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International School of Central Switzerland

MIT OpenCourseWare | History | 21H.416J Medieval Economic History in Comparative Perspe... - 0 views

    Related resources for Medieval Economic course from MIT
International School of Central Switzerland

NetSERF: The Internet Connection for Medieval Resources - 0 views

International School of Central Switzerland

Islam and Islamic Studies Resources - 0 views

    Islam and Islamic Studies Resources For Studying Islam and the Diverse Perspectives of Muslims
International School of Central Switzerland

Google Maps Mania: The Domesday Book on Google Maps - 0 views

    The Domesday Book is the result of a survey carried out in England and parts of Wales in 1086. The book is one of the first and therefore oldest public records in England and therefore serves as a great resource for geographers, genealogists and historians. The Open Domesday Book is the first free online copy of the Domesday Book. It also includes a great Google Maps interface that allows users to search for locations and quickly find references in the Domesday Book to the location and places nearby. If you search for a location you can view on a Google Map the places mentioned in the Book in that area. If you click through on any of the referenced locations you can view an image of the original text and a breakdown of the data recorded in the Domesday Book.
International School of Central Switzerland

Matrix Home - 0 views

    A scholarly resource for the study of women's religious communities from 400 to 1600.
International School of Central Switzerland

The Labyrinth - 0 views

    "Resources for Medieval Studies Sponsored by Georgetown University"
International School of Central Switzerland An Internet Resource for the Study of the Early Centuries of Christ... - 0 views

International School of Central Switzerland

Medieval An Internet Resource for Studying the Church of the Middles Ages - 0 views

    An Internet Resource for Studying the Church of the Middles Ages
K Epps

Magna Carta Website is Now Live - Medieval manuscripts blog - 0 views

    "We're delighted to announce that our dedicated Magna Carta website is now live. It features a whole wealth of Magna Carta-related material, including: articles by distinguished contributors such as Shami Chakrabarti, Dan Jones, Geoffrey Robertson, and Joshua Rozenberg illustrated descriptions of the items on display in Magna Carta: Law, Liberty, Legacy a range of teaching resources for use in primary and secondary schools a series of videos, including talking heads such as William Hague and two animations narrated by Terry Jones"
International School of Central Switzerland

the two volumes of the Geese Book - 0 views

    "Explore 1120 pages in the manuscript New York, Pierpont Morgan Library, M. 905, better known as the Geese Book. Use the drop-down calendar to locate feasts and saints' days. Hear and see selected chants with transcriptions and translations."
K Epps

Avalon Project - Major Document Collections - 0 views

    "Major Document Collections"
K Epps

Masters of Building Activity Guide - Smithsonian - 0 views

    The Masters of the Building Arts Activity Guide provides the history of six types of buildings and architectural features. At the conclusion of each section there is a hands-on activity for students to try in your classroom. For example at the end of the section on timber framing you will find directions for an activity in which students attempt to create a model building with straws or pipe cleaners. At the end of the section on stained glass students can try to create their own "stained glass" panels with tissue papers, ribbons, and glue. see section on stone, and stained glass windows
International School of Central Switzerland

Roman de la Rose: Home - 0 views

    elcome to the Roman de la Rose Digital Library, a joint project of the Sheridan Libraries of Johns Hopkins University and the Bibliothèque nationale de France. The creation of this resource and the digitization of manuscripts from the BnF was made possible by generous support from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. The goal of the Roman de la Rose Digital Library is to create an online library of all manuscripts containing the Roman de la Rose poem. We will have digital surrogates of roughly 130 Roman de la Rose manuscripts available here by the end of 2009.
International School of Central Switzerland

Scholarly Internet Sites - Europe in the Middle Ages - The Doherty Library Research Gui... - 0 views

International School of Central Switzerland

Old English Course Pack - 0 views

    Welcome to Old English Literature: A Hypertext Coursepack. This site is designed to help you study several of the primary texts that have been included in many Old English Courses. A range of resources are available including primary texts with a running glossary and notes, reading lists, translations, contextual information and sources of the poem. There is also a facility to allow you to add comments or additional notes to each of the texts via an online discussion forum. Just select the text you are interested in on the right hand side.
International School of Central Switzerland

Waxed Tablets from Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages - 0 views

    links to wax tablets images, resources, etc. on the web, including medieval
International School of Central Switzerland

Middle Ages - Medieval Resources - 0 views

    Famous Medieval People This section of the site provides information about people of the middle ages such as King Arthur, Maimonides, and Theodoric the Great.
International School of Central Switzerland

Cardiff University - 0 views

    Course description for THE MILITARY ORDERS, 1100-1320, - page includes links to resources,
International School of Central Switzerland

ECHO - 0 views

    The ECHO Content: Seed Collections of a Growing Web of Culture  European Cultural Heritage Online
International School of Central Switzerland

BIMCC :: Web links - 0 views

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