Security Certification Directory - CSO Online - Security and Risk - 0 views

    Brief descriptions and links to professional certifications in information security, physical security, audit, investigations, business continuity and more. Certifications provide a way to expand and/or demonstrate professional expertise. A wide variety of certifications are available in security and related disciplines. This directory will compile brief descriptions of certs in information and physical security, business continuity, audit and other areas, with links to details from the issuing organizations. Notes: -- This list will be updated and expanded at The Security Certification Directory on -- Vendor-specific security certifications will be added in the near future.

2007 FTC Workshop: Ehavioral Advertising: Tracking, Targeting, and Technology - 0 views

    On November 1 and 2, 2007, the Federal Trade Commission will host a Town Hall entitled "Ehavioral Advertising: Tracking, Targeting, and Technology." The event will bring together consumer advocates, industry representatives, technology experts, and academics to address consumer protection issues raised by the practice of tracking consumers' activities online to target advertising - or "behavioral advertising." The Town Hall is a follow-on to a dialogue on behavioral advertising that emerged at a November 2006 FTC forum, "Tech-Ade," which examined the key technological and business developments that will shape consumers' core experiences in the coming ten years. In addition, several consumer privacy advocates, as well as the State of New York, recently sent letters to the FTC asking it to examine the effects of behavioral advertising on consumer privacy. The Town Hall will explore how the online advertising market, and specifically behavioral advertising, has changed in recent years, and what changes are anticipated over the next five years. Among other things, it will examine what types of consumer data are collected, how such data are used, what protections are provided for that data, and the costs and benefits of behavioral advertising to consumers. The Town Hall will also address what companies are disclosing to consumers and what consumers understand about the online collection of their information for use in advertising. In addition, the Town Hall will look at what regulatory and self-regulatory measures currently govern the practices related to online behavioral advertising, as well as anticipated changes in the behavioral advertising space in the future. The Commission invites interested parties to submit requests to be panelists and to recommend other topics for discussion. The requests should be submitted electronically to by September 14, 2007. The Commission asks interested parties to include a stat

Facebook, Bebo and MySpace 'to be monitored by security services' - Times Online - 0 views

    The private correspondence of millions of people who use social networking sites could be tracked and saved on a "big brother" database, under new plans being drawn up by the UK government. Ministers revealed yesterday that they were considering policing messages sent via sites such as MySpace and Facebook, alongside plans to store information about every phone call, e-mail and internet visit made by everyone in the United Kingdom. There was immediate uproar from opposition parties, privacy campaigners and security experts who said the plans were over-the-top and unworkable. There have long been proposals, following an European Union directive in the wake of the July 2005 bombings in London, for emails and internet usage to be tracked in order to guard against future terrorist attacks.

Should Advertisers Play A Role In The Privacy Debate? 04/06/2009 - 0 views

    Now that behavioral targeting has become more pervasive (and more effective), it is being talked about not only by publishers and advertisers, but also by privacy advocates -- organizations like the NAI and IAB and, in Washington, the FTC. At issue is if BT players are doing enough to disclosure to consumers how BT works and offering them the opportunity to opt out of being tracked by BT vendors and publishers. There has been much discussion about how to regulate behavioral marketers; but no solution that satisfies everyone. The BT industry so far has contended that website privacy policies are sufficient disclosure since many of them contain links to opts out opportunities like the NAI site. Google and Bluekai have announced 'preference pages' or registries that allow Web users to say what type of BT they are interested in receiving. But, the other, more common option is to put that information in the Privacy Policy of the site. But the problem with that is that no matter where disclosures are placed on the service provider's site, most people won't ever see them. How will a customer visiting Retail SiteX know that Company Y is going to use their browsing behavior to later display relevant ads to them as they surf the Web on Network Z? The average customer won't. The only way a customer will know what forms of BT advertisers are using is if the advertisers themselves tell them. I think that it's time for advertisers to step up in this privacy debate. Thus far the pressure for disclosure has been placed on networks, behavioral marketing providers and publishers. The key players in those industries have done a good job of becoming more transparent (though there is still work ahead of us), while advertisers haven't been asked to do anything. Advertisers are clearly benefiting from behavioral marketing, and its time they disclosed what type of behavioral marketing they participate in, and allow customers to opt-out. How they do this is open for discussion: Tag each

Is Twitter for sale? - FierceCIO - 0 views

    There are plenty of rumors out in the cyberworld about the future of Twitter, a popular social networking site, and whether the company will be acquired or partner with another company. Some believe one of the suitors is Google Inc. Rumor has it, the two companies are considering collaborating on a Google real time search engine. To make it work, Google could pay cash, stock or a combination of both. Google wouldn't comment on these rumors. Nevertheless, it's an intriguing idea for a company created three years ago that has, to date, not made any money. Analysts think this would be a good marriage, according to MarketWatch. Gartner Inc. analyst Jeff Mann, for one, told the website it's a pretty good idea. "The culture and ambitions of Twitter and Google match." Not only that, there are lots of indications of growth. Twitter's content is now growing by 6 million tweets per day, and that's a win-win situation for Google, for sure.

Bahn Boss Mehdorn Offers Resignation Amid Data Privacy Scandal | Germany | Deutsche Wel... - 0 views

    Hartmut Mehdorn's days as the boss of German rail operator Deutsche Bahn look to have come to an end as the embattled executive offers his resignation amid a damaging, ongoing data privacy scandal. Mehdorn said he was offering to go because the "destructive debates" over his future were damaging the company. "I have made an offer to terminate my contract with the supervisory board chairman," Mehdorn said Monday, March 20, at a press conference to announce Deutsche Bahn's annual financial results. "I assume that a successor will be appointed before the summer holidays" begin in July. Mehdorn, who has run the state-owned firm since 1999, has been under increasing pressure ever since it was revealed earlier this year that Deutsche Bahn accessed confidential staff data as far back as 1998.

Sears Settles with FTC over Privacy Breach, Agrees to Destroy Customers' Personal Data ... - 0 views

    Better to settle with the FTC than get your company's reputation as consumer-friendly (deserved or not) dragged through the court of public opinion.
    Sears Holdings has agreed to settle allegations it collected personal data from customers without adequate disclosures, the Federal Trade Commission said on Thursday. The FTC had accused Sears Holdings, created in 2005 with the merger of Sears and Kmart, of paying online customers $10 to allow the company to track their online browsing. But the FTC said Sears also collected information on non-Sears sites, such as online bank statements, drug prescription records and emails. "The software would also track some computer activities that were not related to the Internet," the FTC said in a statement. Sears did disclose all it would monitor in a lengthy user license agreement, but the FTC argued it was not enough. "The complaint charges that Sears' failure to adequately disclose the scope of the tracking software's data collection was deceptive and violates the FTC Act," the FTC said in a statement. Sears did not immediately reply to two telephone calls and one email seeking a comment. Under the settlement, Sears is required to destroy the data collected and make future disclosures more prominent.

Automate data classification with new features in Windows Server 2008 R2 - 0 views

    Data classification is a cornerstone of good privacy & security management. If you can measure it, you can manage it, right? First you have to know where it is.
    Why classify data? Classifying data can help make data more accessible (or less accessible) to the users in your environment who need it. For example, suppose the Human Resources department created a folder on the file server within their department called Litigation. In this folder they place files that are needed for any litigation the company is associated with. The permissions on the folder are configured so that HR employees can edit the contents of the folder and add documents. Senior management can read the documents in the litigation folder, and the HR manager can remove documents that are no longer needed. The question is, how is it determined that a document is no longer needed and how do we apply these criteria to existing files in such a way that minimizes user interaction with them? The new classification feature in Windows Server 2008 R2 makes it possible to automatically assign classification information to files on file servers and apply policy to them based on that information. Classification in Windows Server 2008 R2 consists of several elements: properties, rules, and a policy segment including reporting and file management. Properties are the fields that you wish to assign a value for, and the rules are the criteria that set these values. There are other methods of classification available as well, including applications and scripts. More detailed examination of the methods of configuring the File Classification Infrastructure will follow in a future post. For the above example, a rule would be used to label a set of files in the Litigation folder. Adding a label such as Litigation-Case Number X (where X is the number of the case) can allow easy organization of files for each litigation case. When the classification rule is run against the specified folder, all files meeting the rule conditions would be classified with an appropriate label. You could use an expiration date here, but doing that might require reclassification of files if the ex

What keeps IT managers awake at night? - FierceCIO - 0 views

    It's hardly a bed of roses these days for IT companies and their managers. There are plenty of things nagging at high-tech vendors, too, according to the annual RiskFactor Report for Technology Businesses published by the financial consultancy, BDO Seidman. The information was gleaned from fiscal year 2008 10-K SEC filings of the 100 largest publicly traded U.S. tech companies. Strong competition and consolidation risk factors top the list of IT managers' concerns. Failure to develop new products or services is also a big headache. Other items making the worry list: * International operations. * Management of current and future M&As. * And, for the first time: Natural disasters, war, conflicts and terrorist attacks. So how should a top manager deal with all this uncertainty? Play some tennis, go for a run, gobble a few Tums and then forge ahead with the best ideas you have.

Bill pushes doctors to computerize records -- - 0 views

    Maryland is poised to jump ahead of the rest of the nation in health information technology on Tuesday when Gov. Martin O'Malley signs a bill intended to coax doctors into using electronic medical records. The computerized files are seen as the foundation of a national health information network that proponents say will improve care, advance medical knowledge and save the country tens of billions of dollars annually. But with the startup costs to individual doctors in the tens of thousands of dollars, many smaller practices have been slow to move from clipboard to computer screen. With today's bill signing, Maryland will become the first state requiring private insurance companies to offer doctors financial incentives to adopt the technology, state officials say. Doctors who do not bring an electronic medical records system on line by 2015 could face penalties. "This is where government and private health care providers can come together to really improve not only the quality of care but also, hopefully, create some costs savings as well," O'Malley said. "Health IT is the future of health care in our country, and we want Maryland to lead the way."

Prying Eyes explains privacy issues to teens - 0 views

    It's been repeatedly said that one of the biggest issues our culture is facing right now, and will continue to face in the years to come, is defining and coming to terms with the legality behind privacy issues. As our lives become increasingly wired, connected and monitored privacy becomes an increasingly pressing concern, especially since technology changes much faster than laws can keep up with. While privacy issues are important for adults to be aware of right now, from access to medical records to who can see into our houses, it's probably even more important for the next generation to know what the issues are and how it does and will affect them in the future. Prying Eyes: Privacy in the Twenty-First Century by Betsy Kuhn is a book written for teens and older kids about privacy issues today in America. It looks at new and developing technologies from cameras to RFID chips, the significant laws and court cases throughout our history that have dealt with privacy issues, and how it affects each of us. Kuhn does an excellent job of keeping her subject relevant, but not too focused. Kuhn manages to show how all of these issues matter and affect us without being scary. She never turns technology, corporations or even the government into something frightening. When this is a topic that could easily have been made scary, it's nice that Kuhn managed to walk that line and make this serious without being something to obsess over.

PCI: The Big Unanswered Question - 0 views

    It's become the familiar refrain this year. Each time we see a major data breach related to payment card data, the breached entity says 'Gee, well we were told we were PCI compliant - how could this happen?' The PCI marketing machinery then gets into motion, reminding us all that PCI compliance is but a snapshot in time - not a warrantee against future breaches. Meanwhile, tens of thousands of consumers have their personal information exposed to potential compromise. They probably don't know or care what PCI is. They just want to know 'Why wasn't I protected?' Fair question, and it deserves an answer.

MediaPost Publications Yahoo Develops Mobile Opt Out 07/15/2009 - 0 views

    Yahoo Tuesday announced that has developed a feature that will allow users to opt out of behavioral targeting on mobile devices. "We believe the mobile experience should offer the same privacy protections consumers expect to find on the PC," Yahoo said in a blog post announcing the feature. "Furthermore, management of privacy protections should be available via any mobile device, whether that's an iPhone or a Blackberry." Many companies that track people's Web activity on PCs and send them ads notify users about the practice and allow them to opt out. But it's still unusual for behavioral targeting companies in the mobile space to let people opt out. At least a dozen companies say they offer some form of mobile behavioral targeting. But only two appear to allow users to opt out, according to Jules Polonetsky, co-chair and director of the think tank Future of Privacy Forum.
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