this is an example of how the teachers at this school have worked together to find the time for differentiated instruction and motivated the students to self-motivate
A teacher must be prepared before entering the classroom
If Khan’s videos occasionally popped up in a Google search, we would be content to have him carry on. There is lots of worse information available on the web. But Khan is hailed as “unbelievable” (
Bill Gates) and his work as “sparking a revolution in education
It is up to the teacher to assess whether or not the videos are suitable for his/her students. If the teacher chooses to use the video, then s/her can refer to the teacher information and see which questions the students answered correctly / incorrectly and identify any misconceptions. These misconceptions can then be addressed by the teacher in the classroom
Whether small steps or large, we urge Sal Khan and his funders to put their time, effort and dollars to the best possible ends, particularly when it comes to making decisions grounded in accurate, carefully considered pedagogical content knowledge
The Week 2 activity in asked What's your pedagogy? got me thinking, I decided that building relationships with my students was extremely important to me. I agree with this article and Elena Aguilar shares a very similar pedagogy, her classroom is not just individual students, it's a community in which everyone belong