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International School of Central Switzerland

The Online Medieval & Classical Library - 0 views

    "The Online Medieval and Classical Library (OMACL) is a collection of some of the most important literary works of Classical and Medieval civilization."
International School of Central Switzerland

Knighton's Chronicle 1337-1396 Online Book at Questia Online Library - 0 views

    Read online  - Knighton's Chronicle 1337-1396 by Henry Knighton, G. H. Martin
K Epps

'Strike off a thumb, 20 shillings': digitised Textus Roffensis is a window on early Bri... - 0 views

    "A book of medieval law that predates the Magna Carta and is described as 'Britain's hidden treasure' has been made available to view online"
International School of Central Switzerland

Old Maps Online - 0 views

    click on the map to find links to old maps online for that location.
International School of Central Switzerland

British History Online - 0 views

    British History Online is the digital library containing some of the core printed primary and secondary sources for the medieval and modern history of the British Isles. Created by the Institute of Historical Research and the History of Parliament Trust, we aim to support academic and personal users around the world in their learning, teaching and research.
International School of Central Switzerland

RoyaList Online - 0 views

    Weelcome to RoyaList Online, a guide to the royal genealogy of Britain. As its name suggests, the core of the web site is a "royal list": a database that provides biographical details of thousands of individuals who have either belonged to, or been connected with, the royal family of England and Scotland during more than 1,000 years of history.lthough the primary focus is on British royalty, the web of intermarriages amongst the royal houses of Europe is such that many representatives of continental royalty are also featured. The intention has been to include all known members of the immediate family of those who are either in or close to the English and Scottish royal lines.
International School of Central Switzerland

Knighton's Chronicle 1337-1396 - Google Books - 0 views

    Knighton's Chronicle 1337-1396 read online in Google Books
K Epps

Forty-four More Greek Manuscripts Online - Medieval manuscripts blog - 0 views

    "We are delighted to announce another forty-four Greek manuscripts have been digitised. As always, we are most grateful to the Stavros Niarchos Foundation, the A. G. Leventis Foundation, Sam Fogg, the Sylvia Ioannou Foundation, the Thriplow Charitable Trust, the Friends of the British Library, and our other generous benefactors for contributing to the digitisation project. Happy exploring!"
International School of Central Switzerland

ECHO - 0 views

    The ECHO Content: Seed Collections of a Growing Web of Culture  European Cultural Heritage Online
International School of Central Switzerland

Google Maps Mania: The Domesday Book on Google Maps - 0 views

    The Domesday Book is the result of a survey carried out in England and parts of Wales in 1086. The book is one of the first and therefore oldest public records in England and therefore serves as a great resource for geographers, genealogists and historians. The Open Domesday Book is the first free online copy of the Domesday Book. It also includes a great Google Maps interface that allows users to search for locations and quickly find references in the Domesday Book to the location and places nearby. If you search for a location you can view on a Google Map the places mentioned in the Book in that area. If you click through on any of the referenced locations you can view an image of the original text and a breakdown of the data recorded in the Domesday Book.
K Epps

James Prescott - Le Viandier de Taillevent - Title Page and Table of Contents - 0 views

    Another famous collection, now known as Le Viandier de Taillevent, was originally compiled at the beginning of the 14th century; later it was attributed to the head chef of the Valois court, Guillaume Tirel, also known as Taillevent, who had a long and distinguished career as a professional chef. Tirel had the status of a squire and the coat of arms on his tomb, at St Germain en Laye outside Paris, incorporates a row of three cooking pots. The collection has the distinction of being the first printed cookery book; this occurred in the 1480s and the book went through several subsequent editions. The contents were modified considerably with the passage of time; the first printed version contains an additional group of contemporary recipes that have been described as the 15th century French 'nouvelle cuisine'! - you can see an online version at:
K Epps

Le Menagier de Paris: Table of Contents (c)J. Hinson tr. - 0 views

    This book is intended as a manual of 'good housekeepimg', presented as advice given by an elderly householder for his young wife. The recipes form a substantial section of the text. The manuscript includes descriptions of the food presented for a range of different occasions. The advice is quite particular; for example, the need to discard and replace the water used to soak pulses before cooking! An online translation
K Epps

UC Press E-Books Collection, 1982-2004: Search Results - 0 views

    UC Press ebooks - publicly accessible, read online: Medieval Studies
K Epps

James Burke: The Day The Universe Changed | Watch Free Documentary Online - 0 views

    "The Day the Universe Changed is a ten-part documentary television series presented by science historian James Burke. The series tells a series of stories of how specific scientific and technological advances have shaped the Western way of life."
K Epps

The Year 1200: A Centennial Exhibition at The Metropolitan Museum of Art | The Metropol... - 0 views

    "The Year 1200: A Centennial Exhibition at The Metropolitan Museum of Art" catalogue to read online or download the pdf
K Epps

The Latest, Greatest, Up-To-Datest Giant List of Digitised Manuscripts Hyperlinks - Med... - 0 views

    "Behold, one and all, a freshly minted spreadsheet that contains a complete list of all the manuscripts uploaded to Digitised Manuscripts by us diligent digitisation devotees.  A quite simply staggering 1111 manuscripts are now online for your delectation. "
International School of Central Switzerland

material sources « meta-meta-medieval - 0 views

    Primary materials. Primarily, freely-available online texts, in the broadest sense of WRITTEN THINGS: * documents, manuscripts, printed books, music, and images; * transcriptions, facsimiles, editions, and translations; * hyperprojects that also come under MEDIEVAL & RENAISSANCE HYPERPROJECTS: digital humanities, electronic, hypertext projects; featuring encoded or marked-up text, relational or searchable databases, … * digital catalogues (especially of manuscripts).
International School of Central Switzerland

European History Primary Sources | - 0 views

    Welcome to European History Primary Sources (EHPS), an index of scholarly websites that offer online access to digitised primary sources on the history of Europe. The websites listed on EHPS are not only meta-sources but also include invented archives and born digital sources. Each website that is listed in EHPS has a short description and is categorised according to country, language, period, subject and type of source. The portal can be searched in a variety of ways. The listed websites can be accessed for free, though sometimes a registration is required.
International School of Central Switzerland

Roman de la Rose: Home - 0 views

    elcome to the Roman de la Rose Digital Library, a joint project of the Sheridan Libraries of Johns Hopkins University and the Bibliothèque nationale de France. The creation of this resource and the digitization of manuscripts from the BnF was made possible by generous support from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. The goal of the Roman de la Rose Digital Library is to create an online library of all manuscripts containing the Roman de la Rose poem. We will have digital surrogates of roughly 130 Roman de la Rose manuscripts available here by the end of 2009.
International School of Central Switzerland

EuroDocs - 0 views

    "EuroDocs: Online Sources for European History Selected Transcriptions, Facsimiles and Translations"
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