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Home/ (HBSN) How to Build a Social Network/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by Wildcat2030 wildcat

Contents contributed and discussions participated by Wildcat2030 wildcat

Wildcat2030 wildcat

"Hunome is...All about what makes people tick. Sharing content on human interest topics... - 0 views

    "Hunome is... * A site you can join, for free as an individual, to gain and share insights, views and thoughts on human ways of being and living; who we are, why we are and where we'd like to go next. * A business that provides tools for us all to make a dent in humanity's lack of getting each other. * A means to make human interest inclusive decisions - in private, intellectual and organizational spheres. * A dream to make a difference by improving our perceptiveness about humanity. We hope you find Hunome's purpose of value and will join us. You can register your interest on Hunome "
Wildcat2030 wildcat

Theoretical Framework for a Future Computational Collective Intelligence - Ra... - 2 views

  • Theoretical Framework for a Future Computational Collective Intelligence 1) Difference between Collective Computational Intelligence and Computational Collective Intelligence To avoid any misunderstanding I would like to begin with a clear distinction between what I mean by Collective Computational Intelligence and Computational Collective Intelligence.  a) Collective computational intelligence involves collaboration between software agents, with a new level of computational intelligence emerging form their collaboration. These technologies involve swarm intelligence, ant colony simulation, web services, grid computing, distributed cloud computing and multi-agent computing in general.  b) Computational collective intelligence is a more multidisciplinary field. Its subject is the understanding of human collective intelligence and its augmentation by the means of ubiquitous distributed automatic symbol manipulation. Even if computational collective intelligence involves the use and development of collective computational intelligence, its scope is broader because it is not concerned only by computer engineering but promotes a strong collaboration between computing on the one hand and humanities and social sciences on the other hand.
Wildcat2030 wildcat

Tapping the Network to Facilitate Innovation « emergent by design - 1 views

    "A few weeks ago, I noticed a contest on Stowe Boyd's site to receive a free entry to the Social Business Edge conference coming up in April in NYC, and a chance to share the idea on stage. I just found out my entry is one of four that was selected. I'm copying it here, but I'd love to build it out with you: How can the power and scope of social networks, combined with a human capital inventory, be used to facilitate shared creation and innovation? It wasn't that long ago that society was a byproduct of an industrial era, characterized by assembly lines, processes, and efficiency. Like the machines they operated, people were not expected to think, but to conform and become a cog - a replicable, interchangeable part of a machine. The problem is, humans weren't designed for mechanization. We were designed to create."
Wildcat2030 wildcat

Building Web Reputation Systems: The Blog: On Karma: Top-line Lessons on User Reputatio... - 2 views

    "On Karma: Top-line Lessons on User Reputation Design In Building Web Reputation Systems, we appropriate the term karma to mean a user reputation in an online service. As you might expect, karma is discussed heavily throughout the more than 300 pages. During the final editing process, it became clear that a simple summary of the main points would be helpful to those looking for guidance. It seemed that our first post in over a month (congratulations on the new delivery, Bryce!) should be something big and useful... This post covers the following top-line points about designing karma systems, drawn from our book and other blog posts: * Karma is user reputation within a context * Karma is useful for building trust between users, and between a user and the site * Karma can be an incentive for participation and contributions * Karma is contextual and has limited utility globally. [A chessmaster is not a good eBay Seller] * Karma comes in several flavors - Participation, Quality and Robust (combined) * Karma should be complex and the result of indirect evaluations, and the formulation is often opaque * Personal karma is displayed only to the owner, and is good for measuring progress * Corporate karma is used by the site operator to find the very best and very worst users * Public karma is displayed to other users, which is what makes it the hardest to get right * Public karma should be used sparingly - it is hard to understand, isn't expected, and is easily confused with content ratings * Negative public karma should be avoided all together. In karma-math -1 is not the same magnitude as +1, and information loss is too expensive. * Public karma often encourages competitive behavior in users, which may not be compatible with their motivations. This is most easily seen with leaderboards, but can happen any time karma scores are prominently displayed. [i.e.: Twitter follower count] "
Wildcat2030 wildcat

In the Future We'll All Have Online Reputation Scores « I'm Not Actually a Geek - 2 views

    "\nIn a recent interview with EMC's Stu Miniman about the future of the web, I predicted that in 20 years, we'll all have online reputation scores. Little badges, numbers that communicate our level of authority, this sort of thing. And these reputations will have tangible impact.\n\nThree different trends come together at some point in the future to make this happen. These trends have been underway for a while, but come together at some tipping point in the years ahead. Here's a visualization of the trends:"
Wildcat2030 wildcat

A Better Way to Manage Knowledge - John Hagel III and John Seely Brown - Harvard Busine... - 1 views

  • We give a lot of talks and presentations about the ways and places companies and their employees learn the fastest. We call these learning environments creation spaces — places where individuals and teams interact and collaborate within a broader learning ecology so that performance accelerates. During these discussions, it's inevitable that somebody raises their hand. "Wait a minute," they say, "isn't this just knowledge management all over again?" It's an understandable concern. Knowledge management, after all, was probably the hottest topic in management in the 1990s. "If only our company knew what our company knows" was the mantra in those days. With knowledge becoming the most important factor of production, surely competitive success awaited those companies that could effectively manage what their employees knew.
Wildcat2030 wildcat

Symbaloo - start simple - 3 views

    A new startpage for everything?
    just came across this, appears interesting
Wildcat2030 wildcat

apophenia: Facebook's move ain't about changes in privacy norms - 17 views

  • When I learned that Mark Zuckerberg effectively argued that 'the age of privacy is over' (read: ReadWriteWeb), I wanted to scream. Actually, I did. And still am. The logic goes something like this: People I knew didn't used to like to be public. Now "everyone" is being public. Ergo, privacy is dead. This isn't new. This is the exact same logic that made me want to scream a decade ago when folks used David Brin to justify a transparent society. Privacy is dead, get over it. Right? Wrong!
Wildcat2030 wildcat

How Conceptual Metaphors are Stunting Web Innovation - 2 views

  • As much as we focus on developing new technologies, it is also essential that we break free of certain metaphors that bind and restrict our thinking about what these technologies can ultimately achieve. The familiar “document” metaphor, among others, has cast a long shadow on how we think about the web, and is standing in the way of some innovation.
Wildcat2030 wildcat

Why POiU? Why now? « POiU - 11 views

    "POiU is being created because the world is changing. The recent expansion of social media platforms shrank our world and broadened people's ability to communicate and connect regardless of physical location, cultural or even linguistic barriers. In addition to immense opportunities, we face significant challenges as a community. If not addressed and decisively tackled, these challenges could jeopardize the quality of life and even our very existence as an evolving human civilization. There are warning signs already: the widespread economic and financial instability, unclear energy future, uncontrollable environmental changes and growing gaps and failures to deliver adequate food, water, healthcare, education, and other resources and services that support society wellbeing and development. These warning signs could lead to acute and systemic crises resulting in general misery and destruction. Our best chance at overcoming this outcome is to utilize the tools we have today to tap into the collective wisdom and together select the best solutions and together put them into action. History teaches us that war has been the way in which countries could achieve total coordination to pull out of massive economical crises. But today, social networks present an alternative, allowing total coordination of the masses. This is a tool that, for the first time in our evolution, offers a constructive way to unlock the power of our collective mind and unite us under a common purpose of finding answers to our current challenges. Our future is at stake. Focusing on the opportunities and solutions, POiU will capitalize on the power of social networking to enable positive change. Together, we are building a fully functioning online society with governance and commerce, fostering a personal sense of place and belonging. This effort is empowered by POiU's launch of a collaborative platform that aims to become one component of the new coordinating system we need. The answers to our cha
    no, actually I just came across this few days ago and still trying to understand the idea.. that we need a new coordinating system is beyond dispute, however if Poiu has anything of value to add to the debate I am not sure, will do some more research..
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