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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Qianlin Wang


The Evolution of HR Systems: Update from HR Technology Conference 2010 - 0 views

  • "Integrated Talent Management" is officially the new product category
  • With the exception of Softscape (which was built to work together), most of the product sets in the market come from multiple acquisitions, so each vendor is going through a range of product roadmaps to build an end-to-end solution.
  • As the market shifts in this direction, companies are now differentiating themselves with the newer areas of talent management:  analytics, workforce planning (a new beachhead), onboarding, and social networking.
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  • The Next Generation HRMS Market is Emerging
  • There are three real ways companies upgrade or replace their HRMS.
  • They do a "forklift" replacement.
  • They build a mid-level software layer to slowly replace the HRMS.
  • They build a middle-ware solution that co-exists with the HRMS.
  • First, the market for integrated talent management software has now taught all HR departments that data integration is far more valuable than we might have believed.  
  • Second, there is a tremendous amount of innovation now flowing into the HRMS market.
    There are few processes about how to select a HRIS technology. What is the degree of flexibility and scalability that the HR information technology software provides? HR professionals should determine if the software can import data from multiple Excel spreadsheets, databases, and paper documents and the level with which it can interface with all kinds of systems and data. Will the HR information technology be able to grow and scale with the organization? Is the HR information technology software able to integrate with other systems? HR can obtain greater efficiencies when data and other employee information entered into one system can be shared with another system. Who is responsible for implementing, or building, the solution? What level of training is involved? HR should have a clear understanding of the level of training and technical expertise that will be required and the amount of time expected. If training is involved, is there a charge? What types of maintenance and upkeep are required? What security measures are built into the HR information technology? If the software is available online, through an ASP or SaaS model, the provider should offer daily backups, backup servers, and added protective layers. Will employees be able to enroll in benefits plans and make changes in real-time to their personal data and plan choices? The system should clearly present the plans available and enable employees to make selections at their convenience, simplifying these actions throughout the process with wizards.

Event Planning Software | Event Marketing | Event Promotion - 1 views

    As people say over and over again, technology has changed the way we live our lives. While these technologies have affected each and every individual, certain professions and hobbies have been altered in very major ways. Among others, event planners have had to adapt the way in which they work and live. This is not to say that social media has had a negative influence on event planning, merely that it has had a significant effect on it. One of the major changes in the fields of meetings and events this year is the introduction of Smartphone technology to business. There has been a rapid development in Smartphone mobile app for event management. By using such platforms businesses are turning themselves into tech savvy, eco-conscious enterprises. Today the trend of using mobile applications for event management has led the Smartphones to increase the technological and interactive aspects of a meeting or an event. There are various audience response and networking apps that helps in accomplishing tasks like customizing program agendas, and messaging.

Benefits of E-Marketing over Traditional Marketing - 0 views

  • E-marketing is the best way to stay ahead in today’s highly competitive business world.
  • No initial investment: How much would it cost you to create an account on social networking sites like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter, and post some updates on those accounts? This is one of the major benefits of e-marketing; you can easily reach millions of potential customers without burning a hole in your wallet.
  • Extensive reach: By renting an advertising banner beside a highway, you can only count on people who drive on that road to cast a glance at it.
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  • E-marketing has replaced traditional marketing globally, and given its advantages, it will likely enjoy a tremendous success rate in the future as well.
    EMarketing is the ability to market your products or services with Internet capabilities. In other words, it includes emailing, websites, follow-up, and every other marketing approach. Through computer/Internet capabilities, small business owners that embrace eMarketing will save themselves hours of time. With eMarketing, business owners can automate nearly all of their business management functions. That means that eMarketing capabilities are taking care of the day-to-day tasks small business owners and their employees would normally be engaged in. eMarekting also has some other benefits. E-marketing eliminates the printing and postage costs of direct mail and is substantially less expensive than other traditional forms of advertising. Customers opt in to receive your news via email. E-marketing is affordable, so you can advertise more often.

Data Security Basics: Five Security Issues All Hotel Operators Need to Know | hospitali... - 0 views

  • This article looks at the top five issues facing hotel operators and what actionable steps can be taken to decrease the likelihood that your business will be stung by data thieves.
  • Franchise operators need to be aware, however, that an improperly configured RMA is vulnerable to data compromise attack by hackers. 
  • Transaction volume, brand recognition and the potential for sensitive data retention are all factors that make hotels (particularly franchise networks) juicy targets for hackers seeking to exploit insecure networks via the Internet. 
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  • Hotel operators need to know that passwords, designed to keep criminals out, can also be a vulnerability in the absence of proper controls
  • Thanks to wireless networks, guests can speed though the check-in process, expedite valet parking and send room service orders directly to the kitchen.  At the same time, hotel operators should recognize that criminals can leverage improperly secured wireless networks to steal cardholder data and should implement strategies to thwart these efforts. 
  • Despite all best efforts, data compromise events can occur and every hotel operator should have a plan in place. Prompt action must be taken by hotels or restaurants that have experienced a suspected or confirmed security breach to help prevent additional exposure of cardholder data and ensure compliance with the data security requirements. 
    Technology enables service. That's the idea, anyway. In the hotel industry, thousands of companies worldwide provide hundreds of software applications to help hotels and hotel companies manage operations to provide better guest service. However, the hospitality industry continues to find itself targeted for damaging data compromise events by hackers. There are some good ways to decrease the attack of hackers. For example, Remote Access, many hotel operators and franchisors use remote management applications (RMAs).  Their ease of use in managing multiple locations makes them ideally suited to disseminate business downloads, conduct sales polls or survey inventory. RMAs are often packaged from vendors with default or blank passwords. Creating unique user IDs and complex passwords can reduce the risk of data compromise and help facilitate compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS). Another example is about Network Security, transaction volume, brand recognition and the potential for sensitive data retention are all factors that make hotels (particularly franchise networks) juicy targets for hackers seeking to exploit insecure networks via the Internet. The hotel can install and maintain a firewall at all times.  Disabling a firewall can put a business at heightened risk of Internet attacks and potential system compromise.

The Impact of IT Investments on Profits - 1 views

  • New research finds that investments companies make in information technology increase profitability more than investments in advertising or R&D do.
  • CEOs often struggle with some critical choices as they allocate their companies’ discretionary dollars among various categories of investments.
  • Information technology can be used to increase efficiency and reduce costs, or it can be used to support sales growth through, say, customer satisfaction and customer retention strategies.
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  • All other things being equal, executives should accord higher priority to IT projects that have the potential for revenue growth over those that focus mainly on cost savings.
    In recent years the combination of new types of IT investments and increasingly constrained sources of revenue have conspired to place information technology investments under a scrutiny they have historically avoided. New research finds that investments companies make in information technology increase profitability more than investments in advertising or R&D do. CEOS often struggle with some critical choices as they allocate their companies' discretionary dollars among various categories of investments. Investment in IT had a greater impact on a company's profits than comparable spending on either advertising or R&D. Information technology can be used to increase efficiency and reduce costs, or it can be used to support sales growth through, say, customer satisfaction and customer retention strategies. Industries become more competitive, the effect of IT on profitability increases.

Accounting technolog Used in the Hotel Industry | - 5 views

  • Accounting software is used to track the profitability of hotel operations and identify trends in the hospitality industry.
  • This article describes major factors to weigh in selecting accounting software for the hotel industry.
  • Decisions governing selection of accounting programs depend on multiple factors including the uses of the accounting programs.
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  • Hotels rely on different tools, including their accounting software, to increase their effectiveness and make them more competitive in their core business.
  • Accounting software is used to track room-rate revenues and identify any discrepancies that require remediation and corrective actions.
    Hotel software is designed for all areas of hotel operation including property management, accounting, GDS reservations, central reservations, reception, POS, spa/club/golf management, guest management, inventory management, yield/revenue management, accounting, and web site design. Small hotel software is available for properties with less than 100 rooms and focuses on basic front and back office functions and/or reservations and guest management. One of the major types of hotel software used by the hotel/motel industry is accounting programs. Accounting software is used to track the profitability of hotel operations and identify trends in the hospitality industry. To select good accounting software for the hotel depends on multiple factors including the uses of the accounting programs. Accounting software incorporates the widely used Generally Accepted Accounting Standards (GAAP) and focuses on key measures unique to the hotel industry, such as revenue per room (RevPar). Knowledge experts should be familiar with both general accounting rules as well as industry specific guidelines.

Introduction to Property Management Systems | Information Vine - 0 views

  • The ideal property management system can help consolidate everything from task lists to accounting ledgers to communication records.
  • No matter what your industry, there are two important factors for deciding on the best software: capabilities and usability.
  • The best-selling property management systems are those with streamlined designs and intuitive interfaces.
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  • Costs are important, and they vary depending on whether you go for physical software or a web-based system, how long you intend to use the product, and how many units you’re operating.
  • And cloud technology is making this process more efficient than ever, ultimately improving the properties where we live, work and play.
    A property management system is software used to automate the operations of a hotel. It is the hub of a property's operations processing reservations, check-ins and check-outs. It keeps track of how many rooms you have left to sell and at what rate. It handles front office accounting, marketing as well as interfacing to other systems such as phone, reservations, restaurant and pay-per-view movies. Web PMS offers all the features of a traditional PMS-including integrated accounting, GDS connectivity and multiple interfaces-as well as advantages unique to Cloud-based systems, such as remote accessibility, integrated Web and mobile reservations and automatic data back-up. It will be a better choice in the future.

A welcome sign: Hotels adopt reuse and recycling - Waste Mangagement World - 0 views

  • At most hotels, waste is created at upwards of 1 kg per guest per night - a large amount when multiplied by the number of hotels and guests around the world. But many hoteliers are responding to the waste challenge.
  • Wherever possible, waste elimination at source must be a hotel’s number-one priority.
  • A major way in which many hotels reduce waste at source is by running towel and linen reuse programmes.
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  • Having addressed waste at source, the next step is to put appropriate systems in place to identify how the remaining waste can be redeployed.
  • Any waste that cannot be reused needs to be sorted into its component fractions so that as much as possible can be recovered for recycling.
  • Many resort-based hotels, and those with sufficient space outside, compost their organic waste.
  • Another way of dealing with kitchen and garden waste is using it as feed for biogas plants. 
  • Waste management is not new to the operating agenda of hotels, and for many it is part of their overall environmental management system (EMS).
    At most hotels, waste is created at upwards of 1 kg per guest per night - a large amount when multiplied by the number of hotels and guests around the world. Taking responsibility for the environment and local community has been an important part of the hotel industry. Hotels can make a significant impact on waste reduction and recycling.  Hoteliers have many opportunities to reduce waste by establishing waste prevention and recycling programs and by purchasing recycled products. Besides reducing waste and saving money, these actions can increase employee morale and customer satisfaction. Hotels and motels generate large amounts of highly recyclable materials, such as office paper, newspaper, corrugated cardboard, plastics, metals, and glass. Work with your waste hauler or recycler to arrange the details of your recycling program. Management should adopt an environmental policy to reflect how the company sees itself in relation to the environment, neighbors, and the people it employs and serves. Chains with multiple locations may want to encourage each hotel to evaluate and establish its own program.

GDS Overview | Hospitality Distribution Experts - 0 views

  • The Global Distribution Systems (GDS) have long been the main tool for travel agents bookings in the world.
  • The GDS systems are a huge network of thousands of computers set up originally by companies like Sabre, WorldSpan. Amadeus, Galileo and Pegasus. They provided Computer-based Reservations services (CRS) to all travel agents long before the Internet.
  • To avoid delays and errors, many large hotels with  their technology providers now integrate the GDS information with their own reservations and property management solutions.
    Nowadays global distribution systems interconnect almost everything within the hospitality industry, from hotels to car rental companies and travel agencies. There are four major GDS available: Amadeus, Galileo, Sabre and WorldSpan. Some of the advantages provided by GDS are their availability (99,9% of the time), their response times (up to a fraction of a second), their multiple booking capability, as well as their top of the line architecture. On any given day, a GDS will be capable of accessing over 50000 hotels and approximately 1000 airlines. Through GDS systems, people are able to book various hotel rooms, tours, airline seats, cruises and even limousines.

Hotel Telecommunications Strategies - 6 views

  • No matter what telecommunications strategy a property takes, one thing is for certain, it needs to be a different one from the past.
  • The guest now has a variety of choices for communicating including fax over the Internet, e-mail, cell phones, calling cards and now even Internet-based phones. 
  • Assuming that the wireless reception quality is acceptable, it is very difficult for the hotel to compete on a cost basis.
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  • Given the hotel’s advantage in quality over the guest’s portable devices, the proper packaging of services will lure even the most avid self-contained guest back to using the hotel’s telecom services.
  • Hotels are unable to compete on price with devices that the guest has brought with him.  What the hotel can do is offer a better experience at a reasonable price to entice guests to use the hotel’s telecom infrastructure.
  • Attracting the Guests to Use the Hotel’s Telecommunication Services
    Nowadays, people have many choices for communicating including fax over the Internet, e-mail, cell phones, calling cards and now even Internet-based phones. Hotel guests are restricted by the largest telecommunications service providers from making long distance collect and credit card calls to countries other than their home country. The guest is not able to complete his desired call from the guest room telephone. In addition to frustrated guests, this generates absolutely zero revenue to hotels. What the hotel can do is offer a better experience at a reasonable price to entice guests to use the hotel's telecom infrastructure. The hotel can use some systems to reach this goal, such as the BBG Communications. It can increase revenue for every international operator assisted call. It assumes all responsibility for billing and collection of all calls. It has over 500 multilingual, live operators servicing customers. The most important thing is there is no cost and risk to the hotel, because the BBG assumes all associated cost and responsibility.

Smart Hotel Software by UniResMan - 1 views

  • Smart Hotel Software property management system, is a Windows based system that will specialize in managing your hotel or vacation property.
  • The system features both a guest and agent profile information storage center.
  • UniResMan has also focused on providing you with ultimate control over your business performance and business management software.
    Through this article, I learn that the Smart Hotel Software is very useful. It can help you manage the reservations, deposits, check ins, check outs, guest folios, payments, sales, housekeeping, maintenance and yield management, with a strong interface to many popular accounting systems. This software is suitable for independent and boutique hotels, resorts, motels, villas, apartments, hostels, and chartered yachts. For me, I think this software has 3 advantages. First, it will improve the customer service by having guest history at their fingertips, remember guest preferences and improve your guest experience. Second, it can increase the revenue by effectively managing reservations, rooms and rates with powerful Yield Management tools. Third, it will save costs by tying it all together.  Integrated systems: Website Bookings, Central Reservation Systems, Call Accounting Systems, In-room services, Back Office Accounting and more! Nowadays, some software becomes more and more popular in the hospitality industry. I think the manager need choose and use some good software to their hotels. It can make the employees work more efficiently and attract more customers.  
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