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Simon Miles

History Animated - 7 views

    Major battles in American military explained with the use of animation.
    "History Animated is a fantastic resource for teachers of US History. The animations will make great supplements to classroom instruction. The animations are a significant improvement over drawing or pointing to places on a map. The site currently features animations on the Pacific War, the Civil War, the Revolutionary War and the Battle of Britain.
Cathy Oxley

Pacific War Animated - 22 views

    "If a picture is worth a thousand words, a good animation is worth ten thousand. After reading book after book about the Pacific War and finding only complicated maps with dotted lines and dashed lines crisscrossing the pages, we decided to depict the key naval and land battles using animation technology."
Michael Sheehan

Learning Never Stops: Mapping History - Hundreds of Animated and interactive maps of hi... - 24 views

    Excellent collection of animated and interactive maps about the history of the U.S., Europe, Latin America, and Africa.
David Hilton

Pacific War Animated - 16 views

    I'm loving animated historical maps at the moment, and there are an increasing number available around the place. This one focuses on American involvement in the Pacific during World War and the Revolutionary and Civil Wars. Lots of fun!
Shane Freeman

YouTube - WWII propaganda film - 15 views

    WWII propaganda film animated.Category:Film & Animation
Shane Freeman

YouTube - Animated Soviet Propaganda - Fascist Barbarians (Disc 2): 07 The Pioneer's Vi... - 10 views

    he Pioneers Violin, 1971, directed by B. Stepantsev, Soyuzmultfilm. A Nazi soldier tries to force a young Soviet boy scout to play a German song on his violin. Instead he defiantly plays the [then] Soviet national anthem, The International, and is shot by the Nazi. Fyodor Khitruk: Patriotic themes existed and were included into the plan of Goskino (the State Film Committee)...We werent pushed to make films based on these themes, but the political repertoire was put together by what they approved or did not approve, as in feature films and literature. The Pioneers Violin probably wasnt promoted by somebody. They didnt write the scripts on Vasiliev Street [Goskino]. As I remember, Boris Stepanstev who made this film, made it honestly thinking it was needed.Category:Film & Animation
Javier E

The Panda Factories - The New York Times - 0 views

  • from the beginning, zoos saw panda cubs as a pathway to visitors, prestige and merchandise sales.On that, they have succeeded.
  • Today, China has removed more pandas from the wild than it has freed, The Times found. No cubs born in American or European zoos, or their offspring, have ever been released. The number of wild pandas remains a mystery because the Chinese government’s count is widely seen as flawed and politicized.
  • Because pandas are notoriously fickle about mating in captivity, scientists have turned to artificial breeding. That has killed at least one panda, burned the rectum of another and caused vomiting and injuries in others, records show. Some animals were partly awake for painful procedures. Pandas in China have flickered in and out of consciousness as they were anesthetized and inseminated as many as six times in five days, far more often than experts recommend.
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  • Breeding in American zoos has done little to improve genetic diversity, experts say, because China typically sends abroad animals whose genes are already well represented in the population.
  • Yet American zoos clamor for pandas, and China eagerly provides them. Zoos get attention and attendance. Chinese breeders get cash bonuses for every cub, records show. At the turn of the century, 126 pandas lived in captivity. Today there are more than 700.
  • Kati Loeffler, a veterinarian, worked at a panda breeding center in Chengdu, China, during the program’s early years. “I remember standing there with the cicadas screaming in the bamboo,” she said. “I realized, ‘Oh my God, my job here is to turn the well-being and conservation of pandas into financial gain.’”
  • Kimberly Terrell, who was director of conservation at the Memphis Zoo until 2017, said, “There was always pressure and the implication that cubs would bring money.” She noted that zoo administrators insisted on inseminating its aging female panda every year, despite concerns among zookeepers that it was unlikely to succeed. It never did.
  • “The people who actually worked day to day with these animals, who understand them best, were pretty opposed to these procedures,” she said. The zoo said its breeding efforts followed all program requirements.
  • The Times collected key documents and audiovisual materials from the Smithsonian archives and supplemented them with materials obtained through open-records requests. The trove, which spans four decades, includes medical records, scientists’ field notes and photographs and videos that offer crucial evidence of breeding procedures, side effects and the conditions in which pandas were held.
  • They show that the riskiest techniques happened in the program’s infancy, but that aggressive breeding continued at the National Zoo and at other institutions for years. A panda in Japan died during sperm collection in 2010. Chinese breeding centers, until recently, separated cubs from their mothers to make the females go back into heat.
  • This panda proliferation has prompted debates among zoo workers and scientists over whether it is ethical to subject animals to intensive breeding when they have no real prospect of being released into the wild. But those discussions have largely played out privately because researchers and zookeepers said that criticizing the program could hurt their ability to work in the field.
  • when a species is on the verge of extinction, conservationists sometimes make a last-ditch effort to save it.
  • with pandas, zoo administrators take chances again and again simply to make more cubs, while keeping the grimmest details from the public.
David Korfhage

Animated interactive of the history of the Atlantic slave trade. - 10 views

    An incredible animated, interactive map of the trans-Atlantic slave trade
Sol Hanna - StumbleUpon - 5 views

    Useful animated map showing geographical extent of Chinese government across historical periods.
    Useful animated map showing geographical extent of Chinese government across historical periods.
David Hilton

Historical atlas with 4000 year map animation - 0 views

    I've found this animated atlas useful for when I'm introducing a new unit to show the students the "grand sweep" of history. It's Euroasian-centric and some of the details are wrong, but the students seem to benefit from such a visual display.
Lisa M Lane

Browse all Animated Maps - 16 views

    Animated maps of Holocaust
    These are fantastic! Thanks.
Christina Briola

RSA Animate - 21st century enlightenment « RSA Comment - 14 views

    Make connections between the Enlightenment and today
David Hilton

The map as history : a multimedia atlas of world history with animated historical maps - 31 views

    Animated maps, perfect for illustrating historical events
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    This is fantastic! Pity they're not free and we can't download them though...
    We got a student subscription to this for our department (which students can access at home as well with their own login) for Aus$200. Money well spent we think!
    This looks awesome! I emailed our district head of this kind of stuff so they could check it out! let us know how your students like it!
    Like it. Wish they were free though, but not much is now-a-days.

The vanishing animals that future generations will never see  - 2 views

  • “But there are conservation success stories. Mountain gorilla populations are increasing and we now have around 800 in the wild. Golden-mantled Tree Kangaroos also seem to be stabilising."
  • In Madagascar there are only around 100 blue-eyed black lemur left
  • In March a rhino was poached from a French zoo, the first time such an incident has ever been recorded, and demonstrating the demand for rhino horn
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  • there are fewer than 100 Javan Rhino
  • pangolins - the world’s most trafficked animal - were also in danger of dying out within a generation.
  • There are only 30 now left in the wild,
  • More than 23,000 species are on the IUCN Red List threatened with extinction, including 41 per cent of the world’s amphibians, 25 per cent of mammals and 13 per cent of birds.
Michael Sheehan

Learning Never Stops: Huge Collection of Free Government Resources for Education - 11 views

    Animations, primary documents, photograph collections, videos, maps, articles, and the lists goes on and its all FREE.
Ian Gabrielson

Map-of-Europe-in-1914.jpg (1500×1147) - 16 views

    Great illustrated Map of Europe from 1914. Analysis of the animation for each country could provoke some very interesting  discussion
HistoryGrl14 .

The National Archives Learning Curve | World War II | Western Europe | 1939-1941 - 3 views

    Learn about the Second World War by using our animated maps and investigations containing original documents, film, photographs and audio.
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