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Ryo Sakai

FICCI wants government to end monopoly of Coal India - Economic Times - 1 views

    • Ryo Sakai
      Why are monopolies bad? Other good suggestions such as monopolistic competition and perfect competition. 
    • Ryo Sakai
      Wants to end monopoly because they need more demand for coal
    This will be my IA article
Emily Hoshi

Panasonic looking to slash HQ personnel | The Japan Times Online - 2 views

  • Panasonic looking to slash HQ personnel
    • Emily Hoshi
      Panasonic (oligopolistic firm) is considering to cut workers due to recession, so microeconomics on oligopoly with the x-axis with quantity and y-axis with price can be made.
    • Ayaka Matsumura
      In the end, is it possible to find a way to NOT cut workers?
    • Ayaka Matsumura
      In your IA maybe you could add a simple note saying how long the recession has been going on.
  • reduce costs and streamline the organization
    • Emily Hoshi
      I assume this section is saying that they are trying to reduce costs of production and increase efficiency. However, in most cases if a firm tries to lower the price they would lose customers due to price war between other firms that produce homogenous goods so it would be risky to change prices when its oligopoly. Although, their main aim is to recover its business so they are trying to cut many workers, reduce costs and increase efficiency.
  • drastic workforce downsizing at its Osaka
    • Emily Hoshi
      Brings marginal cost shift inwards and by that also the average cost shift inwards as well 
    • Emily Hoshi
      Slush in labours at Panasonic Corps in Osaka 
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • recovery of its business performance at an early date by speeding up decision-making, in addition to cost cuts after logging a massive group net loss in the business year
    • Emily Hoshi
      Same points made from the previous paragraph, due to recession they are aiming to increase efficiency and cut costs
  • redirecting company resources into new growth areas
    • Emily Hoshi
      I assume that "new growth areas" is to move the company to a more rural area because having a business at a city has a high land cost where rural areas can be much cheaper therefore, this can benefit the firm by having the cost curves to shift outward. 
  • energy-efficient products and solar panels
    • Emily Hoshi
      One of the factors of production, capital by having new technology such as (mentions here) solar panels. It reduces the light energy use, etc costs in the company.
  • loss of ¥772.17 billion
    • Emily Hoshi
      This can be shown on demand and supply where supply shifts outward, showing the loss of 772.17 billion yen on the price axis 
  • 36,000 over the year to some 330,000
    • Emily Hoshi
      This can be shown on phillips curve (?) to show the increase in unemployment rate by having the aggregate demand to shift inwards. 
    this is my IA
Christina Seward

Banks received 'implicit' taxpayer subsidy of up to £220bn, Bank of England s... - 0 views

  • One of the major benefits to banks was lower borrowing costs, because the paper argues that witho
    • Christina Seward
      lower interest rates
    • Christina Seward
      analyzing the GDP and discussing the pros/cons of increasing the subsidy. 
  • he resulting cost to society of financial crises, not least the reduction in GDP, could far exceed the original implicit subsidy
Edward Pearson

BBC News - Samsung and LG fined by regulator for price fixing - 2 views

  • secret meetings in 2008 and 2009
  • The companies face a penalty of 44.6bn won ($39m; £25.2m), said the Fair Trade Commission (FTC).
    • Edward Pearson
      -highly illegal -inefficient, lack of competition 
  • "Their price rigging caused damage to many consumers by leading the prices of washing machines, flat-panel TVs and laptop computers to rise
    • Edward Pearson
      effectively monopoly - easier to controll prices -non-kinked demand curve
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • South Korea's antitrust regulator has fined Samsung Electronics and LG Electronics for conspiring to fix the prices of some appliances.
    • Edward Pearson
      explicit collusion - effectively becomes a monopoly
    This could be my IA article - colluding oligopoly and monopoly
Katie Miyoshi Zambia: Govt Unveils Maize Floor Price - 5 views

    • Katie Miyoshi
      A minimum price has been set for maize at 1,300,000 Zambia kwacha ($244.40 US dollars) for 1,000 kg.  A micro: minimum diagram can be made.
    • Katie Miyoshi
      Maize is a good, which has many complimentary goods, because it is a staple food in many recipes.  This can be shown in a cross price elasticity diagram.
    • Kat Whatley
      It is also a substitute good. Though carbs of some kind are a necessity, people could by wheat or rice or millet instead. You could consider looking at prices of substitute goods.
    • Katie Miyoshi
      There is high demand for maize, so this good is inelastic and therefore it is smart to place a floor price on this good, since price will increase with little change to the demand.
    • Kat Whatley
      This is also a subsidy. You could draw a subsidy micoeconomics graph for this.
  • ...4 more annotations...
    • Katie Miyoshi
      By setting a price floor, maize prices will increase so that the good is more valued and this will lead to less wasting and more available supply in the long-run.
    • Katie Miyoshi
      Government is investing in infrastructure to reduce the maize thefts and this is an example of supply-side policy.  A diagram can be made here.
    • Kat Whatley
      This will also lower prices and may stop the rise of maize costs as less wastage will occur.
    • Katie Miyoshi
      Perhaps, increasing the maize prices will make up for the loss in revenue from the stolen maize.
    • Katie Miyoshi
      This is my ECON IA for MICRO
Riley Rademaker

BBC News - Chivas Brothers outlines £40m whisky investment plans - 3 views

  • Drinks firm Chivas Brothers has outlined a £40m investment programme as it seeks to meet growing demand for whisky in emerging markets.
    • Riley Rademaker
      Chivas brothers trying to increase the supply because of a increase in demand
  • Chivas aims to boost its malt whisky distillation capacity by 25%
    • Riley Rademaker
      With the 25% you can find out the old supply
  • Glen Keith is expect to reopen in April 2013, having been mothballed in 2000.
    • Riley Rademaker
      This can lead to more supply and even more demand.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • This investment, allied to strong market growth
    • Riley Rademaker
      This investment will increase the GDP of the market
  • New heat recovery technology is also being introduced to make stills 25% more efficient.
    • Christian Bager
      This shows the impact of R&D on the efficiency
  • The company is to reopen a mothballed distillery in Banffshire and expand four existing distilleries as part of its plans for the year.
  • £40m investment programme for the year was in line with average amounts spent annually over the past few years.
    • Riley Rademaker
      The money put in R&D for chivas brothers has been consistently using the same amount of money over the past few years to develop their product
    This will be my IA article
Derek Schwung

Falling Oil Prices Are No Mystery - Businessweek - 1 views

    • Derek Schwung
      Microeconomics - Supply and Demand
    • Derek Schwung
      Current Prices 
  • $97 a barrel and West Texas Intermediate hitting $83.
  • ...18 more annotations...
  • producing more oil than it’s consuming,
    • Derek Schwung
      Excess Supply - cause 
  • Global oil consumption has been declining since the end of 2011, falling to 88.5 million barrels per day at the end of April, from 90.4 million barrels per day in late December 2011
    • Derek Schwung
      Oil consumption is falling - less demand 
  • 10 percent increase in production from OPEC during the past 12 months.
    • Derek Schwung
      An outward shift in supply
    • Derek Schwung
      Resulting of new drilling techniques and finds 
  • , driven by new finds and drilling
  • a 15-year low—a result of economic weakness and increased energy efficiency.
    • Derek Schwung
      Demand is low because of economic weakness and increase energy efficiency 
  • The price declines
    • Derek Schwung
      Decrease in price to reach equilibrium? 
  • bets that the price will rise
    • Derek Schwung
      Price will rise in future 
  • , will fall to $90 a barrel by September, and that West Texas Intermediate should fall to $80.
    • Derek Schwung
      Prediction for near future 
  • ince two-thirds of the price of gasoline is determined by the price of oil, that should continue to lower prices at the pump. At the end of May, the average price of a gallon of gasoline in the U.S. was $3.66, 12¢ lower than it was a year ago
    • Derek Schwung
      Gasoline should also decrease in price Happier consumers 
    • Derek Schwung
      This is the article for my IA 1
Kat Whatley Nigeria: New Electricity Tariff Takes Off Today - 1 views

    This will be my IA 1
Shoko Kuroda

Weak Job Growth in May as Unemployment Rate Ticked Up - - 0 views

    • Shoko Kuroda
      This implies structural unemployment, which is the kind when unemployment is caused due to change in structure, such as applying machinery as to human beings. 
    • Shoko Kuroda
      Another factor for increase in unemployment is caused by cutbacks. This can then be related to the success of the firms. 
    • Shoko Kuroda
      Structural unemployment can be drawn as a graph. 
  • ...2 more annotations...
    • Shoko Kuroda
      As well as drawing the season unemployment graph, an explanation as to how seasonal unemployment is caused can be described. The causes of seasonal unemployment needs to be related to the increase in unemployment rate in USA between last Winter and May. 
    • Shoko Kuroda
      A graph indicating the consequences of decrease in consumer confidence and how it shifts AD to the left can be shown through a graph. Increase in demand for a higher price of unemployment benefits can be drawn on a graph illustrating the impact on GDP. A brief explanation of consumer confidence and the basic components of GDP should be mentioned and explained. 
Shoko Kuroda

Weak Job Growth in May as Unemployment Rate Ticked Up - - 0 views

    • Shoko Kuroda
      The title of the article indicates that it is about unemployment which is in the field od macroeconomics. 
  • global slowdown as the European crisis escalates.
    • Shoko Kuroda
      This sentence indicates the correlation between the unemployment fear of workers in America and the European crisis with countries referred as 'PIGS'. 
  • ...22 more annotations...
  • the nation’s employers added the fewest jobs in a year and the unemployment rate actually rose,
  • serious vulnerability for President Obama as he faces re-election
    • Shoko Kuroda
      The significance of unemployment rate is clearly indicated, such as the the impact on Obama's re-election. 
  • The unemployment rate rose to 8.2 percent in May from 8.1 in April, though largely because more people began looking for work.
    • Shoko Kuroda
      Unemployment raises when there is more demand for working because no matter whether there is an increase or decrease in the working labour force, the number of available jobs are limited. Because there is a limited number in the number of jobs, the increase in demand for employment raises the unemployment rate. 
  • another recession.
    • Shoko Kuroda
      The word 'recession' can used to introduce the Keynesian economics with the boom and the busts cycles and monetary and fiscal policies to reduce these cycles. 
  • The report on American jobs added to the global pall that has deepened with Europe’s debt crisis and slowing growth in China and India.
    • Shoko Kuroda
      This indicates the influence of America's unemployment rate as well as their economic growth to the other major countries, such as China and India. A increase in America's unemployment rate resulting in a decrease in America's GDP growth has affect on the economy of China and India, such as in exporting goods. 
  • Yields on United States and German government bonds also slumped as investors bid up the bonds’ prices looking for safety.
    • Shoko Kuroda
      The decrease in the prices of government bonds in Germany and United States indicates that the citizens dont have the trust to these countries for their skill to return the money with a fixed amount of tax. This is also another indication for the economy not doing well. 
  • The underlying pace of the domestic economy is a slog, driven by manufacturing and restrained by slackening global demand.
    • Shoko Kuroda
      The main factor of decrease in America's GDP is stated as the overall decrease in the demand for goods since many economies are not successful. 
  • “Manufacturers are very concerned about Europe because a blowup in Europe means a global slowdown,”
    • Shoko Kuroda
      Europe can be noted as one of the important continents which greatly affect the global economy. 
  • diverse,
    • Shoko Kuroda
      Whether a company has a diverse target audience or not can be a indicator to determine the impacts of global slow down in markets. 
    • Shoko Kuroda
      A graph illustrating a global decrease in demand can be applied to draw the consequences of decrease in GDP. 
  • Obama’s economic policies.
    • Shoko Kuroda
      The economic policies which President Obama used can be described thoroughly in this section, such as fiscal and monetary and their success. 
  • The May jobs report showed gains in health care, transportation and warehousing, and wholesale trade, while construction jobs fell by a seasonally adjusted 28,000. Even some bright spots, like booming auto sales, failed to meet expectations or to bolster manufacturing employment by much — only 12,000 jobs.
    • Shoko Kuroda
      Both the positives and the negatives of America's economy can be explained more in depth and the impact of each factor to the market. 
Cynthia Huang

Are you ready for the $60 light bulb? - 0 views

    I can't comment on the actual article, so here are my points: -this shows a case of substitute goods that happen to be merit goods. the manufacturer, Philips, has created an eco-friendly lightbulb that will last about 20 years. however, it also has other eco-friendly light bulbs that cost a fraction of the current set price. -the price is currently quite expensive, but the manufacturer is currently subsidizing the product for customers. -a diagram of positive consumption externalities can be shown, using the prices mentioned in the article.
Christian Bager

Fat tax: Denmark's fat tax strikes again | GlobalPost - 1 views

  • Denmark first slapped a fat tax on saturated fats. Now lawmakers plan to hit sugar, and even chocolate consumption, in the second wave of its pioneering assault on the country's bulging waistlines and clogged arteries.
    • Christian Bager
      The attempts of government intervention to change the demand of fat in the past and what the government is attempting to repeat now, in order to change the demand of sugar and chocolate. This will also change the supply of the goods, since the tax will hit the producer as well.
  • Denmark will levy an extra six Danish Kroner ($1.05) on every kilogram of chocolate. The tax would go into effect on January 1.
    • Christian Bager
      This section shows the desired price, through the addition of the tax. It also gives a very exact target date for when the tax should be started up. This allows for graphs to be drawn before and after the event.
  • From 2013, lawmakers plan a levy on the sugar-content of processed food set at as much as 24 Kroner ($4.20) per kilogram.
    • Christian Bager
      This shows how over time further taxes will be put on products, showing further change in demand and supply and the SRAS and LRAS.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • "The new tax on sugar in food will first be implemented from 2013, and the details will be discussed in the coming year,"
    • Christian Bager
      Showing that further un decided taxes are also going to be implemented.
  • The rationale is to improve the health in the Danish population by giving a stronger incitement to buy more healthy food.
    • Christian Bager
      This shows the reasoning for the change in taxation. However it does not actually show that this will impact the demand of alternative products.
  • It's a trend that could be mimicked all over the world
    • Christian Bager
      Showing that these taxes may spread into other economies.
  • Danish bakers, famed for their flaky cinnamon pastries, are predictably up in arms.
  • Mike Rayner, Director of Oxford University’s Health Promotion Research Group, said that combining the fat tax with higher taxes on sugary products would prevent people substituting fatty foods with sugary treats.
  • "I think the saturated fat tax by itself would not have been particularly useful, but a saturated fat tax in conjunction with a higher tax on sugary products means they are trying to tackle unhealthy foods on two fronts."
Emily Hoshi

The 86 million invisible unemployed - May. 3, 2012 - 1 views

  • population growth
    • Emily Hoshi
  • labor force is now at its smallest size since the 1980s when compared to the broader working age population.
    • Ayaka Matsumura
      One of the reasons to why there as an increase in unemployment.
    • Emily Hoshi
      Two graphs with the unemployment in micro perspective graph and the boarder working age population (basically population graph of workers) graph to compare and analyze the effects 
  • Last year, 86 million Americans were not counted in the labor force because they didn't keep up a regular job search. Most of them were either under age 25 or over age 65.
    • Ayaka Matsumura
      Could use the numbers and percentages to create a graph.
    • Emily Hoshi
      This can be shown with unemployment in microeconomics perspective graph
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • that doesn't include the millions of nonworking adults who aren't even looking for a job anymore.
    • Ayaka Matsumura
      Since unemployment is when a worker is willing and able to work at a given wage rate but there is no job (work) available, when they have given up to look for a job they are not counted in the unemployment rate anymore.
  • unemployment rate is falling
    • Ayaka Matsumura
      Could show the unemployment fall on a graph.
  • A person is counted as part of the labor force if they have a job or have looked for one in the last four weeks.
    • Ayaka Matsumura
  • 63.6% of Americans over the age of 16 fell into that category
    • Ayaka Matsumura
      Again, could use the statistics to show how it has hit a very low labour force participation rate.
  • Only people looking for work are considered officially unemployed.
    • Ayaka Matsumura
      Again, definition of unemployment.
  • The unofficially unemployed
    • Ayaka Matsumura
      It is not that the people who were unemployed were not looking for jobs at all.
  • weren't consistently looking for one
    • Ayaka Matsumura
      The reason for them being "unofficially unemployed".
  • Older people, ages 65 and over, account for more than a third.
    • Ayaka Matsumura
      They can live on either their savings or the money from the government. 
  • Young people between 16 and 24 make up another fifth.
    • Ayaka Matsumura
      Off for education?
  • unemployed
    • Ayaka Matsumura
      Types of unemployment: structural, frictional, cyclical, seasonal, natural rate
  • recession
Yayoi Tanikawa

BBC News - Japan retail sales and household spending continues in April - 2 views

  • sales and household spending continues in April Japan has been trying to boost domestic demand to sustain its economic growth Continue reading the main story Related Stories Sales tax hike is a bitter pill
  • continues
  • sales
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • Retail sales climbed by 5.8% from a year earlier, while household spending rose by 2.6%.
  • Policymakers have been trying to boost domestic sales to offset weaker exports.
  • pan has been trying to boost domestic demand to sust
  • Car subsidies
  • t consumer sentiment was also improving
    • Yayoi Tanikawa
      if consumer sentiment improves, they will be more willing to consume, therefore increasing AD
  • Last year people didn't travel much after the earthquake, but this year we see people willing to spend more money on vacations
  • actually 0.3% lower in April than they were in Marc
  • retail sales were
  • rate of unemployment ticked slightly higher in April, hitting 4.6% compared with 4.5% in March.
  • "We would need to see an increase in salaries for consumption to improve further,
Nich Fabrici

US economy points to jobless misery | Latest Business & Australian Stock market News | ... - 1 views

  • US economy points to jobless misery
  • US economy grew
  • slowly
  • ...16 more annotations...
  • 1.9 percent in the first quarter, instead of the 2.2 percent pace initially estimated last month.
  • Payrolls firm ADP reported private-sector employment rose by a modest 133,000 jobs in May, well below expectations, from April's 113,000 number.
  • US unemployment benefits - indicating the pace of layoffs - rose by 10,000 to 383,000 in the week ending May 26,
  • 2.0 percent,
    • Derek Schwung
      New jobs --> indicator of lower unemployment 
    • Nich Fabrici
      More jobs should stimulate the second quarter Economic growth, but didn't.
  • The four-week moving average also increased
    • Derek Schwung
      Find out what the four-week moving average is, could possibly be interesting 
  • The lackluster data came just five months ahead of the November presidential election in a race dominated by high unemployment concerns.
    • Derek Schwung
      Maybe just a political move? 
    • Nich Fabrici
      or an economic fault? need deeper research on this point.
  • The first-quarter slowdown was due in part to declines in private inventory investment and a pick-up in imports,
    • Derek Schwung
      Causes as to why it happened
  • stalled with growth at about 2.0 percent,
    • Derek Schwung
      Growth is stalled Could talk about what no growth would result in. 
  • Fresh jobs indicators for May on Thursday suggested that second-quarter economic conditions would do little to spur recovery in the sick labor market.
    • Nich Fabrici
      Decrease in Growth could mean disinflation is on it's way, to the already injured US economy.
  • 3.0 percent growth rate in the final quarter of 2011
Ryo Sakai

Spain goes from boom to bust in a hectic 10 years - Yahoo! News - 4 views

  • —Unemployment starts ticking higher. The jobless rate, which stood at 8.3 percent in 2007, jumps to 18 percent in 2009. It is now almost 25 percent. Property prices begin to decline, and the real estate boom eventually bursts, as demand plummets.
    • Ryo Sakai
      Boom and the bust represents the business cycle. The boom being the positive output gap and the bust representing a negative output gap (recession) In this case Spain was experiencing a boom, but after a while they faced a recession because they did not have spare capacity in the factors of production as they use to have (used too much doing the boom)
  • the jobless rate for those aged between 16 and 24 is 52 percent.
    • Faizal Zubir
      Because of the very high unemployment rate, it is very difficult for Spain to get out of recession. This is one of the reasons why Spain may be forced to ask for a bailout.
  • in sales taxes to get a handle on the size of government debt and appease markets.
    • Faizal Zubir
      Possible evaluation: Higher tax may increase the government's income, but based on Laffer Curve, if the new tax rate is beyond the most effective tax rate, then in reality, income can be lower.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • —The conservative Popular Party, led by Mariano Rajoy, takes office in December 2011.
    Boom and the bust represents the business cycle. The boom being the positive output gap and the bust representing a negative output gap (recession) In this case Spain was experiencing a boom, but after a while they faced a recession because they did not have spare capacity in the factors of production as they use to have (used too much doing the boom)
Edward Pearson

Euro-Region Inflation Rate Declines More Than Forecast - Bloomberg - 2 views

  • fell to 2.4 percent from 2.6 percent
    • Joe Kanagawa
      Inflation rate has gone down, but it's still positive, so "disinflation" is happening in the said region.
    • Edward Pearson
      below 5% - deflation possible in future
  • Crude-oil prices have dropped about 16 percent in the past two months, easing inflation pressures
    • Joe Kanagawa
      The type of inflation the region is in could be "cost-push inflation" due to changes in the prices of oil affecting the inflation rate.
    • Edward Pearson
      decrease in oil - oil would be part of basket of goods for CPI - inflation could be higher because governments could underrate the spending on oil and change figures 
  • Still, data today showed the German unemployment rate fell to 6.7 percent in May from 6.8 percent
    • Joe Kanagawa
      Fall in unemployment rate will normally cause the inflation rate to increase, but in this case, it didn't
    • Edward Pearson
      -possible shift in SRPC 
    • Edward Pearson
      -low inflation and low unemployment is ideal for economy 
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • German business confidence fell more than economists forecast in May,
  • consumer spending also rose more than projected last month, increasing 0.6 percent
Ryo Sakai

U.K. House Prices Rose on Supply Shortage, Nationwide Says - Bloomberg - 1 views

  • lack of homes for sale supported values
    • Faizal Zubir
      The factor causing the increase in house prices.
  • Prices gained 0.3 percent from April, when they fell by the same amount
    • Faizal Zubir
      In a supply-demand graph, the percentage can be put.
  • Demand for homes remains subdued on the back of weak labor-market conditions, but the lack of homes coming onto the market is providing support for prices,
    • Faizal Zubir
      Reasons as to why demand for houses is still weak, and again, the lack of supply.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • rising unemployment and concerns about the euro-area debt crisis undermine consumer confidence
    • Faizal Zubir
      The housing market heavily depends on the current economic situation.
  • “Even though optimism about how the economy will perform” has improved, “it is still significantly down on where it was this time last year.”
    • Faizal Zubir
      A possible evaluation about the consumer confidence. Although the stats/index suggests that consumer confidence is improving, it doesn't mean the economy is fully recovered.
  • consumer confidence rose in May for the first time in four months as Britons became more optimistic about the economy.
    • Ryo Sakai
      Consumer confidence rose, which most likely means there will be an increase in consumption, which will grow the economy. 
  • the number of U.K. mortgage approvals climbed in April, they remained about half the monthly average in the decade to 2007 before the financial crisis struck.
    • Ryo Sakai
      Shows they still haven't recovered, even though they are getting close.
Adam Seldis

German Jobless Rate Hits Low - - 3 views

    • Derek Schwung
      Unemployment rates in Germany at a record low Debt crisis in euro zone not affecting 
  • The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate fell to 6.7%—the lowest since comparable records began in 1998—from 6.8% in April, according to data from the country's labor agency Thursday. Economists had expected the adjusted unemployment rate to remain at 6.8%.
    • Derek Schwung
      Fell by .1% from April to May. Lowest since comparable records begann in 1998 
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • 2.855 million from 2.963 million
    • Derek Schwung
      Figures for a graph 
    • Nich Fabrici
      Maybe a Phillips Curve Analysis would be interesting?
  • Germany's economy grew by 0.5% in the first quarter of 2012
    • Derek Schwung
      Possible cause to decrease in unemployment 
  • Earlier Thursday, Germany's statistics office reported a higher than expected rise in retail sales in April, which economists attributed in part to the robust labor market.
    • Derek Schwung
      Another cause 
  • However, Germany's Bundesbank warned last week that the first-quarter growth figure likely overstates the country's trend pace. Germany's powerful industrial sector will only make "a relatively small contribution" to growth given the still falling demand from the euro zone, the central bank said. However, a significant growth contribution could come both from construction and consumption, it added.
    • Derek Schwung
      Hint at what will happen in the following year
    • Adam Seldis
      Look at it from AD/AS diagram perspective. What might also be the consequences?
Yayoi Tanikawa

Student loan debt continues to rise - - 0 views

  • Student loan debt continues to rise
    • Yayoi Tanikawa
      and this will decrease GDP
    • Yayoi Tanikawa
      national debt will increase
  • The rise in student debt contrasted with a decline in overall indebtedness among American consumers
  • pile on loans to pay for college and graduate school
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • "Student loan debt continues to grow even as consumers reduce mortgage debt and credit card balances,"
    • Yayoi Tanikawa
      students may not be able to get full time jobs, so they won't have as high a salary to pay off debts compared to someone who has a full time job
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