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Technology for positive: Using Technology to Differentiate Instruction - 1 views

    "One of the major benefits of using technology in the classroom is the ability to differentiate instruction to meet the needs of every student in every lesson. Just as every student grows and develops at different rates, they learn in different ways and at different speeds. Technology makes it possible to pace lessons appropriately for each student's learning level and can be used to promote learning in the multiple intelligences. Below you will find website suggestions that address the different learning styles in your classroom with the help of technology: Verbal-Linguistic These learners enjoy learning through speaking, writing, reading, and listening. In the classroom setting these students shine when given tasks such as taking notes, researching, listening, reading for information, and writing. Websites to encourage learning for Verbal-Linguistic students: 1. Allow students to express themselves creatively with words 2. Capture student voices with audio, text, pictures , and video 3. A free online word processor, and presentation tool 4. Students can podcast (voice recording) online. 5. - Students can create stories or mini- movies 6. Students create animated stories 7. Students can create stories and turn them into a book 8. A world where words come alive 9. 52 interactive activities related to reading, writing, and speaking 10. Students can read stories online, record their own story and play literacy games Logical-Mathematical These learners love numbers, reasoning, and problem solving. These students enjoy measuring, calculating, and organizing data. In the classroom students will shine when given tasks such as collecting data, conducting experiments, solving proble
Jennifer Vellacott

A Maths Dictionary for Kids 2013 by Jenny Eather - 4 views

    A Maths Dictionary for Kids is an animated, interactive online math dictionary for students which explains over 600 common mathematical terms and math words in simple language.
    Hi Jennifer, This is a fantastic resource! I will certainly use it when planning a maths lesson. Thanks heaps! Marnie Feel free to follow my blog

Math Trail: Powered by GoogleMaps - 1 views

    Blog post describing Math Trail - virtual tours through Google maps with embedded clues and math questions

Math Coach's Corner - - 0 views

    Maths blog, lesson idea and maths strategies
Katie Reed

10 Resources for World Maths Day | Teaching News - 3 views

    Collection of math resources (a bit late) for World Maths Day

maths 300 - supporting excellence in mathematics teaching - 3 views

    A repository aiming "to find the 300 most interesting and innovative maths lessons from classrooms across Australia". Currently has 175+. Covers Years 0-12

Flickr: The Bad Maths Pool - 4 views

    Collection of photos illustrating "bad maths"

One year, two math teachers in Boston decided to throw everything out the window and st... - 2 views

    Blog from a couple of maths teachers sharing their journey as they rethink how to teach mathematics

Student made math movies - 2 views

    Movies created by students to explain math topics.

Water Tank - 2 views

    ICTs (video and images) are being used to support a re-framing of math problems to encourage students engagement. The background is expanded upon in this talk Especially look at what is said from about 10:20 that talks about why this is the best time to be a math teacher.

Real World Math - Home - 4 views

    Collection of free math activities using Google Earth.
Teagan Childs

Promethean IWB 2012-2013 Daily Calendar Math Resource - 6 views

    The learning area/year level that could use this resource wout be from prep to year 6. What I like about the flipchart is that it is very interactive and provides resources for a wide range of maths concepts from birthdays, weather to hundreds charts, place value to number lines. Any problems it might have would be that for some things you need to enter or edit you have to switch back and forth between design mode.
Tami Grl

STEM-Works - Science, Technology, Math & Engineering Resources for Kids - 1 views

    Community that supports learning in technology, science, engineering and maths.


    What learning area/year level you think you might use this. This is great for maths, being in special ed. there are many students with splinter skills that can move ahead in certain area's. I think this is a great tool to help those student who may be behind keep interested in learning as its interactive and fun. What it is you like about the flipchart. I like that its colorful and engaging for students.  Any problems you think it might have. COST! Very expensive
Suzanne Usher

How Khan Academy Is Changing the Rules of Education | WIRED - 0 views

shared by Suzanne Usher on 29 Aug 15 - No Cached
  • Even Khan will acknowledge that he’s not an educational professional; he’s just a nerd who improvised a cool way to teach people things. And for better or worse, this means that he doesn’t have a consistent, comprehensive plan for overhauling school curricula.
    • Suzanne Usher
      Pros & cons
  • “We’ve always known that one-on-one is the best way to learn, but we’ve never been able to figure out how to do it,” Khan explains
    • Suzanne Usher
      Basically one-on-one teaching...that's what ICTs provide. 
  • A lightbulb went off: Khan realized that remediation—going over and over something that you really ought to already know—is less embarrassing when you can do it privately, with no one watching. Nadia learned faster when she had control over the pace of the lecture. “The worst time to learn something,” he says, “is when someone is standing over your shoulder going, ‘Do you get it?'”
    • Suzanne Usher
      A good reason for using ICTs in education - that video lectures work better than one-on-one tutoring, for self-paced learning?
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • here are a few other online tools helping to reshape education.
  • “Math is the killer,” Gates told me recently. His foundation had researched unemployment and found math to be a significant stumbling block. “If you ask people, ‘Hey, there are these open nursing jobs, why don’t you go and get one?’ math is often the reason they give for not applying,” Gates says. “‘Why didn’t you pass the police exam?’ Math.”

5-Year-Olds Can Learn Calculus - Luba Vangelova - The Atlantic - 4 views

  • This is hard to do—it requires both pedagogical and math concept knowledge, but it can be learned
    • djplaner
      Empahsis on the importance of PCK which we'll extend to TPACK
  • Droujkova says one of the biggest challenges has been the mindsets of the grown-ups. Parents are tempted to replay their "bad old days" of math instruction with their kids, she says.
    • djplaner
      Echoing the impact of past experience with math (and ICTs) that create schema, which then limit vision of what can be.
  • Unfortunately a lot of what little children are offered is simple but hard—primitive ideas that are hard for humans to implement,” because they readily tax the limits of working memory, attention, precision and other cognitive functions
    Article talking about a different perspective (and examples) of how to teach mathematics. Not directly related to ICTs, but will likely be used in the Week 2 learning path and later to make a number of important points.
    ''They also miss the essential point-that mathematics is fundamentally about patterns and structures, rather than "little manipulations of numbers,"....'' How true this is! I had to go to uni in order to be exposed to the beauty of numers and maths, learn about Fibonacci and see the world differently! If anyone is interested here is a very nice video about the simplicity and beauty of our world and I am sure that ICT has its place in it:
Michelle Thompson

IXL Maths Practice - 0 views

    Another site for online maths practice. Very popular.
Emily Mckay

Icts tou can count on - 2 views

    There are so many great ways that you can make ICT integral to learning in your Early Phase maths program.    To help you get started, we've compiled a collection of resources around the theme 'ICTs You Can Count On'.   These resources relate to the concepts covered in the five strands of the Years 1 - 10 Mathematics Syllabus.   We encourage you to explore them and to learn more about the applications, websites and learning objects that can be used to engage learners in your Early Phase classroom.
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