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Jack Logan

apophenia: Facebook's move ain't about changes in privacy norms - 17 views

  • When I learned that Mark Zuckerberg effectively argued that 'the age of privacy is over' (read: ReadWriteWeb), I wanted to scream. Actually, I did. And still am. The logic goes something like this: People I knew didn't used to like to be public. Now "everyone" is being public. Ergo, privacy is dead. This isn't new. This is the exact same logic that made me want to scream a decade ago when folks used David Brin to justify a transparent society. Privacy is dead, get over it. Right? Wrong!
    Ouch, David Brin ...
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    zucherberg's position cannot be taken seriously, it is too self serving
    David Brin has it right, if right means that we'll all have to give up a great deal more of our privacy - Internet, planes, personal ID (openID), credit cards, et al., - can you think of an area of life that has become more private in the last 10 years?
    I think the key here is that we cannot believe that this is acceptable or inevitable. 9/11 allowed the US government to remove freedoms with the consent of the population based on their fear. "Those who trade freedom for security deserve neither" (forget the source of that quote, don't feel like looking it up, shouldn't a bot do that for me as soon as I put quotes in?) While I doubt they are this sophisticated, if the militant theocracies who control their populations wanted to destroy the freedoms americans had and make the US more like themselves, they have been winning this war with our consent. There are powerful forces destroying our privacy and freedom. It is time to wake up before the frog gets boiled. Sorry gotta go, black helicopter landing in backyard
    LOLROF! There's a black helicopter landing in my backyard too! LOL
    you guys may want to take another look at Brin. I believe his observation is that privacy is going away (has actually been gone for a while). the question he poses is who will have access and control of the surveillance systems. he is advocating that we ALL do rather than centrally controlled organizations.
    his book is on my shelf, my wife started reading it but stopped as she found it too depressing - it will likely be right up my alley - if we accepted the premise that we would be in a surveilled state then it would be enormously helpful that it was a commons- I do not accept that we should allow this surveilled state to happen, nor that we should accept it as good, even if it is a commons. I also don't believe that it will be a commons. It should not exist, and should be fought every step of the way by people whose minds have not opened so far that their brains have fallen out. It is completely possible with technology to give individuals the power to set levels of privacy to particular counter parties. It is politically possible to regulate the use of surveillance. One can make the argument that people can simply surveil with their camera phones, but you do not see that happening as it would be culturally unacceptable (rude if you will). I find the acceptance of big brother as inevitable troubling.
    David Brin used well thought out logic to make his argument. Zuckerburg is an idiot. He's the face of 1984's Big Brother, except at puberty.
Kurt Laitner

Group:GNU Social/Project Comparison - LibrePlanet - 2 views

    round up of socnet approaches, courtesy link by michael j p
    Very nice. Now this is done by the FSF (Free software foundation) and all projects listed here are freeware (as opposed to both open-source and commercial ware). The group behind it ( has nice goals: "GNU social, true to the Unix-philosophy of small programs to do a small job, will be a decentralized social network that you can install on your own server. What if you could authorize your server to reveal as much, or as little information about you to other sites, as you wish... one time, one day, or forever?" "But you'll never beat Facebook, so why bother? Maybe everyone in the world won't use this, but not everyone uses Facebook either. Privacy is important, and lots of people value their privacy as well as their freedom to ensure the software they're using isn't doing things they don't want." "It is still in open discussion on the mailing list, if it makes sense to have this technology server-based or rather, for reasons of privacy, based on the user's computer. The current consensus seems to be, that there is a need for something quick that will federate existing server-based social community servers, yet at the same time we should maintain a long-term look on how to provide peer-to-peer privacy." See also:
fishead ...*∞º˙

Behind Facebook's privacy debacle - Facebook - - 0 views

  • Behind Facebook's privacy debacle The site screwed up, big-time. But is this the beginning of the end, or just the cost of social networking? By Mary Elizabeth Williams iStockphoto/Salon Since making the profile information of its 400 million users more, oh, let's call it "accessible," last month, the 6-year-old social networking site has felt the wrath of its populace.
fishead ...*∞º˙

Ok You Luddites, Time To Chill Out On Facebook Over Privacy - 1 views

  • I spoke to Blippy CEO Philip Kaplan earlier tonight. Blippy is a service that lets users publish everything they buy with their credit cards. Crazy right? Who’d want to do that? Well, apparently a lot do. The company has let in 2,500 people so far. Those 2,500 people are publishing $200,000 worth of purchases a day to their friends. It’s less than a month old and they’ve tracked $3.8 million in transactions already, with an average transaction size of $46.
    As the TC guy concludes at the end of the video interview, this is "potentially controversial"... But it's an interesting idea. Could certainly contribute to a better targeted marketing. Still, the subscribers will need a damn strong spam filter...
Kurt Laitner

Tangible Knowledge & Social Media : Victor Godot - 10 views

    really more *net than HBSN, but thinking ahead>>> architecture posted earlier with content producer literally keeping posession, serving out content with a pay and privacy wrapper to sites who do nothing but resolve to the content (ie don't keep it) sort of like video embeds that can be yanked remotely - I will be paying attention to this guy
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    I have one of my financial experts also paying attention to this guy. His father died this past week, so he'll be in touch with me in a few more days. I posted this somewhere as well, but can't remember where ... old age!
    music professor is just a cover isn't it..
    Logan. Jack Logan. Stirred. not shaken.
    incidentally though I have yet to clear through his blog, lots of interesting headings in there, it's not just the content that can be bought and sold, the metadata sets (aspects, object types, class types) can be much more readily sold as can the next level of indirection, presentations for those aspects - next item up for bids is the structure (or instance relations) when one 'adopts' a piece of someone's perspective it could register a microtransaction of value. paying for interest in a piece of content makes more sense than paying for reading it, though interest is a bit trickier to ascertain - value assignment can be done in arrears by tracking liquidity events through the corpus of material the person getting that liquidity has 'experienced' in their travels, ie they may have been 'influenced' by another piece of music in their composition and not even realize it, but the music analysis bot and history bot will suck that money down to the original composer, which takes me to a post wildcat shared about IP, will go find now... scuffle scuffle
Kurt Laitner

Flickr Photo Download: Starnet Architecture - 2 views

shared by Kurt Laitner on 21 Jan 10 - Cached
frank smith liked it
    • Kurt Laitner
      *net architecture, rough draft, comments welcome - go to the full page to see stuff off right side
    Server server model - not thin client - server Content is on owned server - published out with privacy and pay wrapper When you want to you can 'sell' content to services - you still control it they get it by call out Ajax left behind at presentation service We build reference front end Own the means of production ie a server Tyrant would make it illegal for anyone to own a server (printing press) On the welcome page we can redirect new users for ISP and personal server host, take cut Just collect all the producers together and tell them they can own and control evthg they publish, period, then publishing services will come running Take a vig on the pay wrapper /kdl
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    so post chat with Frank, some clarifications: server server model, doesn't imply server must be outside the laptop on your desk, but it is highly recommended, as the server has the following qualities 1) always on (ppl can't see your content, anywhere, if it isn't, and you do want that cash register to be ticking) 2) in fully redundant environment 3) replication/sync to your local box (DR, B/R) 4) network attached with server isp account (ie fixed ip) of course there is nothing wrong with having the server in your basement, but you have to provide all of that yourself. if you don't trust the ability to clear your server remotely or the physical security of your colo, then you may have to host in your basement, next to your safe full of gold.
    note that all elements of this model (structure (relations and aspects), content, presentations) have a privacy and value exchange wrapper on them and can be 'bought and sold' using a value exchange model, this may be everything from rick/frank/twain agreeing to exchange content for content straight up to a start up firm valuing all aspects of contribution to the start up, including things like commitment, deliverables, ip, validation, ideas etc.
    safe of is for suckers!! i have a safe full of CHOCOLATE!!!! Serious though, i see the structure and i am becoming more enamored with the concept.
François Dongier

Strings - Track, Share, Discover - 7 views

  • Strings is a social tracking and filtering platform that allows you to share and uncover experiences that are relevant to you. Strings incorporates strong privacy controls, easy filtering, and tracking support that allows your actions on and offline to automatically identify personalized trends worth following.
    Yet another social bookmarking service?
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    hmmnnn. looks like twine--similar main view. smells like twine--logos use connecting circles and lines. tastes like twine--people filter content for other people. feels like twine--connections, content, commentary. sounds like twine.
    Right, although it seems to have a much wider scope than Twine: they want to track everything about the user's digital behaviour, not just wrt bookmarking: track and share what you buy, where you buy it, how much you pay for it, what you rent, what you read, what music you listen to, what movies you watch, what you like, what you dislike, what places you visit, who your friends are, etc.
    yeah--saw that. seems a little bit scary if you ask me. although google, the credit card companies, and the banks could probably do that stuff already.
    Are you guys trying Strings; I signed up for an account and I couldn't find any of you in the there. Is anyone in Strings?
    Jack, I connected with you on Strings. So, from now on, you'll get an email whenever I do something on my PC or in my bedroom... No, just joking: I haven't shared anything and don't really see the point yet. But if you share something, I'll probably get a notification :)
    haahaaa...T.M.I. with strings. despite their assertion of multiple privacy levels, the mere fact that they WANT to follow everything you do in order to make personalized recommendations is what frightens me about the directions of Web 3.0. Who will watch the watchers? Goog is one thing with their 'do no evil' credo, but the idea of 24/7 active monitoring smacks of more than just altruistic effort to me. I'm gonna let someone else play with this strings...
Kurt Laitner

Identity and Authorization - 3 views

note that many feel this should be a third party provided feature, at the very least it should have a layer of indirection between it and the remainder of the system

fishead ...*∞º˙

Adding A Social Layer To Gmail Just Became A SocialWok In The Park - 4 views

  • At last year’s TechCrunch50 conference, Socialwok made a big splash, winning the award for best demopit startup and launching its enterprise-friendly, FriendFeed-like layer for Google Apps. The web-based application was praised for launching a social network that wrapped around the very unsocial Google Apps. Today, the startup is launching a gadget to allow users access all the features of Socialwok without leaving Gmail.
    FishMan - this sounds a little bit like Ning, a socnet for all folks (build your own!) Why do you think there is no monetization by any one of these efforts? That's a key part to what I'm imagining for HBSN. Hmmmmm
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    simple--when it's free already, no one wants to pay. I still think the key to monetization is to give the use control of his/her information, let them set a price for their attention, and then charge advertisers a fee to access those individuals with targeted advertising. Those users who exhibit a higher rate of response to targeted advertising get ranked higher in the value chain, telling potential advertisers that these individuals respond better/more often, and everyone wins. The service that provides this exchange medium can take a 'house' cut of the fees, and also provide a pay premium service for a higher tier.
    This is the same way works with Twitter, so they say - - however, there are other ways to do this. Think of - they charge an annual fee of $150 or so. I think they have a terrible UI but they're very successful. I've been a member of for a while and am now just getting interested again, because you can have your DNA collected (god, don't tell Kurt! lol) and get your ancestors back to Africa (or Iraq!). iPhone app developers get 70%/Apple 30%.
    I'm vacuuming your house before I leave Jack. I like fish's direction on monetization, as one of several parallel channels, and I would rif on the give user control of their own information to say that one's content is on one's OWN SERVER and resolved to the service, that is TRUE CONTROL. then every access request can be monetized in whatever way you wish (value for value, social currency, real money...) every piece of content comes with a privacy wrapper and a pay wrapper
    not to mention buying and selling structures, bent can make some killer music ontology and presentation to go with it and we can then all use/buy/value exchange for it.
    Checking into, their pay rate and advertisers aren't based on your attention, they are based strictly on the number of followers you have. Their whole model is wrapped around slight-of-hand diversion. They figure that by dropping an ad tweet into your own personal twitterstream on an every other day basis, will appear innocent enough on the surface, that some (>1%?) will mistake it for something you personally tweeted and since they follow you blindly like hooded lemurs in Jonestown, they;ll drink your koolaid and make a buying decision. Seems a bit underhanded to me. And they aren't paying me because I might be a good target, they are paying me because I have a high enough unwashed masses quotient to justify the exposure. I set my rate for $5000 figuring that even though I have fewer than 100 followers, they are quality followers and not bots (except for Kurt) and that my endorsement to them is worth a great deal. So far, the till's empty.
    if you advertise to me I will recycle it on an hourly loop and feed it back to you
fishead ...*∞º˙

Evri Ties the Knot with Twine - Twine CEO Comments and Analysis « Nova Spivac... - 0 views

  • Evri Ties the Knot with Twine — Twine CEO Comments and Analysis March 11th, 2010  Share Today I am pleased to announce that my company, Radar Networks, and its flagship product, Twine, have been acquired by Evri. TechCrunch broke the story here. This acquisition consolidates the two leading providers of semantic discovery and search. It is also the culmination of my long and challenging venture to pioneer the adoption of the consumer Semantic Web.
  • At the time of beta launch and for almost six months after, Twine was still very much a work in progress. Fortunately our users and the press were fairly forgiving as we worked through evolving the GUI and feature set from what was initially just slightly better than an alpha site to the highly refined and graphical UI we have today. During these early days of we were fortunate to have a devoted user-base and this became a thriving community of power-users who really helped us to refine the product and develop great content within it.
  • These losses meant we could no longer create compelling content or to manage the Twine community. So we put on auto-pilot and let the traffic fall off. While painful to watch, this at least had the benefit of reducing the pressure to scale the system and support it under load, giving us time to focus all our energy on getting T2 finished and raising more funds.
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  • The Twine team is joining Evri to continue our work there.’s data and users are safe and sound and will be transitioned into the service over time. This process will be done in a manner that protects privacy and data, and is minimally disruptive. I have great faith in the team at Evri and believe they will handle this with great care and respect for the Twine community.
  • Twine was well-received by the press and early-adopter users.
François Dongier

First Look at SnapGroups: A Delightful Tool For Lightweight Discussion - 1 views

  • Mark Fletcher
  • it's easy, it's clear, it's got good social design and it's real time.
  • SnapGroups makes it really easy to create a group discussion around a particular topic, invite people, set variable privacy controls and then participate in that conversation as part of a whole "newsfeed" style stream of updates from all your various groups in one place. Fresh comments, likes and dislikes get pushed to your browser live using a home-made bit of AJAX and the whole thing couldn't be much simpler. It's a lot of fun to use, in fact.
François Dongier

PeerSoN - Peer-to-Peer Social Networking - 1 views

  • central site whose owner has access to all data.
  • we envision a paradigm shift from client-server to a peer-to-peer infrastructure coupled with encryption so that users keep control of their data
    Compare: "MySpace User Data For Sale - Information being sold to third parties includes blog posts, photos, status updates, and more." Looks a bit scary, doesn't it? Is P2P the solution?
    yes, but if it's a central site, it's not peer to peer. peer to peer requires a "desktop" solution. ironically, peerson is blocked at libraries, so it makes it useless. a program that can fit on a thumb drive cannot be blocked like this. *web services* - not *web sites* are the key.
fishead ...*∞º˙

About New York - Creating a Network Like Facebook, Only Private - - 2 views

  • A few months back, four geeky college students, living on pizza in a computer lab downtown on Mercer Street, decided to build a social network that wouldn’t force people to surrender their privacy to a big business. It would take three or four months to write the code, and they would need a few thousand dollars each to live on
    someone beat you to it Kurt.
    to what, exactly? back to my gardening... don't worry about the vase. cookie?
    there is no spoon.
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