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Marcia Piquette

Tech's role in learning - YouTube - 0 views

    Tech's Role in Learning is a 33 minute video produced by Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach that focuses on the implementation and use of technology in Project Based Learning.  Nussbaum-Beach begins by looking at the TPAC model and the revised Bloom's Taxonomy ( with an emphasis on students becoming creators (or producers) of knowledge.  She argues that the current model of classroom instruction (desks in rows, learning independently) will not work in the 21st century, and that we need to help our students construct their knowledge in a way that will prepare them for their future in an online world. The main point that Nussbaum-Beach makes in this video is that when our students get out into the real world, they will be connected to a global learning network.  Whatever they do in life, they will be able to connect and collaborate with others around the world.  It therefore becomes our job as educators to not only become connected learners ourselves, but to teach our students how to be connected learners as well.  Our students need to be constructing their knowledge and sharing/publishing their learning with the world.  She presents new "digital literacies" as tools that all students need to know to become members of this new global society and to make a difference in the world.
Marcia Piquette - 0 views

    The Horizon Report is a 46 page document produced by 3 organizations: the New Media Consortium (NMC), the Consortium for School Networking (CoSN), and the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE).  The report is part of a larger project that examines technologies that are emerging or are predicted to emerge within the next five years in education.  Three reports are created each year: Higher Education, Primary and Secondary Education (K-12), and Museum Education.   In the Primary and Secondary Education (K-12) edition, there are six key technologies mapped out in three categories.  The first category, "Near-term Horizon," includes devices, apps, and tablet computing.  These technologies were indicated to be implemented in education within a 12 month period when this report was published last year.  The second category, "Mid-term Horizon," is indicated to be two to three years away, and includes Game-based learning, and Personal Learning Environments (PLEs).  Finally, the report includes two sets of technology in the "Far-term Horizon," which are plotted as four to five years out.  These technologies are Augmented Reality (AR), and Natural User Interfaces.   This comprehensive report outlines not only these emerging technologies, but also addresses the trends and challenges in educational technology at the time of publication.  It will be very interesting to see what technologies are reported on when the 2013 edition is published this June.
Laura Beal

A Brief History of Knowledge Building | Scardamalia | Canadian Journal of Learning and ... - 0 views

    • Laura Beal
      ARGH! I cannot highlight in this format; this is my favourite tool in Diigo. Will have to use notes throughout instead.
    • Laura Beal
      Constructivism vs. knowledge building. Knowledge building as variation of constructivism. Inconsistent use of the term (no clear definition).
    • Laura Beal
      "constructivism that recognizes all  kinds of intellectual products as human constructions: theories, algorithms, proofs, designs, plans, analogies, and on and on." (pg 4). This really jives with my thinking: I have concluded (over time and much learning, observation) that EVERYTHING is a construct. I firmly believe in nurture over nature as a determinant in so many aspects of human development. 
anonymous - 0 views

    Using VoiceThread to Promote Learning Engagement and Success for All Students VoiceThread is one of many Web 2.0 tools created to help users communicate and collaborate around a varity of topics.   To create an individual VoiceThread, users can upload any combination of images, documents (e.g., from Word, Acrobat [PDF], Excel, or PowerPoint), and video clips to arrange these elements into a slide show. Teachers can then add comments to each slide in the VoiceThread by several different methods including typed text or recorded voice or video. Teachers can make a VoiceThread public, allowing other people to add their own comments to the slides, or set the VoiceThread to private, restricting comments to only invited users. Through this process, teachers can facilitate conversations around a series of images, videos, or an entire PowerPoint presentation with their students and provide them an opportunity to share their voice, literally, in the discussion in multiple ways. Individual account is free but you can only create 3 voicethreads.  A classroom account is encouraged for $60 a year. Benefits of Class Account 1. can register up to 100 students with no need for individual emails 2. teachers can access students usernames and passwords. 3. each student can create their own voicethread and it is private, only the class can see it. 4. all comments can be viewed and approved by the teacher before they are posted for the class to see. General Benefits of Voicethread 1. all types of learners can benefit from this tool 2. it can be used in whole class, small groups, or independently 3. it can be used in the classroom, computer lab, at home or anywhere there is access to internet 4. can be used in all subject areas.

CITE Journal Article - 0 views

    Thomas Carroll wants the reader to truly think about this question and if your answer is no then he wants to know what are you doing about it.  It is discussed that today's schools bring the learner to the knowledge and tomorrow's schools should bring the knowledge to the learners.  To do this several things have to change such as teachers and schools.  If we want schools to be different we have to prepare teachers differently.  A Network Learning Community is suggested.  Its members would collaborate to achieve common goals, learning together as they develop solutions for problems they are addressing in common.  Everyone becomes a learner and the distinction between students and teachers fade away.   Within this Network Learning Community there would be expert learners, novice learners and mature learners.  An expert learner would help others learn through collaboration to solve problems and achieve goals they have in common.  They would organize and manage the learning.   Everyone would start out as a novice learner at birth and may remain a novice learner in on field while becoming a mature or even an expert learner in another over time. An ideal setting would be a problem in the middle, several learners surrounding it and an expert learner as well.  The learners would be novice up to mature learners and the expert learner would be the person that structures the learning activities, but is also constantly learning more and modeling the learning process, as oppose to the teaching process.
petr hejny

Six Tips for Brain-Based Learning | Edutopia - 0 views

    13 page research based guide on Brain-Based Learning to increase attention and retention. Included is a very good reading list and strong resource links, a PBL activity on Building a Brain Owner's Manual with students. Surprise and Novelty as effective attention grabber. The links throughout the guide seem very relevant and interesting.
petr hejny

The Machine is Us/ing Us (Final Version) - YouTube - 0 views

    Video presentation of  evolving and changing data in an ever weaving world wide web. A think piece on the bigger picture of digital technology and web 2.0 where rules and ideas of digital society require constant rethinking. How context changes with every click in a Web 2.0/3.0 world. Ideas shared belong to a greater digital forum. Use with teens and adults. Length: 4:30 minutes
Rob Robson

Project-Based Learning: A Resource for Instructors and Program Coordinators - 0 views

    • Rob Robson
      Project Based Learning (PBL) is a form of learning in which students engage in authentic tasks that extend beyond the classroom. Students will be actively engaged in their own learning by asking questions and making the important choices that address a driving question-or-the why of the project. Teachers' role change from 'lecturer' to 'facilitator'. Students work in groups and use creative problem solving to overcome challenges and to master the key curriculum-related goals. Teachers support and coach the groups and ensure individuals are able to produce high quality work. Students may have a culminating that task that typically includes an audience of people that are from outside the the classroom. PBL is not suited to all learning situations; key questions to consider include: - does the curriculum expectations call for demonstration, application, performance or understanding? - is there a way to capitalize on opportunities in the community with PBL? - is there enough time/resources? - can expectations, skills, and habits of mind be prioritized and sequenced so that the project is doable? - can all students be supported to produce high-quality work? High quality PBL includes the Six A's - Authenticity - Academic Rigor - Adult Connections - Active Exploration - Applied Learning - Assessment Practices
Rob Robson

Copyright Matters! 3rd Edition. 2012 - 0 views

    • Rob Robson
      "Awareness of copyright is important because [we] are educating the copyright owners and users of tomorrow" As teachers, we use many resources to educate our students. These can include textbooks, music, video, artwork and much more. In many cases, these materials may be protected by copyright. This document outlines the rights and obligations of educators as they relate to copyright issues that will occur in public schools. Key Highlights: Individuals that work in public, non-profit education may use copyright-protected media for "research, private study, criticism, review, news reporting, education, satire, and parody". Any usage of these materials should be accompanied by the appropriate reference.  Live and recorded music are not allowed to be played without permission/payment during: school dances, sporting events or as P.A. or background music. This requires a SOCAN or Re:Sound licence. Teachers may use video on school premises from a DVD (rented or owned) and may show videos from YouTube. Teachers may not use subscription services to stream video as they typically have restrictions to "personal" or "household" use (eg. Netflix). Teachers may not copy media at home and show it in the classroom. Student work is protected by their own copyright (via parents, if student is a minor). Teachers, the work they produce, is copyrighted by their employer (school board).
Lori Turk

New Learning Environments for the 21st Century - 2 views

    This article proposes an evolution in teaching and learning that will facilitate the needs of the 21st century learner. Successful examples are highlighted to introduce the various pieces needed to create the picture of a new learningscape, a hybrid model of learning. First, the atlier form of learning, modeled after the architecture studio is described where student work is public within the studio and is critiqued by fellow students and directed by the instructor or master architect. He then describes an apprenticeship model in which students "learn to be" and practice productive inquiry in which they actively seek what they need in order to do what they want to do. Next, Seely-Brown explored the use of backchanneling, and bringing it to the forefront, which transforms a class into a collaborative team. Finally he describes the passion based learning exhibited by the "pro-amatuer". These are niche communities forming on the web, sharing ideas and information. The example provided was amateur astronomers who share tips, post images, and interact with each other and with professionals in the field. Seely-Brown combines these various thoughts, into what he calls the Grand Transition in our educational approach from supply-push mode to demand-pull mode. The hybrid model of learning is a culture of peer-based learning and building in which students participate in passion-based niche communities of co-creation complemented by a core curriculum.
Lori Turk

Learning and Knowing inNetworks: Changing rolesfor Educators andDesigners - 0 views

    This article begins with a discussion of "connectivism" as a learning theory and it's acceptance by the educational community. It extends beyond the traditional theories of behaviorism, congnitivism, and contructivism to describe learning within a network. Connectivism is a theory in which complex learning occurs through recognition and adaptation of patterns in social, technologically enhanced networks. He explores the overlay vs. transformation paradigm now occurring in education and provides an interesting historical perspective, the introduction of electricity to factories. Originally factories were designed to take advantage of a single power source. Electricity was introduced and replaced the original power source but was simply overlaid - used to power the original device on which the entire factory was dependent. If a problem occurred with this device, the entire factory was incapacitated. It took a complete redesign of the factories, utilizing multiple power sources, to fully realize the improvement brought by the new technology. Next, Siemens examines the various metaphors for educators in recent literature. The first is of the master artist, as in the atelier or studio model, in which the students learn from each other and are guided by the more knowledgeable and experienced teacher. Another is of the network administrator who assists students in forming connections and creating learning networks. Next is the concierge who acts as a tour guide, assisting with resource acquisition and permitting student exploration. Finally, he settles on his preferred metaphor of the educator as curator who creates learning spaces and allows learners the freedom to explore and make connections. Siemens proposes that we should consider the change caused by our networked society and rethink and reconsider our view of learning and knowledge, as well as our approach to teaching.
Lori Turk

8 Must Have Tools for Dropbox Users ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning - 0 views

    I'm borrowing ipads and having students create picollages. My problem has been getting the collages from the ipads into a google doc so that we can all share.  I'm thinking SendtoDropbox might be the answer. :-)
Jane Roy

Computers in the Classroom: Agents of Change - 1 views

    This article focuses on the importance of using technology in schools. The author, Seymour Papert, compares how the introduction of computers into a school setting is very similar to providing pencils to people in a community who communicate entirely using oral language. How will the computers and pencils get used by the people in their communities? Papert expresses the realization that educators are often hesitant to change their practices and sometimes when implementing new concepts or tools, teachers find trivial ways to use them rather than seeing their full potential. Papert goes on to explain how technology can "intellectually engage" those not interested in the traditional learning that schools often offer to students. He gives an example of how a disengaged student can use technology to intellectually challenge himself, develop the ability to persist, and collaborate with people that have common learning interests. In addition, Papert says that the use of project based learning and technology allows students to "acquire knowledge for use" and not to just pass a test. The concept of being able to access learning regardless of the time of day and the learner's location is also discussed. Technology offers greater learning as it allows students to learn from a wide community of people and not just those the same age and grade. Even with the objective reasons provided by educators, to limit the amount of changes in schools, Papert believes that the students' knowledge and expertise that they acquire while using computers at home will drive schools to embrace technology. He knows that institutions believe change cannot happen due to the lack of funding available, limited teacher understanding and assumption of what "school" should look like. However, Papert believes that change will occur because children will require schools to keep up with the learning they are doing outside the school setting when it comes to the area of technology.
Jane Roy

Mobile Learning: At the Tipping Point - 1 views

    In this article, Dr. Teresa Franklin, discusses the importance of being mobile in today's society and how technology is shaping our beliefs and the way we learn. By using mobile devices our learning is not limited by the time of day or our current location. If and when we want to communicate with others or research information about a topic, we can. Today, the importance of being mobile has gotten to the point that it has become an "epidemic". Throughout the article, Franklin, defines many concepts. To ensure common understanding by all readers she explains the following terms: mobile learning, mobile devices (including, highly mobile devices, very mobile devices, and mobile devices) learners, social networks, apps, and the tipping point. In addition, Franklin, explains what it means to be a mobile user and why it is important in today's society.  The article focuses on three complexities that need to be considered when using mobile devices in an educational setting. The first complexity looks at the area of pedagogy and how it relates to the use of technology. Next, Franklin writes about the need for institutions to have the correct infrastructure in place to support these devices. The third complexity she explains is the challenge that schools have to create effective ways to communicate when using mobile devices. Franklin thinks a practical, collaborative approach with incremental steps is the key when creating a mobile delivery model. Lastly, the author looks at the role of the teacher and the concerns that technology creates for staff and students. She believes educators need to shift from traditional teaching practices to incorporate more relevant skills that will create positive citizens and prepare them for the ever changing workplace. In saying this, Franklin understands that there will be
Lori Turk

Tech Tidbits for Teachers - 2 views

    Yet another cool tool!
    well she is a great resource!
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