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Kurt Laitner

Blaine Cook Introduces Us To Webfinger | - Navigating New Horizons - 0 views

    Another way to own your data? Certainly talks up the position but not sure how stable web urls for identities are sufficient - ther may be more to this but it is good to see the meme getting traction - love the share cropping analogy - also love the "Facebook is like a wedding from hell .. You've got your mom sitting next to your boss and you wife beside your ex girlfriend"
Wildcat2030 wildcat

Tapping the Network to Facilitate Innovation « emergent by design - 1 views

    "A few weeks ago, I noticed a contest on Stowe Boyd's site to receive a free entry to the Social Business Edge conference coming up in April in NYC, and a chance to share the idea on stage. I just found out my entry is one of four that was selected. I'm copying it here, but I'd love to build it out with you: How can the power and scope of social networks, combined with a human capital inventory, be used to facilitate shared creation and innovation? It wasn't that long ago that society was a byproduct of an industrial era, characterized by assembly lines, processes, and efficiency. Like the machines they operated, people were not expected to think, but to conform and become a cog - a replicable, interchangeable part of a machine. The problem is, humans weren't designed for mechanization. We were designed to create."
fishead ...*∞º˙

Ning now supports 2 million social networks, touches up branding | VentureBeat - 2 views

  • Ning, the company that lets you build your own social network, crossed the two-million network mark this month. Co-founded by Marc Andreessen, Ning helps people create niche social networks around special interests from social justice to late-night comedy shows. The Palo Alto-based company now has 41 million members across its networks, adding 1 million new communities since April of last year.
    perhaps we should look back at this?
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    I really disliked the ning experience
    yes, it was disappointing at the time. but they have added special sauce and Twitter integration--I know how muxh that rings your bell.
    Special sauce AND Twitter integration - I'm getting into Twitter! I get more interesting information from my Twitter feed than from anywhere right now - how strange is that?
    I've never gotten twitter, not sure I ever will, it is the spew, structured by hashtag. Special sauce is evil. Marc Andreessen is a brilliant guy, would love to have him on this project. That said I squatted on a bunch of twitter names early on and should have taken (avail then, not anymore) and market a twitter name keep alive service that keeps your twitter account active by pumping ads through it, then on the same site has a twitter name exchange that takes a cut of every txn. With twitter threatening to recycle inactive names could make a fortune. Makes me feel dirty though. Yours for the taking. Since I have a bunch of followers on accounts I've never used, spamming the spammers with the keep alive would be poetically satisfying
    I do not see the point in moving to ning, less capable than diigo
    Never liked making money very much - too much trouble - I'm a retired professor, for God's sake! But, I love working with people that get in my head and stay there (a paraphrase of one of your remarks, I believe!) And, I like doing good things ...
fishead ...*∞º˙

Nova Spivack (novaspivack) on Twitter - 1 views

  • novaspivack @melissapierce danka! less than 10 seconds ago from TweetDeck in reply to melissapierce As for T2 -- we've made more progress... new stuff in lab to automate even more of the process for webmasters... not in my screenshots yet less than a minute ago from TweetDeck After 9 years of working on semantic web, it's good to see it finally being understood by business people. Not just us geeks. 2 minutes ago from TweetDeck Today I have been inundated with new interest in T2. Seems that vertical semantic search is hot all of a sudden. Finally. 2 minutes ago from TweetDeck The Twine T2 project is by far the most advanced vertical semantic search ecosystem platform. Check out: 5 minutes ago from TweetDeck The new battlefield of search is going to be around vertical semantic search. This is the year. It's coming. 6 minutes ago from TweetDeck
    And death knell for Twine begins to toll...
    Here are some death knell sounds that I heard a lot in the '80s -
Kurt Laitner

Post Promotion - 2 views

if a post is made to a group that is a sub-group of another post is promoted based on settings (if setting is 'ask' then system will ask on posting whether to promote) this adds 'enable post promot...

feature post promotion

started by Kurt Laitner on 24 Jan 10 no follow-up yet
fishead ...*∞º˙

Bing, Google, And The Enigmatic T2: The Race For A Complete Semantic Search Engine - 7 views

  • It’s easy to read too much into these idle Tweets.  Spivack is the CEO of a search startup. It stands to reason that he would have meetings with Google and and other big search engines about lots of things, ranging from licensing his semantic search technology to an outright sale.  The one thing it is pretty safe to conclude is that both Google and Bing are very interested in semantic search.  Bing seems to be further along than Google, as the launch of recipe search indicates.
    and here's the future.
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    By 'here', you mean Diigo??
    Twine's future for what it's worth
    This has been T1/T2's future from the beginning.
    and the future of search engines is apparently recipes.. who knew?
    And mostly fascinated with chicken recipes ... I'm overcome.
    either that or baseball video games.
    ah ha ...
fishead ...*∞º˙

Everything You Want To Know About The Most Secretive Startup In The World (Next Jump) - 0 views

  • Next Jump runs perhaps the largest set of direct merchant offers businesses in the world, making the growing preponderance of offers in social games seem primitive by comparison. It operates employee discount and reward programs on behalf of 90,000 corporations, organizations and affinity groups which reaches more than 100 million consumers. Next Jump connects 28,000 retailers and manufacturers to these consumers, typically getting the merchants to offer deep discounts to its members. In Kim’s eyes, this is a much better way to advertise. His pitch to merchants everywhere is this: “Take your ad budget and use it to lower prices for targeted sets of customers. The user is in market, and conversion rates are through the roof.” According to Kim, Next Jump’s conversion rate on offers is 11 to 1, compared to 1000 to 1 or worse for typical Internet ad conversion rates.
fishead ...*∞º˙

Adding to multiple lists and groups | Diigo Groups - 8 views

  • This will be an upcoming paid premium feature. Otherwise, it could be too easily abused by spammer.
    Look Jack--this is how you monetize. basic functionality is free--bookmarking one item to one group at a time. Premium account gets added functionality to do more stuff faster. Free crack pipe with every purchase.
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    Lots of teenagers will love this! lol OK, OK, OK! FishMan is always right! I'll go for it; we'll see how it works!
  • - Lots of sites work this way now - Ancestry is one!
    beat you by 2 hours jack LOL
    @Kurt - LOL
Kurt Laitner

Flickr Photo Download: Starnet Architecture - 2 views

shared by Kurt Laitner on 21 Jan 10 - Cached
frank smith liked it
    • Kurt Laitner
      *net architecture, rough draft, comments welcome - go to the full page to see stuff off right side
    Server server model - not thin client - server Content is on owned server - published out with privacy and pay wrapper When you want to you can 'sell' content to services - you still control it they get it by call out Ajax left behind at presentation service We build reference front end Own the means of production ie a server Tyrant would make it illegal for anyone to own a server (printing press) On the welcome page we can redirect new users for ISP and personal server host, take cut Just collect all the producers together and tell them they can own and control evthg they publish, period, then publishing services will come running Take a vig on the pay wrapper /kdl
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    so post chat with Frank, some clarifications: server server model, doesn't imply server must be outside the laptop on your desk, but it is highly recommended, as the server has the following qualities 1) always on (ppl can't see your content, anywhere, if it isn't, and you do want that cash register to be ticking) 2) in fully redundant environment 3) replication/sync to your local box (DR, B/R) 4) network attached with server isp account (ie fixed ip) of course there is nothing wrong with having the server in your basement, but you have to provide all of that yourself. if you don't trust the ability to clear your server remotely or the physical security of your colo, then you may have to host in your basement, next to your safe full of gold.
    note that all elements of this model (structure (relations and aspects), content, presentations) have a privacy and value exchange wrapper on them and can be 'bought and sold' using a value exchange model, this may be everything from rick/frank/twain agreeing to exchange content for content straight up to a start up firm valuing all aspects of contribution to the start up, including things like commitment, deliverables, ip, validation, ideas etc.
    safe of is for suckers!! i have a safe full of CHOCOLATE!!!! Serious though, i see the structure and i am becoming more enamored with the concept.
Jack Logan

What are our Verbs? - 9 views

Some verbs I like in this context: share, track, filter, structure, organize, map, list, recommend, create, innovate, learn, debate, decide, choose, motivate, contribute, help, collaborate, open. ...

feature mining verbs

Jack Logan

Where is The Knowledge Inventory? | The Ingenesist Project - 5 views

    Is this guy talking to us??????????????
    I agree with him that we need good tools to bring together the people that are needed to solve a problem, or innovate in a particular domain. A mere inventory of competences won't be enough though.
    Agreed! We need to go and do things! Get your iPad when it comes out!
Kurt Laitner

Science in the open » What should social software for science look like? - 2 views

  • SS4S will be trusted and reliable with a strong community belief in its long term stability. No single organization holds or probably even can hold this trust so solutions will almost certainly need to be federated, open source, and supported by an active development community.
  • The problem with centralised services is three-fold. Firstly business models may take them in directions that aren’t useful for the scientific community (e.g. Friendfeed). They may simply fold, leaving the users behind with no-where to go (pick your recent failure).
  • Federation means that communties and organisations can both exist in their own space, with their own business models, but with a confidence that data is portable enough that it can be moved or replicated and with communications protocols that push things in and out of other services.
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  • make scientific objects available online while simultaneously assuring users that this upload and the objects are always under their control.
  • This will mean in many cases that what is being pushed to the SS4S system is a reference not the object itself, but will sometimes be the object to provide ease of use
  • shared interest
  • collaboratively filter
    clearly others are thinking about this in their domain, note the reference to ownership and posting references rather than content to the service (invisible to the user), taking things into one's personal stream (entanglement) and social graph based filtering
François Dongier

Strings - Track, Share, Discover - 7 views

  • Strings is a social tracking and filtering platform that allows you to share and uncover experiences that are relevant to you. Strings incorporates strong privacy controls, easy filtering, and tracking support that allows your actions on and offline to automatically identify personalized trends worth following.
    Yet another social bookmarking service?
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    hmmnnn. looks like twine--similar main view. smells like twine--logos use connecting circles and lines. tastes like twine--people filter content for other people. feels like twine--connections, content, commentary. sounds like twine.
    Right, although it seems to have a much wider scope than Twine: they want to track everything about the user's digital behaviour, not just wrt bookmarking: track and share what you buy, where you buy it, how much you pay for it, what you rent, what you read, what music you listen to, what movies you watch, what you like, what you dislike, what places you visit, who your friends are, etc.
    yeah--saw that. seems a little bit scary if you ask me. although google, the credit card companies, and the banks could probably do that stuff already.
    Are you guys trying Strings; I signed up for an account and I couldn't find any of you in the there. Is anyone in Strings?
    Jack, I connected with you on Strings. So, from now on, you'll get an email whenever I do something on my PC or in my bedroom... No, just joking: I haven't shared anything and don't really see the point yet. But if you share something, I'll probably get a notification :)
    haahaaa...T.M.I. with strings. despite their assertion of multiple privacy levels, the mere fact that they WANT to follow everything you do in order to make personalized recommendations is what frightens me about the directions of Web 3.0. Who will watch the watchers? Goog is one thing with their 'do no evil' credo, but the idea of 24/7 active monitoring smacks of more than just altruistic effort to me. I'm gonna let someone else play with this strings...
Wildcat2030 wildcat

Theoretical Framework for a Future Computational Collective Intelligence - Ra... - 2 views

  • Theoretical Framework for a Future Computational Collective Intelligence 1) Difference between Collective Computational Intelligence and Computational Collective Intelligence To avoid any misunderstanding I would like to begin with a clear distinction between what I mean by Collective Computational Intelligence and Computational Collective Intelligence.  a) Collective computational intelligence involves collaboration between software agents, with a new level of computational intelligence emerging form their collaboration. These technologies involve swarm intelligence, ant colony simulation, web services, grid computing, distributed cloud computing and multi-agent computing in general.  b) Computational collective intelligence is a more multidisciplinary field. Its subject is the understanding of human collective intelligence and its augmentation by the means of ubiquitous distributed automatic symbol manipulation. Even if computational collective intelligence involves the use and development of collective computational intelligence, its scope is broader because it is not concerned only by computer engineering but promotes a strong collaboration between computing on the one hand and humanities and social sciences on the other hand.
Jack Logan

Twine - Organize, Share, Discover Information Around Your Interests | Twine - 5 views

shared by Jack Logan on 30 Mar 10 - Cached
    Ha Ha
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    shouldn't this go into the subcategory of how NOT to build a social network? or more better--how to destroy a social network?
    Of course is should be how to destroy a social network. But, I'm still interested what Evri will do with it, and, since so much of our input is still on Twine, it seems like it should be worth looking at what, if any, the improvements could be. What do you think? Are you going to keep an eye on the progress? I like the EvriVerse By EvriView, which I use on my iPhone. It's clever, and has link-types around tags that lead to some interested 'faceted' search. So, ... maybe there will be some interesting outcomes from this relationshiip.
    You can't destroy the network, but you can destroy the network service. The map isn't the terrain. Only the most sociopathic individuals have the power to destroy the actual network, and since a network is generally self-healing (but still subject to scarring), chances are the only they'll do is sever their link to the overall network. It's the Triumph of the Subjective.
Kurt Laitner

Attacked from Within || - 0 views

  • German sociologist Ferdinand Tönnies first investigated the difference between 'community' and 'society' (respectively, Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft). Small groups can exist in a sense of organic community, not requiring formal rules because a sense of common mores or norms unite them. Personal relationships can be cultivated and are quite strong, and there is little need for external enforcement. John Allen's quaint description of early Usenet illustrates Tönnies' idea of community. Larger groups find community hard to sustain. Individual interest rules behavior rather than common mores. Society, as opposed to community, is based on explicit rules that require enforcement. Society possesses greater flexibility and potentially more capability, but individuals are subject to greater anomie and anti-social behavior. Internal factional conflicts occur more frequently, despite the greater modularity of individuals' function in society.
  • Society scales easily because users are interchangeable, community scales with difficulty because relationships and identity are not interchangeable.
  • we run into two opposing conceptions of identity: persistent identity and anonymity.
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  • The political science terms for what Shirky is trying to say are 'asset specificity' and 'selective incentives.' Users need to earn non-portable assets on an individual basis as a reward for constructive contributions to the community.
  • Dupe accounts, much like the shady accounting practices that allowed Enron to shift all its losses onto the balance sheets of fictive subsidiary corporations, allow the user's principal account to retain any specific incentives for constructive behavior while shifting all of the negative moderation and other penalties off onto the dupes.
    Some absolutely brilliant bits in here - especially ambient communities, I riff off of this that everyone starts anon themselves and to everyone else, interaction quality causes the 'other identity' to begin to crystallize and be symbolically represented, and that this 'other' need not be mapped to a natural person, this gets really very very interesting at this point so I go away and think - wildcat, your thoughts?
fishead ...•∞º˙

50 group limit - 15 views

the tool should not require me to stand on my head to think.. but that may be a temporary solution, time to experiment with multiple personality disorder, I fear I may enjoy it too much

Kurt Laitner

Startup D.O.A - 9 views

shared by Kurt Laitner on 05 Feb 10 - Cached
frank smith liked it
    a warning, that said single use software is really boring, so count me out if that's the idea, hence why I keep saying we're not going to make any money on this, so let's move on and get with creating the damn thing
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    Agreed. Let's get it started! I want it so I can use it!
    "I want it so I can use it" I think this is a fine vision for this project
    interesting metric tool when you click on Validate... The thing that scares me is #10--Launch and no one cares.
    we have at least 10-ish people who deeply care, that translates to a statistical user base of considerably more, likely enough to fund this
  • we are looking in the right mirror. I still feel that there can be a parallel path of developing an organization (spectrum from company through content producers union) AND start some prototyping work and see where it leads us.
François Dongier

Rethinking Open Data - O'Reilly Radar - 6 views

  • which problem are we trying to solve?
    "My next project with Open New Zealand is to build a community of data users. I want to see users supporting each other, I want to build a tight feedback loop between those who want data and those who can provide it, to create an environment where the data users can support each other, and to make it easier to assess the value created by government-released open data. Henry Kissinger said, "each success only buys admission to a more difficult problem". I look forward to learning what the next problem is." We have this ... let's build it!
    "First, figure out what you want the world to look like and why. It might be a lack of corruption, it might be a better society for citizens, it might be economic gain. Whatever your goal, you'll be better able to decide what to work on and learn from your experiences if you know what you're trying to accomplish. Second, build your project around users. In my time working with the politicians and civil servants, I've realised that success breeds success: the best way to convince them to open data is to show an open data project that's useful to real people."
Kurt Laitner

Siri: Virtual Personal Assistant Prepares For Debut - 2 views

    while this is not a social network, MUCH to learn from here, architecturally, conceptually
    Great video; substantially, however, much as we are thinking about using APIs from the various groups we're a part of in the socnet areas (we like this, but don't like that, this is useful, forget this, et al.) This is remarkable stuff! I'm on the SIRI beta list - maybe by June they'll release the beta.
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