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International School of Central Switzerland

European History Primary Sources | - 0 views

    Welcome to European History Primary Sources (EHPS), an index of scholarly websites that offer online access to digitised primary sources on the history of Europe. The websites listed on EHPS are not only meta-sources but also include invented archives and born digital sources. Each website that is listed in EHPS has a short description and is categorised according to country, language, period, subject and type of source. The portal can be searched in a variety of ways. The listed websites can be accessed for free, though sometimes a registration is required.
K Epps

The Latest, Greatest, Up-To-Datest Giant List of Digitised Manuscripts Hyperlinks - Med... - 0 views

    "Behold, one and all, a freshly minted spreadsheet that contains a complete list of all the manuscripts uploaded to Digitised Manuscripts by us diligent digitisation devotees.  A quite simply staggering 1111 manuscripts are now online for your delectation. "
International School of Central Switzerland

Medieval Manuscripts on the Web - 0 views

    The list below is intended to offer quick access to various digitization projects on the web: clicking the project title will take you directly there. Listings are alphabetical by originating institution. Some of the links are annotated on separate pages
K Epps

Medieval Travel Guides - Medieval Histories - 0 views

    "Wish to go travelling medieval style? Here is a list of books, which will tell you all about how people in the Middle Ages went about it What time of the year should you venture out? Which mounts should you choose? Or should you go by the sea? Where to cross rivers? What inns were safe? Where to find food? Anyone living in the Middle Ages had to have a good working knowledge of what was both reasonable and feasible. At a time when people had to move around in order to trade, to learn, to fight - or just to connect, practical knowledge about landscapes, food, hostile strangers and friendly hospices might often mean the difference between life and dead. Here is a list of books, which will introduce you to the field in general. Further literature may be found in the generous bibliographies, they are all fitted with."
International School of Central Switzerland

RoyaList Online - 0 views

    Weelcome to RoyaList Online, a guide to the royal genealogy of Britain. As its name suggests, the core of the web site is a "royal list": a database that provides biographical details of thousands of individuals who have either belonged to, or been connected with, the royal family of England and Scotland during more than 1,000 years of history.lthough the primary focus is on British royalty, the web of intermarriages amongst the royal houses of Europe is such that many representatives of continental royalty are also featured. The intention has been to include all known members of the immediate family of those who are either in or close to the English and Scottish royal lines.
International School of Central Switzerland

List of Christian religious houses in Switzerland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    This is a list of Christian religious houses in Switzerland for either men or women, whether in operation or not.[1]
K Epps

Celtnet The Forme of Cury Medieval Recipes and Information Home Page - 0 views

    This page brings together all the recipes on this site redacted (updated) from the 1390 Medieval Manuscript The Forme of Cury (The [Proper] Method of Cookery). All recipes are given both in their original Middle English form, as updated English versions and as a modern redaction that and cook today could follow so that you, too, can prepare classic Georgian fare at home. Below I also provide a brief history of the manuscript. I am making my way through the entire recipe collection and as soon as they are added to my site they will be available here. (For the recipe list scroll down.) Read more at Celtnet: Copyright © celtnet
K Epps

Medieval Images of the Human Body - 0 views

    " By the later Middle Ages there was great interest in anatomy and how the body worked. Medieval people made illustrations to explain medical and anatomical issues of human body. Here is a list of medieval images of the whole or parts of the body, which offer a fascinating, unique and strange views from the Middle Ages."
International School of Central Switzerland

Old English Course Pack - 0 views

    Welcome to Old English Literature: A Hypertext Coursepack. This site is designed to help you study several of the primary texts that have been included in many Old English Courses. A range of resources are available including primary texts with a running glossary and notes, reading lists, translations, contextual information and sources of the poem. There is also a facility to allow you to add comments or additional notes to each of the texts via an online discussion forum. Just select the text you are interested in on the right hand side.
International School of Central Switzerland

The Flow of History - 0 views

    On this site, you will find several hundred pages of information describing the flow of history, from the evolutionary processes that formed our bodies, to the forces of globalization that exploded in the 1990s. It is detailed, engaging reading-the result of over 25 years of continuous refinement for actual classroom use. Reading about a period will fill your head with facts and names about your chosen topic like any good history textbook. But you won't remember the important lessons-the ones that history classes exist in order to teach us, so that we don't each have to learn them on our own. Good students studying traditional History texts learn much about the past, but even the best rarely take the lessons of the past with them when they leave class. As a history teacher at University High School in Urbana, Illinois since 1979, I have developed a method for teaching history, using a series of about 200 cross-referenced flowcharts and over 100 powerpoint multimedia lecture outlines to help students see history as a dynamic process of causes and effects, not just a meaningless list of names and dates. With this website you can help bring about a revolution in the History classroom, producing students that deeply understand the past and enjoy learning about it.
International School of Central Switzerland

Byzantine Emperors - Phantis - 0 views

    This is a list of the Emperors of the late Eastern Roman Empire, called Byzantine.
International School of Central Switzerland

Medieval World: 11+ years Websites - 0 views

    Medieval World Websites - links list with descriptions
K Epps

Ten Beautiful Medieval Maps - 0 views

    "Our list of the best medieval maps - ten maps created between the sixth and sixteenth centuries, which offer unique views into how medieval people saw their world. These maps are arranged chronologically, which helps to reveal some of the changes that took place during the Middle Ages in how people created maps."
International School of Central Switzerland

e-codices held in BGE - 0 views

    consult a digital version of a liturgical psalter made between 1335 and 1350, in the BGE library
International School of Central Switzerland

History of Art: Visual History of the World - 0 views

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