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Arla Takala

Spain unemployment hits record high - Europe - Al Jazeera English - 0 views

  • unemployment
    • Arla Takala
      One of the 4 primary macroeconomic objective
  • jobless rate of 24.4 per cent in first quarter,
    • Arla Takala
      Governments set target for unemployment is about 5% each year
  • "BBB "
    • Arla Takala
      Bond credit rating--> BBB - has adequate capacity to meet its financial commitments
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • The figures are terrible for everyone and terrible for the government
    • Arla Takala
      Terrible for everyone: --> no job = no income --> less spending Terrible for government: --> decrease on government revenue --> government has to spend more money on unemployment benefits --> government is receiving less money and spending more money --> budget deficit
  • economy to shrink
    • Arla Takala
      Negative economic growth can cause recession
  • fiscal
    • Arla Takala
      Government policy that focuses on taxes and government spending to improve the economy
  • S&P predicts the Spanish economy will shrink by 1.5 per cent this year, having previously forecasted growth of 0.3 per cen
    • Arla Takala
      Decrease in GDP due to decrease in consumer spending
  • It added that Spain's commercial banks are increasingly leaning to official sources for funds as they struggle to deal with piles of bad loans, especially in real estate.
    • Arla Takala
      Decrease in government spending
Derek Schwung

BBC News - Spanish unemployment hits record 5.64 million - 0 views

    • Derek Schwung
      Current unemployment rates in Spain
  • Monday are expected to confirm that Spain has fallen back into recession.
    • Derek Schwung
      A result/consequence of the unemployment levels. 
  • ...17 more annotations...
  • 0.4% in first three months of this year, after shrinking by 0.3% in the final quarter of last year.
    • Derek Schwung
      Decrease in GDP is a cause for the high unemployment. 
  • Spanish retail sales were down 3.7% in March from the same point a year ago, the 21st month in row sales have fallen.
    • Derek Schwung
      Sales = consumer spending. Less consumer spending/confidence will result in a decrease in GDP
  • The rate has risen sharply since April 2007, when it stood at 7.9%.
    • Derek Schwung
      Comparison to what the unemployment figures before the recession. 
  • The new government has announced reforms to the labour market, including cutting back on severance pay and restricting i
  • nflation-linked salary increases, that it hopes will ease the problem.
    • Derek Schwung
      What spain is doing to remedy the unemployment. 
  • The government has also introduced drastic spending cuts designed to reduce its debt levels and meet deficit targets agreed with the European Union. These cuts are contributing to Spain's economic contraction.
    • Derek Schwung
      Even though government expenditure would increase the AD/GDP, which would result in more employment, Spain is being forced to reduce government spending. 
  • S&P predicts the Spanish economy will shrink by 1.5% this year, having previously forecast 0.3% growth.
    • Derek Schwung
      Large decrease in GDP 
  • "We believe that the new government has been front-loading and implementing a comprehensive set of structural reforms, which should support economic growth over the longer term," S&P said. "In particular, authorities have implemented a comprehensive reform of the Spanish labour market, which we believe could significantly reduce many of the existing structural rigidities and improve the flexibility in wage setting."
    • Derek Schwung
      Solutions to the problem by analysts. 
  • The yield on 10-year bonds rose to 5.96%, up from 5.81%, suggesting investors were becoming more wary of Spain's ability to repay its debts.
    • Derek Schwung
      Investors are also key in GDP, which would boost economy, but they are weary. 
Aili Saito

BBC News - UK economy in double-dip recession - 1 views

  • double-dip recession
    • Aili Saito
      can be represented by a AD/AS graph (shift left in AD) -> leads to recession
    • Aili Saito
      UK was once in recession and they returned back into recession soon after
  • construction output
    • Aili Saito
      the demand of construction decreased and the AD decreases (shifts to the left)
  • economic output was slightly smaller now
    • Aili Saito
      again, there was a decrease in AD
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • everything we can" to generate growth
    • Aili Saito
      this could be monetary/fiscal policies
  • production industries decreased by 0.4%, construction decreased by 3%
    • Aili Saito
      both examples of why AD has decreased that lead to recession
  • government spending
    • Aili Saito
      a fall in government spending = leads to a fall in AD (AD=C+I+G+(X-M))
  • 25% in public sector housing and 24% in public non-housing and with a further 10% cuts to both anticipated for 2013
    • Aili Saito
      the decrease in government spending has surpassed the anticipated increase in other factors of AD
  • guarded optimism
    • Aili Saito
      there seems to already be business/consumer confidence
  • little more aggressive in terms of recruitment and investment.
    • Aili Saito
      the government wants to increase business confidence 
Shoko Kuroda

U.S. Growth Slows to 2.2%, Report Says - - 1 views

    • Shoko Kuroda
      It clearly states that the increase in consumer confidence shifted the AD curve to the right and how this lead to the stable US GDP growth
    • Shoko Kuroda
      can draw a graph describing the growth in GDP by a AD curve shift to the right
  • Business investment, which had been a bright spot, declined in the most recent quarter.
  • ...24 more annotations...
    • Shoko Kuroda
      Business investment is stated as another factor which contributed to the decrease in GDP growth 
    • Shoko Kuroda
      Explanation as to what is GDP, its definition and the major factors which influence GDP. GDP= C (consumption)+G (government spending) +I (investment) +(X-M) (exports- imports)
    • Shoko Kuroda
      Could give an insight to some statistics as to what the GDP growth rates are for few countries around the world 
    • Shoko Kuroda
      Evaluate on the two different perspectives and the extent to both are valid 
    • Shoko Kuroda
      reducing unemployment is another factor which affects GDP. State and explain how employment increases GDP. When people are employed this increases consumer confidence and results in consumers to be more willing to pay for goods and services and therefore increases consumption which is a big part of GDP. 
    • Shoko Kuroda
      Explain the relationship between the GDP of other countries. Such in this time period, Greece as a country was going the path of becoming bankrupt. The Euro-crisis contracted the economy of many countries. When they have a smaller economy, they have less amount of exports and therefore this could have made the difference between exports and imports significant and influenced GDP. 
  • Government spending also fell
  • particularly large drop in military outlays.
  • Many economists pointed out that consumer spending, mostly on cars and other large items, seemed to have come at a cost. Consumer savings declined.
  • decline in business investment.
  • Businesses spent more on equipment and software but much less on infrastructure.
  • decline in investment in
  • construction related to mining, oil and gas
  • series of external shocks, like a spike in gas prices (this year’s was less severe and is already subsiding) and the Ja
  • panese earthquake.
  • where many countries are already in recession and where this week Britain announced that it had entered the dreaded “double dip.”
  • slowing of China’s breakneck
    • Shoko Kuroda
      Decline in business investment, infrastructures invest more money therefore bring a bigger influence on growth of GDP whereas equipment and software have little affect since it is not as expensive as building roads and buildings. 
    • Shoko Kuroda
      Investment on construction of mining, oil and gas is similar to business investment on infrastructure since they acquire a lot of money whereas spendings on factories and office buildings are not as expensive as construction related spending. 
  • Shipments of durable goods increased last month, but new orders showed the steepest drop since January 2009.
  • unemployment benefits have risen.
    • Shoko Kuroda
      Unemployment benefits have risen, indicating that since there is a population who dont have a job, the government has to afford them unemployment benefits which reduces GDP. 
    • Shoko Kuroda
      Natural hazards such as the Earthquake and Tsunami which hit Fukushima on March 11, reduced the exports of Japanese goods to foreign countries due to the news of radiation. Because of a decrease in demand for Japanese goods, this could have reduced imports for America and a smaller difference between exports and imports of goods. 
    • Shoko Kuroda
      Because China has such a global impact on the world's economy, the slowing growth of the Chinese economy could reduce consumption of goods, considering the fact that the prices of Chinese goods could increase. 
Adam Seldis

Kenya inflation slows to 12.2 pct in May | Reuters - 3 views

  • inflation slows to 12.2 pct in May
  • fall in
    • Adam Seldis
      This response will be about falling inflation. So I'm hoping to find some information on perhaps why it is falling, to what extent the government played a part, and what might the consequences be?
  • ...6 more annotations...
    • Adam Seldis
      This explains why there was the fall. So it is a cost-push disinflation. I can explain this using a diagram.
    • Adam Seldis
      I can now bring in monetary policy and explain not only why a government may wish to lower interest rates (to boost AD) but also how a lowering of inflation might allow this situation.
    • Adam Seldis
      I can use this data in my diagrams
    • Adam Seldis
      So I can use this to explain how the government has been using interest rates to lower inflation and what the relationship is between them.
    • Adam Seldis
      Could also do some evaluation to suggest that cost-push disinflation is better to have than demand-pull disinflation, as with cost-push disinflation you still get GDP growth.
    • Adam Seldis
      I can use this to explain what might happen in the future. What might be the impact of high international commodity prices.
Adam Seldis

Kenya inflation slows to 12.2 pct in May | Reuters - 5 views

    • Adam Seldis
      This nicely allows some evaluation, as we can speculate on to what evaluate the government should change interest rates
    • Adam Seldis
      I could use this to introduce the relationship between interest rates and exchange rates. However that's more international economics so I might just ignore it. 
    • Adam Seldis
      This is a nice article that allows me to explain what inflation is and how Kenya has cost-push disinflation. I can easily show this in a diagram. What's more it also talks about monetary policy, so I can explain how the government has helped create this - the impact of interest rates on costs. There are also some really good evaluation opportunities, particularly as the article suggests the Kenyan government itself doesn't know what to do with interest rates. I can ignore exchange rates but instead focus on the possible impact on employment and general GDP growth, whilst not ignoring the ominous signs mentioned about future world commodity prices.
Christian Bager

Fat tax: Denmark's fat tax strikes again | GlobalPost - 1 views

  • Denmark first slapped a fat tax on saturated fats. Now lawmakers plan to hit sugar, and even chocolate consumption, in the second wave of its pioneering assault on the country's bulging waistlines and clogged arteries.
    • Christian Bager
      The attempts of government intervention to change the demand of fat in the past and what the government is attempting to repeat now, in order to change the demand of sugar and chocolate. This will also change the supply of the goods, since the tax will hit the producer as well.
  • Denmark will levy an extra six Danish Kroner ($1.05) on every kilogram of chocolate. The tax would go into effect on January 1.
    • Christian Bager
      This section shows the desired price, through the addition of the tax. It also gives a very exact target date for when the tax should be started up. This allows for graphs to be drawn before and after the event.
  • From 2013, lawmakers plan a levy on the sugar-content of processed food set at as much as 24 Kroner ($4.20) per kilogram.
    • Christian Bager
      This shows how over time further taxes will be put on products, showing further change in demand and supply and the SRAS and LRAS.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • "The new tax on sugar in food will first be implemented from 2013, and the details will be discussed in the coming year,"
    • Christian Bager
      Showing that further un decided taxes are also going to be implemented.
  • The rationale is to improve the health in the Danish population by giving a stronger incitement to buy more healthy food.
    • Christian Bager
      This shows the reasoning for the change in taxation. However it does not actually show that this will impact the demand of alternative products.
  • It's a trend that could be mimicked all over the world
    • Christian Bager
      Showing that these taxes may spread into other economies.
  • Danish bakers, famed for their flaky cinnamon pastries, are predictably up in arms.
  • Mike Rayner, Director of Oxford University’s Health Promotion Research Group, said that combining the fat tax with higher taxes on sugary products would prevent people substituting fatty foods with sugary treats.
  • "I think the saturated fat tax by itself would not have been particularly useful, but a saturated fat tax in conjunction with a higher tax on sugary products means they are trying to tackle unhealthy foods on two fronts."
Christina Seward

US subsidy decision welcomed | Business | The Guardian - 1 views

    • Christina Seward
      with no cotton subsidy from the government, what effect will that have on the market?
    • Christina Seward
      this is whats happening now. with the subsidy, it means that the US cotton market is going well because they can sell more with the subsidy from the government
    • Christina Seward
      what effect the US having no subsidy on the cotton will have for the 3rd world cotton that is being sold as a second to the US cotton
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Subsidies paid by the US government make it financially viable for textile manufacturers to buy expensive US cotton rather than cheaper, third-world cotton
  • Oxfam estimates that poor African cotton-producing countries missed out on almost $400m (£230m) in revenues between 2001 and 2003. About 10 million Africans depend directly on the crop for a living.
  • World Trade Organisation.
Yihan Li

$6 billion-a-year ethanol subsidy dies -- but wait there's more - U.S. News - 2 views

  • America's corn farmers have been benefiting from annual federal subsidies of around $6 billion in recent years, all in the name of ethanol used as an additive for the nation's vehicles.
    • Yihan Li
      A supply and demand diagram showing how the loss of subsidy should affect price
  • thanks in part to high oil prices that make ethanol competitive.
    • Yihan Li
       Ethanol is a substitute good of oil. High price of oil thus make ethanol relatively cheap (Calculate XED if with sufficient data)
  • tax credit
    • Yihan Li
      tax credit is "sum deducted from the total amount a taxpayer owes to"  
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • tax credit is up to $1.01 per gallon.
    • Yihan Li
      Tax credit, a form of subsidy, keeps the price low and companies profitable. 
  • corn ethanol, which now takes a larger share of the U.S. corn crop than cattle, hogs and poultry, as a factor in driving food prices higher.
  • What the industry doesn’t want to see, however, is an end to a separate tax credit for ethanol made not from corn but non-foodstuffs like switchgrass, wood chips and even the leaves and stalks of corn.
    • Yihan Li
      Possible evaluations 1) why government wants to keep one type of subsidy while getting rid of the another type? 2) pros and cons of keeping this subsidy 
  • That ends on Jan. 1
    • Yihan Li
      Possible evaluations 1)pros and cons of having subsidies for ethanol 2)was the subsidy effective 3) why did the government implement this in the first place 4) what could the government have used other than tax credit
Shoko Kuroda

BBC News - Energy committee attacks UK carbon price - 0 views

    • Shoko Kuroda
      Minimum price, therefore it is micro economics 
  • higher carbon options more expensive.
  • developing a low carbon economy
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • reducing uncertainty and creating incentives for investment in low carbon electricity generation now, so we have lower emissions in the future,
  • put aside money
  • The governmen
  • £250m package of support."
  • The government expects to raise £1.4bn
  • However the recession has significantly reduced industrial output - and so demand for credits to cover industrial emissions has also fallen.
  • If the actual price is below the floor, companies must pay the difference to the Treasury.
  • The extra cost will be passed on to consumers, it warns.
    • Shoko Kuroda
      If Carbon becomes more expensive, this reduces the number of firms which still can afford the price and therefore leads to reducing the amount of Carbon. 
    • Shoko Kuroda
      Recession, the business cycle suggested by Keynes can be introduced with a digram and explanation. 
    • Shoko Kuroda
      A diagram representing the impact of minimum price should be drawn and explained. Consumer burden needs to be explained as well. 
    • Shoko Kuroda
      This can be explained to support why when an economy is in recession, it has a similar impact as minimum price has. In addition, this also has a negative affect on the government who has the benefit of minimum price since then they are able to collect the money. Therefore this reduces the intention of the government to set a minimum price since they would have less benefit when the economy is in a recession. 
Edward Pearson

Japan can halve national, local gov't budget deficits in FY 2015: Cabinet Off... - 0 views

  • ady set to rise to 8 percent in 2014 and then to 10 percent in 2015.
  • set to rise to 8 percent in 2014 and then to 10 percent in 2015.
  • The Cabinet Office then estimates that reductions in government spending, coupled with the consumption tax increase, will drastically improve Japan's fiscal condition.
    Japan is likely to achieve its goal of halving the ratio of national and local government budget deficits to Japan's nominal gross domestic product (GDP) in fiscal 2015 from 2010 levels, according to a final draft of the Cabinet Office's mid- and long-term estimates.
Marika Shimomura

Brazilian Coffee Minimum Price Raised 17% to Aid Farmers - Bloomberg - 2 views

  • Brazilian coffee producers will harvest between 47 million bags and 50.2 million this year, approaching last year’s record 50.8 million bags, the government said in January.
    • Marika Shimomura
      Excess supply leading to the prices declining
  • such as auctions or measures to compensate sales below minimum price
    • Marika Shimomura
      Government intervention
  • minimum domestic price
    • Marika Shimomura
      Minimum price
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • international prices
    • Marika Shimomura
      Decrease in demand leading in decrease in international prices
  • 307 reais ($153) per 60-kilogram (132- pound) bag, from 261.69 reais
  • Brazil reaped a record crop in 2012
    • Marika Shimomura
      Increase in supply
  • increase
Christian Bager

2 Wind Farms, 433MW of Vestas, Suzlon Turbines for RSA - 1 views

  • The South African government awarded preferred bidders contracts to develop seven large-scale wind power projects on May 21, the latest step forward in its strategic plan to diversify its energy base through the production of clean, renewable energy.
  • Wind power project awards make up 562.5 MW out of a total 1,043.9 MW of renewable energy capacity the South Africa's Dept. of Energy awarded.
  • Denmark's Vestas and India's Suzlon are among the wind turbine manufacturers who will play a big part in helping South Africa realize its renewable energy
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • social, economic and environmental goals.
  • Suzlon has been chosen by South Africa's Exxaro Resources and India's largest power utility, Tata Power Co. Ltd. as the preferred supplier for their Cennergi joint venture's 138MW South African wind farm.
  • Terms that still need to be finalized call for Suzlon to deliver 66 of its S97-2.1MW wind turbines for the project, part of a full engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) agreement. If all goes well, construction of the Cennergi wind farm is expected to begin in early 2013.
  • Vestas came out a big winner as a result of the second-round contract awards. The world's second-largest wind turbine manufacturer has been selected as the supplier to five South African wind energy projects with a combined capacity of 297MW:
  • West Coast 1, 94 MW, Developer: GDF Suez/IPR SA Tsitsikamma, 95.33 MW, Developer: Cennergi (Pty) Ltd. Grahamstown, 24.60 MW, Developer: EDF EN France Grassridge, 61.50 MW, Developer: EDF EN France Chaba, 21.53 MW, Developer: EDF EN France
  • Vestas has now been chosen as the preferred supplier of wind turbines for 36% of the wind power contracts- totaling 435.1MW- awarded by the South African government to date.
Christian Bager

REVE - Regulación Eólica con Vehículos Eléctricos - - 1 views

  • Expo 2012 at Yeosu, South Korea.
    • Christian Bager
      Target date of reveal for their further plans
  • Offshore wind holds vast potential as a sustainable energy source for rapidly growing countries, such as South Korea with its substantial coastal areas.
    • Christian Bager
      Showing where there is an increase in demand of the product.
  • A solid foundation for Danish-Korean collaboration on wind energy has already been laid through Vestas’ long history and presence in South Korea and the strong government commitment to ensuring green growth in both Denmark and Korea.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • Both countries have clearly acknowledged that wind energy is a reliable and sustainable energy solution for the futur
    • Christian Bager
      Showing how both side believe that the demand for wind turbines may increase over the next years, and how it currently stands.
  • In Denmark, the government has set a goal of achieving 50 per cent of our electricity consumption from wind energy by 2020, and Korea is leading the way by systematically implementing policies required to spur Green Growth.
  • We have installed more than 200 onshore wind power turbines in the country since 1998, and almost 70 per cent of installed wind power plants are currently using Vestas wind turbines.
    • Christian Bager
      Showing the current supply of wind turbines in Korea and how that compares to the Vestas Market share
  • With our many years of experience in turning the wind into energy on land and on sea, Vestas will strive to partner with South Korea to reach their goal of building sustainable cities and ensuring future generations have a reliable source of energy
  • So far, we have installed 581 offshore turbines, equalling 38 per cent of all such turbines in the world. In 2010 alone, we installed a total of 555 MW at the Robin Rigg, Thanet and Bligh Bank offshore wind farms, increasing our installed capacity to more than 1,400 MW.
    The one I will use from my IA
    First IA
Nich Fabrici

India Seeks Increase in Penalty on Coal India - - 2 views

    • Nich Fabrici
      Increase in Penalty Due to Decrease in supply.
    • Nich Fabrici
      Title is nearly insignificant. Focusing on the decrease in supply to the consumer, and not the increase in penalty.
  • Coal India,
  • 80% of India's coal needs
  • ...15 more annotations...
  • stagnation in coal output growth
    • Nich Fabrici
      Growth of Firm is Decreasing, decrease in supply. Also meets 80 percent of coal needs, demand is high
  • environment clearances
  • supply shortfall
  • educed electricity generation
  • ndia's 200-gigawatt electricity generation capacity is coal-based,
    • Nich Fabrici
      They are a MONOPOLY- they rule more then 50% of they Coal Market in India
  • increased supply of coal
  • economic growth
    • Nich Fabrici
      Although Economic Growth is Macro, it shows a strong correlation between the two.
  • The government earlier this year directed Coal India to sign pacts with the utilities that became operational after April 2009,
    • Nich Fabrici
      Government has Intervened- declaring that it will be a Monopoly after signing packs.
  • as was the case in the previous supply pacts.
  • 14 power producers out of a total of about 40 utilities that are likely to sign pacts.
    • Nich Fabrici
Shoko Kuroda

Weak Job Growth in May as Unemployment Rate Ticked Up - - 0 views

    • Shoko Kuroda
      The title of the article indicates that it is about unemployment which is in the field od macroeconomics. 
  • global slowdown as the European crisis escalates.
    • Shoko Kuroda
      This sentence indicates the correlation between the unemployment fear of workers in America and the European crisis with countries referred as 'PIGS'. 
  • ...22 more annotations...
  • the nation’s employers added the fewest jobs in a year and the unemployment rate actually rose,
  • serious vulnerability for President Obama as he faces re-election
    • Shoko Kuroda
      The significance of unemployment rate is clearly indicated, such as the the impact on Obama's re-election. 
  • The unemployment rate rose to 8.2 percent in May from 8.1 in April, though largely because more people began looking for work.
    • Shoko Kuroda
      Unemployment raises when there is more demand for working because no matter whether there is an increase or decrease in the working labour force, the number of available jobs are limited. Because there is a limited number in the number of jobs, the increase in demand for employment raises the unemployment rate. 
  • another recession.
    • Shoko Kuroda
      The word 'recession' can used to introduce the Keynesian economics with the boom and the busts cycles and monetary and fiscal policies to reduce these cycles. 
  • The report on American jobs added to the global pall that has deepened with Europe’s debt crisis and slowing growth in China and India.
    • Shoko Kuroda
      This indicates the influence of America's unemployment rate as well as their economic growth to the other major countries, such as China and India. A increase in America's unemployment rate resulting in a decrease in America's GDP growth has affect on the economy of China and India, such as in exporting goods. 
  • Yields on United States and German government bonds also slumped as investors bid up the bonds’ prices looking for safety.
    • Shoko Kuroda
      The decrease in the prices of government bonds in Germany and United States indicates that the citizens dont have the trust to these countries for their skill to return the money with a fixed amount of tax. This is also another indication for the economy not doing well. 
  • The underlying pace of the domestic economy is a slog, driven by manufacturing and restrained by slackening global demand.
    • Shoko Kuroda
      The main factor of decrease in America's GDP is stated as the overall decrease in the demand for goods since many economies are not successful. 
  • “Manufacturers are very concerned about Europe because a blowup in Europe means a global slowdown,”
    • Shoko Kuroda
      Europe can be noted as one of the important continents which greatly affect the global economy. 
  • diverse,
    • Shoko Kuroda
      Whether a company has a diverse target audience or not can be a indicator to determine the impacts of global slow down in markets. 
    • Shoko Kuroda
      A graph illustrating a global decrease in demand can be applied to draw the consequences of decrease in GDP. 
  • Obama’s economic policies.
    • Shoko Kuroda
      The economic policies which President Obama used can be described thoroughly in this section, such as fiscal and monetary and their success. 
  • The May jobs report showed gains in health care, transportation and warehousing, and wholesale trade, while construction jobs fell by a seasonally adjusted 28,000. Even some bright spots, like booming auto sales, failed to meet expectations or to bolster manufacturing employment by much — only 12,000 jobs.
    • Shoko Kuroda
      Both the positives and the negatives of America's economy can be explained more in depth and the impact of each factor to the market. 
Emily Hoshi

Gasoline Pushes Consumer Prices to 10-Month High - - 0 views

    • Emily Hoshi
      What can the government do to prevent the inflation? - what policies are there? monetary and fiscal but in this case monetary policy is the one to change the interest rates. --> however, this can lead to an increase in unemployment rate. WHY? 
  • Consumer prices rose
  • Surging gasoline prices hurt consumer confidence
  • ...29 more annotations...
  • as the cost of gasoline spiked,
  • Consumer Price Index rose 0.4 percent in February after advancing 0.2 percent
  • Gasoline accounted for more than 80 percent of the rise.
  • Consumer purchasing power
  • going to remain pressured by rising gasoline prices,
  • he said a trend toward lower inflation was still in place.
  • Consumer prices rose 2.9 percent last month from the same period a year ago, unchanged from January but down from a peak of 3.9 percent in September.
  • The core index was up 2.2 percent over the 12 months through February, down from 2.3 percent in January.
  • Consumer expectations for inflation
  • did not expect the steep climb in gasoline costs to last.
  • $4 gasoline has lost its shock value,
  • among lower-income households
  • Investor expectations of inflation
  • also been on the rise
  • Production at the nation’s mines, factories and utilities held steady last month after a 0.4 percent gain in January
  • expand moderately
  • Manufacturing output rose 0.3 percent
  • automakers cut production by 1.1 percent after two big monthly gains
  • Carmakers had raised production to meet demand for popular models in short supply
  • The consumer price report showed gasoline prices soared 6 percent last month, the largest increase
  • risen 0.9 percent
  • cushion against rising gas prices at the pump, salaries are not keeping up.
  • strengthening jobs market is providing
  • arnings, adjusted for inflation, fell 0.3 percent last month after slipping 0.1 percent in January
  • Food costs held steady
  • some price relief for households.
  • , airline tickets and used cars and trucks.
  • declines in the prices of tobacco
  • motor vehicle prices recorded their first increase
Ayaka Matsumura

BBC News - China inflation rate dips to a 30-month low in July - 0 views

  • inflation
  • Consumer
  • dips to a 30-month low
  • ...24 more annotations...
  • rose by 1.8%
  • down from a 2.2%
  • 3% rise
  • spur domestic consumption
  • domestic consumption
  • domestic consumption
  • many Asian economies
  • Rising consumer prices
  • China's economy grew at its slowest pace in three years in second quarter.
  • 18.7%
  • and 6.1%
  • key drivers of the slowdown in the rate of inflation.
  • China's economy grew at an annual rate of 7.6%
  • slowing global demand for its exports.
  • down from an 8.1% expansion
  • boost stimulus measures
  • world's second-largest economy may slow further
  • Beijing has taken various measures to spur growth.
  • the People's Bank of China, has cut its key interest rates twice since the start of June.
  • benchmark lending rate down to 6%
  • more money to lend to consumers and businesses
  • slowdown in the growth of consumer prices may see policymakers introduce further measures to boost growth
  • more room for policy easing
  • rate of inflation was "likely be below the official 4% percent target for the year, so the policy focus for the government can stay clearly on growth
    China's inflation dipped to a 30-month low in July, giving policymakers a bigger cushion to boost stimulus measures to spur economic growth. Consumer prices rose by 1.8% in July, from a year earlier. That was down from a 2.2% growth rate in June and a 3% rise in May.
Nayana Devadas

CURRENCIES & BONDS / Dollar below 81.50 yen in Tokyo, cutting early gains ahead of BOJ ... - 0 views

  • At 5 p.m., the dollar was quoted at 81.27-30 yen, still up from 81.11-12 yen at the same time Friday.
  • The dollar pared its early gains to trade mostly below 81.50 yen in Tokyo trading Monday, as the recent yen-selling spree took a pause before the Bank of Japan's upcoming monetary policy decision.
  • where it was supported by hopes for an early deal to avoid the "fiscal cliff," or a combination of looming tax increases and spending cuts.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • consider a plan under which the central bank buys construction bonds directly from the government
  • expectations for drastic monetary easing by the central bank. Abe's repeated calls for "unlimited" monetary easing, aimed at beating the deflation, sparked such expectations.
  • In futures trading on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, the lead December contract on 10-year JGBs edged down 0.08 point from Friday to end at 144.62. Volume decreased to 25,289 contracts from 33,371.
Mattias Lindell

Monopoly blamed for beef costing far more - The Standard - 1 views

  • Ng Fung Hong is to blame.
  • HK$3,097 per picul - around 60 kilograms - but local retailers have to fork out HK$4,690 per picul instead.
  • s a result, the unfair practice has resulted in the closure of four beef shops since Lunar New Year.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • By following what we did in the pork market, we will be able to gradually bring down the price of beef to a reasonable level
  • They would be making a profit of HK$516,750 every single day at the expense of our beef sellers
  • Critics were also quick to highlight the flaws in a government document released last week investigating the supply of fresh beef
  • "Besides failing to account for the price differences, the document does not say where it got the data from
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