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5 Key Lessons Learned from Critical Infrastructure Cyber Attacks - 0 views

  • 5 Key Lessons Learned from Critical Infrastructure Cyber Attacks
  • Cyber criminals are highly motivated, creative, and nimble
  • Consider the rise of cryptojacking, which uses mining malware to hijack computers to mine cryptocurrency.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • Don't be complacent — limit Internet access points with silos.
  • The attackers were just trying to look for unused processing power that they could use for their benefit."
  • finding the time to consistently audit and always be improving security is critical too
  • Keeping the critical infrastructure efficient and effective is challenging enough.
  • Train your humans.
  • This example underlines the importance of educating employees to always be vigilant and raising awareness of potential threats.
  • Stay current.
  • Concerns that new operating systems or software updates might destabilize crucial infrastructure can inhibit the best practice of always updating.
    There have been many cyber-attacks in many different nations and that is for many different reasons, such as outdated, human error, and all software being in one vulnerable spot. It is important to always update your programs, use cloud computing, and to educate your personal on all cyber-attacks. It is also important for your teams to understand the "why" behind updating and cloud computing and this is to always keep an upper edge on cyber-attacks. Cyber criminals are always changing their ideas and new ways to take over networks and workday and night to find someone to slip up and it can cause the complete down fall of a company or nation.

Toast Helps Hotels Streamline Food and Beverage Operations, Increase Revenue and Delive... - 0 views

    At this moment the majority of hotels and resorts are using disconnected technology to manage check-in/checkout, billing and on site food and beverage charges. Toast POS provides an integrated platform which allows guests to pay bills more efficiently all with one payment. "Toast for Hotel Restaurants will deliver a more efficient way to let guests pay bills by charging them to their room, making the payment process faster and more efficient for both hotel and restaurant staff across full service restaurants, in-room dining, grab & go, bar & cocktail, event venues and poolside dining."

10 Industry Experts' Picks For The Hottest Tech Trends Of 2023 - 1 views

  • things
  • 10 things to look out for in the business and consumer technology realms this year—and in the tech industry specifically—and why these developments will have such an impact.
  • shift toward technologies and initiatives that quickly drive efficiency.
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • major investments in connected car technologies designed to utilize cars for payments.
  • This new wave of AI can perform sophisticated tasks that until recently only humans could do
  • Transparency offers opportunities for more value to be captured and for it to be equitably distributed
  • no-code tools
  • more personalized content
  • fully embrace digital health.
  • a lot of transformation over the next five years in industries that depend on text-based content
  • ’ll see the development of business analysts with data science certifications and data scientists with business acumen
  • More Development Of The Metaverse
    The article "10 Industry Experts' Picks For The Hottest Tech Trends of 2023" discusses the technologies which are predicted to trend for both businesses and consumers over the course of 2023. The trends include a shift in technology that drives efficiency; reliance on no-code tools such as Wordpress and Shopify; next generation AI that can perform task such as natural language processing; image recognition and decision making; technology that is able to create value to business and consumer through transparency; advanced car technology such as contactless payment version for cars; personalized content; advancements in digital healthcare; ai-generative tools; analyst who bring both science and business skills; and lastly advancements in the Metaverse.

Japan's Henn na Hotel fires half its robot workforce | Hotel Management - 0 views

  • guests complained that robots at the front desk could not answer basic questions
  • cut its robotic workforce after the experience failed to reduce costs or workload for its employees. 
  • return to more traditional human-provided services for guests
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • Its change of direction can offer lessons for companies that are pursuing robotic solutions for customer-service roles, reports the Business Insider. 
  • complaints from both staff and customers.
  • robots were more adept at creating work for their human counterparts than they were at reducing it. 
  • robots annoyed the guests and would often break down.
  • Human staff ended up working overtime to repair robots that stopped working.
  • robot at the front desk could not answer basic questions.
  • The robot problem extended to the luggage-carrying bots, whose only job turned out to be more than they could handle.
    The article "Japan's Henn na Hotel fires half its robot workforce" discusses the lessons learned from a hotel who opened its doors using a staff of robots believing it would lessen the workload and move things quickly and efficiently. However, they soon learned the robots did the exact opposite of what they were hoping it would. The hotel has had to cut its robotic workforce in half becuase of multiple guest complaints, robots malfunctioning, and robots creating work for their human counterparts rather than reducing. Not to mention the amount of money spent as well.

Why we care about location marketing - 0 views

  • tailor marketing messages at the granular level, based on where your consumers are, in real time
  • you could send a discount offer on a product or service by text message when a customer enters a pre-defined location
  • Delivering offers to target customers is the key benefit of location-based marketing.
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • . Advertising on mobile devices captured the largest share of digital advertising in 2022 at $34 billion. (Overall, spend on digital marketing was a staggering $77 billion.)
  • Location-based marketing (or “proximity marketing”) delivers ads and offers to potential buyers based on their location. There are two ways to identify the locations of potential buyers: 
  • three primary methods of location-based marketing
  • Location-based marketing works best for brands or businesses with retail locations
  • location-based marketing lets marketers to deliver highly targeted messages that reach consumers as they go about their daily activities. 
  • Geofencing: Reach them where they are
  • Geotargeting: Reach them where they’ve been
  • Geoconquesting: Get them to go somewhere else
  • increase foot traffic and improve customer experience,
  • boost customer retention and loyalty.
  • Privacy is also a concern.
    The article "Why we care about location marketing" discusses the pros and cons of location based marketing. Location based marketing delivers ads and offers to audiences based on their location by using 3 primary methods: geofencing, geotargeting, and geoconquesting. This in turn increases foot traffic, helps boost customer loyalty, and gives insight into what a customer wants; however there are certain concerns such as privacy concerns. All in all, in 2022 advertising via mobile devices captured the largest share of digital advertising at $34 billion.

The Pernicious Side of Electronics: The Growing Problem of E-waste - One Green Planet - 0 views

  • E-waste produces tonnes of toxic waste each year
  • In 2022, it was predicted that as many as 2.13 billion PCs, tablets, and mobile phones were shipped worldwide
  • requires a concerted effort from tech giants, consumers, and governmental bodies worldwide.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • The first step towards reducing e-waste is increasing consumer education
  • Another crucial step is improving the design of electronic devices to be more sustainable.
  • more aesthetically pleasing than before. Often, these shortcuts make devices harder to recycle at the end of their lives.
  • Local infrastructure needs to be improved to help consumers easily recycle electronic goods instead of hoarding or unsafely discarding them
  • . Designers must figure out how to create products that are both beautiful and can endure far longer
  • E-waste is a growing problem that requires immediate attention from stakeholders worldwide.
    The article "the pernicious side of electronics: the growing problem of e-waste," discusses e-waste and what we can do as a community to eliminate the issue. E-waste produces tonnes of toxic waste each year and it was predicted that within the last year around 2.13 billion PCS, tables, and cellphones were shipped worldwide. To eliminate this issue moving forward we must increase education on the harmful impacts of e-waste, improve designs for more sustainable electronic devices, and upgrade infrastructure where the consumer is able to recycle electronic goods safely.

Ransomware attack on chip supplier causes delays for semiconductor groups | Financial T... - 0 views

  • Disruption from a ransomware attack on a little-known supplier to the world’s largest semiconductor equipment manufacturers will continue into March, in a new setback to chip production after years of coronavirus-related delays.
  • first identified on February 3,
  • MKS’s customers include many of the largest companies that produce semiconductors and the specialised equipment necessary to manufacture them, including TSMC, Intel, Samsung and ASML.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • The company had revealed on Monday that it could still take “weeks” more to restore operations and would cost hundreds of millions of dollars in lost or delayed sales. Most ransomware victims are able to recover in about three weeks, according to industry estimates.
  • The attack affected “production-related systems
  • , the company has now told the US stock market regulator that it is unable to file its annual report on time
  • the final impact on quarterly sales could total as much as $500mn — more than half what Wall Street had previously predicted
  • The semiconductor supply chain, which in many places relies on components made by only one provider, has faced repeated shortages over the past two to three years due to production and logistics delays.
  • However, demand for smartphones and other consumer electronics has waned in recent months as coronavirus lockdowns eased and consumer spending has been squeezed by inflation.
  • , it is unclear if MKS will be encouraged by US law enforcement to resolve the issue by paying a ransom.
  • Shares in MKS fell by about 15 per cent between February 3,
    The article "Ransomware attack on chip supplier causes delays for semiconductor groups," discusses the affects on a company due to a cyberattack that occurred February 3rd. The company is believed to have setbacks into March and that it would cost hundreds of millions of dollars in lost or delayed sales. The company also believes they will be unable to file its annual report on time and possibly have to resolve the issue by paying a ransom. This also cost a 15% decrease of shares for the Company.

Technology in Hospitality: 20 Trends Shaping the Industry - 0 views

  • With so much innovation and change in the hospitality space, it can be difficult to decide what new software to purchase or where to allocate budget. Although the industry changes rapidly, it’s clear that a few key trends are driving hotels forward.
  • 2. Digital cashless tipping Fewer guests are carrying cash, but service workers like valets, housekeepers, bartenders, and bell staff still expect and deserve tips. The solution? Digital tipping apps that allow guests to leave tips via credit cards or other digital payment methods. By scanning a QR code or clicking a link, guests can access the platform, and the platform handles tipping employees out.
  • 3. Contactless Check-in The pandemic expedited the industry’s shift toward contactless check-in, as hotels sought solutions for guests and employees who wanted to minimize face-to-face contact. But this trend is here to stay, as both guests and hoteliers can benefit from faster and more convenient check-in processes via mobile apps and digital room keys or self-service check-in kiosks that scan IDs and dispense room keys.
    Technology is shifting rapidly and the hospitality and tourism industry is adjusting accordingly. As customers begin to change their way of interacting with business, so must the business. As an example, more customers are becoming familiar with self check out options therefore many companies are adding this service to their stores. Customers are also changing the way they pay for things, like apple pay or google wallet, cash is a rare payment option. So in the restaurant industry tips are now becoming a quicker thoughtless transaction, so digital tips are the norm now. This article will open our eyes to 20 trends that will shape the industry through technology, and this only touches the surface.

Customers' acceptance intention of self‑service technology of restaurant indu... - 0 views

    The article presented above was published in 2020, making it a perfect example of the speed of technological advancement. Focusing mainly on implementing kiosks in a fast food chain two years ago caused strangeness and resistance among the age group above forty, the pre-computer generation. Nowadays, just two years later, we can see that this technology is a reality mostly in the fast-food market, mainly the big chains, and the theory that the intercommunication between generations would provide a greater acceptance of the older age group has been positive. However, despite the quantitative content of the research being competent, presenting data relevant to the content, we must emphasize two reticences: the research was directed only to the fast-food market, centralizing the study only to a segment of the restaurant market; second, all analysis is based on the South Korean reality, which does not necessarily show a global vision of the theme. Despite the reluctance, the article works as a reflection of how technological evolution has influenced the hospitality market, also serving as an eye-opening for future investments in this tool.

Security Control Redundancy Allocation Technology and Security Keys Based on Internet o... - 0 views

    One of the main topics addressed during the week was related to internet redundancy and its importance not only in the business spectrum but also in the daily routine of individuals. This discussion revolves around security and the recklessness of cyber threats to confidential information stored on systems. This article offers a more technical view, somewhat far-fetched, but the relevant factor that encompasses everyone's primary concern with security deserves to be highlighted. The sophistication developed in the methodological design of algorithms to control the entire network provides a sense of relief, as the refined development demonstrates an evolution that reduces the issue of cybernetic vulnerability that so worries those who adhere to the technological advances of the internet network. Therefore, even for those not specialists in the area, the article presents relevant information regarding the uncertainty related to the security factor that afflicts network users around the globe.

The Future Of Cloud Computing - 0 views

  • he explosion of data globally over the last few years is utterly staggering. We are all constantly processing, interacting with, sharing and creating data, both personally and professionally.
    As mentioned in this article, the amount of data creation on a daily basis is rapidly increasing personally and professionally. This data is more high quality now than ever and the space required to save the data has to be large enough to hold all the information. This is shy most people are switching to the cloud, because it is affordable, easy to use, and typically has large amounts of space.

Marketing hotels using: global distribution systems: hotel operators can gain room sale... - 0 views

    This article is appropriate for those who want to gain historical knowledge of the evolution of Global Distribution Systems (GDS) over the last few decades. The whole history of airlines' creation of the system and how they adapted to insert the computerized reservation system in the 70s. The article offers, through didactic illustrations, the evolution of the system and future perspectives that have been implemented today. Furthermore, offering a brief description of the analog era, the implementation of electronic booking, and how travel agents adapted to new technologies. Overall, it is an excellent source of information that serves as a basis for a better understanding the system's evolution today.

Top Information Systems Used in the Hotel Industry | SOEG Hospitality - 0 views

  • Information systems in the Hotel industry refer to computer systems in a hotel that supply information about that hotel’s business operations.
  • Information systems play a crucial role in the hotel industry as they facilitate planning, management, overall operations of the hotels as well as policymaking.
  • Information systems typically include all computerised systems which are used to gather data continuously both for use internally and externally.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Using these information systems in the Hotel is good for the implementation of Hotel Marketing strategies for gaining a competitive advantage.
    This article gives an overview of information technologies in hospitality and the benefits that come with it. It gives you several information technologies that are being used in hospitality.

Advantages Of Cloud Computing For Hotel Industry - Hotelogix - 0 views

  • businesses don’t have to burden themselves by storing data in traditional in-house servers
  • they can opt for a cloud service that would store their data in secured data centres.
  • Not only the big hotel chains but today, even independent and small hotels have strong management tools within their reach. There are several benefits of using the cloud and they have helped several hotels across the world to strengthen up their business — from increasing operational efficiency to lowering the management costs.
  • ...17 more annotations...
  • cloud-based services are now replacing the old and traditional systems at all levels. Infrastructure as a service (IaaS), Software as a service (SaaS), and platform as a service (PaaS) have all become the first choice of cloud computing services for many hospitality businesses. And they are all charged up with the amazing benefits of cloud computing.
  • By making use of cloud computing, as a hotelier, you pay only for what you demand. It specifies that your upfront costs are kept low as you are only paying for the computing power and cloud storage which your hotel actually needs.
  • Hoteliers Can Cut Huge Business Costs With Cloud Computing
  • it is the first and foremost thing which you should implement in your hotel business. Why? Because it will help you to bring the cost down by a significant percentage.
  • some of the major benefits of cloud computing in the hospitality industry
  • Cloud computing in the hospitality industry also shortens the project time resulting in costs cutting and higher productivity
  • cloud computing can benefit hoteliers by bringing down costs like energy, hardware and operations.
  • In the hospitality industry, Cloud Computing is a mixture of PaaS, SaaS and IaaS. It operates on the model of Use, Builds, and Migrate.
  • Cloud Computing Leads To Improved & Enhanced Guest Experiences
  • The two main purposes of an efficient and effective hotel PMS are: offer the hotel staff the best set of management tools assist you to ensure the top-notch guest experience
  • An added advantage of cloud computing is that it frees your staff from their otherwise fixed terminals and lets them work independently and even more efficiently. Being on the cloud also means that hotel check-ins can be done from smartphones or tablets and not only through the hotel front desk. That’s not all, other benefits of moving to the cloud include increased in the speed at which the guests access the products and services, thus only creating seamless hotel experiences for them.
  • Direct Bookings Are Made Easy With Cloud Computing
  • Hotels can upgrade their hotel website with cloud-powered services such as web booking engine that can be integrated to the hotel PMS. Also, one of the major benefits is the real-time update — it makes the process much smoother and cheaper, and saves a lot of time. Now, hoteliers can focus more on the aspects that would better guest experience and increase the revenue of the property.
  • Cloud Computing In Hospitality Industry Makes Working Remotely Possible
  • when you put your hotel process and management on the cloud, it provides you with the flexibility to access it and work on it from any part of the world — all you need is a steady internet connection and a smart device (a laptop, or a computer, or mobile phone or tablet.)
  • Outlook
  • When it comes to the benefits of cloud computing in the hospitality industry, the list includes enhanced guest experiences, massive reduction in costs, faster services and their seamless access, software and service security, and more flexibility.
    This article talks about some of the advantages that cloud computing offers hotels and their guests. Cloud computing saves money for hotels. Is easier, more efficient, and more cost effective.

Top 20 Best Hotel PMS Systems in 2023 - - 0 views

  • The best hotel PMS system in 2023 is Preno,
  • a cloud-based platform that combines usability and powerful features of hotel PMS, booking engine, guest management, and accounting solutions to deliver top-quality hotel management capabilities. By streamlining workflows, it maximizes productivity while minimizing costs.
  • There are new post-pandemic preferences and demands that include holistic health and wellness offerings and digitalized guest experiences. These entail new investments, best practices, and, of course, new technology.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • Demands include new facilities such as hotel workspaces, digital conference facilities, and on-demand digital entertainment.
  • managers are likely to need a single hub to manage operations. This is where property management system solutions are helpful.
  • here are the best hotel PMS systems that you can find on the market today
  • MS Systems
  • List of 20 Best Hotel P
    This is a list of the top PMS systems for hotels. Finances online choose Preno as the number PMS system for hotels. PMS helps companies a lot; from streamlining workflows, to maximizing productivity while at the same time minimizing costs and other powerful features for hotels (guest management, accoun ting solutions, booking engine, and more).

Customers' evaluation of mechanical artificial intelligence in hospitality services: a ... - 1 views

This paper provides an overview of everything discussed during the class week (HMG 6446). A study that evaluates different hotels around the continents examines the implementation of robots perform...


started by chicao27 on 31 Mar 23 no follow-up yet

In-store location-based marketing with beacons: from inflated expectations to smart use... - 1 views

The article offers an overview of the origin of this relatively new marketing technology. The study presents probabilities and strategies for introducing beacons in the system. References are from ...

technology hospitality

started by chicao27 on 08 Apr 23 no follow-up yet

Optimising digital marketing and social media strategy: from push to pull to performance - 1 views

This article demonstrates the effects of a push-and-pull marketing strategy on the grocery industry. The authors focused on recent information technology developments, such as mobile services marke...

technology mobile

started by chicao27 on 12 Apr 23 no follow-up yet

Local Economies Definition: Everything You Need to Know - 0 views

  • A circular economy prevails, which benefits the community, the residents, and the environment.  
    If we begin to look at things through more of a local economy then we will begin to have more responsibility on how we dispose of our e waste. Because we have more of an understanding of how it will directly effect the environment around us.

Social Media Marketing for Hotels: Expert Tips to Boost Your Visibility | Cvent Blog - 0 views

  • social media marketing for hotels will be the make-or-break factor for many hospitality brands
  • why it’s so important, detailed tips, suggested best practices to follow, and examples you can use
  • real-life examples of social media marketing for hotels
  • ...52 more annotations...
  • Social media marketing is a vital
  • integral part of every hotel's operations
  • has the potential to increase direct bookings and improve brand awareness
  • eight new users join TikTok every second
  • social media marketing increase visibility
  • generate a higher ROI
  • you’ll really stand out from competitors who aren’t putting in the effort on these same channels
  • advises hotels to consider social media as a channel for direct communication with potential new customers
  • that could lead to bookings
  • clear connection between the multi-touch opportunities
  • 1. Share slice-of-life content
  • recommend an 80/20 rule
  • day to day at the hotel
  • share “daily snippets, small but heart-warming stories
  • keep it personal and relatable
  • 2. Use your Google Business Profile
  • clients tend to overlook is Google’s own business review feature
  • they should be regularly posting new photos and encouraging customer reviews by sharing their unique link
  • Any offers, news, and updates should also be added to the posts section to inform potential new customers
  • helpful for tracking
  • connecting content to bookings
  • we have noticed a quick improvement not only on Google 3-Pack ranking but organic searches and direct inquiries are improved
  • 3. Start with music
  • 4. Follow 80/20
  • Social media marketing also gives hotels creative new ways to interact with their audiences.
  • content creation
  • 80% of the content should be related to your destination, travel tips, encouraging engagement
  • 20% should be self-promotional
  • analytics that prove its success
  • “Always focus on quality over quantity.”
  • posting consistently, the algorithm will likely reward you for it on any platform
  • 5. Partner up
  • one strategy that has worked very well for us has been re-posting traveller (reStayer) and influencer photos
  • the benefits go beyond saving time and money on content creation
  • 8. Use a calendar
  • Doing this has also helped build up our brand because those who visit our page see us as a hotel with real people visiting and following us, rather than only professionally-produced photos
  • We choose our influencer and ambassador partners carefully to ensure that the content they produce, their values and key messages resonate with our audience and brand
  • partner share data on what content performed best, this guides our own content strategy
  • great way to get direct feedback
  • love seeing how our stayers interact with the suites and report on what they value to the most
  • 6. Be playful
  • 7. Don’t overthink
  • By engaging with local influencers and those who have taken photographs of our hotel, we have reached new audiences that we otherwise wouldn't be able to, since the creator will often engage back with our content
  • Plot out the exact times and dates you’ll post
  • Create content ahead of time
  • 9. Project manage
  • 10. Choose content pillars
  • 11. Follow SEO rules
  • 2. Analyze the competition
  • Figure out how you can make it better, fill a much-needed gap, or start a marketing channel none of the others are currently using.
  • What are other hotels in your area posting online?
  • 13. reStays
    This article gives many tips on how to use social media for advertising purposes. You may think that you know a lot about how to advertise or what to use, but this gives you more ideas as well as better ways ito implement you posts in a better and timely manner so that you know your ROI.
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