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K Epps

Medieval Images of the Human Body - 0 views

    " By the later Middle Ages there was great interest in anatomy and how the body worked. Medieval people made illustrations to explain medical and anatomical issues of human body. Here is a list of medieval images of the whole or parts of the body, which offer a fascinating, unique and strange views from the Middle Ages."
International School of Central Switzerland

Conflict History: All Human Conflicts on a Single Map - information aesthetics - 0 views

    "Conflict History [], developed by TecToys, summarizes all major human conflicts onto a single world map - from the historical wars way before the birth of Christ, until the drone attacks in Pakistan that are still happening today. The whole interactive map is build upon data retrieved from Google and Freebase open data services."
K Epps

The Quest to Create the Perfect Map - Uri Friedman - The Atlantic Cities - 0 views

    "There are, in other words, no perfect maps-just maps that (more-or-less) perfectly capture our understanding of the world at discrete moments in time. In his new book, A History of the World in 12 Maps, Brotton masterfully catalogs the maps that tell us most about pivotal periods in human history. I asked him to walk me through the 12 maps he selected (you can click on each map below to enlarge it)."
International School of Central Switzerland

material sources « meta-meta-medieval - 0 views

    Primary materials. Primarily, freely-available online texts, in the broadest sense of WRITTEN THINGS: * documents, manuscripts, printed books, music, and images; * transcriptions, facsimiles, editions, and translations; * hyperprojects that also come under MEDIEVAL & RENAISSANCE HYPERPROJECTS: digital humanities, electronic, hypertext projects; featuring encoded or marked-up text, relational or searchable databases, … * digital catalogues (especially of manuscripts).
International School of Central Switzerland

Digital Medievalist: Journal - 0 views

    Digital Medievalist (DM) is our on-line, refereed Journal. DM accepts work of original research and scholarship, notes on technological topics (markup and stylesheets, tools and software, etc.), commentary pieces discussing developments in the field, bibliographic and review articles, and project reports. All contributions are reviewed by authorities in humanities computing prior to publication.
International School of Central Switzerland

AHDS Cross-Search Catalogue - 0 views

    British Arts and Humanities Data Service can be searched by time period, subject or geographic area.
International School of Central Switzerland

The Great Famine and the Black Death | 1315-1317, 1346-1351 | Lectures in Medieval Hist... - 0 views

    The 14th century was an era of catastrophes. Some of them man-made, such as the Hundred Years' War, the Avignon Papacy, and the Great Schism. These were caused by human beings, and we shall consider them a bit later. There were two more or less natural disasters either of which one would think would have been sufficient to throw medieval Europe into a real "Dark Ages": the Great Famine and the Black Death. Each caused millions of deaths, and each in its way demonstrated in dramatic fashion the existence of new vulnerabilities in Western European society. Together they subjected the population of medieval Europe to tremendous strains, leading many people to challenge old institutions and doubt traditional values, and, by so doing, these calamities altered the path of European development in many areas.
International School of Central Switzerland

Medieval demography - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    This article discusses human demography in Europe during the Middle Ages, including population trends and movements. Demography was an important feature of historical change during the Middle Ages.
International School of Central Switzerland

Art Through Time: A Global View - 0 views

    Art Through Time: A Global View examines themes connecting works of art created around the world in different eras. The thirteen-part series explores diverse cultural perspectives on shared human experiences.
International School of Central Switzerland

Fine Rolls Henry III: Home - 0 views

    1. Between Magna Carta and the Parliamentary State: The fine rolls of King Henry III 1216-1272 and the project A fine in the reign of King Henry III (1216-1272) was an agreement to pay the king a sum of money for a specified concession. The rolls on which the fines were recorded provide the earliest systematic evidence of what people and institutions across society wanted from the king and he was prepared to give. They open a large window onto the politics, government, economy and society of England in the hinge period between the establishment of Magna Carta at the start of Henry's reign and the parliamentary state which was emerging at its end. This Project, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, makes the rolls freely available to a wide audience while at the same time, in the Fine of the Month feature, providing regular comment on their historical interest. Users of the website are also invited to follow and contribute to the Fine Rolls blog.
International School of Central Switzerland

The English Peasants' Revolt of 1381 - 0 views

    The English Peasants' Revolt of 1381 erupted suddenly, but not without warning. The seeds of dissent fell from the tree that was medieval society itself and were watered by the continuous oppression of the poor in towns as well as the countryside by those in power. Artisans, parish priests, poor city workers, and even small traders rose with the peasants in their call for the abolition of feudal obligations (serfdom) and the resulting economic/social injustice they had endured for so long. The wide variety of rebels indicates the tremendous level of dissatisfaction with the corruption in government and the confines of 14th century English society; this dissatisfaction indicates that the people were thinking and questioning instead of meekly accepting their role as a human beast without hope for a better life. The Revolt may have failed in its immediate goals, but it served as a link in the quest of the poor for emancipation from servitude, controlled wages, and unfair taxes. Their expression of concerns, desires, and demands was an example in courage, courage to challenge the strict boundaries of society.
International School of Central Switzerland

the two volumes of the Geese Book - 0 views

    "Explore 1120 pages in the manuscript New York, Pierpont Morgan Library, M. 905, better known as the Geese Book. Use the drop-down calendar to locate feasts and saints' days. Hear and see selected chants with transcriptions and translations."
International School of Central Switzerland

TimeMaps - World Map 3500 BC - 0 views

    "TimeMaps is best described as a mash-up of encyclopedia, timeline, and map elements. TimeMaps' world map is designed as an overview of the development of the world's societies. The map's timeline begins in 3500BC and concludes in 2005AD. Click on the timeline's icons or on the map's icons to learn more about each place represented on the map. " (from Richard Byrne's Free Technology for Teachers site)
International School of Central Switzerland

British History Online - 0 views

    British History Online is the digital library containing some of the core printed primary and secondary sources for the medieval and modern history of the British Isles. Created by the Institute of Historical Research and the History of Parliament Trust, we aim to support academic and personal users around the world in their learning, teaching and research.
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