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Rudy Godoy

The State of the Internet Operating System - O'Reilly Radar - 0 views

  • There, search remains in the same brute-force dark ages as web search before Google. We can expect significant breakthroughs in search techniques for books, video, images, and sound to be a feature of the future evolution of the Internet OS.
  • and the platform provider that has the most robust systems (and consumer expectations) for paid content is going to be in a very strong position.
  • What's fascinating is the rich developer ecosystem they've built around payment - their recent developer conference had over 2000 attendees. Their challenge is to make the transition from the web to mobile.
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • . We can expect a similar wave of companies instrumenting social media and mobile applications,
  • manage the lookup service that allows individuals and businesses to find and connect to each other? The phone and email address books will eventually merge with the data from social networks to provide a rich set of identity infrastructure services
  • Building a social network to rival Facebook or Twitter is far less important to the future of the Internet platform than creating facilities that will allow third-party developers to leverage the social data that companies like Google, Microsoft, Yahoo!, AOL - and phone companies like ATT, Verizon and T-Mobile - have produced through years or even decades of managing user's social data for communications.
  • Whoever cracks this code, providing frameworks that make it possible for applications to be functionally social without being socially promiscuous, will win
  • Don't assume that advertising will continue to be the only significant way to monetize internet content in the years ahead
  • The question is the extent to which platform companies will use their advertising capabilities as a system service. Will they treat these assets as the source of competitive advantage for their own products, or will they find ways to deploy advertising as a business model for developers on their platform?
  • Location is the Internet data subsystem that is furthest along in its development as a system service accessible to all applications
  • We thus see convergence between Location and social media concepts like Activity Streams. Platform providers that understand and exploit this intersection will be in a stronger position than those who see location only in traditional terms.
  • This need for speed is going to be a major driver of platform services; individual applications will have difficulty keeping up.
  • Picasa and Flickr are no longer just consumer image sharing sites: they are vast repositories of tagged image data that can be used to train algorithms and filter results.
  • This idea of Government as a Platform is a key focus of my advocacy about Government 2.0.
Rudy Godoy

Why Bezos Was Surprised by the Kindle's Success - - 0 views

  • We start with the customer and we work backward. We learn whatever skills we need to service the customer. We build whatever technology we need to service the customer.
    • Rudy Godoy
      This is a key issue for every business to succed.
  • And then the third thing is, we're willing to be long-term-oriented, which I think is one of the rarest characteristics.
  • they can take an inventory of their skills and competencies, and then they can say, "OK, with this set of skills and competencies, what else can we do?"
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • It is to say, rather than ask what are we good at and what else can we do with that skill, you ask, who are our customers? What do they need? And then you say we're going to give that to them regardless of whether we currently have the skills to do so, and we will learn those skills no matter how long it takes.
  • But the physical book really has had a 500-year run. It's probably the most successful technology ever. It's hard to come up with things that have had a longer run. If Gutenberg were alive today, he would recognize the physical book and know how to operate it immediately. Given how much change there has been everywhere else, what's remarkable is how stable the book has been for so long. But no technology, not even one as elegant as the book, lasts forever.
  • For people who are readers, reading is important to them. And you don't want to read for three hours on a backlit LCD screen. It's great for short form. This is a really important point—that we humans co-evolve with our tools. We change the tools, and the tools change us, and that cycle repeats.
Rudy Godoy

The Guerrilla Guide to Interviewing - Joel on Software - 0 views

  • I spend about 30 seconds telling the person who I am and how the interview will work. I always reassure the candidate that we are interested in how he goes about solving problems, not the actual answer.
  • For interviewing college kids, ask them about their senior thesis, if they had one, or about a course they took that involved a long project that they really enjoyed.
  • I'm looking for one thing: passion.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • They are careful to explain things.
Rudy Godoy

Software Quality Has a New Name: CISQ - 0 views

  • he SEI's Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI), which was founded years ago and is currently the de facto standard, is no longer enough to properly evaluate software development capabilities and differentiate vendors.
  • Asserting that current methods for evaluating the capabilities of software vendors have become passe, the Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute (SEI) and the Object Management Group (OMG) announced a partnership to sponsor the Consortium of IT Software Quality (CISQ), an industry-led initiative to address the measurement of critical IT application quality attributes.
  • “CISQ will enable us to benchmark the effectiveness of internal development, evaluate the quality of applications acquired from external sources, and predict the quality and cost of IT services to the business.”
Rudy Godoy

Mono-Task And Work More Effectively - 0 views

  • multi-tasking has been relegated to a convenient excuse to procrastinate.
  • You can make the most of your ability to focus by giving yourself a time limit in which to work on a task.
  • The shorter the time limit you set, the faster you’re likely to work.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • After working intensely on your task for (say) forty minutes – using a timer as recommended above – take a break and do something which doesn’t require concentration.
Rudy Godoy

ProtoShare: Collaborative Website Wireframe and Prototype Tool - 0 views

    A prototyping/wireframe tool with PM
    Hay que revisar esta herramienta
Rudy Godoy

Cucumber - Making BDD fun - 0 views

    Cucumber - Behaviour Driven Development!
Rudy Godoy

8 tips for testing Rails apps with Cucumber - Momoro Machine @ - 0 views

    Testing with Cucumber
Rudy Godoy

REST worst practices - 0 views

    Que no hacer con REST
Rudy Godoy

RESTful rails book - 0 views

    Libro sobre RESTful rails!
Rudy Godoy

What is bioteam? - 0 views

  • the most efficient bioteams use one-way broadcasts and save two-way communications (which take more time) for when they’re really needed.
  • A bioteam is an organizational structure in which peers share power and responsibility and each member of the team is a both a leader and a follower. The structure is modeled after a fluid leadership structure found in nature.
  • Some scientists think the leadership rotation also encourages the birds to communicate more effectively.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Each member of a bioteam has the same knowledge, training and authority. The team uses review meetings to decide upon goals and ways to evaluate how the goals are being met.
  • To facilitate communication and let team members know when actions have been taken, bioteams can use collaborative and social software tools such as Sharepoint, wikis, SwarmTeam or Twitter.
    Seamos un bioteam!
    bioteam another way to organize and define teams based on birds observation
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