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Aaron Palm

Herbert Aptheker's Distortions by C.L.R. James 1949 - 2 views

    • Aaron Palm
      CLR James in 1949 acknowledges that Aptheker was a toll of Stalinism and there are many flaws in his African American History.  
  • “It was the development of increased agitation on the part of non-slaveholding whites prior to the Civil War for the realization of the American creed that played a major part in provoking the desperation that led the slaveholders to take up arms.” (p.41) Upon the flimsiest scraps of evidence, the theory is elaborated that it was the withholding of democracy from non-slaveholding whites that pushed the South to the Civil War. “In terms of practice, as concerns the mass of the white people of the South, this anti-democratic philosophy was everywhere implemented. The property qualifications for voting and office-holding, the weighing of the legislature to favor slaveholding against non-slaveholding counties, the inequitable taxation system falling most heavily on mechanics’ tools and least heavily on slaves, the whole system of economic, social and educational preferment for the possessors of slaves, and the organized, energetic, and partially successful struggles carried on against this system by the non-slaveholding whites form – outside of the response of the Negroes to enslavement – the actual content of the South’s internal history for the generation preceding the Civil War.”
  • Stalinist Sleight of Hand Stalinism tries to manipulate history as a sleight-of-hand man manipulates cards. But unlike the conjurer, a stern logic pushes Stalinism in an ever more reactionary direction. For five years Aptheker covered up his anti-Negro concepts with constant broad statements about the “decisive character” of slave insurrections, Negro agitators etc. in the Civil War and the period preceding it. In 1946, however, in The Negro People in America, Aptheker broke new ground. He put forward a new theory that at one stroke made a wreck of all that he had said before. Let his own words speak:
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • t is clear that only at the last minute Aptheker remembered the slaves and threw in the phrase about their “response.” Historically this is a crime. The non-slaveholding whites who supposedly pushed the South into the Civil War were not in any way democrats. They were small planters and city people who formed a rebellious but reactionary social force, hostile to the big planters, the slaves and the democratically minded farmers in the non-plantation regions. What particular purpose this new development is to serve does not concern us here. What is important, however, is its logical identity with the hostility to Negro radicalism and independent Negro politics which has appeared in Aptheker’s work from the very beginning to this climax-pushing the Negroes aside for the sake of non slaveholding whites in the South. However fair may be the outside of Stalinist history and politics, however skillful may be the means by which its internal corruption is disguised, inevitably its real significance appears. There is no excuse today for those who allow themselves to be deceived by it. For all interested in this sphere, it is a common duty, whatever differences may exist between us, to see to it that the whole Stalinist fakery on Negro history be thoroughly exposed for what it really is.
HistoryGrl14 .

Internet History Sourcebooks - 5 views

    "The New Laws of the Indies, 1542 The Laws and ordinances newly made by His Majesty for the government of the Indies and good treatment and preservation of the Indians created a set of pro-Indian laws - so pro-Indian that they some had to be revoked in Mexico and in Peru due to settler opposition. where the viceroy was killed when he attempted to enforce them. The conflict was between "feudalists" who favored the encomienda system because it maintained society as in the Old World, and the more centralizing "regalists" who wanted to preserve royal power in Spain;s new Empire. Eventually the encomienda was allowed to continue. Charles by the divine clemency Emperor ever august, King of Germany. . . . To the Most Illustrious Prince Don Philip our very dear and very beloved grandson and son, and to the Infantes our grandsons and sons, and to the President, and those of our Council of the Indies, and to our Viceroys, Presidents and Auditors of our Audiencias and royal Chanceries of our said Indies, Islands and Continent of the Ocean Sea; to our Governors, Alcaldes mayores and our other Authorities thereof, and to all the Councils, magistrates, regidores, knights, esquires, officers, and commoners of all the cities, towns, and villages of our said Indies, Islands, and Tierra-firme of the Ocean Sea, discovered and to be discovered; and to any other persons, captains, discoverers, settlers, and inhabitants dwelling in and being natives thereof, of whatever state, quality, condition and pre-eminence they may be. . . . Know ye, That having for many years had will and intention as leisure to occupy ourselves with the affairs of the Indies, on account of their great importance, as well in that touching the service of God our Lord and increase of his holy Catholic faith, as in the preservation of the natives of those parts, and the good government and preservation of their persons; and although we have endeavoured
Eduardo Medeiros

comunistas - O guerrilheiro Osvaldo Orlando da Costa o Osvaldo - 1 views

    Mineiro de Passa Quatro, Osvaldão, como era conhecido, foi o primeiro quadro do PCdoB a chegar ao Araguaia, entre 1966 e 1967. Negro, 1,98m de altura, forte, era tido como generoso e corajoso, sendo muito respeitado pelos moradores e por seus companheiros. Carismático e temido pelos militares, foi um grande mito da guerrilha entre a população da região, ao lado de Dina.
Aaron Palm

Herbert Aptheker - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • Herbert Aptheker (July 31, 1915 – March 17, 2003) was an American Marxist historian and political activist. He authored over 50 volumes, mostly in the fields of African American history and general U.S. history, most notably, American Negro Slave Revolts (1943), a classic in the field, and the 7-volume Documentary History of the Negro People. He was a prominent figure in U.S. scholarly discourse since the 1930s.
Lisa M Lane

SpeEdChange: The Very High Cost of Nostalgia - 7 views

    Yes, the glorious United States of the 1950s. Surely it was all good back then, unless, of course, you were female, or black ("negro"), or Catholic or Jewish, or disabled, or poor. Or, if you were young. Of course we know that American "tea partiers" (even they seem to have discovered that "teabaggers" wasn't the right term) are as weak in the history department as they are on economics knowledge, but they are hardly alone in their belief in some wondrous mythical past...
Eduardo Medeiros

Não sorria nunca de um preconceito - Does not smile a bias - 0 views

    Se alguém algum dia disser que Karl Marx roubou o socialismo dos nazistas, creio que diante de tamanho absurdo a maioria de nós não conseguiria conter um sorriso, ou mesmo a mais ruidosa gargalhada. E se esse mesmo alguém dissesse que haveria uma escala, uma hierarquia entre as raças, de tal modo que lá num pódio de muitos níveis, em primeiríssimo lugar estivesse a raça, vale dizer, a ariana, e lá no fim, no último dos últimos, estivessem os ciganos, os negros e os judeus, creio que talvez olhássemos o profundo ignorante à procura de um sinal de loucura. Antes, é claro, da mais estrepitosa risada.
Eduardo Medeiros

Os Guias Incorretos requentando o velho conservadorismo - 0 views

    Depois de Guia Politicamente Incorreto da História do Brasil, um sucesso de vendas lançado pelo então desconhecido Leandro Narloch, chegou a vez de Guia Politicamente Incorreto da América Latina, do mesmo autor, agora unido ao jornalista Duda Teixeira. Provavelmente também venderá como batata em fim de feira, sobretudo depois de ser propagandeado nos programas do Jô, Faustão e Ana Maria Braga. "Politicamente incorreto" virou termo da moda, arranjado para substituir tudo quanto é tipo de besteirol, preconceito e ignorância. Ninguém é "politicamente incorreto" ao dizer, por exemplo, que "mulher gosta de apanhar", "judeu ou palestino tem que morrer", "negro é tudo macaco" ou que "veado (ou bicha) merece uma bela surra". Sem eufemismos, o nome correto para isso é machismo, anti-semitismo, racismo e homofobia, respectivamente. É o que existe de mais velho em nossa sociedade, apresentado com "sarcasmo inteligente" e como sendo novidade.
Jeremy Greene

Frederick Douglass What to the Slave is the Fourth of July - 15 views

It is still being performed today! Or should I say Sunday:

Frederick Douglass slavery Fourth of July founding Declaration Independence Constituition partiotism

Ed Webb

"There Was Never Any Pay Day for the Negroes" - Ex-Slave Jourdon Anderson's Letter to H... - 6 views

  • Surely there will be a day of reckoning for those who defraud the laborer of his hire
Eduardo Medeiros

Dia da Consciencia Negra A historia da menina Ruby Bridges - 0 views

    Com 6 anos de idade, Ruby tornou-se voluntária, pelos seus pais, para participar de um procedimento de integração em uma escola de "All-Whites". O acontecimento foi proporcionado pela NAACP - Associação Nacional para o Progresso de Pessoas de Cor -, tornando Ruby a primeira aluna afro-americana em um escola no sul, chamada "William Frantz Elementary School", de Nova Orleans. Sem dúvida, em palavras o acontecimento tem seus méritos. Contudo, o que pensar se observamos a famosa foto ao lado? Antes de Ruby chegar ao colégio pela primeira vez, os pais entraram nas salas e retiraram seus filhos do local. Os professores também se recusaram a dar aula, com exceção de uma, chamada Barbara Henry. A menina de 6 anos teve "aulas particulares" na escola durante aproximadamente 1 ano com essa professora.
Bob Maloy

The Real Story of Baseball's Integration That You Won't See in 42 - 3 views

    A review of the movie 42 from the Atlantic Magazine that explores how Jackie Robinson was part of a larger social movement to achieve integration and social justice for African Americans
    A review of the movie 42 from the Atlantic Magazine that explores how Jackie Robinson was part of a larger social movement to achieve integration and social justice for African Americans
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